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Can somebody help Marie? :D

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Good.. good... :)
And plus, that is SO true! :D <3
I wanted to write that in the perfect words but I didn't figure it out :D i'll add that to my draft speech :D
Wb the introduction? :eek:

Honorable Principles, Vice Principles, Respected teachers and awaiting students,
I, Cotton Candy, am going to make a brief speech to describe a few qualities that were instilled into me throughout my life.

^good enough? :D
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Honorable Principles, Vice Principles, Respected teachers and awaiting students,
I, Cotton Candy, am going to make a brief speech to describe a few qualities that were instilled into me throughout my life.

^good enough? :D
Perfect! *-* I just need to make it extra long like 10 more minutes long :D ._. thankies sis <3
Hey Marie! Best of luck! :D
IA you will be the head girl (y) :D

Remember--- ur the bestest n :cool:est :p
Read the dua "Rabbishrah lee sadree..." before tthe speech.IA all will awesome :D
Thankyou so much sis <3
Insha Allah :')
Awwwh :') I always remember my awesomness ;)
Thankyou so much <3 ill write in on my hand so that I wont forget :D thankies dear :D
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Perfect! *-* I just need to make it extra long like 10 more minutes long :D ._. thankies sis <3

Thankyou so much sis <3
Insha Allah :')
Awwwh :') I always remember my awesomness ;)
Thankyou so much <3 ill write in on my hand so that I wont forget :D thankies dear :D
:eek: so many thank u's and i didnt even do anything.. :p
but,pleasures all mine *bows* :D :p
Best of luck (y)
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woah ! lol...you have no idea...my friend stood for CR at uni...
I guided him on the speech. he was speaking, the words were from me :p
and then He spoke on how he'll get a bullet train built from the hostels to the cafeteria, get an under pass built and over head bridges across every department. He'd start a helicopter service and would get majority of the classes off and would increase fun at the campus, and other things like that.... no surprise, HE WON !

This is an inspiration from a friend who stood for house captain and spoke several other things which would be a bit inappropriate here, all infront of the student body, the director, pricipal and teachers. He started off with people throwing flowers over his head and flower garlands, with sun glasses on. He gave one epic speech. He won hands down ! :)
If you're schools aint dead enough, you'll win :p
Woah... lucky for him.. :p that sounds amazing... you know for him... I wonder how is it going to work out for me ._.
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you seriously gonna try it ? Record yourself... ask friends
I wanna see the reactions of the crowd :)
Try what? o_O
I just need a few touches on my speech.. I need ideas to make it better.. to prove to everyone that I have what it takes to be a leader :)
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I'll be the best because I'm Marie and if you don't believe me ask xpc. i distribute cupcakes and chocolates regularly and i can teach you all how to defend yourselves against vampires \m/

I am sincere in my cause and i promise to help make your time in this school absolutely fantastic :) ure so sweet, no one will listen to ure speech. they'll just vote for Marie ^^
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Rmarie-yum :p
"Leadership has always fascinated me, that though it means to lead people, it doesn't mean making them follow you. A head girl is the one who helps to bring out the best of all her fellow students"

For the beginning of the speech
"Hello my name is ...........
So I have one minute. I could promise you the world, like many candidates would, but you’re too smart for that. So I’ll tell it to you straight. Why I would like to serve as Head Girl.
I believe our college is like a tree; we are all different parts of this tree, for example – The teachers are like the roots, which supplement us with knowledge and help us to grow. If I was Head Girl, I would be like the manure which the gardener spreads to enrich the ground, just that little added extra can make a big difference.
I realise that, being Head Girl isn’t about being better than anyone else. It’s about having the trust of the student body to organise and represent them with honesty and enthusiasm, whenever called upon.
I have the compassion to listen, the ability to always work hard, yet have a good sense of humour.
So don’t vote for me just because of my good looks and charming demeanour, although you might be tempted to do that. Vote for me because you have excellent taste and superb decision making skills!"
I hope this ^^ helps :p
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Hah, had to click this because we share a name :p

Just say stuff about why you want to help the school and what you want to achieve whilst you're head girl.
I'm guessing students vote, so make it interesting and witty, so they don't get bored, remember if they have to listen to loads of similar speeches, a funny and clever one will stick out.

Good luck, and remember even if you don't get head girl, it's worth the experience :) xx
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AoA :) Hello ^-^
You all know me :D So whatevs ;) Heeeeey!! :D
Let me just tell it to you straight, I need your help.. I am running for head girl and I need some ideas to help me with the speech thingy :/ A speech on why I should be chosen .. I am not asking for a WHOLE speech but just a few ideas on what should I say :)
Thanks you guys :D

robinhoodmustafa Tim(95) @shazima cardude456 Nabeel.Ahmed Experienced One whitetiger64 knowitall10 frozen sunlight Era Master_Shifu @sumaiyaroxx:) dragoninja98 avenger Al-Anoud Darkest Angel Ebby_SaLeem omg Rahma Abdelrahman Ammar95

Sorry for those whom I didn't tag ^-^ If I didn't you then its okay :D You can still give your ideas :D Thankyou ^-^ Wish me luck yo :D

okay sooo...... its starts like this:
"Honorable Principals, respected teachers and my dear school fellows, Asalam O Alaikum! The thing is I want u ppl to vote for me as a Head Girl. Vote for me, VOTE for Marie, for revolution! Vote for extra games periods, vote for bunking, cheap items at canteen and for the one who could hold events for u every month :D :p :p. Vote for Change, vote for fun and Vote for Marie who could bring this change!! VOTE FOR MARIE, MARIE, MARIE, Woohooooo :p >_> <_< Im the best!!! YO (y) vote for Marie as ur HG :D :D :LOL: WohOOOOOO!!! Marie rocks and everybody shocks :D Vote for Marie! :p and i'll give u ice creams for free :D." BTW u need a lot of money tooo :p
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:LOL: Rmarie-yum
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Hi I’m Marie Aka THE Bunny Downtown :p
So I have one minute. I could promise you the world, like many candidates would, but you’re too smart for that. So I’ll tell it to you straight. Why I would like to serve as Head Girl.
I believe our college is like a tree....we are all different parts of this tree, for example – The teachers are like the roots, which supplement us with knowledge and help us to grow. If I was Head Girl, I would be like the manure which the gardener spreads to enrich the ground, just that little added extra can make a big difference.
I realise that, being Head Girl isn’t about being better than anyone else. It’s about having the trust of the student body to organise and represent them with honesty and enthusiasm, whenever called upon.
I have the compassion to listen, the ability to always work hard, yet have a good sense of humour.
So don’t vote for me just because of my good looks and charming demeanor, although you might be tempted to do that. Vote for me because you have excellent taste and superb decision making skills!
P.S I copy pasted this.. I liked it so I thought to shared it with ya!
and check this!
Do watch this,...this guy gave a speech infront of 1300 people's
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Hi I’m Marie Aka THE Bunny Downtown :p
So I have one minute. I could promise you the world, like many candidates would, but you’re too smart for that. So I’ll tell it to you straight. Why I would like to serve as Head Girl.
I believe our college is like a tree....we are all different parts of this tree, for example – The teachers are like the roots, which supplement us with knowledge and help us to grow. If I was Head Girl, I would be like the manure which the gardener spreads to enrich the ground, just that little added extra can make a big difference.
I realise that, being Head Girl isn’t about being better than anyone else. It’s about having the trust of the student body to organise and represent them with honesty and enthusiasm, whenever called upon.
I have the compassion to listen, the ability to always work hard, yet have a good sense of humour.
So don’t vote for me just because of my good looks and charming demeanor, although you might be tempted to do that. Vote for me because you have excellent taste and superb decision making skills!
P.S I copy pasted this.. I liked it so I thought to shared it with ya!
and check this!
Do watch this,...this guy gave a speech infront of 1300 people's

Rmarie-yum :p
"Leadership has always fascinated me, that though it means to lead people, it doesn't mean making them follow you. A head girl is the one who helps to bring out the best of all her fellow students"

For the beginning of the speech
"Hello my name is ...........
So I have one minute. I could promise you the world, like many candidates would, but you’re too smart for that. So I’ll tell it to you straight. Why I would like to serve as Head Girl.
I believe our college is like a tree; we are all different parts of this tree, for example – The teachers are like the roots, which supplement us with knowledge and help us to grow. If I was Head Girl, I would be like the manure which the gardener spreads to enrich the ground, just that little added extra can make a big difference.
I realise that, being Head Girl isn’t about being better than anyone else. It’s about having the trust of the student body to organise and represent them with honesty and enthusiasm, whenever called upon.
I have the compassion to listen, the ability to always work hard, yet have a good sense of humour.
So don’t vote for me just because of my good looks and charming demeanour, although you might be tempted to do that. Vote for me because you have excellent taste and superb decision making skills!"
I hope this ^^ helps :p

Ctrl C+Ctrl V rocks :LOL::whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle: