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Blocking YouTube in the name of religion, does it add up…?

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Asalam-o-Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu! :)
badrobot14, JazakAllahu Khairen for MashaAllah an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G article!! MashaAllah! May Allah increase you in knowledge, Aa'meen! MashaAllah, Alhamdullilah it's very well-thought out. And JazakAllahu Khairen for the tag too :D , I absolutely enjoy reading such articles!
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Blocking YouTube in the name of religion, does it add up…?

By badrobot14

P.S. Extra material on related issue of how to respond/act:



I totally agree with this. Another reason I'd like to put forward is, we were not advised to react in such manners, although we love the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) very much. The companions loved him far more than us, and yet they never put forward harsh reactions. Instead, they remained calm and patient. :)
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AsSalam Alaikum wr wb

well in regarding to this issue there is not only you tube but facebook is also another way in which the insulted the Prophet (SA) and if we really want to do something for our Prophet then we should stop using facebook ,utube etc so that they dont get benefit from our activities when they will face their loss then only they will come to know what they have done

so who is with me 5 days no fb,no you tube etc
come on muslims, not only you but tell ur friends to do so as well
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I totally agree with you badrobot, it's up to us to get an advantage of a particular thing or even a website or use it in a negative way. I used to watch Khan academy's videos on youtube, wanted to watch live transmission of hajj from Makkah and I used to show some cake recipes to my mother. I can still open it but it's not the same, it's too slow.
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AsSalam Alaikum wr wb

well in regarding to this issue there is not only you tube but facebook is also another way in which the insulted the Prophet (SA) and if we really want to do something for our Prophet then we should stop using facebook ,utube etc so that they dont get benefit from our activities when they will face their loss then only they will come to know what they have done

so who is with me 5 days no fb,no you tube etc
come on muslims, not only you but tell ur friends to do so as well
Do you really think blocking or 'not' using a site matters? Don't we insult our prophet(s) each day by not following his instructions, by doing sins. There are such a few of us who hardly both to pray even once during the day, I know such people who refuse to join me for Jummah prayers. And we call ourselves muslism. :) It's not about blocking anything, let's correct ourselves first and then raise voice against others.
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Do you really think blocking or 'not' using a site matters? Don't we insult our prophet(s) each day by not following his instructions, by doing sins. There are such a few of us who hardly both to pray even once during the day, I know such people who refuse to join me for Jummah prayers. And we call ourselves muslism. :) It's not about blocking anything, let's correct ourselves first and then raise voice against others.

yes obviously see today a group of students tommorrow the whole school and then the whole city we didnot do any thing regarding we can atleast do that .not use their sites products etc and whereas the prayers are concerned it is upon very individual to encourage his or her fellow muslims to guide him force him to do so
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Do you really think blocking or 'not' using a site matters? Don't we insult our prophet(s) each day by not following his instructions, by doing sins. There are such a few of us who hardly both to pray even once during the day, I know such people who refuse to join me for Jummah prayers. And we call ourselves muslism. :) It's not about blocking anything, let's correct ourselves first and then raise voice against others.
True that! :(
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AsSalam Alaikum wr wb

well in regarding to this issue there is not only you tube but facebook is also another way in which the insulted the Prophet (SA) and if we really want to do something for our Prophet then we should stop using facebook ,utube etc so that they dont get benefit from our activities when they will face their loss then only they will come to know what they have done

so who is with me 5 days no fb,no you tube etc
come on muslims, not only you but tell ur friends to do so as well
Waalikum Assalam...

No brother in islam! see, facebook and youtube are one of the "things" that actually millions use it in like daily bases ! Once we muslims make SUCH a website ( XPC hopeully) , then we can stop using those !
And forgetting what they have did, Remember it is OUR duty to spread islam, I dont think ANY website is better than those two.....

They Use Us for gaining Money, We Use them for the spread of Islam !

Last point, why punishing the the Youtube & Facebook Developer & Innocent Users because of a User or 2 or more ? :confused: Remember, they are already poor , for what the money they gain is of no benefit!
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Waalikum Assalam...

No brother in islam! see, facebook and youtube are one of the "things" that actually millions use it in like daily bases ! Once we muslims make SUCH a website ( XPC hopeully) , then we can stop using those !
And forgetting what they have did, Remember it is OUR duty to spread islam, I dont think ANY website is better than those two.....

They Use Us for gaining Money, We Use them for the spread of Islam !

Last point, why punishing the the Youtube & Facebook Developer & Innocent Users because of a User or 2 or more ? :confused: Remember, they are already poor , for what the money they gain is of no benefit!

i think ur point of view is also correct


XPRS Administrator
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badrobot14 jazakallah khair for the tag bro ^_^
as usual i have to praise ur commendable writing skills and logics ^_^
a nice piece of writing and so true o_O y u no show this to paki leaders? :O :p

.....we do homework on youtube too!!!!

wa iyyakum, sister.. :)

la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah. Alhamdulillah...
haha, well if u do know any paki leaders, feel free to forward this to them.... Although I hope they don't block xtremepapers after reading it.. :p j/k

yeah... indeed we do that too.
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Blocking YouTube in the name of religion, does it add up…?

By badrobot14

Ok, these are my personal thoughts, not a fatwa or anything worthy… so you have full rights to disagree with it, to take it or leave it.

I personally think it is quite unwise to block YouTube because they let some content stay upon their site that is disturbing to us. See, I consider YouTube as a tool and a tool can be used for good or for bad it is upon the user (you don’t ban a knife just coz someone can use it to kill unjustly). So, if you use YouTube to watch music videos that are harmful to your aakhirah (next life) then the ban is actually good for you… but if you use it to learn things, educational stuff or your gain religious knowledge then it is bad for you… How many times has it happened that someone will ask me something about Islam and I know a nice vid about it is on YouTube BUT the site has been blocked by person’s country so the link would be useless for them… Now I’d have to transcribe it for them (which is tedious for me) plus that person would also have to read, and most people now prefer watching a video over reading. It is actually hindering me spreading knowledge. So that’s the first reason.

Second reason that I think its illogical is because if they let that video be on their site and not remove it, it’s coz they don’t see it bad as you do… Everyone doesn’t see the world like you do, deal with it. Let me explain by an example so it makes sense: Say two countries are at war (one of them is yours), and there is this third country that is neutral and is well known for its high quality weapons (no we aren’t promoting violence here, it’s just hypothetical!). If your country says, “we are not going to buy weapons from the 3rd country coz they sold it to our enemies, we are boycotting them.” Now, I’d say your country is being a little bit stupid coz it is not going to help them win the war rather it would be detrimental to them. And if you want to do anything to change how they see it and make them realize its bad, then do Dawah! Enlighten them. You know, just recently on my favourite show (the Deen Show, it educates people about purpose of life) which, primarily, is available on YouTube a guest came. And he mentioned how he knew a person whose life was in a pretty bad shape and one day he was browsing YouTube and saw link to a Deen show episode; he started watching it and then got hooked… he watched all of the Deen show episodes he could find and became a Muslim (because it made sense). Now that is something to be proud of; that is something from the Sunnah, spreading the message of Islam. And that is what made the host, Eddie, start crying with emotions… May Allah S.W.T always keep him guided and grant him sincerity for the sake of Allah. Aameen.

Thirdly, you might argue they are a business and the ban hurts them, then I’ve got news for you. See, if you are an individual avoiding it then I think we don’t need to discuss it coz for them you are like a drop in the lake. If a country blocks it, what about that…? Well, YouTube was blocked by Pakistan and that means almost all the traffic they were getting from Pakistan stopped coming to them. I’d argue the YouTube people would be celebrating, coz I know how online advertisement works and traffic from Asian countries is useless, coz it doesn’t earn you much. People from countries like USA are more likely to buy stuff online when they see an ad so traffic from there is worth much more, it translates in to revenue. But as for Pakistan, I’d say Pakistan is more of a resource hog on YouTube servers than a revenue generator. Not to mention when you see embedded videos, like those here, then they don’t even show you ads with it so they don’t get anything from you while you get service… its win-win situation for you. In short, your boycotting them isn’t going to harm them enough for them to be concerned. (They have not yet removed it (after months), that should be a good indication of its effectiveness.)

Lastly, you need alternative for a block/ban, we can’t just let such disgusting stuff reach our people and our kids browsing YouTube and I completely agree. But YouTube does offer governments options to make a particular vid unavailable in their country. Opening the link generates error “This video is unavailable in your country” as far as I know. Plus, if a country can block a site, I’m sure they can find ways to block links to that ugly content. This makes more sense, in my honest opinion.

O Allah! Let us see the good/truth as good/truth, and bless us with following it. And show us the falsehood as falsehood, and bless us with staying away from it.

P.S. Extra material on related issue of how to respond/act:




The "unavailable in your country" thing you mention has to do with copyright licensing, nothing to do with media censorship due to government policies.