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Incredible series of car accidents my friend's sister got into on Friday!

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All these accidents happened within a few minutes, near the school as I was returning home with my friend.

We were travelling just behind the school bus, when we had to stop, my friend's sister braked, but her shoe slipped of the pedal and our car crashed into the back of the bus. Obviously the students in the bus got all exited and noisy while the accident was negotiated.

We continued our journey, still behind the school bus after 3 minutes. The road was quite straight and there were some traffic lights ahead of us. She overtook the school bus, at the same time the lights turned red, the car (belonging to my English teacher) in front of the school bus stopped quickly, for the red light, thus the gap between the school bus and the car in front of it decreased. At the same time because the lights had just gone red, another car came quickly into the opposite lane to avoid having to stop. We tried to avoid this car and in the end, hit three vehicles; the side of the school bus scraped the side of the car, the front of our car hit the back of my English teacher's car and the front of the oncoming car hit the other side of our car.

This time some more complex negotiations took place, including a breathalyzer test (she was within legal limit). After this was over, the car in the opposite direction reversed away from the collision. Instantly our car started to roll back and hit a wall because the handbrake had not been set in such a confusion.

After all that, we made it home safely and our car was still functioning but had some body damage all over. The car was a 4 months old Mercedes E class. My friend's sister was nearly in tears, she is normally a very responsible driver but the stress of the first accident must have made her a bit clumsy. She was also wearing uncomfortable clothes and shoes for some event she had attended before. The car belongs to her parents, hope she didn't get into trouble.

See attached diagram, there were lights for a junction right in front of the first car.


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Wow!!! Talk about a bad day!(n) Atleast you guys survived...

It was pretty bad, but there was no serious damage that stopped the car from moving so far from a non-survival risk. Its going to be quite embarrassing for my friend though as the whole school will know about it. I really hope her parents don't give her a hard time though. She is lucky though her blood alcohol was exactly the maximum allowed otherwise she would have got into serious trouble.
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It was pretty bad, but there was no serious damage that stopped the car from moving so far from a non-survival risk. Its going to be quite embarrassing for my friend though as the whole school will know about it. I really hope her parents don't give her a hard time though. She is lucky though her blood alcohol was exactly the maximum allowed otherwise she would have got into serious trouble.
Unfortunately the car was her parents', so she mightn't escape that easy! Then again, parents are quite unpredictable, they may actually let it slide on account of their daughter being safe.. hope all goes well.
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Unfortunately the car was her parents', so she mightn't escape that easy! Then again, parents are quite unpredictable, they may actually let it slide on account of their daughter being safe.. hope all goes well.
I'll come to know. She is a nice person and her parents know that so I don't think it will go too badly. If she tells them that she had some wine glasses before the accident she might get into trouble even though she was in limit though.
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I'll come to know. She is a nice person and her parents know that so I don't think it will go too badly. If she tells them that she had some wine glasses before the accident she might get into trouble even though she was in limit though.
Lets just hope they understand.


XPRS Administrator
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Oh, that is quite sad to hear... but good thing you and friends were safe....
this reminded me my teacher and his 3 friends had an accident (they survived) and a friend of his uploaded pictures and video of their wrecked car... the description said we were four friends and that happeneed to us.. we survived but we could have beed dead since even recently 4 ppl died in a similar accident...
basically it was scary.. the description.. he wanted us to think what if I die.. what will happen next.. where are we headed... or is it a dellusion..?

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Oh, that is quite sad to hear... but good thing you and friends were safe....
this reminded me my teacher and his 3 friends had an accident (they survived) and a friend of his uploaded pictures and video of their wrecked car... the description said we were four friends and that happeneed to us.. we survived but we could have beed dead since even recently 4 ppl died in a similar accident...
basically it was scary.. the description.. he wanted us to think what if I die.. what will happen next.. where are we headed... or is it a dellusion..?


As far as I am concerned, life on earth is the only one we will ever get. According to me the experience that we see as "spirit" and "soul" is actually just consciousness that comes because of the brain. Of course, if this is true this does not mean we should do bad things and harm others for the benefit of our species.


XPRS Administrator
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As far as I am concerned, life on earth is the only one we will ever get. According to me the experience that we see as "spirit" and "soul" is actually just consciousness that comes because of the brain. Of course, if this is true this does not mean we should do bad things and harm others for the benefit of our species.

Still, a little study on the topic won't hurt... see, if there is an afterlife then I REALLY wanna know where I'm heading... for even the slightest posssibility of that we must at least try to find out.. why are we here.
besides in any sphere of life a knowledgeable, rational choice is better than a hunch... that's why I posted a link to that book man in red underpants... coz it rationally discusses death.. and stuff..

try reading.. it isn't boring....
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Still, a little study on the topic won't hurt... see, if there is an afterlife then I REALLY wanna know where I'm heading... for even the slightest posssibility of that we must at least try to find out.. why are we here.
besides in any sphere of life a knowledgeable, rational choice is better than a hunch... that's why I posted a link to that book man in red underpants... coz it rationally discusses death.. and stuff..

try reading.. it isn't boring....

Just my (and that of many biologists / scientists etc) opinion, "Why we exist?" is not a sensible question as not everything needs to have been made for a purpose. If you claim that "God" does not need a creator and is self sufficient etc, then one could argue that if god can exist from nothing, why can't the universe exist from nothing. I see no reason to believe that one "holy" book is more credible than another nor any reason why "God" would chose a "prophet /messenger" to convey information. Also if such a "God" existed, we would have been designed to know the correct holly book as from birth just like we know how to eat and how mammals naturally have moral instincts for their own species.

If a "God" indeed did exist, it would probably have nothing to do with any of the things that people believe on earth.

Surely such an all powerful supernatural being that can listen to prayers and watch over billions of humans simultaneously, would have "created" all of us perfect to his liking and thus there would be no reason for life on earth to be a test. If this creator "loved" everyone equally, he would instruct men to cover up just like the women, made the exact same rules for women and men in terms of inheritance rights, divorce rights etc.

Also if so many miracles happened in the past in the books why don't they happen now. I know lots of people claim things but we never see anything supernatural that cannot be explained otherwise.


XPRS Administrator
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Just my (and that of many biologists / scientists etc) opinion, "Why we exist?" is not a sensible question as not everything needs to have been made for a purpose. If you claim that "God" does not need a creator and is self sufficient etc, then one could argue that if god can exist from nothing, why can't the universe exist from nothing. I see no reason to believe that one "holy" book is more credible than another nor any reason why "God" would chose a "prophet /messenger" to convey information. Also if such a "God" existed, we would have been designed to know the correct holly book as from birth just like we know how to eat and how mammals naturally have moral instincts for their own species.

If a "God" indeed did exist, it would probably have nothing to do with any of the things that people believe on earth.

Surely such an all powerful supernatural being that can listen to prayers and watch over billions of humans simultaneously, would have "created" all of us perfect to his liking and thus there would be no reason for life on earth to be a test. If this creator "loved" everyone equally, he would instruct men to cover up just like the women, made the exact same rules for women and men in terms of inheritance rights, divorce rights etc.

why we exist isn't a rational question.. really? just coz you can't answer it doesn't mean the question isn't rational.... and look around you and try to figure out one thing that has absolutely no purpose... Your eyes have a purpose, ur shoes have a purpose, Even the smallest of the bacteria have a purpose if you think about it... why would it be that everything would be created with a purpose except us...
See, the universe cannot exist from nothing because of its nature... have you ever seen something popping out of nowhere in this universe..?? the nature of the universe is such that every thing is created.. while when we describe God as self sufficient we also describe Him as having a unique nature.. different from the universe.. that's what transcendental means....

And I agree with you that if infact there was a God 'we would have been designed to know the correct holly book as from birth'... that's what Islam claims... that God created everyone on a natural predisposition called 'fitrah'... "So direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth. [Adhere to] the fitrah of Allah upon which He has created [all] people. No change should there be in the creation of Allah . That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know." (Quran 30:30)
Messenger of Allaah said: “Every child is born in a state of fitrah (the natural state of man, i.e., Islam), then his parents make him into a Jew or a Christian or a Magian.” (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

A simple example of that is lying, a child from birth knows lying is evil... first times you lie, your heart beat rises.. you start sweating... wait and ask; lying is not a physical activity then why those physical smptoms..? they'll just say that the human being was not programmed to lie... That's why we say, read the Quran... and see that the values it calls you to resonate with your inner self... judge yourself.. don't let others who take pieces from it out of context, misguide you... rather read the whole thing, and if can't understand something ask a muslim to tell you how the prophet explained it... (yes and we have even his sayings recorded and authenticated.. there is a whole science behind it.. we can even name the people and their biographies who came b/w prophet and us).. Those who tell you how bad Islam is fail to mention how many times it repeats "do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption" (wala taAAthaw fee al-ardimufsideen)...


By the way, He did create us perfect.. to His Liking... and it is His liking to test us... and then judge accordingly. (revelation tells u why He made this life and how to live it... and the choosen 'prophets' are so they act as guides/example for us to know how to live according to God's book.. and even whn u read about life of prophet u realise how merciful he was and what charachter he had)
And as for men and women being equal, think over it a bit.. even those who claim for equallity will let a man walk outside in just his trunks wearing nothing on his upper body while a woman doing the same will be taken away for indecent exposure... even the doctor gives different medication to woman from men in some aspects while same in others... coz men and women are different in some aspects and similar in others.. In Islam there is always justice b/w men and women.... and justice is far more profound than equality which ppl usually call for.. (eg. if u give a fat guy who eats a lot and a slim guy equal food... it wd never be justice as it will satisfy the slim guy but fatty will still be hungry... justice satisfies both.)
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why we exist isn't a rational question.. really? just coz you can't answer it doesn't mean the question isn't rational.... and look around you and try to figure out one thing that has absolutely no purpose... Your eyes have a purpose, ur shoes have a purpose, Even the smallest of the bacteria have a purpose if you think about it... why would it be that everything would be created with a purpose except us...
See, the universe cannot exist from nothing because of its nature... have you ever seen something popping out of nowhere in this universe..?? the nature of the universe is such that every thing is created.. while when we describe God as self sufficient we also describe Him as having a unique nature.. different from the universe.. that's what transcendental means....

And I agree with you that if infact there was a God 'we would have been designed to know the correct holly book as from birth'... that's what Islam claims... that God created everyone on a natural predisposition called 'fitrah'... "So direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth. [Adhere to] the fitrah of Allah upon which He has created [all] people. No change should there be in the creation of Allah . That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know." (Quran 30:30)
Messenger of Allaah said: “Every child is born in a state of fitrah (the natural state of man, i.e., Islam), then his parents make him into a Jew or a Christian or a Magian.” (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

A simple example of that is lying, a child from birth knows lying is evil... first times you lie, your heart beat rises.. you start sweating... wait and ask; lying is not a physical activity then why those physical smptoms..? they'll just say that the human being was not programmed to lie... That's why we say, read the Quran... and see that the values it calls you to resonate with your inner self... judge yourself.. don't let others who take pieces from it out of context, misguide you... rather read the whole thing, and if can't understand something ask a muslim to tell you how the prophet explained it... (yes and we have even his sayings recorded and authenticated.. there is a whole science behind it.. we can even name the people and their biographies who came b/w prophet and us).. Those who tell you how bad Islam is fail to mention how many times it repeats "do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption" (wala taAAthaw fee al-ardimufsideen)...


By the way, He did create us perfect.. to His Liking... and it is His liking to test us... and then judge accordingly. (revelation tells u why He made this life and how to live it... and the choosen 'prophets' are so they act as guides/example for us to know how to live according to God's book.. and even whn u read about life of prophet u realise how merciful he was and what charachter he had)
And as for men and women being equal, think over it a bit.. even those who claim for equallity will let a man walk outside in just his trunks wearing nothing on his upper body while a woman doing the same will be taken away for indecent exposure... even the doctor gives different medication to woman from men in some aspects while same in others... coz men and women are different in some aspects and similar in others.. In Islam there is always justice b/w men and women.... and justice is far more profound than equality which ppl usually call for.. (eg. if u give a fat guy who eats a lot and a slim guy equal food... it wd never be justice as it will satisfy the slim guy but fatty will still be hungry... justice satisfies both.)

I have read the Quran (translation) as well as many other "holly" books, I have heard that "Every child is born in a state of fitrah (the natural state of man, i.e., Islam), then his parents make him into a Jew or a Christian or a Magian.”, I have heard it many times, it is simply not true. Islam is as much put into the child's mind as any other religion. No child will know about "hell fire", "hijab", "muhammad the prophet who married a 9 year old" if not told about it.

I understand your reaction and the common thing of all religions except perhaps Bhuddism, that "My holly book is true because my holy book says that my holy book is true". Because of evolution by natural selection, living things give us the illusion that we have been designed when this is not true. In fact there are loads of problems with the "design" of the human anatomy. I read the Quran to understand your view, if you want to properly understand my view, read "The God delusion"
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I wonder if this would have happened if it wasn't for alcohol though.
She said she wasn't sure but thought it must have been 5-7 175ml glasses or something called "Port Wine". But if that is above the limit why did the breathalyzer not show it? Would it be likely that without the wine no accident would have occurred?

She seemed to think her alcohol was above limit as she told the police she had only 1 glass and did not tell her parents about alcohol.
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Did some research, if she did indeed drink 5 glasses, she is well above limit but since she didn't seem drunk it must have been less.
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Now that I got the full story, the mystery seems more mysterious! After she dropped me, on arriving in her house, she hit her dad's car.

As per what I heard, she was unable to walk properly after that and had to be put to rest on the sofa. Her parents found out about the alcohol and they saw a receipt that indicated around 2hrs 30 mins before the accident, she had 4 120ml glasses of a wine with 15% alcohol.

The car was supposed to be given to her despite currently belonging to the parents. Her punishment is that she will get the car but have to pay for all repairs on it and for fixing her dad's car.

She definitely seemed alright to me during the accidents while I was in the car. Is it likely that alcohol was not a contributing factor in those incidents or did alcohol cause all these crashes?