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Islam and Christmas

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A world would be a lot better place if people mind their own business? I just saw status on facebook and other social media making fun of people who are doing that. Similarly, during muharam, shia's are accused of being 'kafir' and what not. Do you even know how great sin it is to call someone 'kafir'? I saw videos of Molana Tariq Jameel and he explained how muslim ummah is divided into sects.
Now why don't you mind your own business and let them cut cakes or do whatever they want? It's not like they're asking you to come and join them? You've a right to your own opinion and others have theirs. I can bet that you don't follow the religion perfectly? None of us do, not even Molana Tariq Jameel or other great scholars like him - not even me. So, on the basis of the fact that we are not perfect, how can we label someone else as 'good' or 'bad' muslims? Or even more, who are we to say what they are doing is right or wrong? They've to face Allah for their deeds and you've to face Allah for yours. Stop spreading hatred for God sake! And please do some research on Gregorian calander before commenting on that, we follow everything invented by 'christains' or 'jews' but we accuse our own muslims brothers for stuff like 'Milad' which isn't a bad thing.

For those who think Milad is wrong, I see no harm in celebrating it, everyone has their own opinion. It's not like you're killing someone during Milad!
You are right that we aren't supposed to call anyone Good or Bad muslims coz we are FAAARR from perfect ourselves!! However if we know that something or someone is wrong, it's OUR duty to correct them.
Sahih Bukhari Volume 003, Book 044, Hadith Number 673
Narated By An-Nu'man bin Bashir : The Prophet said, "The example of the person abiding by Allah's order and restrictions in comparison to those who violate them is like the example of those persons who drew lots for their seats in a boat. Some of them got seats in the upper part, and the others in the lower. When the latter needed water, they had to go up to bring water (and that troubled the others), so they said, 'Let us make a hole in our share of the ship (and get water) saving those who are above us from troubling them. So, if the people in the upper part left the others do what they had suggested, all the people of the ship would be destroyed, but if they prevented them, both parties would be safe."
I think this hadith proves that if people do something wrong, we must correct them but in the best possible way. And if people really love prophet, they should follow the Qur'an and Sunnah. And refrain from following Bidahs.
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I think you misunderstood:) I have full access to youtube but some videos are banned in my area. But Thanks for your help!:) I will need it in Pak!! :cool:
Lol....each and everything opens from the proxy sites so if u try a little those banned things can also be unblocked ...sure ..almost everyone in pak uses these techniques :p
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ofc yes... here on xpc. :)

BTW... a very healthy discussion and a lot of good points were raised :D (y)
BreakingBad Nabeel.Ahmad 1357911 and AtemisDelta .... may allah guide us to the right way. ameen :) ;)

just want to add 1 more point. WE all accept that the Prophet was the most pious and so we the Sahaba who loved him far more than us. If they didn't deem it an act of piety of love, then who the hell are we to do so??? Are we trying to prove that we are more pious or just foolish enough to follow our own whims and desires
Amen and i totally agree with you!! No , i don't think it's people are trying to show off or anything!! They just AREN'T using their commonsense! You show them proof from the Qur'an but they still don't understand. Like about going to "MAZAARS" :confused::(
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Hum Pakistani bhe kisi sey kum nahi hain, hmm?? :LOL::p
Hahaha ...Pakistani phir pakistani hain ....
p.s i was reading an article in a news ppr where it was written that pakis are the 3rd most clever and 'brainy' nation in the world :D ...tou jo kaam hain un sai tou theek hi lagta hai k article mai theek lika hua tha :p
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just want to add 1 more point. WE all accept that the Prophet was the most pious and so we the Sahaba who loved him far more than us. If they didn't deem it an act of piety of love, then who the hell are we to do so??? Are we trying to prove that we are more pious or just foolish enough to follow our own whims and desires
My point, exactly.
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Hahaha ...Pakistani phir pakistani hain ....
p.s i was reading an article in a news ppr where it was written that pakis are the 3rd most clever and 'brainy' nation in the world :D ...tou jo kaam hain un sai tou theek hi lagta hai k article mai theek lika hua tha :p
3rd most clever!!! Wah wah!! :D:p:D Humari bhe kya shaan hai!! :p
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Minding their own business, eh? I watched a video of Dr. Zakir Naik about people who ask you to "mind your own business. He gave an excellent example which completely changed my view of this phrase. He said "Let's assume there is a child around 2 years old walking aimlessly headed towards a cliff (Khai). You are standing near the steep end and all you have to do is call out to the child or just raise one arm and you can stop the child from falling. However, you don't do that and the child keeps on walking towards his death. His parents realize this and start running after him but it's too late for them to catch him. You are the only one who can save him. Yet, you don't do anything. He falls to his death and when the parents question you, you reply "I was minding my own business". Basically, you can clearly be blamed for not setting an unknowable person to the right path when all you had to do was call out to him. God will question you as well, "Why didn't you set them onto the correct path when you could have?". Would you be able to answer "I was minding my own business"?"

It is our duty as muslims to spread "AUTHENTIC" knowledge about Islam and that knowledge clearly says "Birthdays Are Not Allowed". The Prophet (S.A.W.) said that birthdays bring you closer to death, how is that something you should celebrate?

It is definitely wrong to make fun of those people. But setting them right is our responsibility. When did i call anyone Kafir?

So, basically what you're trying to say is if I'm not a perfect muslim, i have no right to call a non muslim towards Islam? Dr. Zakir Naik and such great personalities bring about conversion in hundreds of thousands of non muslims and yet, none of them are PERFECT muslims. So, they won't be rewarded for that? Try to make some sense. As long as you know even a small part of the religion correctly and you try to teach that to others, you'll be rewarded! What you're trying to say is that all of these religious scholars are not perfect, so they should stop wasting their time preaching others and "mind their own business" because they will be questioned for what they have done and we will be questioned about what we have done. From what we have studied and confirmed we can DEFINITELY call it when someone is doing something wrong. We DEFINITELY have a right to inform them of it and ask them to stop it or do the deed correctly, if possible. Minding our own business in such situations would be a valid question from Allah on the day of Judgement. Please keep that in mind. Having said that, nobody's judging other muslims. Just pointing out how far our ego has taken us away from our religion.

As for the gregorian calender, please elaborate your words. If there is a day like Mother's day, there is nothing wrong in giving your mother a little present or making her happy. We are unfortunately not as good as to make her happy everyday so if there is even a single day where we try hard, i don't see the fault. Same goes for stuff like Father's day. Valentine's day and April Fool's day and stuff like that turns out to be CLEARLY wrong if you just read the relevant Ahadith and Ayat. What other christian and jewish customs are we following? Please inform me of them.

You see no hard in celebrating it? The Prophet SAW himself never celebrated as he mentioned that it was the day when he was one year closer to death. Plus, all these people i watch on TV are trying to show off their "goodness" through acts like these TO THE WORLD when all our good deeds are meant to make Allah happy, NOT THE WORLD!

The world you live in, the bank you use, the product you use, the stuff you buy and what not, everything is owned by Jews and Christains. Everyday, thousands of innocent people die in Syria and Palestine and here you are saying stuff like that? Give me a break, will you? The first question Allah would ask us is that when our brothers in Syria died, what did we do about it? Did you see the images of people starving in Yarmouk Camp? They didn't eat anything for months and here we are enjoying lives and 'correcting others because we think we're perfect'. Well, I hate to break it to you but you're wrong!

About your perfect example: Celebrating Milad is not Shirk, it's not bad and nor does it lead to any evil activities. I don't see anyone killing each other when celebrating Milad but people like you, who tend to think of themselves as the 'corrector' would jump into conclusions because they think they know everything and that would obviously lead to riot or sectarian conflicts, like that happens in Pakistan. We just don't get it, people who celebrate Milad follow Allah, you follow Allah and I follow Allah, We all believe he's one and Prophet(s) is the last messenger, then why correct them for doing something which they think is right? Why not correct a non-believer or wage Jihad against people who oppress muslims? That's a bigger duty, right?
Do you know how many people die in Kashmir and how the Indian army abused our Holy book: Quran? But no, that's nothing right, it's a bigger duty to correct fellow Muslims and cause conflicts.

Please give me a verse or a hadith stating celebrating birthday is 'haram'. If so, I'd stop this argument and agree with you. Had it been such a sin, like you're creating a hue of, it'd definetly be mentioned in Quran, right? Or they'd be a saying of Prophet(s) that it's strictly forbidden in the religion?
Why do you make Islam so complicated?

You didn't understand my point about calender. I never said that we should celebrate April fools or Easter or that crap. What I am saying is when we have our Islamic calender, why do we follow Gregorian one? Do you know it's origin? And this is just one example of something we follow daily. What about using banks? Don't tell me that you've no bank account nor do you use bank for any transactions. Do you know how banking works and what is Islamic banking? There isn't a single bank in Pakistan which follows Islamic banking methods because we live in a world where, due to globalization, everything is against Islamic teaching. We can't isolate ourselves but we can be cautious and try to avoid such stuff.

Did you ever drink pepsi or ate mcdonalds? We all have, do you know how much funding Israel receives from such institutions? And those fundings are used to kill innocent people in Palestine. Knowing that, we'd still consume such products but when it comes to birthdays, OH MY! it's such a great sin and people are truly misled who celebrate Milad!

In summary, no one of us is perfect, it's better to focus on major issues affecting us as Muslims rather than point out differences in sects.
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You are right that we aren't supposed to call anyone Good or Bad muslims coz we are FAAARR from perfect ourselves!! However if we know that something or someone is wrong, it's OUR duty to correct them.
Sahih Bukhari Volume 003, Book 044, Hadith Number 673
Narated By An-Nu'man bin Bashir : The Prophet said, "The example of the person abiding by Allah's order and restrictions in comparison to those who violate them is like the example of those persons who drew lots for their seats in a boat. Some of them got seats in the upper part, and the others in the lower. When the latter needed water, they had to go up to bring water (and that troubled the others), so they said, 'Let us make a hole in our share of the ship (and get water) saving those who are above us from troubling them. So, if the people in the upper part left the others do what they had suggested, all the people of the ship would be destroyed, but if they prevented them, both parties would be safe."
I think this hadith proves that if people do something wrong, we must correct them but in the best possible way. And if people really love prophet, they should follow the Qur'an and Sunnah. And refrain from following Bidahs.
Refer to my above post. :) It's better to help the oppressed rather than point out differences in Muslim sects. Because I want to see Muslims unite, but they are too busy blaming each other and thinking who is in the right part or who isn't. And no one of us is perfect.
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The world you live in, the bank you use, the product you use, the stuff you buy and what not, everything is owned by Jews and Christains. Everyday, thousands of innocent people die in Syria and Palestine and here you are saying stuff like that? Give me a break, will you? The first question Allah would ask us is that when our brothers in Syria died, what did we do about it? Did you see the images of people starving in Yarmouk Camp? They didn't eat anything for months and here we are enjoying lives and 'correcting others because we think we're perfect'. Well, I hate to break it to you but you're wrong!
Firstly, i never said we're perfect or even close to being perfect. And from what i understand, you're trying to say that our reaction to someone performing something wrong should be "I can't do anything about the Muslims suffering in Syria, why should i bother telling that guy that whatever he's doing is wrong?". To be straightforward, I can't perform a great deed for my Allah, why bother doing a smaller one. Your statements make 0 sense. We both are students studying towards a future in which we can become someone who can help other muslims. Feeding your family comes first. If you're good enough then you can feed others as well. Form hospitals or educational centers for the betterment of muslim community. With the proper Niyah, that itself is Jihad. This is the 21st century, grow up please. If you think going out there with a bomb on your chest and blowing yourself up to take a couple of Islam's enemies is something you can do, go ahead. I'm a coward though. Most of us are cowards. Having said that, this is the age where intelligence triumphs bravery. I'm opting for intelligence to fight against those enemies. That would be my answer to Allah hoping He will be Merciful. What would your answer be? "I couldn't do anything to save the Syrian muslims, so i didn't try to save those i could, either?"

About your perfect example: Celebrating Milad is not Shirk, it's not bad and nor does it lead to any evil activities. I don't see anyone killing each other when celebrating Milad but people like you, who tend to think of themselves as the 'corrector' would jump into conclusions because they think they know everything and that would obviously lead to riot or sectarian conflicts, like that happens in Pakistan. We just don't get it, people who celebrate Milad follow Allah, you follow Allah and I follow Allah, We all believe he's one and Prophet(s) is the last messenger, then why correct them for doing something which they think is right? Why not correct a non-believer or wage Jihad against people who oppress muslims? That's a bigger duty, right?
Do you know how many people die in Kashmir and how the Indian army abused our Holy book: Quran? But no, that's nothing right, it's a bigger duty to correct fellow Muslims and cause conflicts.
No one ever mentioned of Milad as being Shirk. It DOES lead to evil activities. Last year on Milad, in Karachi, people actually made a mosque, decorated it and called it "Haram Shareef" and several people performed Tawaf of that mosque (Naauzubi(A)llah). I dare you to say that's not an evil activity. That's not all. This year, in Punjab, several people made a cake together and said that whoever eats a piece of this cake will be awarded with a child. i DARE you to say that's not a sin. Allah is the one who awards life, NOT a couple of bakers. And then you ask of me to not point my fingers at them or stop them. You say that i'm not aware of my surroundings when you're the one who should switch on the TV and learn that when people are this desperate, there will obviously be evil activities like these. Like you mentioned, they think that's right. Do you? You don't. Because you are learned person. We are actually capable of providing them with the correct knowledge even though we cannot save those muslims of Syria, then why should we "mind our own business?". People die in Kashmir because Pakistan is weak. Why is it weak? No religion, no education, that's why. Therefore, in my opinion, it is indeed a greater duty to first become a better muslim and human being so we can strengthen our community instead of bombing some indian fleet so they have another excuse to bomd hundreds of our sites. Then raise our voice against this oppression. And on this journey of us becoming better people, we should DEFINITELY stop a wrong doing when we see one, for our own sake. Conflicts arise? I'd rather have that then having people perform Tawaf of a fake Haram Shareef. (Astaghfiru(A)llah). Abusing Holy Book? Those people would have to answer for what they have done to Allah. He Himself took responsibility for that Book.

Please give me a verse or a hadith stating celebrating birthday is 'haram'. If so, I'd stop this argument and agree with you. Had it been such a sin, like you're creating a hue of, it'd definetly be mentioned in Quran, right? Or they'd be a saying of Prophet(s) that it's strictly forbidden in the religion?
Why do you make Islam so complicated?

You didn't understand my point about calender. I never said that we should celebrate April fools or Easter or that crap. What I am saying is when we have our Islamic calender, why do we follow Gregorian one? Do you know it's origin? And this is just one example of something we follow daily. What about using banks? Don't tell me that you've no bank account nor do you use bank for any transactions. Do you know how banking works and what is Islamic banking? There isn't a single bank in Pakistan which follows Islamic banking methods because we live in a world where, due to globalization, everything is against Islamic teaching. We can't isolate ourselves but we can be cautious and try to avoid such stuff.
Unlike us, there are people who spent years to study Islam and most of those people have declared Birthdays as Bid'ah. I would rather believe the opinion of Islamic scholars around the world than use logic of my own. There is no Hadith or Ayat related to birthdays but that was because no one was stupid enough during those days to celebrate a day when they got a year closer to death. However, there is definitely Ahadith related to the fact that any custom followed by the Christian or Jews is Haraam for Muslims. Now matter how you look at it, birthday's is a custom of Christians. Furthermore, when we know that celebrating Birthdays would lead to evil activities, it automatically becomes wrong to do it.
And when someone is teaching someone righteous things, people like you make the religion complicated by contradicting what is clearly correct.
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You didn't understand my point about calender. I never said that we should celebrate April fools or Easter or that crap. What I am saying is when we have our Islamic calender, why do we follow Gregorian one? Do you know it's origin? And this is just one example of something we follow daily. What about using banks? Don't tell me that you've no bank account nor do you use bank for any transactions. Do you know how banking works and what is Islamic banking? There isn't a single bank in Pakistan which follows Islamic banking methods because we live in a world where, due to globalization, everything is against Islamic teaching. We can't isolate ourselves but we can be cautious and try to avoid such stuff.

Did you ever drink pepsi or ate mcdonalds? We all have, do you know how much funding Israel receives from such institutions? And those fundings are used to kill innocent people in Palestine. Knowing that, we'd still consume such products but when it comes to birthdays, OH MY! it's such a great sin and people are truly misled who celebrate Milad!

In summary, no one of us is perfect, it's better to focus on major issues affecting us as Muslims rather than point out differences in sects.
I don't know how this part connects to the argument but...
Calender: I DO know of it's origins and i DO have a reason for using it everyday. It's called adapting to the environment. We use the gregorian calender because all the offices, schools, colleges, universities, shops, banks etc. use that calender. We use cell phones and refrigerators as well. They were made by christians. Do you think it's wrong to use them? It would be stupid NOT to use them. The origins don't matter because we use it to get along with the world, NOT because of it's origins. Niyat matters. It's nothing Islam forbids.

Banks: I also know a lot about how banking works. Every bank out there, nowadays, involves interest. We can't do anything (in our current state) to correct that. But there are clear Islamic teachings related to these cases. The interest received from banks should be given to the poor WITHOUT niya' for sawab. Then and only then, is your money Halal and you've nothing to answer for. Therefore, if we follow those Islamic teachings then banking is nothing that Islam forbids. It's basically like giving someone something to keep (Amanat).

There was a time when Israel received funding from such institutions and believe me when i say that people actually retaliated so much they had to stop funding them just after 2 months. Now it's just a HALAL product made by someone who doesn't really matter as long as the product is fine. We could stop consuming such products and many actually did. Birthdays are wrong and so i WILL raise my voice to create awareness. People are truly mislead indeed.

Last but not the least, it is ESPECIALLY wrong to celebrate the Prophet SAW birthday in my opinion. He was sad on such a day because he said it brought him closer to death. Are we trying to say that we are smarter and our brilliant minds tell us it's actually a day we should be happy? It's not even confirmed if 12th Rabi Ul Awwal is his birthday. That's another issue altogether!

In summary: We should protest against non muslim acts against muslims by becoming someone who can represent muslims as strong and on our journey to becoming such a person, we should DEFINITELY stop people from commiting wrongdoings whenever we get a chance.
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Firstly, i never said we're perfect or even close to being perfect. And from what i understand, you're trying to say that our reaction to someone performing something wrong should be "I can't do anything about the Muslims suffering in Syria, why should i bother telling that guy that whatever he's doing is wrong?". To be straightforward, I can't perform a great deed for my Allah, why bother doing a smaller one. Your statements make 0 sense. We both are students studying towards a future in which we can become someone who can help other muslims. Feeding your family comes first. If you're good enough then you can feed others as well. Form hospitals or educational centers for the betterment of muslim community. With the proper Niyah, that itself is Jihad. This is the 21st century, grow up please. If you think going out there with a bomb on your chest and blowing yourself up to take a couple of Islam's enemies is something you can do, go ahead. I'm a coward though. Most of us are cowards. Having said that, this is the age where intelligence triumphs bravery. I'm opting for intelligence to fight against those enemies. That would be my answer to Allah hoping He will be Merciful. What would your answer be? "I couldn't do anything to save the Syrian muslims, so i didn't try to save those i could, either?"
Why are you saying that? I never labelled you, I was generally talking about all of us. What makes you think they're doing wrong? That's your opinion, right? But others have different, and if it was a serious sin then why didn't any scholar give a 'fatwa' against it?
My statements does make a lot of sense because that is the reality.
Brother, if you think that Jihad is putting a bomb vest on your chest and blowing up people, then seriously, you are the one who needs to grow up! You link these terrorist activities with Islam? That's not how Holy Prophet(s) taught us to stand up to our enemies? Sadly, you're not even using your intelligence to wage Jihad against enemies of Islam which I think is possible. Rather, you're arguing with me here 'online' about celebration of Milad which I think is very mature and would save 100,000 of Muslims.

No one ever mentioned of Milad as being Shirk. It DOES lead to evil activities. Last year on Milad, in Karachi, people actually made a mosque, decorated it and called it "Haram Shareef" and several people performed Tawaf of that mosque (Naauzubi(A)llah). I dare you to say that's not an evil activity. That's not all. This year, in Punjab, several people made a cake together and said that whoever eats a piece of this cake will be awarded with a child. i DARE you to say that's not a sin. Allah is the one who awards life, NOT a couple of bakers. And then you ask of me to not point my fingers at them or stop them. You say that i'm not aware of my surroundings when you're the one who should switch on the TV and learn that when people are this desperate, there will obviously be evil activities like these. Like you mentioned, they think that's right. Do you? You don't. Because you are learned person. We are actually capable of providing them with the correct knowledge even though we cannot save those muslims of Syria, then why should we "mind our own business?". People die in Kashmir because Pakistan is weak. Why is it weak? No religion, no education, that's why. Therefore, in my opinion, it is indeed a greater duty to first become a better muslim and human being so we can strengthen our community instead of bombing some indian fleet so they have another excuse to bomd hundreds of our sites. Then raise our voice against this oppression. And on this journey of us becoming better people, we should DEFINITELY stop a wrong doing when we see one, for our own sake. Conflicts arise? I'd rather have that then having people perform Tawaf of a fake Haram Shareef. (Astaghfiru(A)llah). Abusing Holy Book? Those people would have to answer for what they have done to Allah. He Himself took responsibility for that Book.

People who do that are wrong. I do agree to that but still, if it's celebrated in a productive way, it leads to no harm. In fact, I spent the entire day listening to lectures by Molana Tariq Jameel and reciting Durood pak. Now tell me honestly, how many times would you take out time during the whole year and spend some time researching about Islam, the life of Holy Prophet(s) sending out duroods on him? You see, everything has a good use and a bad use. You can use Internet to either avail information or you can use it for Satanic activities, the choice is yours. Having said that, using internet also leads to bad activities means we should ban the internet and label in 'haram'? Why are you using it then?
Haha! Why do you always go on bombing? You're the one who said it's 21st century right? :p And you think spreading knowledge here would stop those activities? Even if you try a million times, the people responsible would always do that, you know why? Because it's in their blood, but that would always lead to sectarian conflict and them having hatred for your sect and so on. That's not the right way to stop it, is it? What can be done is that we could spread knowledge about how all those activities of that fake kaba'ah (Nazuobillah) is wrong, but that doesn't mean Milad is wrong too! In that way, there'd be less or no hatred. We should spread love, brother, rather go about judging people and telling them what's allowed and what's not in Islam. Because we aren't anyone to tell that because we aren't perfect either.

Unlike us, there are people who spent years to study Islam and most of those people have declared Birthdays as Bid'ah. I would rather believe the opinion of Islamic scholars around the world than use logic of my own. There is no Hadith or Ayat related to birthdays but that was because no one was stupid enough during those days to celebrate a day when they got a year closer to death. However, there is definitely Ahadith related to the fact that any custom followed by the Christian or Jews is Haraam for Muslims. Now matter how you look at it, birthday's is a custom of Christians. Furthermore, when we know that celebrating Birthdays would lead to evil activities, it automatically becomes wrong to do it.
And when someone is teaching someone righteous things, people like you make the religion complicated by contradicting what is clearly correct.
It's hypocrisy then, is it not? We follow everything against Islamic teachings just to live our lives but when it comes to birthdays and stuff like that, we label it as Bid'ah and ask people not to celebrate them etc. Why this double standards then?
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I don't know how this part connects to the argument but...
Calender: I DO know of it's origins and i DO have a reason for using it everyday. It's called adapting to the environment. We use the gregorian calender because all the offices, schools, colleges, universities, shops, banks etc. use that calender. We use cell phones and refrigerators as well. They were made by christians. Do you think it's wrong to use them? It would be stupid NOT to use them. The origins don't matter because we use it to get along with the world, NOT because of it's origins. Niyat matters. It's nothing Islam forbids.

Banks: I also know a lot about how banking works. Every bank out there, nowadays, involves interest. We can't do anything (in our current state) to correct that. But there are clear Islamic teachings related to these cases. The interest received from banks should be given to the poor WITHOUT niya' for sawab. Then and only then, is your money Halal and you've nothing to answer for. Therefore, if we follow those Islamic teachings then banking is nothing that Islam forbids. It's basically like giving someone something to keep (Amanat).

There was a time when Israel received funding from such institutions and believe me when i say that people actually retaliated so much they had to stop funding them just after 2 months. Now it's just a HALAL product made by someone who doesn't really matter as long as the product is fine. We could stop consuming such products and many actually did. Birthdays are wrong and so i WILL raise my voice to create awareness. People are truly mislead indeed.

Last but not the least, it is ESPECIALLY wrong to celebrate the Prophet SAW birthday in my opinion. He was sad on such a day because he said it brought him closer to death. Are we trying to say that we are smarter and our brilliant minds tell us it's actually a day we should be happy? It's not even confirmed if 12th Rabi Ul Awwal is his birthday. That's another issue altogether!

In summary: We should protest against non muslim acts against muslims by becoming someone who can represent muslims as strong and on our journey to becoming such a person, we should DEFINITELY stop people from commiting wrongdoings whenever we get a chance.

Do you know that by using them, we acknowledge that Hazrat Isa (A.S) was nauzobillah crucified? Where as Islamic teachings tell us that Allah took him to heavens? That's what Islam forbids, right? Now why are you using something that clearly contradict Islamic teachings?

I am sorry but you're wrong here. Interest is there which again is Haram in Islam, but there's a lot more into banks if you ever studied Economics.
Banks not only use interest to earn, they have huge investments in companies who perform window dressing and other businesses which Islam seriously condemn, what about that then?

Hahaha! Sorry but still, your knowledge here is wrong. The whole world is using products made up of company's who fund Israel. They wouldn't actually tell you that they're funding Israel, would they? But if you research and watch videos such as 'The Arrivals' it'd be clear to you that the world is already expecting the Arrival of Anti-Christ/Dajjal and you might also know that Israel is planning to double it's occupation.

Again this is hypocrisy, raising voice for birthdays but keeping quite for in-justice. You say you can't physically do something to help out the oppressed muslims but what about Jihad by tongue, or by heart? I don't see that in your statements as well and that is height of double standards.