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biology p61

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the bio pp6 wasnt that difficult...but the questions wer a bit wierd and unusual :unknown: ..especially the last question wer it asks abt similarities of ginger and lotus stem..and the first question had a wierd proceedure of testing for amylase..which was a bit confusing and took a long time 2 understand :x (altho a similar question once came in 1 of the may/june 2010 pp)...anyways i hope the curve would b low :cry: ..... that most of the ppl get high scores.. :D
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Dooouuu said:
CHEEERSSS .. i made it that too.. but all my classmates did something else like -0.25 and other one... so i felt that i'm the wrong one :( .......thanks God ... and thanks Divalicious :)
Hehe I was the only one to get it right in my class too :) And my friends kept arguing with me forever till a teacher confirmed I was right :D
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jbatcampnou said:
She7taman said:
It wasn't that hard. But did you guys draw the graph as a line graph or as a bar chart?

A lot of people, including teachers, are saying it's a line graph. I'm pretty sure that's wrong, and that the teachers would have to see the question and read it all to formulate a correct answer.

It can't be a line graph because the dude was counting the number of areas that had a reaction in them. Every minute, he opened the dishes, and checked. If there was a reaction in that area, he counted it. If not, he replaced the filter paper and left it for another minute.

There was a total of 100 areas. They either reacted, or they did not. He doesn't take the size of the reaction into consideration. Doing a line graph implies that, at 2.5 minutes for example, it would indicate 32.3 "number of areas" on your graph. Which is impossible because he is counting in integers.

Your thoughts?
Absolutely correct
no man it is a line graph and not a bar chart , the scale of the y-axis is 6,12,18....
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seemo1995 said:
no man it is a line graph and not a bar chart , the scale of the y-axis is 6,12,18....
We've been mentioning plenty of reasons why it should be a bar chart and not a line graph, and you just come up here and say 'it's not bar''? For god's sake, JUSTIFY YOUR OPINION!
And going 6,12,18 for the y-axis would make it too small.
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Divalicious said:
seemo1995 said:
no man it is a line graph and not a bar chart , the scale of the y-axis is 6,12,18....
We've been mentioning plenty of reasons why it should be a bar chart and not a line graph, and you just come up here and say 'it's not bar''? For god's sake, JUSTIFY YOUR OPINION!
And going 6,12,18 for the y-axis would make it too small.
it was exactly fitting the graph ....
and i am sure it is a line graph and not a bar chart
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Guys this exam is now done, we need to concentrate on the next exam p3 to regain all lost marks from the previous exam
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seemo1995 said:
and i am sure it is a line graph and not a bar chart
My teacher already confirmed it's a bar chart. So how about you enlighten us with the reason why you THINK it's a line and not a bar, instead of repeating 'it's not a bar' over and over?
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Stop being a smart ass....

Wait for the marking scheme to go out and say it's a bar chart officially.

I did a bar chart but i'm telling you it's wrong because it's not correct variation. Anyways i'm 100% sure its incorrect but let's wait for marking scheme to come out and then argue.

Also, Diva. Don't tell me teachers. Teachers are stupider than anyone especially at some point they give you inaccurate information.
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Adahshan said:
Stop being a smart ass....

Wait for the marking scheme to go out and say it's a bar chart officially.

I did a bar chart but i'm telling you it's wrong because it's not correct variation. Anyways i'm 100% sure its incorrect but let's wait for marking scheme to come out and then argue.

Also, Diva. Don't tell me teachers. Teachers are stupider than anyone especially at some point they give you inaccurate information.

Teachers haven't seen the exam, their opinions are unreliable.

And if you're so sure that's it's *not* a bar chart, mind explaining why?

I've already given much evidence to prove that it cannot possibly be a line graph.

Furthermore, the experiment involved iodine solution being placed on starch. If I remember correctly, iodine solution turns almost instantly to blue/black if it comes into contact with starch. There is no intermediate, there can never be an intermediate.

On a line graph, at any half minute interval, the value at the y axis would be a decimal. This does not make any sense. He is counting the *number* of new areas that had a reaction in it. They were 100 areas, they either reacted, or they didn't. There is no half, there is no quarter. It's all integers with no intermediate.
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Adahshan said:
Stop being a smart ass....

Wait for the marking scheme to go out and say it's a bar chart officially.

I did a bar chart but i'm telling you it's wrong because it's not correct variation. Anyways i'm 100% sure its incorrect but let's wait for marking scheme to come out and then argue.

Also, Diva. Don't tell me teachers. Teachers are stupider than anyone especially at some point they give you inaccurate information.

1- 'It's not correct variation'? What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Variation : A change or slight difference in condition, amount, or level, typically with certain limits. The areas were different in amount (number) at different time intervals, and there you go...THATS VARIATION. I don't know why everyone is confusing it with genetic variation (Continuous and Dis-Cont.)
2-'Teachers are stupider that anyone'? Wow I assume you've seen every single teacher in the world to make that statement? I know they're still humans who make mistakes but still, not all of them are stupid, otherwise we would all just sit at home and learn stuff ourselves.
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She7taman said:
It wasn't that hard. But did you guys draw the graph as a line graph or as a bar chart?

A lot of people, including teachers, are saying it's a line graph. I'm pretty sure that's wrong, and that the teachers would have to see the question and read it all to formulate a correct answer.

It can't be a line graph because the dude was counting the number of areas that had a reaction in them. Every minute, he opened the dishes, and checked. If there was a reaction in that area, he counted it. If not, he replaced the filter paper and left it for another minute.

There was a total of 100 areas. They either reacted, or they did not. He doesn't take the size of the reaction into consideration. Doing a line graph implies that, at 2.5 minutes for example, it would indicate 32.3 "number of areas" on your graph. Which is impossible because he is counting in integers.

Your thoughts?

umm.....stop getting so worked up. i've seen a coupla questions like this before, and the mark scheme says that both are accepted. worst case scenario: its a line/bar chart, and u drew the other. most mark schemes still say "award up to 3/4 marks for bar chart/line graph" meaning u'll only lose a coupla marks. on top of that, it was much tougher than the usual ppr 6 (though still simple :/) meaning, if the threshold is above 25, i give u permission to slap me.
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If anyone actually notices, all those who say it' s line and not bar can't even bother to say why, or give any reason whatsoever. I bet deep inside they know it's wrong, but they're just lying to themselves in hope that what they're saying will be true, since it's too late to change things.
But seriously, all those who did line, give me 1 convincing reason why you THINK that's true.
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Diva, Your honestly someone who should be going out. Are you a person who just argue's about studying? Stop viewing the thread and trying to prove everyone wrong. If were wrong then wait for the marking scheme and stop trying to prove us wrong/right. Just go away.
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Adahshan said:
Diva, Your honestly someone who should be going out. Are you a person who just argue's about studying? Stop viewing the thread and trying to prove everyone wrong. If were wrong then wait for the marking scheme and stop trying to prove us wrong/right. Just go away.
1- You ARE wrong, unless you can prove otherwise. You still haven't given us a reason why you think bar chart is wrong, but rather trying to change the subject, remember?
2-'Are you a person who just argue's about studying?' Huh..what the hell does that mean?
3-'Just go away' Hmm apparently your IQ is low enough that you think I would follow your orders?
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Divalicious said:
Adahshan said:
Diva, Your honestly someone who should be going out. Are you a person who just argue's about studying? Stop viewing the thread and trying to prove everyone wrong. If were wrong then wait for the marking scheme and stop trying to prove us wrong/right. Just go away.
1- You ARE wrong, unless you can prove otherwise. You still haven't given us a reason why you think bar chart is wrong, but rather trying to change the subject, remember?
2-'Are you a person who just argue's about studying?' Huh..what the hell does that mean?
3-'Just go away' Hmm apparently your IQ is low enough that you think I would follow your orders?

I'll have to agree with Adahshan here, now you're just pushing it.
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Quick question, I want to know why people are still arguing about this.. It doesn't matter, life goes on. By far this was my worst paper 6 I have done, I made some very stupid mistakes, costing me about 6 marks so far. Yes, I agree that the threshold will be low, but we all have to move on and prepare for paper 3. If you did bad, so what, stop being so hard on yourselves as you are only human..

It doesn't matter whether you did a bar or line graph, I am sure both would generally be accepted if within reason.

Best of luck on the remaining papers :)
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Your speaking about my IQ?

Oh sh1t, Just leave it she7, He can have his damn 2 marks for the bar graph. He's dying for that 2 marks as he's reseting for more than 2 courses now.

Diva, Go out. Your "Bar graph" is making too much pressure on you.


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