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Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

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sir could u give me an answer to the question in points
What are the preparations and conditions that must be fulfilled before offering Salah?
Conditions for Offering
Namaz (Salah)
Conditions Before Starting Namaz If any of the following seven pre- requisites is ignored, the Prayer will not be deemed to have been performed at all:
1. Cleanliness of Body: The body has to be cleaned of all sorts of impurities, whether these are impurities in effect or impurities in fact, and one must have obtained purity either through Wudu or, if need be, through Ghusl.
2. Cleanliness of Garments: All the gar- ments including even the cap, socks, gloves, etc., that one is wearing or hav- ing on one’s body must be clean and pure beyond any shadow of a doubt.
3. Covering of Satar: For males it is the part of the body between the navel and the knee, and for females it is the whole body excluding the face, hands and feet. Women should see that the ankles do not remain uncovered.
4. Cleanliness of the place where a person will perform the action it would be a piece of plain ground or floor, or a mat, etc.,
5. Ascertaining the right time for a Prayer: Each Prayer has to be performed within the time limit prescribed for it. If a Prayer is performed before its time, it will be no Prayer at all, and if it is of- fered after the time for it has elapsed, it will have to be offered as a missed (Qada) Prayer.
6. Facing the Qibla: If a person performs his Prayer with his face turned towards a direction other than that of the Qibla, unless there is a genuine reason for that, his Prayer will not be deemed to have been performed.
7. Intention: Having the intention in the mind, which may also be expressed with the tongue, to offer a particular Fard Prayer at a prescribed time, or a particular missed Prayer afterwards. For the Sunnat or Nafl Prayers, howev- er, the mention of the time is not neces- sary. If one is going to offer a Prayer un- der the leadership of an Imam, one has to express intention to that effect, too.
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Conditions for Offering
Namaz (Salah)
Conditions Before Starting Namaz If any of the following seven pre- requisites is ignored, the Prayer will not be deemed to have been performed at all:
1. Cleanliness of Body: The body has to be cleaned of all sorts of impurities, whether these are impurities in effect or impurities in fact, and one must have obtained purity either through Wudu or, if need be, through Ghusl.
2. Cleanliness of Garments: All the gar- ments including even the cap, socks, gloves, etc., that one is wearing or hav- ing on one’s body must be clean and pure beyond any shadow of a doubt.
3. Covering of Satar: For males it is the part of the body between the navel and the knee, and for females it is the whole body excluding the face, hands and feet. Women should see that the ankles do not remain uncovered.
4. Cleanliness of the place where a person will perform the action it would be a piece of plain ground or floor, or a mat, etc.,
5. Ascertaining the right time for a Prayer: Each Prayer has to be performed within the time limit prescribed for it. If a Prayer is performed before its time, it will be no Prayer at all, and if it is of- fered after the time for it has elapsed, it will have to be offered as a missed (Qada) Prayer.
6. Facing the Qibla: If a person performs his Prayer with his face turned towards a direction other than that of the Qibla, unless there is a genuine reason for that, his Prayer will not be deemed to have been performed.
7. Intention: Having the intention in the mind, which may also be expressed with the tongue, to offer a particular Fard Prayer at a prescribed time, or a particular missed Prayer afterwards. For the Sunnat or Nafl Prayers, howev- er, the mention of the time is not neces- sary. If one is going to offer a Prayer un- der the leadership of an Imam, one has to express intention to that effect, too.

u could add the refrences:
1. " prayers have indeed been enjoined on believers at fixed timings" (al- nisa)
2."surely Allah does not accept prayer without purification" (muslim)
3. "o children of adam take ur adornment by wearing proper clothings" (al-araf)
4. "direct ur face to masjid al haram" (al-baqarah)
5. "actions are jugded by intention" (agreed)
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u could add the refrences:
1. " prayers have indeed been enjoined on believers at fixed timings" (al- nisa)
2."surely Allah does not accept prayer without purification" (muslim)
3. "o children of adam take ur adornment by wearing proper clothings" (al-araf)
4. "direct ur face to masjid al haram" (al-baqarah)
5. "actions are jugded by intention" (agreed)
Q: What are the conditions of prayers (Salat) that must be fulfilled before performing them? [10]
Answer: As prayer (Salah) is the second pillar of Islam. It begins with the purification of the body and ends with the purification of the soul. The prayers (Salah) performed five times a day and the night which are Fajr (at dawn), Zuhr (afternoon), Asr (midafternoon), Maghrib (sunset) and Isha (nightfall). Prayer may be considered as an energizing charge man needs to stand in the remembrance of his Rabb. In order to renew the contact with his Rabb, the first think the men starts off his day with his prayer. As the Holy Quran says: “When you have finished As-Salat (the prayer - congregational), remember Allah standing, sitting down, and lying down on your sides, but when you are free from danger, perform As-Salat (Iqâmatas Salat) Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours” (An-Nisa 4:103) Man move from one prayer to another until he meets with his Rabb. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said: “if there is a river by a house of one of you and he washes himself 5 times a day, can anything of his dirt remains? They said: “that doesn’t leave anything of his dirt”. He said: that is similar to 5 prayers by which Allah (SWT) annals sins” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih AL-Muslim). And Allah says in the Holy Quran: “And seek help through patience and prayers” (Al-Quran).
To perform prayer there are certain conditions that a person have to fulfill before offering the prayers. These conditions are that person should wear clean cloths and body must be clean from all impurities. They have to cover the Satar as well as the women: All Muslims that is male are required to cover what is between the navel and the knee at Salah. But women should cover the whole body except their faces and hands. Tight (not transparent) cloths are accepted but lose ones are preferable. Person must perform ablution with the intentions of Salah for which he or she are performing the Wuzu. The place where he or she is going to pray must be clean as Allah says in the Holy Quran: "O you who believe! When you intend to offer As-Salat (the prayer), wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to ankles. If you are in a state of Janâba (i.e. had a sexual discharge), purify yourself (bath your whole body)........." (5:6)
After performing Wuzu and standing at clean place for prayer, a Muslim should orientate himself or herself towards the point of adoration that is the Holy Kaabah in the city of Makkah: “……So turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid- al-Haram (at Makkah). And wheresoever’s you people are, turn your faces (in prayer) in that direction......." (2:144). After this the worshipper make intention for prayer and starts his Salah…… As the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said: “Intention is compulsory for all deeds” (Sahih Sitha) (Sahih Sitha).
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in the ques:
(a) Brieflydescribethemain eventsofthecaliphateofanytwooftherightlyguidedcaliphs givenbelow:
(iii)Uthman [10]

how much r we supossed to ay regarding the batles fought in abubkr n umar....
i would be thankfull if u told me the division of the paras( in points )cuz i cant do it in time or space...
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in the ques:
(a) Brieflydescribethemain eventsofthecaliphateofanytwooftherightlyguidedcaliphs givenbelow:
(iii)Uthman [10]

how much r we supossed to ay regarding the batles fought in abubkr n umar....
i would be thankfull if u told me the division of the paras( in points )cuz i cant do it in time or space...
if you want to write about hazrat umar than forget the rest of the answers....
but if you wrote about hazrat Abu Bakar and hazrat Usman it will be completed in 5 paras..... but we don't go for the length we go for knowledge and quality....
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if you want to write about hazrat umar than forget the rest of the answers....
but if you wrote about hazrat Abu Bakar and hazrat Usman it will be completed in 5 paras..... but we don't go for the length we go for knowledge and quality....
can u write the points AS well in each para
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if you want to write about hazrat umar than forget the rest of the answers....
but if you wrote about hazrat Abu Bakar and hazrat Usman it will be completed in 5 paras..... but we don't go for the length we go for knowledge and quality....
sir plz plz plz answer my questions
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this one also

) In your opinion what was themostimportanttaskthatfacedAbuBakronbecoming caliph?Brieflydiscuss.
if you want to write about hazrat umar than forget the rest of the answers....
but if you wrote about hazrat Abu Bakar and hazrat Usman it will be completed in 5 paras..... but we don't go for the length we go for knowledge and quality....
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what comes under the heading "apostate tribes"............. do all the wars fought come under this
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in the ques:
(a) Brieflydescribethemain eventsofthecaliphateofanytwooftherightlyguidedcaliphs givenbelow:
(iii)Uthman [10]

Hazrat Abu Bakar
The Prophet (S.A.W) before his death had appointed Usamah bin Zaid (R.A) to lead an expedition against Syrians (Byzantians) in order to avenge the death of his father Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (R.A) in the battle of Mutah. When Usamah was about to leave, the news of the demise of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) came and departure of the army was postponed. This last expedition of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was fulfilled by Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) as his first task after becoming the first caliph. Usamah left for Syria and only after 40 days returned to Madinah with a great victory.
Refusal to pay Zakat:
The issue of the refusal to pay Zakat was a greatest of the moral courage of Abu Bakr as the first Caliph of the Holy Prophet. After the demise of the Holy Prophet many surrounding tribes of Medina which had offered allegiance to Islam, sent a deputation to Abu Bakr with the proposal that their agreement with the Muslims had ended. A fresh agreement was necessary in which they should be relieved from the obligation to pay Zakat. Abu Bakr argued that Zakat was a fundamental injunction of Islam and had to be paid. Seeing their proposal being rejected these tribes decided to forego Islam. Their decision was to attack Medina when the main Muslim army was in Syria. They attacked at night but found Abu Bakr with his army ready to fight. The apostates were defeated; many tribesmen died while others fled in confusion. After this battle many tribes sent their delegates to Medina, offered allegiance and paid Zakat.

Apostasy Movement:
After the Prophet’s death, some of the people rose in revolt against the authorities in Medina and renounced Islam. Abu Bakr, without any delay, launched an expedition against this movement. After collecting the troops at Medina, he divided them into eleven battalions each with an experienced commander, and sent them in eleven different directions to crush these revolts. He instructed each commander to first invite these tribes to Islam. If any refused to comply they were to be attacked. Some of the tribes accepted Islam but the others were stubborn and were dealt with harshly. All campaigns were successful and Abu Bakr was able to re-establish control of Islam throughout the Peninsula.

False Prophets:
In the last days of the Prophet’s life some misguided people arose to claim prophet hood. When Abu Bakr was elected as the Caliph they started their preaching openly. Among these false prophets were Tulaiha, Aswad Ansi, Musailamah and Sajjah. Tulaiha belonged to the Banu Asad tribe in the northern Arabia. An army under Khalid bin Walid was sent which met them at Buzaka. After a fierce battle Tulaiha’s army surrendered and he himself fled to Syria. He embraced Islam during the time of the second Caliph.
Aswad Ansi belonged to the Ansi tribe in Yemen. He was an ugly man who kept his face veiled all the time. He was nicknamed ‘’the veiled prophet’’. Being leader of his tribe he revolted with the cooperation of the neighbouring chiefs. He was the first false prophet who collected a large army in open revolt against Islam. He was defeated and killed by the Muslims.
The most dangerous of the false prophets was Musalima. He belonged to a tribe of central Arabia. His tribe accepted him as a prophet. Abu Bakr sent Shurbhil and Ikramah to crush the rebellion; later Khalid bin Walid joined them. Musalima,s army was defeated after a fierce battle at Yamamah in 633AD.Musalimah was killed. In this battle about 800 Muslims were martyred. Amongst them were 360 Huffaz (memorizers of the Holy Qur’an).
Sajjah was a woman who belonged to the Bani Tamim tribe. She claimed to be a prophetess and succeeded in mustering a large following. When Musalimah heard about her claim he invited her to Yamamah. They decided to join forces and later Musailma married her which ended her adventure of prophet hood and she lived in obscurity for the rest of her life. When the Muslims conquered Iraq she entered the circle of Islam along with her tribe.
The Arabian Peninsula was surrounded by the two great empires of that time on its north eastern side was the border of Persian Empire (Sassanid) while the northern part of the peninsula was bordered by the Byzantine Empire. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) readily took action against the Persians who had proved to be perilous to the newly established faith. The Muslim Army to achieve this purpose fought several battles such as the battle of Kazimah in 633 A.D against Hurmos. The Muslim army under the leadership of Khalid bin Waleed defeated the Persians and Hormos was killed. Hira was also conquered by Khalid bin Waleed after which most of the Iraq came under Muslim rule. The Persians at Anbar surrendered to Muslim army and agreed to pay Jizya. Anbar also came under Muslim rule.
Abu Bakr (R.A) also organized the Muslims to fight against the Byzantines who were the most powerful enemies of Islam. Muslims were successful in both the battles of Basra in 634 A.D and in the battle if Ajnadein and Damascus was also besieged.

Compilation Of The Qur’an:
In the battle of Yamamah several Huffaz laid down their lives. Hazrat Umar approached Hazrat Abu Bakr about the compilation of the Holy Qur’ran. He was of the opinion that soon the preservation of the Qur’an will become a major problem owing to the deaths of the Huffaz. Abu Bakr did not agree in the beginning but was later convinced by Umar and he ordered the compilation of the Holy Book under the supervision of Zaid bin Sabit.
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Hazrat Usman
Uthman was the third caliph. He continued the policy of expanding the Islamic territories. He expanded the state towards the east and in the Mediterranean and crushed many rebellions. During the early years, the process of expansion of the Empire continued. The army moved in all directions and for the first time in Islamic History, utilized naval power. During his caliphate, for the first time a fleet of nearly 500 ships was built to fight with the Greeks on the Mediterranean Sea. His earliest focus was the Persian Empire in the East. Khurasan, Merv, Tus, Sarakhs and the then Khawarzim were captured in 650 AD. This bought 40,000 captives and rich booty to Medina. Towards the West, the Byzantines forces were defeated and Cyprus was conquered in 649 AD. In North America, Libya, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia were conquered by the middle of the 7th century. In 651 AD, the standardization of the Quran on the basis of Mushaf-e-Hafsa was done. Recitation on the model of only this copy was allowed and the rest burnt. Official copies dispatched to all provincial capitals. Two of the original manuscripts of his time exist even today Continued to improve on the administrative network laid down by the previous Caliphs. Regrouped some of the provinces and created new provinces for the newly conquered territories. Majlis-e-Shoora or council of consultation was maintained. Held periodic conference of the district authorities in order to keep him informed of the conditions of the country Used to hear public complaints after Friday prayers. He allowed Arabs to acquire agricultural lands in the conquered territories. Expanded the Prophet’s mosque and constructed new mosques, inns, border outposts etc. He made arrangements for the supply of drinking water for travellers by digging wells by the sides of roads and highways, a dam was built to protect Medina from floods Raised the salaries of the officers and the armed forces. Increased the allowances paid to people by 25% is said to have sent religious teachers to India to spread Islam. During the last years of his Caliphate, he faced serious difficulties that eventually led to his martyrdom in 35 AH. He was a very gentle and soft hearted person.
The people who wanted to create chaos among Muslims took advantage of his soft nature. Umar was a very strict administrator and the machinery of the government worked smoothly in his time. Usman used to overlook the minor faults of the appointed Amils, provincial heads as well as the new converts. They took advantage of his leniency and rebelled against him. Abdullah bin Saba, a Yemenite Jew who outwardly accepted Islam, embarked on a subtle campaign of creating dissension (conflict) among the Muslims. He and his followers established their headquarters in Egypt and began to circulate forged letters that complaints against the Caliph, his governors and other state officials. Efforts were made to highlight the long forgotten rivalry between Banu Hashim and Banu Umayya. Usman did not take timely action against him. Even some of the noblest actions of his were misprojected before the public; for example, the standardization of the Quran and the expansion of the compound of the Kaabah. That uprisings in Iraq, Kufa and Egypt finally in 35 AH troops from all three provinces arrived at Medina to take their complaints directly to the Caliph. Usman had pacified them and they were on their way home when they got a hold of a letter supposedly from ‘Usman to the Governor of Egypt to have the leaders of the group put to death on their return. Seeking vengeance they returned and killed him. One of the main allegations against him was that he had appointed his inefficient relatives as governors. There were 12 provinces in the country and he appointed his relatives in 4: Egypt, Syria, Kufa and Basra. All the governors appointed by him were people of great caliber. AmeerMuaviya, a relative of his was appointed by Umar as the governor of Syria and Usman let him continue his job because he was doing it well. Abdullah bin Saad, his foster brother, was appointed governor of Egypt also by Umar. Usman appointed Saad bin Abi Waqqas as governor of Kufa. When he was unable to control the situation there, he was replaced by Waleed bin Uqba (Usman’s foster brother) who proved his worth. Abu Musa Ashari was deposed at the demand of people of Basra, was replaced by Abdullah bin Amir (Usman’s cousin) according to the wishes of the people. He proved very successful Thus none of the governors appointed by him proved a failure. It was also alleged that he was too lenient and did not keep a check on his governors. He, unlike Umar, gave the governors a free hand in running the provinces and did not interfere in there day to day affairs. His burning of the Quran was seen by some as destroying God’s Word. This was done after consultation with the other companions and it was a great service that he rendered to Islam.
He gave convincing reply to each of the charges in the presence of the Prophet’s companions. His explanation was accepted. The rebels however struck to one point—their demand to depose the Caliph. To achieve this end, finally in 35 A.H troops from Egypt, Kufa and Basra marched to Medina and encamped outside the capital. Usman had pacified them and they were on their way home when they got hold of a letter supposedly from ‘Usman to the governor of Egypt to have the leaders of the group put to death on their return. Seeking vengeance they returned and killed him.