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Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

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Sir Irfan plz answer this final set of questions :

Q1 : Belief in Angels (10)
Q2 : Abu Bakr's activities against false prophnets and apostasy movement. (10)
Q3 : Observation Of Friday Prayer (10)
Q4 : Difference between Musad and Musannad hadith. (4)
Q5: Why some scholars reject Qiyas (4).

History Of Pakistan
Q ; Why was there so much opposition to the 1935 act .(7)
Q2: Why was the 1935 act so much important to the future of sub continent .(7)
Q3 : Why did the British took direct control of east india company (7).

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ya sir but Q5 of islamiyat and history in not posted > thanks alot for all the above ones..

Q5: Why some scholars reject Qiyas (4).
Analogy (qiyas) is the fourth source of Islamic law that is used when the primary sources are silent about a newly appeared issue. However some scholars reject its use on the following basis that there is detailed description of everything in the Quran so there is no need to follow another source. "...And We have sent down to you the Book (the Qur'an) as an exposition of everything..." (Nahl: 89). They also claimed that Resolution of issues through Qiyas takes precedence over Allah and His Messenger which is forbidden in the Quran. "O you who believe! Do not put (yourselves) forward before Allah and His Messenger..." (Hujuraat: 1)
Qiyas is conjecture which gives no benefit against the truth. "And most of them follow nothing but conjecture. Certainly, conjecture can be of no avail against the truth..." (Yunus: 36)
lastly they say We are bound to decide among the people with what Allah has revealed and solutions through qiyas are not revealed by Allah. "And so judge (you O Muhammad ) between them by what Allah has revealed and follow not their vain desires..." (Ma'idah: 49).
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ya sir but Q5 of islamiyat and history in not posted > thanks alot for all the above ones..

Question: Why was there so much opposition to the Government of India Act 1935? [7]
Answer: The Government of India Act of 1935 received great opposition from both Hindus and Muslims because there were many provisions which were not liked by both Congress and the League. The Indian Act of 1935 was a clear attempt to crush the forces working for democracy and freedom. The most important factor through which the Government of India Act of 1935 was opposed was that the Viceroy and the governor-general were in total control for the approval of the laws and only few Indians were present in the Government. The Act of 1935 according to provincial part was introduced but the federal part was not introduced. The Viceroy and the Governor-General were the heads of the Government and could exert special powers if wanted to; Indians had no control according to this act over defense, Indians legislation could not even amend. Provincial governments had special powers too and having the right to dismiss ministers or the whole administration. Provincial legislature was not unicameral. This act provided by bicameral legislatures by five provinces. Franchise extended but still restricted on the basis or land revenue, education and only 25% of people could vote from Indian population.

So this act was actually introduced at the provincial level and at the central part it was not introduced that is why it was opposed the princely states, Congress and the Muslim League. So the limitations on the act of 1935 few rare achievements were made and little support was obtained.
Q: Why was the government of Indian Act of 1935 so important to the future of Subcontinent? [7]
Answer: After the failure of Third Round Table conference in 1932 in London. The British government sent a comity of 16 members. Lord linlithgow was the head of the comity who drafted a bill on 5th February 1935 and the bill was approved by the king in August 1935known as the ‘Government of Act’. This law was introduced to govern India. In this act some provinces were given the provincial autonomy and most people could vote for elections.
Some provincial autonomy was granted which meant that every provincial government was allowed and carry their own programmers and be responsible to their own legislative. This was the first time that this had been allowed and was seen an important step forward. Ministers in the provinces could have control over all the departments except when governors choose to intervene in case of public order or to veto a bill they disliked. This was a drawback since it meant that the real power play with the governors. However it did provide additional rights for the local population to vote-some 5 times the previous numbers at 35 million in total. Provisions for federal government were also established at the center for the first time which meant that princely states could decide to participate politically in affairs which concerned the Sub-content. However key decisions relating to external relations and a defense were retained by the British which were a drawback.
Question: Why the British government take control of the affairs of EIC in the early 19th century? [7]
Answer: The British government took control of the affairs of EIC in the early 19th century because of the worst treatment to the Indian people and as well as it was better For the British crown to run the profit properly rather than the private company (EIC) to run the country.
EIC was basically semi-government (private company). EIC after gaining control of Subcontinent give many problems to local people e.g. Annexations of the territories the introduction of advanced weapon introduction of study of Bible in school and their own huge some of trade. Another reason was the revolt of 1857 and they invest of EIC.
For the British government the subcontinent was too valuable and they were frightened of Russian advance from the North. The volume of trade become so significant that the British government felt it was too valuable and asset to leave in the hands of private company even though, the EIC was now holding it possession interest for them but the British government also feared of the Russian expansion in central Asia. So Britain decided to shape its foreign policy by further expansion to Afghanistan. To counter this threat as British was becoming more involved and her prestige began to beat stake and involved further expansion became inevitable especially after the defeat by the Afghanis at Kabul. Another factor was that the EIC was doing unjust with local people like during annexation of Bengal millions of people died during EIC was resounded in the British government had to react and took over EIC.
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help needed
Q how can muslims apply the lessons learnt from Hudaibiya Treaty

to take initiative in establishing a compromise even after fighting(and even victories) like the battle of trench recently..also the imp of following the leader in making decisions tht seem to disadvantage them or if u dont comply with them or dont want to like umar who expressed his reservations against the terms as infair and how the prophet is compromising with arch enemies ...also right of reservation but must give in and put his trust if an imp and wise leader says so and also equally importantly the unanimous consent of the people like abu bakr calmed doen umar to accept the wisdom of prophets decision.......also the terms must ofcourse be firmly adhered to (like the son of sohail bin amr was refused entry in medina even before it was formally signed even though many had pity for him including the prophet ofcourse)though it should not be ur weakness as in the conquest of makka later on(this is invalid i do believe according to question)one of more imp lesson is tht islam is a religion of peace ..it is partly wht the word itself means...Finally,they must have trust in Allah .even though instances like the revelation do not come as in this incident it must be remebered tht Allah truly favours mutual cooperation and peace and in turn grants his favours on those and hence a trust in Allah must be laid for the hope of betterment.
the above points have applications of more of a general application.....today most common option is the palestine issue or Kashmir issue..Peace must be made and maintained in 2 aforementioned places though it should not be ur weakness and international pressure or personal benefits must be put aside and the rights for these oppressed muslims must be stood if they think is justified or else people will form their own movement involving arms and violence).All muslim countries should stand side by side in this.in this treaty besides peace ,solutions,compromise must be looked for.
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help needed
Q how can muslims apply the lessons learnt from Hudaibiya Treaty

However, Muslims should learn lessons from the Treaty of Hudaibiya in the sixth year of hijra between the Holy Prophet Mohammed and the Qureish of Makkah. While the Muslims then did not comprehend the implications of the apparently humiliating treaty, the Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) had foreseen its great benefits and the soundness of his strategy. In view of the foregoing logic, it is time we Muslims woke up, opened our eyes, engaged our rational faculties and embarked on crafting an intellectual and political way of responding to future anti-Islamic films, cartoons or literature.
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to take initiative in establishing a compromise even after fighting(and even victories) like the battle of trench recently..also the imp of following the leader in making decisions tht seem to disadvantage them or if u dont comply with them or dont want to like umar who expressed his reservations against the terms as infair and how the prophet is compromising with arch enemies ...also right of reservation but must give in and put his trust if an imp and wise leader says so and also equally importantly the unanimous consent of the people like abu bakr calmed doen umar to accept the wisdom of prophets decision.......also the terms must ofcourse be firmly adhered to (like the son of sohail bin amr was refused entry in medina even before it was formally signed even though many had pity for him including the prophet ofcourse)though it should not be ur weakness as in the conquest of makka later on(this is invalid i do believe according to question)one of more imp lesson is tht islam is a religion of peace ..it is partly wht the word itself means...Finally,they must have trust in Allah .even though instances like the revelation do not come as in this incident it must be remebered tht Allah truly favours mutual cooperation and peace and in turn grants his favours on those and hence a trust in Allah must be laid for the hope of betterment.
the above points have applications of more of a general application.....today most common option is the palestine issue or Kashmir issue..Peace must be made and maintained in 2 aforementioned places though it should not be ur weakness and international pressure or personal benefits must be put aside and the rights for these oppressed muslims must be stood if they think is justified or else people will form their own movement involving arms and violence).All muslim countries should stand side by side in this.in this treaty besides peace ,solutions,compromise must be looked for.

A series of events confirmed the profound wisdom and splendid results of the peace treaty which Allâh called “a manifest victory”. How could it be otherwise when Quraish had recognized the legitimate Muslims’ existence on the scene of political life in Arabia, and began to deal with the believers on equal terms.

Quraish in the light of the articles of the treaty, had indirectly relinquished its claim to religious leadership, and admitted that they were no longer interested in people other than Quraish, and washed their hands of any sort of intervention in the religious future of the Arabian Peninsula. The Muslims did not have in mind to seize people’s property or kill them through bloody wars, nor did they ever think of pursuing any coercive approaches in their endeavours to propagate Islam, on the contrary, their sole target was to provide an atmosphere of freedom as regards ideology or religion:
•“Then whosoever wills, let him believe, and whosoever wills, let him disbelieve.” [18:29]

However, Muslims should learn lessons from the Treaty of Hudaibiya in the sixth year of hijra between the Holy Prophet Mohammed and the Qureish of Makkah. While the Muslims then did not comprehend the implications of the apparently humiliating treaty, the Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) had foreseen its great benefits and the soundness of his strategy. In view of the foregoing logic, it is time we Muslims woke up, opened our eyes, engaged our rational faculties and embarked on crafting an intellectual and political way of responding to future anti-Islamic films, cartoons or literature.
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oh. an easy way to do it is Go through (6:75-79) i.e Ibraheem's spritual enlightenment... and how he pondered over things
also consult (2:22) and consult David thomas' book :)
can u explain this to me......i dont got the book......n dont understand the que either
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Q3 : Observation Of Friday Prayer (10)
Answer: "O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salât (prayer) on the day of Friday (Jumu'ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allah [Juma’ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salât (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing), that is better for you if you did but know!" (62:9) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said: "People must not seize to neglect the Friday prayer, or Allah will seal their hearts and then they will be among the negligent" (Sahih Muslim).
As we can see for ourselves in surah Jumah the noble Holy Quran and the authentic hadis of (S.A.W) not only preferred to the Juma prayer but also give a lot importance to it. The Arabic word "Jumah" means congregation the Jumah congregational prayer is offered once in a week in after noon and replaces the afternoon Zuhr prayer on Friday. The Jumah congregational prayer is for men and also recommended for women to be performed at the mosque along with the congregation. Women also have the option to pray the Friday congregational prayer in the mosque with some communities, indeed the mosque is the best venue for believers. The Friday congregational prayer consists of two Farz Rakats. The Friday congregational prayer is valid if there are two or more people present, since holy Prophet (S.A.W) is reported to have said: "two or more constitute a congregation" (Ibne Majah).
It is highly desirable and the Sunnah of holy prophet that the worshipper should cut their nails remove unwanted hairs and clean their teeth using a Miswak the worshipper should must take a Sunnah bath and put on their best clothes on Juma congregational prayer. Muslims are required to leave off business of every kind and hurry to wards the mosque. The imam should greet the people when he comes upon the pulpit followed by the azan which is to be made when he sits. The imam should face the people during the azan. After the Azaan the imam gives the sermon which is known as Khutba also known as the Friday sermon the congregation prayer. The sermon is divided in two parts: with a brief intervals of one minute duration between the two parts. The Friday sermon has further points
1: The Shahadah, glorification and praise of Allah
2: Salutation (Darod o Salam) is invoked to holy prophet (S.A.W)
3: Quranic verses are recited
4: The Imam calls the whole congregation about their duties towards Allah and their duties towards their fellow beings. He exhorts people to do well and warns them against the consequences of evil, he also reminds them of hereafter and prayers for the welfare of the community as a whole.
After the sermon the second Azan is to be given and two rakat farz are prayed. After the completion of two rakat farz the imam prays personal prayer along with congregation

dont we hav to telll how to pray the two rakats also or not