hey beacon of light wat was the answer to q33 in which of the equations redox rxn was taking place.
and in q 36 why was s02 being used was it A or B
in 25 how many radicals were being formed
and why pvc being used in the incinerator and i wrote it gives harmful products
in the qs in which we had 2 use pv=nrt which gas ws correct i wrote s02
in q 30 in the polymer how do we draw the shortest chain of 1,1-dichloroetene
what was the answer to q 40 i wrote A bcoz in each of them the product was a gas which cud easily easily condense using liebig condensor on the diff of b.p pllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz replyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy so that i cud spent my holidays free of tension
and in q 36 why was s02 being used was it A or B
in 25 how many radicals were being formed
and why pvc being used in the incinerator and i wrote it gives harmful products
in the qs in which we had 2 use pv=nrt which gas ws correct i wrote s02
in q 30 in the polymer how do we draw the shortest chain of 1,1-dichloroetene
what was the answer to q 40 i wrote A bcoz in each of them the product was a gas which cud easily easily condense using liebig condensor on the diff of b.p pllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz replyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy so that i cud spent my holidays free of tension