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Football/Soccer anyone?

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Eden Hazard admits: " Chelsea is not made to play football" :D
If Mourinho was a little bit shrewd... he should have known and changed his game plan as Simeone was closely watching the Anfield game and plotting a counter strategy...
Football wins if they win!
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Hands Up, Who Wants The Title? :p :D :ROFLMAO::LOL:
Interviewer: "Anybody… Anybody? I don't believe it! Come on, one of you must want this title? Jose, what about you? Excuse me, Jose, can you stop mumbling and speak up please."

Jose: "No, it is impossible."

Interviewer: "Surely not Jose?"

Jose: "We have no chance."

Interviewer: "Two points off the top spot doesn't sound like impossible. More like a bloody good chance Jose?"

Jose looks away and shrugs his shoulders.
Interviewer: "Manuel, why didn't you raise your hand?"

Pellegrini: "I say in football, we are not favorites!"

Interviewer: "You can't be serious? With the squad you've got! With a game in hand and a better goal difference! You have the initiative now in the title race don't you?"

Pellegrini: "Liverpool is top and we will see who is the best at the end of the season."

Interviewer: "Brendan, Manuel said it - you sit top."

Rodgers: "The aim at the start of the season was Champions League and it is a real credit to the players that we can't finish any lower than third."

Interviewer: "Yes, that is marvelous but you have to admit that you have a hell of a chance to land the title?"

Rodgers: "As I said, the players have been magnificent in their work but we're only thinking about the next game."

Interviewer: "...Thank you Mr Wenger, you've been very patient but, you can put your hand down now."
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Hands Up, Who Wants The Title? :p :D :ROFLMAO::LOL:
Interviewer: "Anybody… Anybody? I don't believe it! Come on, one of you must want this title? Jose, what about you? Excuse me, Jose, can you stop mumbling and speak up please."

Jose: "No, it is impossible."

Interviewer: "Surely not Jose?"

Jose: "We have no chance."

Interviewer: "Two points off the top spot doesn't sound like impossible. More like a bloody good chance Jose?"

Jose looks away and shrugs his shoulders.
Interviewer: "Manuel, why didn't you raise your hand?"

Pellegrini: "I say in football, we are not favorites!"

Interviewer: "You can't be serious? With the squad you've got! With a game in hand and a better goal difference! You have the initiative now in the title race don't you?"

Pellegrini: "Liverpool is top and we will see who is the best at the end of the season."

Interviewer: "Brendan, Manuel said it - you sit top."

Rodgers: "The aim at the start of the season was Champions League and it is a real credit to the players that we can't finish any lower than third."

Interviewer: "Yes, that is marvelous but you have to admit that you have a hell of a chance to land the title?"

Rodgers: "As I said, the players have been magnificent in their work but we're only thinking about the next game."

Interviewer: "...Thank you Mr Wenger, you've been very patient but, you can put your hand down now."

David Moyes: I'll take it!
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i disagree with u they were missing cech over there
You had six defenders in the box. Six....
And Mou did feel the jitters .... his Cole substitution with Etoo... it could have waited...
It wasn't Shwazer's fault... maybe Cech could have saved the penalty... maybe not... But a penalty's always 50-50.
Perhaps if Mou played 10 defenders like he did at Anfield... may be if he did play 19th century football again... they probably would have stood a chance.
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the first goal was miss by goalie even penealty i think we needed cech plus i think parking the bus strategy was awesome we saw that against liverpool
Such hypocrisy from Mourinho and Chelsea fans...
When West Ham with defenders less experienced and a lot less quality did the same and held Chelski to a draw... Mou said it was 19th Century football. Well at Anfield he was dancing with joy over the same lets call it 18th century football.
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Hang on, you take the side that won 2 European trophies in a row and with unlimited resources, finish 3rd & win nothing?
Well.... Who's the Specialist in Failure, Mourinho?
What goes around, comes around...... Go Wenger..... Win the FA Cup...

Come end of the match..... Mourinho down the tunnel without a handshake, Terry jawing at Turner. Typical Chelsea. Forever classless. And let me add "FOREVER BORING (blue)"
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LFC may not win the league (fingers crossed.... Andy Carrol may just win it for us :p ... it aint over until the fat lady sings :D ), but I'm so glad Chelsea aren't the ones to do it either. They dont deserve to win anything!
Tomorrow.... Hope Studge is fit.... Hypothetically we would need at least 9 goals to close the bridge the GD, so hat ricks from Sturridge, Sterling and newly crowned PFA Player of the Year, Luis Suarez and perhaps a Stevie G goal .... Well a fan can dream, right? :p