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Biology; Chemistry; Physics: Post your doubts here!

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Why do we have to reverse connections in box?
A diode will only conduct electricity in one cycle; biasing, and will not conduct in the other way. We do not know what has been connected to the circiut. If it is a diode, and the bulb does not glow, then it means there is reverse biasing. Thus if we reverse the connections, biasing will ocuur and the bulb will glow
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A diode will only conduct electricity in one cycle; biasing, and will not conduct in the other way. We do not know what has been connected to the circiut. If it is a diode, and the bulb does not glow, then it means there is reverse biasing. Thus if we reverse the connections, biasing will ocuur and the bulb will glow
But it asks the same question in the next part,of what we will see if a diode is inside.Isnt it the same thing?Why are we checking for diode first?
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cool eyes.....i have seen many ppl having those eyes..they r just absolutely amazing.....:ROFLMAO:
those are sharingan eyes .. do you even watch anime ?
a curve of best fit , can it be a best fit straight line ?
you're kidding right ? no.
1.Coil wire around ruler to make number of loops,the free ends are held by the help of plasticine
2.loops of wire must not be overlapping and are adjusted to remove the gaps between 2 neighbouring loops.
3. Width if coils "L" (u get that from ruler reading) represents sum of diameters.
4. to calculate diameter of one strand (actual diameter) divide L by number of loops
thats why you buy a micrometer >>