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Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

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sir is this correct for the question 2 (b) part pf p2 :why did the early compliers of hadith think it was important to compile the Hdaith?
by compliing the hadith they believed that they could be preserved for the future generations and not get lost
by compiling the hadith they believed they could protect the authentic hadith from the fabricated hadith that were arising
by compiling the hdaith they believed that the next generations could get guidance from the most authentic Hadith
by compiling the hadith in to musannaf books, they believed that guidance could be sought more easily and quickly
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and what was that and how much could i get
I bet ur papers r going very well.....dude.atleast talk with others in the same thread..by the way,u posted a very nice answer to q2a p1 in p1 discussion thread.which resources u used for quotations e.t.c in tht question
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alhamduillilah my exams are going very well worked really hard for Islamiat in order to get A*, and IA hoping to get A*. i used multiple resources like yasmin malik, iftikarul haq, maulvi jahangir ahmed, a book called when the moon split, farkhanda noor, mustafa draper, and how could i forget, irfan atique
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alhamduillilah my exams are going very well worked really hard for Islamiat in order to get A*, and IA hoping to get A*. i used multiple resources like yasmin malik, iftikarul haq, maulvi jahangir ahmed, a book called when the moon split, farkhanda noor, mustafa draper, and how could i forget, irfan atique
aint maulvi jahangirs book the same as of iftikhars and when the moon split(aint this Hz Muhammad(S.A.W),s biography)....wht yasmin malik.i bet its on top of the pile....feel sad though not regrets tht i didn,t knew abt this until too late
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and what was that and how much could i get
The speech of Allah, sent down upon the last Prophet Muhammad, through the Angel Gabriel, in its precise meaning and precise wording, transmitted to us by numerous persons (tawatur), both verbally and in writing is Inimitable and unique, protected by God from corruption.
“We have without doubt sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)” (15:9) here it means Allah will protect the Quran from corruption through Hadith of Rasool Allah (S.A.W) , and this task was given to the first earliest compilers called Ashab e Suffa.........( if the examiner is linient he will gve you 4/4......if like me 3/4)
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aint maulvi jahangirs book the same as of iftikhars and when the moon split(aint this Hz Muhammad(S.A.W),s biography)....wht yasmin malik.i bet its on top of the pile....feel sad though not regrets tht i didn,t knew abt this until too late
i suggest for:

1 when the moon split(Muhammad(S.A.W),s biography).
2 yasmin malik.
3 Ayesha Tariq
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The speech of Allah, sent down upon the last Prophet Muhammad, through the Angel Gabriel, in its precise meaning and precise wording, transmitted to us by numerous persons (tawatur), both verbally and in writing is Inimitable and unique, protected by God from corruption.
“We have without doubt sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)” (15:9) here it means Allah will protect the Quran from corruption through Hadith of Rasool Allah (S.A.W) , and this task was given to the first earliest compilers called Ashab e Suffa.........( if the examiner is linient he will gve you 4/4......if like me 3/4)

sir i didnt wrote this but something similar ... that i wrote if hadis were not compiled, they might have become lost and as we know that without hadis we cannot understand Quran at all so they need to be collected in order for Muslism to implement Islamic teachings in their lives. Also important to compile becuz if hadis are lost, Islamic teachings are lost so Islam as a religion will be lost and corrupted.<<< is this a valid point?
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sir i didnt wrote this but something similar ... that i wrote if hadis were not compiled, they might have become lost and as we know that without hadis we cannot understand Quran at all so they need to be collected in order for Muslism to implement Islamic teachings in their lives. Also important to compile becuz if hadis are lost, Islamic teachings are lost so Islam as a religion will be lost and corrupted.<<< is this a valid point?
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The speech of Allah, sent down upon the last Prophet Muhammad, through the Angel Gabriel, in its precise meaning and precise wording, transmitted to us by numerous persons (tawatur), both verbally and in writing is Inimitable and unique, protected by God from corruption.
“We have without doubt sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)” (15:9) here it means Allah will protect the Quran from corruption through Hadith of Rasool Allah (S.A.W) , and this task was given to the first earliest compilers called Ashab e Suffa.........( if the examiner is linient he will gve you 4/4......if like me 3/4)
Islamiat Paper P2 Discussion (Post-Paper)
Islamiat Paper P2 Discussion (Post-Paper)

Can u kindly check these for me.....abt 2b.Now every one will be eager to check their answer
Sir,with due respect, i think tht with regard to question as to why the need to COMPILE Ahadiths is concerned u need to take their motives,a well-known compilation was muawatta of imam Malik...if u consider Musnad of Ayesha e.t.c i.e to say tht just after prophets time.it was not significant tht time coz the Ahadiths were transmitted in tht time not written but orally or taught.....(most of Arabs were good orators though few could write tht time).so the point is that even though Ahab-e-suffah was made,they were not tht significant than the later scholars.......u can see tht the collections of Ahab-eSuffah were not significant at tht time but paved the way for authoritative collection later
wait,sir there is also one non syllabus question coming up?Wait
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Islamiat Paper P2 Discussion (Post-Paper)
Islamiat Paper P2 Discussion (Post-Paper)

Can u kindly check these for me.....abt 2b.Now every one will be eager to check their answer
Sir,with due respect, i think tht with regard to question as to why the need to COMPILE Ahadiths is concerned u need to take their motives,a well-known compilation was muawatta of imam Malik...if u consider Musnad of Ayesha e.t.c i.e to say tht just after prophets time.it was not significant tht time coz the Ahadiths were transmitted in tht time not written but orally or taught.....(most of Arabs were good orators though few could write tht time).so the point is that even though Ahab-e-suffah was made,they were not tht significant than the later scholars.......u can see tht the collections of Ahab-eSuffah were not significant at tht time but paved the way for authoritative collection later
wait,sir there is also one non syllabus question coming up?Wait
The first period of the compilation of the Ahadis was during Holy Prophet (S.A.W) lifetime. Prophet himself would give instructions about the transmission of what he taught, “Preach what you hear me say. Also let those who see and hear me, take upon themselves to communicate my words to others and preach to their children, relatives and friends.” The Companions had three methods of learning or preservation of the Hadis; memorization, writing, and practice. The companions always tried to observe the actions of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), remember his sayings and then apply what they saw to their own practices in their everyday life.
Abu Hurairah used to write what he heard from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in a book form and more than 5000 Ahadis were attributed to him. Similarly, Hazrat Ali (R.A) had a booklet containing traditions which concerned the orders and instructions from time to time by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (R.A) wrote every word of Holy Prophet (S.A.W)’s speech and more than 2000 Ahadis were attributed to him. Hence during this time more than 10000 Ahadis were collected. Hazrat Aisha (R.A) also used to preserve the sayings of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) likewise Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas was engaged in preserving and transmitting the Ahadis
During this period the companions acted and wrote what the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said individually.
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Sir,Wht does the word "Allah" mean....is it the name of God or from wht i saw on the internet:
it is the perfect description for"One God".....it MEANS this.....
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The first period of the compilation of the Ahadis was during Holy Prophet (S.A.W) lifetime. Prophet himself would give instructions about the transmission of what he taught, “Preach what you hear me say. Also let those who see and hear me, take upon themselves to communicate my words to others and preach to their children, relatives and friends.” The Companions had three methods of learning or preservation of the Hadis; memorization, writing, and practice. The companions always tried to observe the actions of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), remember his sayings and then apply what they saw to their own practices in their everyday life.
Abu Hurairah used to write what he heard from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in a book form and more than 5000 Ahadis were attributed to him. Similarly, Hazrat Ali (R.A) had a booklet containing traditions which concerned the orders and instructions from time to time by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (R.A) wrote every word of Holy Prophet (S.A.W)’s speech and more than 2000 Ahadis were attributed to him. Hence during this time more than 10000 Ahadis were collected. Hazrat Aisha (R.A) also used to preserve the sayings of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) likewise Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas was engaged in preserving and transmitting the Ahadis
During this period the companions acted and wrote what the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said individually.
However,were these significant tht time i.e those collection, it though served greatly for later generations...also ofcourse,we could simply write abt them preserving Ahadiths through though it definitely was preserved orally, handed over to the various teachers after the companions and finally made into authoritative collections later on.meaning to say we could simply the need to preserve his teachings in prophets time and go on to discuss the imp points .i.e motives for later scholars
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However,were these significant tht time i.e those collection, it though served greatly for later generations...also ofcourse,we could simply write abt them preserving Ahadiths through though it definitely was preserved orally, handed over to the various teachers after the companions and finally made into authoritative collections later on.meaning to say we could simply the need to preserve his teachings in prophets time and go on to discuss the imp points .i.e motives for later scholars
yes that is correct
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Sir,Wht does the word "Allah" mean....is it the name of God or from wht i saw on the internet:
it is the perfect description for"One God".....it MEANS this.....
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now this is a debatable question..... the word God is actually is a development of western culture and is taken from Greeks.... ALLAH means our creator ...the One.... Christine use the word God for Sunday and Jews use it for Saturday...... as Muslims we must used the word Allah... now here is the prof that what does god means and what Allah (western article)


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