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Freaky Short Stories...wanna try?

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I sure will as soon as i get enuff audience. I have a fully prepared novel waiting to b written
but i did not have enough knowledge abt wrld politics to write it. Plus the topic wudnt hav been inviting.
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I sure will as soon as i get enuff audience. I have a fully prepared novel waiting to b written
but i did not have enough knowledge abt wrld politics to write it. Plus the topic wudnt hav been inviting.
okay, we ll be waiting
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Sequel to the wicked gang

It was the third murder in as many days and she knew it was now her turn. She muted the volume of the TV which now stated that the target killing of the “wicked gang” members seemed to be related to the famous Serial killer “The Brute!” while the possibility of the murders being committed by the missing brother of one Hannah Preston could not be ruled out, who lost her life as a result of a prank played.

What ever the suppositions the media was coming up with, Linda knew better what the reality was.
Linda wiped her forehead and switched the TV off. Three of her best friends were dead. And Linda would even have mourned upon it had she any emotion to spare, but at the moment Linda was finding it hard to concentrate on anything other than her own inevitable death.
Due to the insistence of her parents, Linda had left her home and was now living in an old family home in the outskirts of the city. Her parents wanted her to be safe and remain inside the new house at all times. Although Linda’s safety was important, her parents decided that they could not abandon their jobs and the old house just because of a threat which may well be avoided.

So Linda’s old nanny Mrs. Bane was summoned and commanded to share the house with her and a few dozen security guards. Linda was so unsure of herself that she did not even trusted Mrs. Bane. She kept to herself most of the time and felt safer in smaller spaces which made her feel less exposed, often locking herself in the washroom. She never slept with her door unlocked.
As the days passed by and the heat of murders wore off Linda’s parents relaxed a bit and went to see her more often. They seemed to be disturbed by the way she behaved. This whole business had caused deep rooted effects on Linda’s mind, and at times Linda positively seemed insane to her parents.
Indignant and outraged, the parents decided that their daughter spending the rest of her life looking behind her shoulder was completely unacceptable to them. They went in search of the best psychiatrists but they soon realized how much impact there had been of the killings on common people… no body wanted themselves to be associated with the wicked gang in any way.
At long last they found someone… although he was by no means what they would have called appropriate in normal circumstances… but they were glad to find someone at least. The psychiatrist told them that their daughter was suffering from a condition in which due to past events or accidents, sad or frightening images and thoughts would stick to her mind and never let her live in peace.

The father couldn’t bear it any more and begged the psychiatrist to give them some solution. They said they were ready to do anything; all they wanted was “their daughter to never feel fearful again”. The psychiatrist looked at the worried couple and smiled, though they could not fathom what was funny about the situation.

The psychiatrist told them that there was only one way in which this was possible… and it was to kill the fear inside the girl. A person gets scared of new things and when he gets used to of it… he stops getting scared. In simple words… you need to expose her to something she is most scared of… and don’t show mercy… because showing mercy would lead you to make her situation worse.
there will be more tomorrow nyt...
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A certain rich businessperson had a beautiful daughter, who fell in love with a guy who was a cleaner. When the girl's father came to know about their love, he did not like it at all, and so began to protest about it.
Now, the two lovers decided to leave their homes for a happy future.
The girl's father started searching for the two lovers but could not find them. At last, he accepted their love and asked them to come back home thru a local newspaper. Her father said, "If you both come back I will allow you to marry the guy you love, I accept that you loved each other truly."
Therefore, in this way, their love won and they returned home.
The couple next day went to town to shop for the wedding dress. He was dressed in a white shirt that day. While he was crossing the road to the other side to get some drinks for his wife, suddenly from the next corner, a lorry came at a fantastic speed and hit him. He died on the spot.
The girl was devastated and lost her senses. It was only after sometime that
she recovered from her shock. The funeral and cremation was the next day because he had died horribly.
Father felt very sad for his daughter. He told his daughter, "See, This is all divine will. I know I should not be talking to you so soon. However, I cannot bear the pathetic sight of you like this for the rest of my life. I beg you; please try to come out of this sorrow. I want you to marry again and live happily forever. My partner's son is willing to marry you." The girl, who was already so sad, now felt sorry for her father also.
Two nights later, the girl's mother had a dream in which she saw an old lady. The old lady asked her mother to wash the bloodstains of the guy from her daughter's dress as soon as possible. But her mother ignored the dream.
The next night her father had the same dream, he also ignored it. Then the
girl had the same dream the next night; she woke up in fear and told her mother about the dream. Her mother asked her to wash the clothes with the bloodstains immediately.
She washed the stains but some remained. Next night she again had the same dream. She again washed the stains but some remained. But again, the next night she had the same dream and this time the old lady gave her a last warning to wash the bloodstain, or else something terrible would happen.
This time the girl tried her best to wash the stains, and the clothes nearly tore, but some stains remained. She was very tired.
In the late evening the same day while she was alone at home, someone knocked on the door. When she opened the door, she saw the same old lady of her dream standing at her door. Her face was pale. She seemed to be half asleep or in a trance. The girl got very scared and fainted. And slowly she slipped, and slipped down to a bottomless pit. She lost any idea of time.
The old lady woke her up. She gave her a blue object, which shocked the girl.
She asked the old lady, "What is this...?"
The old lady started singing in unbelievably melodious semi divine voice.
"Washing powder Nirma, Washing powder Nirma
Doodh si safedi Nirma se aaye,
Rangeen kapde bhi khil khil jaye,
Washing powder Nirma, Washing powder Nirma. Nirma"
10 ka 1, do pe. ek free
The girl bought two and got one free!
If you got irritated on seeing this, share it with your friends to tease them!