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Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

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regarding sifins arbitration what points should we tell....
It was decided that the Syrians and the residents of Kufa should nominate an arbitrator each to decide between Ali and Muawiya. The Syrians choice fell on Amr bin al-A'as who was the rational soul and spokesman of Muawiya. Ali wanted one of his sincere followers like Malik Ashtar or Abdullah bin Abbas to be appointed as an arbitrator for the people of Kufa, but the men of his own army strongly demurred, alleging that men like these two were, indeed, responsible for the war and, therefore, ineligible for that office of trust. They nominated Abu Musa al-Ashari as their arbitrator. Ali found it expedient to agree to this choice in order to ward off bloody dissensions in his army. According to "Asadul Ghaba", Ali had, therefore, taken care to personally explain to the arbitrators, "You are arbiters on condition that you decide according to the Book of God, and if you are not so inclined you should not deem yourselves to be arbiters."
When the arbitrators assembled at Daumet-ul-Jandal, which lay midway between Kufa and Syria and had for that reason been selected as the place for the announcement of the decision, a series of daily meeting was arranged for them to discuss the matters in hand. When the time arrived for taking a decision about the caliphate, Amr bin al-A'as deluded Abu Musa al-Ashari into entertaining the opinion that they should deprive both Ali and Muawiya of the caliphate, and give to the Muslims the right to elect the caliph. Abu Musa al-Ashari also decided to act accordingly. As the time for announcing the verdict approached, the people belonging to both parties assembled. Amr bin al-A'as requested Abu Musa to take the lead in announcing the decision he favoured. Abu Musa al-Ashari agreed to open the proceedings, and said, "We have devised a solution after a good deal of thought and it may put an end to all contention and separatist tendencies. It is this. Both of us remove Ali as well as Muawiya from the caliphate. The Muslims are given the right to elect a caliph as they think best."
Ali was therefore outwitted by Muawiyah and Amr. Ali refused to accept the verdict of him stepping downs and for an election to be held and found himself technically in breach of his pledge to abide by the arbitration. This put Ali in a weak position even amongst his own supporters. The most vociferous opponents in Ali's camp were the very same people who had forced Ali into the ceasefire the Kharijites. They broke away from Ali's force, rallying under the slogan, "arbitration belongs to God alone." This group came to be known as the Kharijites ("those who leave").
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Guys, what questions came in Islamiat P2?
Q2a.why do muslims need to know about the prophet,s(S.A.W) Ahadiths and what benefits do they get from doing this?
b.why did the early muslim community felt the need to compile the Ahadiths?
Q3a.What were the main battles in Ali,s(R.A) caliphate.Give a descriptive account of each one.
b,"Ali was the right ruler of that time".Discuss this statement.
Q4a What do muslims believe about the oneness of Allah?
b.....not sure but i am pretty sure tht others will fill this spot for u.didnt attempt it u know.think it was why is shirk a grave sin?
Q5a.Explain how Prayer and Fasting help in bringing muslims close to God and other muslims/each other
b.Briefly explain the importance of any one of the 3 remaining pillars of Islam?
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It was decided that the Syrians and the residents of Kufa should nominate an arbitrator each to decide between Ali and Muawiya. The Syrians choice fell on Amr bin al-A'as who was the rational soul and spokesman of Muawiya. Ali wanted one of his sincere followers like Malik Ashtar or Abdullah bin Abbas to be appointed as an arbitrator for the people of Kufa, but the men of his own army strongly demurred, alleging that men like these two were, indeed, responsible for the war and, therefore, ineligible for that office of trust. They nominated Abu Musa al-Ashari as their arbitrator. Ali found it expedient to agree to this choice in order to ward off bloody dissensions in his army. According to "Asadul Ghaba", Ali had, therefore, taken care to personally explain to the arbitrators, "You are arbiters on condition that you decide according to the Book of God, and if you are not so inclined you should not deem yourselves to be arbiters."
When the arbitrators assembled at Daumet-ul-Jandal, which lay midway between Kufa and Syria and had for that reason been selected as the place for the announcement of the decision, a series of daily meeting was arranged for them to discuss the matters in hand. When the time arrived for taking a decision about the caliphate, Amr bin al-A'as deluded Abu Musa al-Ashari into entertaining the opinion that they should deprive both Ali and Muawiya of the caliphate, and give to the Muslims the right to elect the caliph. Abu Musa al-Ashari also decided to act accordingly. As the time for announcing the verdict approached, the people belonging to both parties assembled. Amr bin al-A'as requested Abu Musa to take the lead in announcing the decision he favoured. Abu Musa al-Ashari agreed to open the proceedings, and said, "We have devised a solution after a good deal of thought and it may put an end to all contention and separatist tendencies. It is this. Both of us remove Ali as well as Muawiya from the caliphate. The Muslims are given the right to elect a caliph as they think best."
Ali was therefore outwitted by Muawiyah and Amr. Ali refused to accept the verdict of him stepping downs and for an election to be held and found himself technically in breach of his pledge to abide by the arbitration. This put Ali in a weak position even amongst his own supporters. The most vociferous opponents in Ali's camp were the very same people who had forced Ali into the ceasefire the Kharijites. They broke away from Ali's force, rallying under the slogan, "arbitration belongs to God alone." This group came to be known as the Kharijites ("those who leave").
oh! didnt write tht much.......... :(
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In question number two I worte that at times the quran is silent So we need to use hadith Gave example of Zakat That Allah Says Pay regular charity But does not mention the details Hadith say No charity is due on a property less that five wasq, no charity is due less than five camels and no charity is due less than five uqiya and also The Holy Prophet said No charity is if less than one year has passed away on it Then I wrote that Hazrat Ayesha said HIs character was according to the Quran And that Allah has Said" obay Allah and obey the messenger"and then I wrote another verse "O you who believe! Obey allah and obey the messenger and those charged with authority among you..." Over here" obey the messenger" means to obay The ProphetWe obey his because he is the last prophet nd also that he has he best moral character for all of the mankind so we shud follow him It is important because it helps to make Islam a dynamic religion and also then it elaborates the quran and Gave two examples That one is " I and the man who brings up an Orphan.." We follow it and So Allah becomes Happy And that it helps to make the community better and another one was to forgive The Holy Prophet forgave people and so we shud alsi forgive people Because then We earn Allah's pleasure and also makes the community better Fills the people's hearts with love and compassion rather that Hatred and jealousy. What mark will I get Sir? Please...
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In question number two I worte that at times the quran is silent So we need to use hadith Gave example of Zakat That Allah Says Pay regular charity But does not mention the details Hadith say No charity is due on a property less that five wasq, no charity is due less than five camels and no charity is due less than five uqiya and also The Holy Prophet said No charity is if less than one year has passed away on it Then I wrote that Hazrat Ayesha said HIs character was according to the Quran And that Allah has Said" obay Allah and obey the messenger"and then I wrote another verse "O you who believe! Obey allah and obey the messenger and those charged with authority among you..." Over here" obey the messenger" means to obay The ProphetWe obey his because he is the last prophet nd also that he has he best moral character for all of the mankind so we shud follow him It is important because it helps to make Islam a dynamic religion and also then it elaborates the quran and Gave two examples That one is " I and the man who brings up an Orphan.." We follow it and So Allah becomes Happy And that it helps to make the community better and another one was to forgive The Holy Prophet forgave people and so we shud alsi forgive people Because then We earn Allah's pleasure and also makes the community better Fills the people's hearts with love and compassion rather that Hatred and jealousy. What mark will I get Sir? Please...

For the purification and guidance of Muslim’s minds and souls the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) issued many instructions and commandments. They helped one to have a clear view of other fellow beings, characters and eradicate evil thoughts. People with evil and ambitious thoughts can never work for the peace, pleasure, satisfaction and wellbeing of others. Good will only comes forth from such minds which are guided and committed to welfare or humans. However, in deserving the following injunctions of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) his or her actions must benefit the society. The Holy Quran defines the roll of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) in elaborating the teachings of the Holy Quran when it says: "...........And We have also sent down unto you (O Muhammad SAW) the reminder and the advice (the Qur’an), that you may explain clearly to men what is sent down to them, and that they may give thought." (16:44) Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) himself conscious of his mortality, attached a great deal of importance to the knowledge of his own Hadis. The Hadis lay down guide lines to govern Human behavior in manner which is appropriate to the way of life which Allah (S.W.T) desires for an individual to lead. They provide directives for even the most minor aspects of human life e.g. what a Muslim recites when he sneezes; start eating, look in the mirror, drinks milk etc. The most brilliant thing about the Hadis is the way they cover the vast dimensions of human life, suggesting appropriate ways to structure, ones thoughts and actions. Hadis not only provide directions but also mention rewards and punishments to those particular actions to encourage conformity and discourage disobedience. “The one who looks after a widow or a poor person is like a Mujahid (warrior) who fights for Allah’s cause or like him who perform prayers all the night and fasts all day” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
The teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) not only guides individuals how to act, but also establish a system of believes which go in line with the teachings of the Holy Quran. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) elaborates the beliefs pertaining to Tawheed, the finality of his Prophet Hood, Articles of Faith, Pillars of Islam etc. He guides us to think of the welfare of other members of the society; to avoid considering other fellow beings with inferiority; to think of one’s self as a humble servant of Allah (S.W.T) to keep the mind clean from all corrupt ideas, to base all our actions on noble intentions etc. Since Islam does not only provide knowledge of virtue and evil, but also provide the application of its system of values and beliefs in the form of appropriate norms, therefore Hadis play a significant to modify an individual’s approach towards life in all thoughts and actions.
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For the purification and guidance of Muslim’s minds and souls the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) issued many instructions and commandments. They helped one to have a clear view of other fellow beings, characters and eradicate evil thoughts. People with evil and ambitious thoughts can never work for the peace, pleasure, satisfaction and wellbeing of others. Good will only comes forth from such minds which are guided and committed to welfare or humans. However, in deserving the following injunctions of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) his or her actions must benefit the society. The Holy Quran defines the roll of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) in elaborating the teachings of the Holy Quran when it says: "...........And We have also sent down unto you (O Muhammad SAW) the reminder and the advice (the Qur’an), that you may explain clearly to men what is sent down to them, and that they may give thought." (16:44) Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) himself conscious of his mortality, attached a great deal of importance to the knowledge of his own Hadis. The Hadis lay down guide lines to govern Human behavior in manner which is appropriate to the way of life which Allah (S.W.T) desires for an individual to lead. They provide directives for even the most minor aspects of human life e.g. what a Muslim recites when he sneezes; start eating, look in the mirror, drinks milk etc. The most brilliant thing about the Hadis is the way they cover the vast dimensions of human life, suggesting appropriate ways to structure, ones thoughts and actions. Hadis not only provide directions but also mention rewards and punishments to those particular actions to encourage conformity and discourage disobedience. “The one who looks after a widow or a poor person is like a Mujahid (warrior) who fights for Allah’s cause or like him who perform prayers all the night and fasts all day” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
The teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) not only guides individuals how to act, but also establish a system of believes which go in line with the teachings of the Holy Quran. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) elaborates the beliefs pertaining to Tawheed, the finality of his Prophet Hood, Articles of Faith, Pillars of Islam etc. He guides us to think of the welfare of other members of the society; to avoid considering other fellow beings with inferiority; to think of one’s self as a humble servant of Allah (S.W.T) to keep the mind clean from all corrupt ideas, to base all our actions on noble intentions etc. Since Islam does not only provide knowledge of virtue and evil, but also provide the application of its system of values and beliefs in the form of appropriate norms, therefore Hadis play a significant to modify an individual’s approach towards life in all thoughts and actions.
It isn't exactly the same, but instead I wrote about Zakat as an example, that how The Holy prophet explains it to us. Then I wrote that Hazrat Maryam said that "his actions were in accordance with the Quran" and lastly said that how his Character helps us, like treating an Orphan and forgiving people. I didn' give such minor sunnah like eating, drinking, when a person sneezes Etc, But instead I wrote the above mentioned. I did explain why the hadith is important, such as the Holy Prophet is the apex of Humanity, posses the best moral character, so If we follow him then we will also never go astray. And I also didn't mention how much the Holy Prophet himself emphasized on following the sunnah