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How Watching Pornography Changes The Brain

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i was just being realistic !
Not everybody is a complete master-of-themselves , unlike Ms. AC!


You could have just written "Peace", it would have been more relevant.

Good suggestion. thumbs up. and lol on your comment about studies. damn right. it is actually grooming of your personality getting diversified and becoming a concerned civilized citizen. ..........................

Thank you. Finally, someone gets me. Good Lord. :)
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No doubt about it that we should understand our religion with reason.
However, in some cases the human mind cannot reason a judgement, and debating makes it even more controversial and creates conflicts!
So, sometimes we have to BLINDLY accept Allah's commandments because true faith means devoting yourself fully to a cause and have blind trust in oneself, in case of Allah S.W.T, how can we ever think that if we trust HIM blindly in some issues we may be led wrong!!!

Allah is the one who created us out of a clot of congealed blood, HE shaped our organs, body stuctures in our mother's womb (without the mother knowing what is going on inside), then when we stepped into this world HE arranged two loving hearts for us in the form of parents and food in the form of mother's milk. Then, when we grew up, HE taught us the ability to walk, eat, talk, and do worldly dealings.
After such a tremendous amount of favours bestowed upon us, is it right that we should not have BLIND trust in Almighty ALLAH (S.W.T) ???

At all times it should always be kept in mind the meagre and negligible thinking skills we humans possess, (remember what happened at treaty of hudaibiya ?)

The bottomline:
We should trust and accept Allah's commandments without objection. Then if we happen to discover the logic or reason behind it, it further strengthens our faith !
However, if we fail to find a logic, we should just accept it, knowing ALLAH knows best!!!
dat exactly is the essence of faith............believin in da seen n unseen , of wat we have knowledge n dat which we donot...
Furthermore our Creator, Allah would never want anything difficult or harmful for us... All we need to do is trust his commands n obey them dutifully without hesitation..
Id like to quote Ali Ibn Abi Talib out here..
He said: If religion was based on opinion( logic n reasoning), would be more fitting to wipe the underparts of the leather ( socks, khuffain ) rather than the top part (the exposed surface) (during Mas-h.).. However Ihave seen Allah's Messenger wiping the upper parts of his leather socks. (Abu Daud)
He is so right as if we know the purpose of Wudhu / Mas-h is purification. and we all know for a fact that is the lower part of our socks gets more dirtier as it rubs against the ground surface. However Allah has prescribed us to wipe the upper parts of our socks in Mas-h... And the reasoning behind is unknown and we accept this command of Allah without objecting: 'Oh my lower part of my sock is dirtier so Ill wipe it instead"..This is unacceptable...
Imagine if the Sahabah retorted to several scientific facts that way... They were from the desert lands and Allah says in Surah Aniya chp 21 v 30 "... And we have created livingthing from water..". Today science tells us that all living creatures contain cytoplasm which is over 70- 90% water....
What if they raised objections...Like : That is impossible! Are you trying to joke with us!!!W e are dying out of water out here..."
But they didnt n we gladly follow the footsteps of our pious predcessors...
Also this thing draws the line between a Muslim and a Kafir...
The Mushrikken of Mecca raised objction abt how can someone dead be raised up alive??
According to o ur limited human reasoning the argument seems perfectly correct. However we as Muslims are to believe in Reserruction as an article of faith arent we??

Today about 80% of the Quran n Sunnah have been proved right by science, logic logic.... 20% yet remains to be ascertained ..Insha Allah maybe in the coming years the remainderll be clarifed too...

Allah says in Surah Ali Imran chp 3 v7 :"
It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah . But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding.


XPRS Administrator
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^ And i've become a fan of THIS guy :D
:LOL: same here :D
Mashallah :)
Some people need to get checked by a doctor! :p

on a serious note
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah...

I hope no one got offended by my cheeky comment..
actually one of the hardest things to encounter in this world is being praised... it is disliked to praise someone to his face as it is feared that it will cause him to be arrogant (exception is usually made for knowledgeable people)

I remember me and my friends once praised our teacher very much (to the n th degree...) and he smiled and said only Alhamdulillah. I couldn't figure out why he did that until later on.. when I realised that he meant all praise and thanks/gratitude belongs to Allah, so basically he took no credit of our praise... he gave the credit to Allah immediately! now I can at least imagine how hard the thing he could do was.
May Allah bless him and his family with highest of jannah!! aameen.