in this one, H2PO4- ats like a base and donated electron and HPO4-2 acts as an acid
the trick is that when a buffer reacts with an acid or a base, the product include the reactent of the other (this is some thing that i have noticed and is not a given rule, watch in the example)
H+ + HPO4-2 ----------> H2PO4-
OH- + H2PO4- ---------> HPO4-2 + H2O
as for the part (iii)
you need to use the formula for acidic buffer solutions to find it's pH, which is
pH = pKa + log ( [salt]/[acid])
for pKa u use the value of 7.2, (sorry about this part im a little confused as to how to explain it, form what i remember, i took out the no. of moles of [H+] and used them again in pKa= (-log[H=]) equation and got 7.2 as answer so that's why you have to use 7.2, thought im still not 100% on that, sorry,)
can you give me the paper no. or this, i'll try solving it once more and see if i can answer it
Well explaind ,
can you help me with this to of finding ( conc. ) of both ?
one other question : whats a Smooth curve ?

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