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i love my mom and dad

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Especially @ AngelicBeauty thank you so much for sharing this valuable video. I just couldn't help my tears. :( Still unable to stop the tears! This video is really touching. And it gives the a very good message indeed.
Our parents have always sacrificed so much for us and they always tried their best to fulfill our wishes, no matter what it is. I believe that on our side, when our turn comes, we should do our best to keep them happy. We should always be sorry even though if we had hurt our parents unintentionally. May Allah forgive us for that!
There may be many children who had already lost their parents, but we've our parents with us and we should thank Allah for that, as Allah has given us one of my most valuable gifts ever.
May Allah give our parents all the happiness they deserve and also answer all their prayers! Aameen!
ameen ameen amenn summa ammen


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Hmm... I do think I understood what he meant. We should see beyond encyclopedic definitions into practical application.

Secularism doesn't necessarily mean it has to be against religious teachings. It just means it has to be free of them. The best leader in history, in my opinion, who exemplified this, or should I say epitomized this, was the Mughal Emperor of India, Akbar, centuries back. When he took over India, there were people of different religious groups living there. He was a Muslim, and apparently, a good one as I've read. He could have very well enforced a theocracy, but he didn't. Instead, he remained secular. Because he wanted to show to others that Islam was not a religion of force, but a religion of tolerance. One that respects individual freedom, one that you accept with your heart, out of love for it and not out of fear. And alhamdulillah, by showing how tolerant Islam could be towards other religions (we must note that during those times in other parts of the world the dominant religion would offer either conversion or death to minority ones), he succeeded in drawing more people towards Islam which they embraced because of the values that it preached.

Now, I'd have to disagree... that's the thing... Islam doesn't let your system be free of itself... If you study Quran that's a constant theme... I did mention that aayah that Allah repeats for us... He sent the Deen of truth so that it may be dominant/manifest over all other deens.... (and we know that will eventually happen)

and you are right about accepting it with heart, infact Islam means submitting your will to Allah and gaining peace there in... now submission of will to Allah can't be done by force so naturally you can't make someone muslim by force... BUT that doesn't mean you start negotiating with others... You must have memorized surah kafiroon as a child.. remember at the end to their negotiations we reply, 'to you is your deen and to me is my deen'... Akbar, no matter what you have read about him wasn't Islamic.... (if you agree that Islam is based on Quran and Sunnah)

When muslims conqured Jerusalem there were christians and ppl of other faith there right...?? Did we kill them..? NO. Did we force them into Islam...?? No... coz that isn't in Islam.... Alhamdulillah.. BUT negotiating with ppl and forming a system/law such that its pleasing to them is also not in Islam..... we speak the truth.. and if we get to rule, we rule by law of Allah ... who can be more wise than Allah...?? who can make better laws...????

I beg you to see these videos:



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Hmm... I do think I understood what he meant. We should see beyond encyclopedic definitions into practical application.

Secularism doesn't necessarily mean it has to be against religious teachings. It just means it has to be free of them. The best leader in history, in my opinion, who exemplified this, or should I say epitomized this, was the Mughal Emperor of India, Akbar, centuries back. When he took over India, there were people of different religious groups living there. He was a Muslim, and apparently, a good one as I've read. He could have very well enforced a theocracy, but he didn't. Instead, he remained secular. Because he wanted to show to others that Islam was not a religion of force, but a religion of tolerance. One that respects individual freedom, one that you accept with your heart, out of love for it and not out of fear. And alhamdulillah, by showing how tolerant Islam could be towards other religions (we must note that during those times in other parts of the world the dominant religion would offer either conversion or death to minority ones), he succeeded in drawing more people towards Islam which they embraced because of the values that it preached.

Oh, and if you have read my prev post.. then I'd like to add an example....
Remember we talked about 'Mawooda' that baby girl which was burried alive...? If Islam was becoming secular, it won't speak against that.. right? coz it goes against popular choice of the ppl.... ppl in those days, especially Nobels of socity had this practice... did our law say 'since ppl have to do it, it's ok...' NO. we speak against it.. no matter how much opression in makkah muslims had to face when they stood up like this against the elite of that society....


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Borakk, badrobot14, thank you for the replies.

Robotji, I do know the Quran advocates mercy, forgiveness, calmness, patience, benevolence, consideration, and all the virtues of humankind. That is how the victim will view his trials. Good enough, it will lessen psychological trauma. But what I meant to ask is what the law would do, or should do, in such situations. In my country, where the Court is secular, i.e. free from all religious influences and that's understandable since it's a multicultural society, it will deal with such cases by appealing to the Human Rights. But what about those countries where religion is the law? What are you supposed to do when you are seeing a parent committing injustice to his children and they seek help apart from consoling the child and telling him to be patient and forgiving, etc, and when simply talking to the parents doesn't help? Yes of course, perpetrators will be judged on the Day of Resurrection, but that doesn't mean our societies should be immune to crimes.

Okay... you will tell me you are not a judge. I am not a judge either. But insha Allah, if I live long enough and develop the capabilities fully, I do want to exercise profession in this field. I do think it takes collaboration from every member of society to lessen, if not eradicate, the evils in it. So even if such cases do not have a high probability of occurring though they sure are in considerable absolute numbers, they are there.

Er, sorry my knowledge of that area (law) is weak so I didn't go there.... Islamic laws genrally are pretty cool and are a perfect detterent and they work so I can assume the law wd be awesome.. haven't studied it so I don't open my mourth without knowledge...

there is a reason why I know little of that area (apart from my own laziness).. its coz Quran has many aayhas dedicated to law (and there are many ahadith on our law too) but if you see what proportion of Quran talks about Law, you'll see its not as big. The greater portion deals with our attitude to life (includes Taqwa) and about knowledge of Allah etc. That is the basic thing for a muslim.... When the foundations of Islam are there and there is a muslim society, then comes the law.... Even when Allah tells us the reason He sent the Prophet (S.A.W), i.e. his mission you find:
"Certainly did Allah confer [great] favor upon the believers when He sent among them a Messenger from themselves, reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom, although they had been before in manifest error." (3:164)

You notice, the 4 things He (S.W.T) mentions... first is to recite upon us the aayhas of Allah.
Second is to purify us... to cleanse our insides... (this would include the attitude thingy, right) then comes:
third, to teach them the BOOK and book here means Law (tafaseer tell us this)... kinda like even in english we say 'go by book'
fourth is wisdom...

When you don't have a Islamic society that is cleansed.. that wants to be ruled by Allah's book.. kinda defeats the point for me to learn it at least right now (I'm reffering to laws of state and that sorta thing not those which apply to me)...
But I commend you that you want to learn this and help the world by it.. may Allah help you and guide you, aameen.
Once I do get a basic foundation in aayhas of Allah that are recited upon me, and I'm more cleansed.. who knows, I might also study some other branch of Islam...

Oh, n you would LOVE this (inshaAllah):



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Please tell me how is it the business of the state to oversee such "killing"? So, every pregnant woman should "register" herself with the state who would appoint "guardians" who would check the fetus of every pregnant woman every month to see if it is aborted??!! :p Why on earth would the state want to punish someone for their willful abortion?

Even if you implement such a system of "punishment" somehow, it would only lead an increase of abortions by illegal unlicenced quack doctors and would put even more lives at risk!

We need to be reasonable and practical. Monitoring the killing of unborn babies, no matter the "stage" is not practical nor reasonable. It is not the business of state to punish people for things which do not harm the society in general. General liberty and freedom, as God wanted, must be maintained.

I was shocked to find, "General liberty and freedom, as God wanted, must be maintained" really...? how did you come to this conclusion, did God tell you this somehow..?
Coz if we are talking about Islam, then Quran clearly says, ""He who obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed Allah, but he who turns away, then we have not sent you as a watcher over them." " (4:80)
Where is the freedom in Obediance....????
Want more evidence?:
"O you who believe! Obey Allah and His Messenger and those of you who are in authority. If you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination." [Holy Quran 4:59]

Even the word Islam has the meaning of submission in it..!!
"But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (Muhammad, peace be upon him) as a judge in all disputes between them, and find no resistance against your decisions, and accept (the decisions) with full submission." [Holy Quran 4:65]
Total submission is required after the surrender and some terms have to be set forth by Allah to be understood by the Muslim. There can be no option in the matter as Allah says in another verse,"It is not fitting for the believing man nor for the believing woman, that whenever Allah and His Messenger have decided any matter, that they should have any other opinion." [Holy Quran 33:36]
Whatever Allah and His Messenger have set out as being the Way of Islam is incumbent on the believer, man or woman to follow completely. One must consciously and conscientiously give oneself to the service of Allah.

My wisdom and intelect is no match for Allah's...!! I submit to the command of Allah and His messenger (s.a.W) as its THE most logical thing to do....