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Islam and Christmas

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Aoa everyone. I was wondering if anyone has something to say regarding the Christmas and it's celebration with regard to Islam. Our religon teaches us to be good to every human being no matter what religion he follows. To be more specific, is it acceptable to offer Christmas greetings to the non-muslims? There are different views about it. Is there anyone who can verify it in the light of Quranic verses and sayings of the Holy Prophet(PBUH)?

Yes, I also got criticized alot after I updated a Merry Christmas status on Facebook. And about that picture that @ZKhanXZ posted, WHAT? Isnt being a human based purely on your perspective and intentions? Islam is all about intentions as well. You get sawaab just for having good intentions and in this case our intention is to basically wish our mates a good day. We wish they have a good day on their festive occassion. That is it. I mean, hindus all over the world wish muslims a happy eid, you dont put that into consideration? They can indulge in our occassions so why cant we in theirs? Do you really have to make such a huge issue out of every little thing. And its just a 2 word thing! How hard is it to look past that? Also, it was written somewhere that Jesus was probably not even born on that day. He was born some time in the Fall, probably. Christmas is just for little children mostly. Who else gains anything from it except for the extra day off? You guys are living in a world that has been turned into a global village, everyone has been linked to one another. You wish for peace throughout the world but you judge others for their religion or their race, how do you think you'll find peace after that?
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Sijda - Do you remember when Sam said in one episode that Christmas is not the Jesus' real birthday, in SPN?
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Sister, you have asked an excellent question. Why should we make a big thing about this small matter? Why do we bring religion into every small little thing?
Well the point is that when we say religion or think of Islam, it's not only about praying, fasting, good, bad, etc. Its something bigger part and concept in our lives. Its how we live this life from the cradle to the grave. Its a way of living, an instruction manual to be engaged in every second of our lives. The word Islam itself means "submitting your will to the will of Allah". When we recognize and accept Him as a Creator, it means he knows what is good and bad for us. Even though we might think it's good or science says it's good. We don't care, cause as muslims and firstly humans what we mean when we recite the Shahada is that Islam is my way of life meant for the good of me in this world and the hereafter. So our beliefs have to be strong enough to accept this.

Islam is all about intentions as well. You get sawaab just for having good intentions and in this case our intention is to basically wish our mates a good day.

You're correct when you say that you get rewarded for good intentions. But you missed another fact. The point that for any action to be counted as a good deed has to fulfill 2 conditions:
1- good intentions
2- following the sunnah (method) of the prophet.
So even if you want to do for example, some sahaba were doing tasbih loudly together in the masjid. But it was never approved by the Prophet and so their seemingly good deeds won't be accepted.

We wish they have a good day on their festive occassion.
So your intention is that they have a good time enjoying their festivals like Xmas. This actually means that you're encouraging them and their beliefs, even though you may not believe in that. Example, wishing a Hindu Happy Diwali in turn means go on, enjoy your day worshipping someone else and commiting shirk. Now you may say that we have to respect other religions as well. As a fact there was only 1 deen from the beginning of time : Monotheism (Tawhid) -worship of the true Creator only. Whatever isms you see nowadays is nothing but an alteration of the true deen or something made up of their whims and desires. Even Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Christianity in their holybooks speak about monotheism and prophethood of Muhammad. I can show evidences but that would be off-topic. For this generation, the only way of salvation is the Deen of Islam. So the problem is that we have no problem as humans, but if Allah dislikes being associated partners with then we muslims have a problem as well. Imagine your father or mother, gave you birth, fed you, bought you up, gave you all that you wanted and then one day, you say that they aren't your parents. What will they do? I'll it to your imagination. Now Allah is much higher than our parents, has given so many favours which we can't even count..... What would he feel when people worship others than him. But he is merciful and gracious.

I mean, hindus all over the world wish muslims a happy eid, you dont put that into consideration? They can indulge in our occassions so why cant we in theirs?

If that's the case, then why don't we worship that they worship believe what they believe??? Do you think the Prophet faced so many difficulties and hardships, people were killed in vain? In Islam, it's not tit for tat ( in the matters of Deen).
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The whole essence and the whole foundation of Christmas is to signify birth of Jesus Christ (According to Christians supposedly)
The thing is we Muslims, should we be concerned about how our "friends" in this world feel or how Allah, our Lord feels. I believe these verses can sort out the confusion.

"And they say, "The Most Merciful has taken [for Himself] a son."

You have done an atrocious thing.

The heavens almost rupture therefrom and the earth splits open and the mountains collapse in devastation

That they attribute to the Most Merciful a son.

And it is not appropriate for the Most Merciful that He should take a son.

(Surah Maryam ch 19: v: 88 - 92)

And by the way someone just mentioned about some TV show pointing about the error, the big blunder of how 25th December is not Christ''s birthday, I suppose this website would enlighten us more.

Well, so its two things to conclude:
1. It certainly a gesture that is going to be liked by Allah. I mean, come on..... look at the severity of the verse!
2. The whole foundation of the celebration is corrupt, so what's to wish?!
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You're correct when you say that you get rewarded for good intentions. But you missed another fact. The point that for any action to be counted as a good deed has to fulfill 2 conditions:
1- good intentions
2- following the sunnah (method) of the prophet.
So even if you want to do for example, some sahaba were doing tasbih loudly together in the masjid. But it was never approved by the Prophet and so their seemingly good deeds won't be accepted.
What you missed out is that the world has changed ALOT since that time. Don't you think humanity matters at all? Not even a little bit? You agreed to my first point, you could've looked past this, but yet here you are judging me again.

So your intention is that they have a good time enjoying their festivals like Xmas. This actually means that you're encouraging them and their beliefs, even though you may not believe in that. Example, wishing a Hindu Happy Diwali in turn means go on, enjoy your day worshipping someone else and commiting shirk.
Some people dont even know why they celebrate their festivals, those people include me. Idk why people celebrate diwali. All I know is that its fun and colorful and I dont see any pagan rituals in it. So thats good enough for me.

So the problem is that we have no problem as humans, but if Allah dislikes being associated partners with then we muslims have a problem as well.
Well, thats just something you're assuming on your own. No one is associating partners with Allah, and no one ever can.

Imagine your father or mother, gave you birth, fed you, bought you up, gave you all that you wanted and then one day, you say that they aren't your parents. What will they do? I'll it to your imagination.
Thats a really bad example because children, especially of our age (assuming you're a teenager) rebel against their parents alot. We can never rebel against Allah, let alone think about it.

Now Allah is much higher than our parents, has given so many favours which we can't even count..... What would he feel when people worship others than him. But he is merciful and gracious.
Dude, my heart is in the right place. I can not say anything about things I do not know of. But what I do know is that sometimes you have to go out of your way just to spread a little happiness. To put a smile on the faces of sad people. Thats how I look at christmas. This whole issue started cos people say wishing christmas is a sin cos its the birthday of jesus, WELL ITS NOT! It is not the birth of jesus, dude! Even christians know that. Everyone in the entire freaking world knows its not the day of the birth of jesus, its just a holiday. Its a time to spread happiness around. Can you guys focus on the positive for a change? Let go of the negatives?
I haven't lost my believe in Allah, ALHAMDULILLAH. And I never will. And I am not associating any other person with him. Like I said Idk why most of the hindu holidays are celebrated. Its just like a carnival for me. Not different than any other day. The only reason I know about christianity is cos it was compulsory for me to study the subject for 4 years like 5 years ago.

If that's the case, then why don't we worship that they worship believe what they believe???
Because we believe in Allah and not their god. Simple. This has nothing to do with religion. My intentions have nothing at all to do with religion. Its all about humanity right now. And this whole argument started on a non existant issue. Just saying.
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What you missed out is that the world has changed ALOT since that time. Don't you think humanity matters at all? Not even a little bit? You agreed to my first point, you could've looked past this, but yet here you are judging me again.

Some people dont even know why they celebrate their festivals, those people include me. Idk why people celebrate diwali. All I know is that its fun and colorful and I dont see any pagan rituals in it. So thats good enough for me.

Well, thats just something you're assuming on your own. No one is associating partners with Allah, and no one ever can.

Thats a really bad example because children, especially of our age (assuming you're a teenager) rebel against their parents alot. We can never rebel against Allah, let alone think about it.

Dude, my heart is in the right place. I can not say anything about things I do not know of. But what I do know is that sometimes you have to go out of your way just to spread a little happiness. To put a smile on the faces of sad people. Thats how I look at christmas. This whole issue started cos people say wishing christmas is a sin cos its the birthday of jesus, WELL ITS NOT! It is not the birth of jesus, dude! Even christians know that. Everyone in the entire freaking world knows its not the day of the birth of jesus, its just a holiday. Its a time to spread happiness around. Can you guys focus on the positive for a change? Let go of the negatives?
I haven't lost my believe in Allah, ALHAMDULILLAH. And I never will. And I am not associating any other person with him. Like I said Idk why most of the hindu holidays are celebrated. Its just like a carnival for me. Not different than any other day. The only reason I know about christianity is cos it was compulsory for me to study the subject for 4 years like 5 years ago.

Because we believe in Allah and not their god. Simple. This has nothing to do with religion. My intentions have nothing at all to do with religion. Its all about humanity right now. And this whole argument started on a non existant issue. Just saying.
Christmas IS the birthday of jesus according to the christians. And the purpose of celebrating it is, celebrating the birth of the "LORD", the "GOD SON"!!! Nuzubillah!! God never was born NOR does he have a son. It's NOT "just" a holiday, it is a RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY. And do you know, that those christians who don't believe jesus is lord, only a prophet, dont celebrate christmas and NEITHER do they say "Happy Christmas". And no doubt, your intentions would be good, but it may start wrong things!! Like I have a muslim friend and she ACTUALLY goes around saying " Eid is so boring!! We should have christmas!! " So yeah, its better to refrain from this. And if you want you can do ISTIKHARA any time!! you know asking Allah(SWT) whether this is right or wrong. And even if it seems like a trivial matter, there is no harm in asking God about it!! :)After all who can guide us better than him!! :)
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Christmas IS the birthday of jesus according to the christians. And the purpose of celebrating it is, celebrating the birth of the "LORD", the "GOD SON"!!! Nuzubillah!! God never was born NOR does he have a son. It's NOT "just" a holiday, it is a RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY. And do you know, that those christians who don't believe jesus is lord, only a prophet, dont celebrate christmas and NEITHER do they say "Happy Christmas". And no doubt, your intentions would be good, but it may start wrong things!! Like I have a muslim friend and she ACTUALLY goes around saying " Eid is so boring!! We should have christmas!! " So yeah, its better to refrain from this. And if you want you can do ISTIKHARA any time!! you know asking Allah(SWT) whether this is right or wrong. And even if it seems like a trivial matter, there is no harm in asking God about it!! :)After all who can guide us better than him!! :)

Go search online. I have christian friends, okay? They say Christmas wasn't really the day Jesus was born.
Then that doesnt really them christian, does it? As far as I know, for christian jesus is a deity. So that doesnt really make them christians.
Did she start boycotting Eid? Did it lead to anything Anti-Islam? Sometimes people say things just for fun. Learn how to not take tiny issues and twist and turn them around so much that people start going crazy.
Why dont you do it first? Do it, then tell me.
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And peace is on him the day when he was born and the day, when he will die and the day when he will beraised alive. (surah Maryam ayat 15)

I see no harm in celebrating the day our prophet was born. Also, it's argued that Jesus means (Nauzobillah) son of God, well, Islam is more about intention, isn't it? If one has a clear intention and spends the day remembering the prophet of Allah, I think there's no harm in that. We muslims know that Hazrat Isa (Jesus) was son of Hazrat Maryam and did not have any father, so why make a fuss out of it? Wishing merry Christmas is more like wishing happy birthday to our prophet.
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Go search online. I have christian friends, okay? They say Christmas wasn't really the day Jesus was born.
Then that doesnt really them christian, does it? As far as I know, for christian jesus is a deity. So that doesnt really make them christians.
Did she start boycotting Eid? Did it lead to anything Anti-Islam? Sometimes people say things just for fun. Learn how to not take tiny issues and twist and turn them around so much that people start going crazy.
Why dont you do it first? Do it, then tell me.
I am not saying anything without confirmation. Although it seems like you haven't done your homework!! ;)
According to Oxford Dictionary: the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on 25 December
According to Mirriam Webster's : a Christian holiday that is celebrated on December 25 in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ
According to my Catholic teachers : It is the celebration of the descent of the Lord in the form of an infant!!
And this is JUST a debate!! There is no need to get so rash over it. Also we aren't telling you "HARAAM, HARAAM!!! We are just saying its better to avoid it. Then again, it's your wish what you do. As a Muslim it was our duty to just inform you which we have. :)
Also contrary to popular belief, doing ISTIKHARA doesn't mean you are gonna have visions or dreams showing you what to do! :rolleyes: It means that you're asking Allah for help and he will turn your path to the right one. :) And if it was me, i would do the ISTIKHARA myself . It would be more satisfactory!! :)
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The Prophet (SAW) never did anything special on his birthday and neither did the Sahabah. It was just a regular day for them. Introducing anything new in religion is bi'dah and is wrong. People say "What's the harm??? There is nothing wrong with this." Well I had the chance to visit a country once and what they were doing was equal to shirk. It all starts with something innocent and then goes WAAYYY to far. TheZodiac
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I am not saying anything without confirmation. Although it seems like you haven't done your homework!! ;)
According to Oxford Dictionary: the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on 25 December
According to Mirriam Webster's : a Christian holiday that is celebrated on December 25 in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ
According to my Catholic teachers : It is the celebration of the descent of the Lord in the form of an infant!!
And this is JUST a debate!! There is no need to get so rash over it. Also we aren't telling you "HARAAM, HARAAM!!! We are just saying its better to avoid it. Then again, it's your wish what you do. As a Muslim it was our duty to just inform you which we have. :)
Also contrary to popular belief, doing ISTIKHARA doesn't mean you are gonna have visions or dreams showing you what to do! :rolleyes: It means that you're asking Allah for help and he will turn your path to the right one. :) And if it was me, i would do the ISTIKHARA myself . It would be more satisfactory!! :)TheZodiac

Well, you have your believes, I have mine. :) Thats why we say every individual on the face of the earth is different. :)
Yes, I do know how Istikhara's work. But the problem is I dont know how to do it.

The Prophet (SAW) never did anything special on his birthday and neither did the Sahabah. It was just a regular day for them. Introducing anything new in religion is bi'dah and is wrong. People say "What's the harm??? There is nothing wrong with this." Well I had the chance to visit a country once and what they were doing was equal to shirk. It all starts with something innocent and then goes WAAYYY to far. TheZodiac
If he never celebrated birthdays, why do muslims celebrate it? I mean, people should perfect themselves before talking about others, no?
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The Prophet (SAW) never did anything special on his birthday and neither did the Sahabah. It was just a regular day for them. Introducing anything new in religion is bi'dah and is wrong. People say "What's the harm??? There is nothing wrong with this." Well I had the chance to visit a country once and what they were doing was equal to shirk. It all starts with something innocent and then goes WAAYYY to far. TheZodiac

Just a simple question for you, what year is this? 2014? What does this means? It means 2014 years after the death of Jesus (Nauzobillah) Why do you follow this system for dates then?
The thing is, we've to adapt to the world a little bit, I am not saying to alter Islamic teachings but making minor things complicated would only result in difficulties for us. And is there anything mentioned in Quran that Birthdays should not be celebrated? If so, let me know the verse and I'd never say that I'm 19 years old!
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Well, you have your believes, I have mine. :) Thats why we say every individual on the face of the earth is different. :)
Yes, I do know how Istikhara's work. But the problem is I dont know how to do it.

If he never celebrated birthdays, why do muslims celebrate it? I mean, people should perfect themselves before talking about others, no?
Yes, you're right. Its BETTER not to celebrate birthdays coz the Prophet(SAW) never celebrated birthdays either. However this is NOT a religious issue so even if people celebrate birthdays it is actually no big deal. :) But People go around celebrating the Prophet's birthday as a religious day whereas we have only 2 occasions........ Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha. So THIS is invention in religion and is wrong.
TheZodiac Remember something that contradicts religion is wrong but there is DEFINITELY No harm in adapting to the world. :) The Prophet(SAW) didn't use smart phones or refrigerators or any of the facilities we have now but that doesn't mean we go around saying " The Prophet didn't use them so I won't use them either!!" That's just plain stupid!! :p;) Using the Georgian Calendar doesn't contradict religion. :)