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1) In that case I apologise. I don't know who else that could have been aimed at, but if I really was jumping to conclusions then I am genuinely sorry.
2) I'm fairly certain that the people I respect are humans, so you should have been more specific. And, as mentioned in my previous post, I DO respect strangers (in particular people who are older than me, which includes you) until I'm given reason not to.
3) Can you not see that your results are good and that your comments are demeaning to those who will have received grades worse than yours? I'm sorry if you don't like them, but the indisputable truth is that a lot of people would be happy to get these results. If this is a failure in your eyes then fine, but everyone has setbacks at some point and the reality is these grades are not going to hold you back in life at all. Once you go on to do further qualifications (A-Levels/IB, degree etc) nobody is going to care about your GCSEs.

I think it's quite ridiculous to assume that people who get Bs and Cs are not organised. Some people are just not suited to taking exams and to some extent it's the luck of the draw of what is in the exam. A friend of mine was had been getting As all year in mock tests, then in the real exam she came out with a D. Does that mean she was 'unorganised'?

For your information, I used to be like you. I'd complain if I got anything less than perfect. For my geography coursework I got an A* but that didn't matter to me because I was a few marks off of top marks. I soon learned that 1) this is a very obnoxious way to live and 2) GCSEs mean virtually nothing in the long run and that I should lighten up a little.

It was not my intention to appear 'rude, dull, mean, inhumane, disgusting and intolerable' (let's list all the adjectives we know! Yaaaaaay!). I was just telling it as it is. If I wanted to be rude I would have said "Hey m8 shut the f*** up #swag ur gradez is good innit" . I'm just trying to get it through your thick skull that yes, your grades are good and you should quit complaining because you look ridiculous.

Awww man. I wished you a nice life and you only wished me to have a nice day. I'm offended. You've broken my heart. :cry: :cry::cry:

Okay, let's just stop the argument here shall we?
Have a good day and good life everyone ;)
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Apology accepted ..
And okay ,, I'll quit complaining but all this controversy is to my favor , it made me realize that all these replies are just because i sound ridiculous saying i got bad marks , so between me and "my thick skull" I know what its like to me so now you made me feel like I got brilliant grades .. So thank you, I won't reply in a bad "American style" to hurt your feelings and use harsh words that'll keep you moaning forever ,, I'll be kind enough to end this discussion even tho my mouth is still a tonne-full of words to say .. Have a good Century ;) Sorry for your breaking ur very kind and loving and charming heart ..
1) In that case I apologise. I don't know who else that could have been aimed at, but if I really was jumping to conclusions then I am genuinely sorry.
2) I'm fairly certain that the people I respect are humans, so you should have been more specific. And, as mentioned in my previous post, I DO respect strangers (in particular people who are older than me, which includes you) until I'm given reason not to.
3) Can you not see that your results are good and that your comments are demeaning to those who will have received grades worse than yours? I'm sorry if you don't like them, but the indisputable truth is that a lot of people would be happy to get these results. If this is a failure in your eyes then fine, but everyone has setbacks at some point and the reality is these grades are not going to hold you back in life at all. Once you go on to do further qualifications (A-Levels/IB, degree etc) nobody is going to care about your GCSEs.

I think it's quite ridiculous to assume that people who get Bs and Cs are not organised. Some people are just not suited to taking exams and to some extent it's the luck of the draw of what is in the exam. A friend of mine was had been getting As all year in mock tests, then in the real exam she came out with a D. Does that mean she was 'unorganised'?

For your information, I used to be like you. I'd complain if I got anything less than perfect. For my geography coursework I got an A* but that didn't matter to me because I was a few marks off of top marks. I soon learned that 1) this is a very obnoxious way to live and 2) GCSEs mean virtually nothing in the long run and that I should lighten up a little.

It was not my intention to appear 'rude, dull, mean, inhumane, disgusting and intolerable' (let's list all the adjectives we know! Yaaaaaay!). I was just telling it as it is. If I wanted to be rude I would have said "Hey m8 shut the f*** up #swag ur gradez is good innit" . I'm just trying to get it through your thick skull that yes, your grades are good and you should quit complaining because you look ridiculous.

Awww man. I wished you a nice life and you only wished me to have a nice day. I'm offended. You've broken my heart. :cry: :cry::cry:
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Apology accepted ..
And okay ,, I'll quit complaining but all this controversy is to my favor , it made me realize that all these replies are just because i sound ridiculous saying i got bad marks , so between me and "my thick skull" I know what its like to me so now you made me feel like I got brilliant grades .. So thank you, I won't reply in a bad "American style" to hurt your feelings and use harsh words that'll keep you moaning forever ,, I'll be kind enough to end this discussion even tho my mouth is still a tonne-full of words to say .. Have a good Century ;) Sorry for your breaking ur very kind and loving and charming heart ..

If you've finally come to that realisation then I've succeeded in achieving my goal. My work here is done, so I'll agree to end the discussion.

Have a good millennium.
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Im in the middle of IGCSE OCT/NOV EXAMINATIONS!! and A's make you sad!... I feel bad at how my exams are going so far but i havnt got my results. :/
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The mock exams are mock exams after all nt the real thing. But may be you are right to be depressed I myself got 4A* 1A 1B and felt sad but anythin 2l7
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The mock exams are mock exams after all nt the real thing. But may be you are right to be depressed I myself got 4A* 1A 1B and felt sad but anythin 2l7

Congratulations! Am in the middle of my O/N and most of the exams were relatively easy :D