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Freaky Short Stories...wanna try?

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Its quiet ok boy... for others.... mtly newest story ha arrived
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Akbar = elder bro… Amir = younger bro…

It was a hot summer night when things could have been described as boring to anyone’s standard, Akbar was extremely extremely bored. Everything about the routine was driving him crazy. The same TV show, the same room and the same work to be done!
But he controlled himself and took his place on his desk and started to work.

Soon he found his concentration ebbing away, and the warm weather helped him drift into sleep. Akbar woke up with a start. What was that voice? He thought. He reached the door tentatively and looked outside but there was no one there in the living room.

He checked the time and realized that it was fajar time. Akbar feared he might fall asleep before praying so he completed his ablution in the sink situated in the main lounge and was about to go to his room when he noticed something moving from the kitchen window.

Akbar moved forward, squinting, there was little light there but there was definitely someone outside. (Was it the darkness?) Or was he actually black? One thing could be said for sure he was extremely tall and he seemed to be giving off some kind of a misty smoke. Within seconds he glided out of sight.

Akbar thought he was hallucinating. He moved closer to the window to check more carefully, but was saved from the need of confirming as Amir, his younger brother entered the main lounge looking very pale.

“Akbar… I… my room… the window… outside” he blurted.
“So, I see you have made an acquaintance with my black friend out there, haven’t you? Asked Akbar grinning.
“What in the world are you excited about Akbar?” he asked his voice shaking a little bit.

“Well if we are to be friends I will make sure we have a picture of him” said Akbar ignoring his little brother. Akbar was now grinning ear to ear. Amir was now more scared of his brother than the man gliding outside his house.

But before he could do anything about it Akbar had run into his room, fetched the camera and was unlocking the door that led to that corridor. Amir yelled at him “Oi! It might be a burglar!” but he wasn’t sure Haider heard.

Amir did not know what to do. After standing motionless at the same spot for a long time, slowly he reached the door that lead to the corridor which now stood ajar. With every step he took, he had frightening images, he half expected the black man to jump in front of him at the entrance.

And some one suddenly jumped in front of him. “ARGH!” he shouted. “WHOA!” shouted someone else.

“Akbar?” said Amir clutching his chest “is that you?”
But Akbar was a bit moved to. “Man! What did you scream for?” he asked “you just scared me bro!”
“Oh yeah!” said Amir sarcastically “that black man was nothing compared to me huh?”
Akbar grinned as he looked back at his younger brother.
“Well it seems that our friend was shy of the camera. He was not there when I went outside” he said “I hope he comes back soon.”

“Yeah well if he doesn’t, you go stand outside his window next!” said Amir as he closed the door of his room shut on Akbar.

He is scared thought Akbar with a smile as he reached his room and opened the door… only to find the black man standing in front of him. The camera fell with a loud clatter from his hand.
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this one isnt a short story but its still written by me

“Our sources tell us that we are about to be attacked” announced Colonel Stafford addressing the soldiers who had been moments ago preparing for bed and were urgently called to attend to Sir Danvers Stafford. “It is a bad moment for all of us but we have no choice but to retreat”.

“Crumbled though we may be at the moment, we would still retreat as a single united body. Those of you who feel their morals faltering should remember they would die for their country, if at all. Those of you who think our retreat is an act of cowardice should know… that death would come sooner if we stay, and what a poor way to die it would be if even after all the sacrifices and training, we still fail to serve our country the way it deserves to be served”

“If we live we won’t regret our decision to serve our motherland, if we die we do it protecting the flag from falling.
Some people would hate us for retreating… don’t let that upset you …. For the soil knows…. The soil embraces the blood and the bones of those who die for it”

“Thus if today anyone finds even the slightest amount of doubt in his heart… let it be known to him… that he deceives the country!”
“SOLDIERS! ARE YOU WITH ME????” shouted the colonel” at the top of his voice.

“Yes sir!” chanted back the soldiers fifty or so in number.
They had been defeated in a battle yes but the war was still on. Yes this retreat was going to cost them a fair amount of humiliation, but there were things that mattered more.

“Bradley! Young!” called out the colonel as everyone else headed to their rooms in order to prepare for the retreat.

“Sir” they both stood attention as the colonel approached them.
“Bradley” he said “Bradley I have found you to be one the finest and strongest soldier in our batch, not to mention your character, and if there is anyone who has come close in competition I must say it’s you Young”. If there’s anyone I will trust, it will have to be the two of you” he placed a hand on Bradley’s shoulder. “What I am going to ask you is surely not going to be easy for you two… but we don’t own our lives anymore sons… we have named it to our country!” his voice had a trace of grief to it.

The two stood and watched the colonel decide their fate with some apprehension.
“We three will be the last to leave this place; it will be our duty to ensure that others reach to safety first.” He announced silently.

“I have decided to place five stops between here and where our backup lies.” He explained regaining his brisk and crisp manner “From here we three are going to be the first stop and a mile from here in the southern direction there would be placed another stop consisting of three soldiers and two medics, and a mile after that another five soldiers…”

“So all together we have twenty soldiers who would cover the posts under the custody of which thirty soldiers would reach to safety. Once the objective is complete the post nearest the backup would start moving towards the friendly lines, and each of the post in turn would move south taking the position of the previous post which was stationed there.”

“We would start moving towards our next post… as soon as we get the signal of the first post reaching to the friendly lines safely” he finished with vigour. “Any questions?” he asked.

“Why can’t we have medics in our team too?” asked Young trying to keep his face straight.
The colonel hesitated before answering “there weren’t any to spare”… “Are you going to back out?” asked the colonel without facing the two of them.
“No sir! Young gulped before saying “it’s just that dying while fighting the enemy is much easier than waiting to be hit on the way back to safety.”
“We shall do it sir” said Bradley averting his eyes from both of them. They knew what agreeing to. They would be lucky to be alive by the dawn after next.

who wants to read more?
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More to come in about an hour
Danny entered the scary looking office of situated on the suburbs of the city. The room that read “The Medium” was half opened. As Danny went inside he noticed that the room was filled with a sweet smelling mist (artificial or not Danny did not know). The only source of light in that room was the dim glow of the orb in front of which sat a heavy set gypsy type of a middle aged woman.

She looked oddly sinister in that glow, wearing that bandana and numerous gold chains on her chubby neck. She looked up the orb into Danny’s eyes and said “come dear child” beckoning him by crooking a stubby finger towards her. Her eyes were a shade of green unachievable without the aid of contacts.

Danny looked up at her and decided that the time had finally come. He had been fifteen years of age, he desperately missed his parents, and his standard of had drastically fallen ever since his parents died and he started living with his grandfather. He needed to ask his father of the hidden will.

“My parents are dead” said Danny surprised by his own courage.
“I want to see them, talk to them”. He half expected the women to laugh but she smiled at him widely (thoroughly disgruntling him).
She took out a form and started asking him questions.

“Cause of death?” she asked.
“Accident… road accident.” He said hoarsely.
“Where are their graves located? sending chills down his spine.
“Little Norton graveyard” responded Danny uneasily.
“Do you want to talk to them for two minutes, meet them or want them back forever?” she continued.
“It would be nice to have them back” said Danny
“Very well” she said unaffected “you are to come here Friday night 2 o clock and bring a hundred dollars with you. You may go now… others are waiting.” She finished.

But as he made his way through the waiting room into the cold clear night he noticed nobody waiting. He kicked at a small stone moodily as he thought this venture would cause him to leave his life time savings. It occurred to him by her accessories that she might be a fake, but he did not want to be on the wrong side of anyone who had any sort of contact with the dead.

On Thursday night he broke open his piggy back which consisted of dollars ninety two in crumbled notes and rusty coins. Borrowing the eight dollars from his grandfather he headed towards her office.
He entered the room after knocking and immediately felt something amiss. It was the same lady with the same accessories, but her eyes were somehow different. They were glittering madly and her voice sounded a bit manly when she asked him to sit down.
“There is only one rule; you cannot back out once you start” she said, near Danny she looked slightly mad her large eyes even larger and misty.
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not this one, but a new one, you write great, but if you want to, write about something not scary, asin a complete adventure, it can have all the elements but just not completely centred on the scary part
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1. Last one isnt scary
2. You shoul read from the shdows of ww2
3. Im a natural wd fiction. It duznt need research :)