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Bad Friends!!

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one of my friend..may be a person i use to treat as a friend gave me soo much of pain..put me in a trouble and then started laughing i was begging for forgiveness and that so called friend was laughing ..i want some advice what should i do now?? :(


XPRS Administrator
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one of my friend..may be a person i use to treat as a friend gave me soo much of pain..put me in a trouble and then started laughing i was begging for forgiveness and that so called friend was laughing ..i want some advice what should i do now?? :(

you were begging for forgiveness about what..? (do shed some light if it doesn't harm ur privacy.)
if ur 'friend' is muslim, tell them to fear Allah.. and ask them what would they tell Allah on the day of Judgment? when they are questioned....
"The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy." (49:10)

what kind of advice do you want...?
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Well alomst same happened with me..... had a very close friend..... for around 6-7 years then he moved to another place if i remember correctly and made no contact... :( .Yes as said its very common these days. And you need to tell why you begged?
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Well, I, for one, am happy with my current situation. My old friends remember me pretty well and although we all have changed (physically and mentally) I'm proud to mention that they are still my pals :D

You find all sorts of people in this world.

Good Friends --> People who think of your betterment and there is just a 50-50 chance the'll remember you after years of separation. :)
Best Friends --> People who think of ways to get you into trouble but will try just as hard to save you from it! They will fight you for something... but would be happy if you win it, too! :D
Just A Friend --> Someone who won't be a cause of harm or pain but won't bother remembering you. :)
Bad Friends --> People who 'act' to be a friend and are actually enemies in disguise. You should always be on the look out for such people. They can cause pain and harm, physical and mental! :(
Enemy --> These type of people are good for you. Competition heats up the atmosphere in quite an awesome way! ;)
Worst Enemy --> Love him/her. He/She is the reason you stand where you do when it comes to confidence and caution :p And he/she would remember you, too! FOREVER!
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one of my friend..may be a person i use to treat as a friend gave me soo much of pain..put me in a trouble and then started laughing i was begging for forgiveness and that so called friend was laughing ..i want some advice what should i do now?? :(

well people along with their attitude change its all very normal, but what caused them to change is also important, if u were noticing ur friend changing, u should have warned him/her of the change... to be honest make sure u have a big circle of friends so that when in need atleast some of them will be able to help and support you and yea u dont have to beg any one anything.... get a bit intimidating attitude when situations like this occur.... dont give the other person the leverage to use u as a puppet or push u over, u have ur own self respect and dignity, when stuff like this happen make sure ur clear that u dont give a damn if they don't so be ready to move on plus be straight forward with them. if they want to be friends then good, if not then bye. friends come and go, its a part of life... and its hard to part from true friends... but with the person u mentioned i'd rather part with them making sure i gave him some real good bruises to remember me by..... ur just 14 so dw u will get new friends and alot of time to heal over from times like these :)
P.S violence doesnt help in any way, only helps to console oneself, so use it as a last option only!
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one of my friend..may be a person i use to treat as a friend gave me soo much of pain..put me in a trouble and then started laughing i was begging for forgiveness and that so called friend was laughing ..i want some advice what should i do now?? :(
Never let someone bring you down. You're only as good as you make yourself. No one can decide your ability or destiny....
Sometimes the road you travel doesn't lead to the destination you had hoped for. But if you can look back on the trip and still smile...then it was worth it....
well i also had best friends since 3rd grade... i did soo much fr them and in the end i had to sadly leave the grp as it went all against me fr no reason :(
well life is like that... its a rough road, but u hav to manage to move forward without takin the stones as a hindrance :D