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Islam and Christmas

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It's sad to actually know that you're enjoying serious issues which I highlighted. That's muslim Ummah, who enjoy when we speak about muslims being oppressed but raise their voice for birthdays and Milad.
You are taking it all wrong! Who among us enjoys when the Muslims , actually forget muslims, when ANY human is opressed??? I dont and i guarantee that majority of the Ummah feels for them! What is sad is that you're extraordinarily pessimistic! I was just enjoying the DEBATE coz you and Breakingbad raised excellent points. And just one question, I am not being rude but have you done anything for the oppressed muslims? just being sad isn't enough! Also this is the 21st century!!! You ain't getting anywhere unless you are well educated and knowledgeable.
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You are taking it all wrong! Who among us enjoys when the Muslims , actually forget muslims, when ANY human is opressed??? I dont and i guarantee that majority of the Ummah feels for them! What is sad is that you're extraordinarily pessimistic! I was just enjoying the DEBATE coz you and Breakingbad raised excellent points. And just one question, I am not being rude but have you done anything for the oppressed muslims? just being sad isn't enough! Also this is the 21st century!!! You ain't getting anywhere unless you are well educated and knowledgeable.
I won't ever brag but I've already donated as much as I could. I'd even post the link here if I find it again so that you guys would also be able to donate, if you wish to. I don't mean to offend you, I am sorry.
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I won't ever brag but I've already donated as much as I could. I'd even post the link here if I find it again so that you guys would also be able to donate, if you wish to. I don't mean to offend you, I am sorry.
Well that's a really nice thing to do! No offense taken! :)
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For you is your faith, and for me, my faith. Surah 109:06

That's enough debate from my side. I think I've expressed my views upon this, I can't change your views nor you can change mine. Everyone has their own opinion and they've to face Allah for their deed. :) Peace!

And please forgive me if my words were harsh, believe me, but I did not mean any offense to anyone of you, it's just that my typing style quite reflects that and therefore I apologize for any of my word which might have hurt you.

May Allah guide us, Ameen.
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Why are you saying that? I never labelled you, I was generally talking about all of us. What makes you think they're doing wrong? That's your opinion, right? But others have different, and if it was a serious sin then why didn't any scholar give a 'fatwa' against it?
My statements does make a lot of sense because that is the reality.
Brother, if you think that Jihad is putting a bomb vest on your chest and blowing up people, then seriously, you are the one who needs to grow up! You link these terrorist activities with Islam? That's not how Holy Prophet(s) taught us to stand up to our enemies? Sadly, you're not even using your intelligence to wage Jihad against enemies of Islam which I think is possible. Rather, you're arguing with me here 'online' about celebration of Milad which I think is very mature and would save 100,000 of Muslims.
Oh, but there are scholars who have given a fatwa against it. In fact, my mother read 3 of them to me 2 days ago from a book approved by Da'arrussalam and all 3 of them stated that celebrating birthdays is 'najaiz', if not gunnah. Celebrating Milad however, is in a sense forbidden considering the way people nowadays act during such a celebration.
From your previous post, it seemed to me that the concept of Jihad in your perspective was the violent type. How, exactly, do you think it's possible again. The sole purpose of my argument is to let you see that i would like to add this little neki in my account by teaching people that celebration of Milad is wrong as it acts as a source of evil EVEN if i can't pull off as great a deed as saving several Muslims.

People who do that are wrong. I do agree to that but still, if it's celebrated in a productive way, it leads to no harm. In fact, I spent the entire day listening to lectures by Molana Tariq Jameel and reciting Durood pak. Now tell me honestly, how many times would you take out time during the whole year and spend some time researching about Islam, the life of Holy Prophet(s) sending out duroods on him? You see, everything has a good use and a bad use. You can use Internet to either avail information or you can use it for Satanic activities, the choice is yours. Having said that, using internet also leads to bad activities means we should ban the internet and label in 'haram'? Why are you using it then?
LoL. If you had mentioned that in the first place, we wouldn't be having this argument, would we? The thing is, when i pointed my finger at those people as the TV channels proudly presented them and said that celebration (cake thingy) is wrong, you argue that i have no right to point at them and tell them that what they're doing is wrong and i should mind my own business because i'm not perfect. Why would i have a problem if people's idea of 'celebration' was learning about Islam? But it isn't, unfortunately. Which is precisely why DESPITE not being perfect, I'd like to inform them of their mistakes. How is the internet example relevant with me wanting to tell those people that their way of celebrating (in fact the word celebrating comes in a manner of being happy so... what you did on that way was not 'celebrating') is wrong? Furthermore, the date of 12th Rabi Ul Awwal is not necessarily the date of birth of the Prophet.

Haha! Why do you always go on bombing? You're the one who said it's 21st century right? :p And you think spreading knowledge here would stop those activities? Even if you try a million times, the people responsible would always do that, you know why? Because it's in their blood, but that would always lead to sectarian conflict and them having hatred for your sect and so on. That's not the right way to stop it, is it? What can be done is that we could spread knowledge about how all those activities of that fake kaba'ah (Nazuobillah) is wrong, but that doesn't mean Milad is wrong too! In that way, there'd be less or no hatred. We should spread love, brother, rather go about judging people and telling them what's allowed and what's not in Islam. Because we aren't anyone to tell that because we aren't perfect either.

It's hypocrisy then, is it not? We follow everything against Islamic teachings just to live our lives but when it comes to birthdays and stuff like that, we label it as Bid'ah and ask people not to celebrate them etc. Why this double standards then?
Like i said, your view of the issue seemed to involve a violent kind of solution which is why i mentioned it. Yes, i do. It was in the blood of Quraish to do what their forefathers did, the Prophet changed them and they converted. It was in the blood of Americans to hate Islam, Zakir Naik changed many of them and they converted to Islam. It was in the blood of one of my friend to enter a room and shout "Hey!" but with enough persistence I managed to change him and he started saying "Assalam O Alaikum" instead. You see, you don't have to be perfect to bring about change in people. You're being super pessimistic here. If everyone just decides to give up teaching something because it's "in the blood" the muslims would never increase. How can you be satisfied with something like that? There is always a way of dealing with things. We should spread love indeed, ALONG with spreading righteous knowledge. Our job is to speak up. Once we do that, we're in the safe zone. It's up to people to decide. There would always be people who might reject you but there will also be people who will spread your knowledge further. Optimism FTW!

So, what you're trying to say is, if we're spending most of our life wrongly, why not do it all wrong? Btw, everything against Islam? Please elaborate.

Do you know that by using them, we acknowledge that Hazrat Isa (A.S) was nauzobillah crucified? Where as Islamic teachings tell us that Allah took him to heavens? That's what Islam forbids, right? Now why are you using something that clearly contradict Islamic teachings?

I am sorry but you're wrong here. Interest is there which again is Haram in Islam, but there's a lot more into banks if you ever studied Economics.
Banks not only use interest to earn, they have huge investments in companies who perform window dressing and other businesses which Islam seriously condemn, what about that then?

Hahaha! Sorry but still, your knowledge here is wrong. The whole world is using products made up of company's who fund Israel. They wouldn't actually tell you that they're funding Israel, would they? But if you research and watch videos such as 'The Arrivals' it'd be clear to you that the world is already expecting the Arrival of Anti-Christ/Dajjal and you might also know that Israel is planning to double it's occupation.

Again this is hypocrisy, raising voice for birthdays but keeping quite for in-justice. You say you can't physically do something to help out the oppressed muslims but what about Jihad by tongue, or by heart? I don't see that in your statements as well and that is height of double standards.
No. Niya' actually holds a great deal of importance, brother. We use the calender because we need to adapt. If the christians advance in technology, we must follow NOT because they made it but because we need to adapt. See the difference? Plus, that is the concept behind celebrating Christmas.

Alright. I searched for knowledge related to working for banks or using them and found out it is wrong. I won't argue about that. Even if that is an evil we commit everyday, it still isn't a reason for me stop something i know is wrong.

The only country affiliated with funding Israel is USA and those funds come mostly from the government. Brands and restaurants can't hide it if they're funding a country to destroy another. It gets leaked and their sales fall, something they'd rather avoid. The world has been expecting his arrival since ancient times when the Prophets made people aware of him. You can find that out from Ahadith and Quran instead of the arrivals. It's Allah's decision when the calamity descends upon us, not Israelis.

I would raise my voice if need be for those oppressed muslims. If i am unable to do so, i really don't understand why i shouldn't raise it to create awareness of this little issue. Btw, here's a little something to convince you about my opinion. Celebrating birthdays of normal people is Najaiz/Maqrooh. Celebrating birthdays of Prophets or important figures is Haraam, like i mentioned earlier on:
[Edit: the vid isn't working so just go to youtube and search "Birthdays in Islam" and click on the first link. A video of Zakir Naik.]
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Oh, but there are scholars who have given a fatwa against it. In fact, my mother read 3 of them to me 2 days ago from a book approved by Da'arrussalam and all 3 of them stated that celebrating birthdays is 'najaiz', if not gunnah. Celebrating Milad however, is in a sense forbidden considering the way people nowadays act during such a celebration.
From your previous post, it seemed to me that the concept of Jihad in your perspective was the violent type. How, exactly, do you think it's possible again. The sole purpose of my argument is to let you see that i would like to add this little neki in my account by teaching people that celebration of Milad is wrong as it acts as a source of evil EVEN if i can't pull off as great a deed as saving several Muslims.

LoL. If you had mentioned that in the first place, we wouldn't be having this argument, would we? The thing is, when i pointed my finger at those people as the TV channels proudly presented them and said that celebration (cake thingy) is wrong, you argue that i have no right to point at them and tell them that what they're doing is wrong and i should mind my own business because i'm not perfect. Why would i have a problem if people's idea of 'celebration' was learning about Islam? But it isn't, unfortunately. Which is precisely why DESPITE not being perfect, I'd like to inform them of their mistakes. How is the internet example relevant with me wanting to tell those people that their way of celebrating (in fact the word celebrating comes in a manner of being happy so... what you did on that way was not 'celebrating') is wrong? Furthermore, the date of 12th Rabi Ul Awwal is not necessarily the date of birth of the Prophet.

Like i said, your view of the issue seemed to involve a violent kind of solution which is why i mentioned it. Yes, i do. It was in the blood of Quraish to do what their forefathers did, the Prophet changed them and they converted. It was in the blood of Americans to hate Islam, Zakir Naik changed many of them and they converted to Islam. It was in the blood of one of my friend to enter a room and shout "Hey!" but with enough persistence I managed to change him and he started saying "Assalam O Alaikum" instead. You see, you don't have to be perfect to bring about change in people. You're being super pessimistic here. If everyone just decides to give up teaching something because it's "in the blood" the muslims would never increase. How can you be satisfied with something like that? There is always a way of dealing with things. We should spread love indeed, ALONG with spreading righteous knowledge. Our job is to speak up. Once we do that, we're in the safe zone. It's up to people to decide. There would always be people who might reject you but there will also be people who will spread your knowledge further. Optimism FTW!

So, what you're trying to say is, if we're spending most of our life wrongly, why not do it all wrong? Btw, everything against Islam? Please elaborate.

No. Niya' actually holds a great deal of importance, brother. We use the calender because we need to adapt. If the christians advance in technology, we must follow NOT because they made it but because we need to adapt. See the difference? Plus, that is the concept behind celebrating Christmas.

Alright. I searched for knowledge related to working for banks or using them and found out it is wrong. I won't argue about that. Even if that is an evil we commit everyday, it still isn't a reason for me stop something i know is wrong.

The only country affiliated with funding Israel is USA and those funds come mostly from the government. Brands and restaurants can't hide it if they're funding a country to destroy another. It gets leaked and their sales fall, something they'd rather avoid. The world has been expecting his arrival since ancient times when the Prophets made people aware of him. You can find that out from Ahadith and Quran instead of the arrivals. It's Allah's decision when the calamity descends upon us, not Israelis.

I would raise my voice if need be for those oppressed muslims. If i am unable to do so, i really don't understand why i shouldn't raise it to create awareness of this little issue. Btw, here's a little something to convince you about my opinion. Celebrating birthdays of normal people is Najaiz/Maqrooh. Celebrating birthdays of Prophets or important figures is Haraam, like i mentioned earlier on:
[Edit: the vid isn't working so just go to youtube and search "Birthdays in Islam" and click on the first link. A video of Zakir Naik.]

For you is your faith, and for me, my faith. Surah 109:06

That's enough debate from my side. I think I've expressed my views upon this, I can't change your views nor you can change mine. Everyone has their own opinion and they've to face Allah for their deed. :) Peace!

And please forgive me if my words were harsh, believe me, but I did not mean any offense to anyone of you, it's just that my typing style quite reflects that and therefore I apologize for any of my word which might have hurt you.

May Allah guide us, Ameen.
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For you is your faith, and for me, my faith. Surah 109:06

That's enough debate from my side. I think I've expressed my views upon this, I can't change your views nor you can change mine. Everyone has their own opinion and they've to face Allah for their deed. :) Peace!

And please forgive me if my words were harsh, believe me, but I did not mean any offense to anyone of you, it's just that my typing style quite reflects that and therefore I apologize for any of my word which might have hurt you.

May Allah guide us, Ameen.
Hmm. Well it's sad to hear that i'm unable to change your mind about birthdays. I'd still request you to watch a video of Zakir Naik related to the issue of birthdays. I don't think a debate will be required after that.

Well, that's the way debate works. I would like to apologize as well. :)
