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Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

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haha yeah right,like my mom would let me do that.
I'm going to revise Isl P2 and go through History and islamiat P1 topical book
Don't ever read redspot for Islamiat and History, it'll make u forget whatever you've learnt by doing past papers
better revise the book or just relax
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Don't ever read redspot for Islamiat and History, it'll make u forget whatever you've learnt by doing past papers
better revise the book or just relax
Yeah i know most answers from history are wrong and not up to the mark,but i just read to learn different facts.I would NEVER EVER right the answer in redspot in my exams.I'm now reading some other solved questions from a very good teacher in bahawalpur and even though they are from 2010,most of the questions she answered have appeared in recent exams(after 2010) and even some 4 marks Q's are also present which came recently !

But i like Topical Islamiat as they provide more references and help me in answering Q's.Only history topical is screwed up other wise geo and islamiat are good
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Yeah i know most answers from history are wrong and not up to the mark,but i just read to learn different facts.I would NEVER EVER right the answer in redspot in my exams.I'm now reading some other solved questions from a very good teacher in bahawalpur and even though they are from 2010,most of the questions she answered have appeared in recent exams(after 2010) and even some 4 marks Q's are also present which came recently !

But i like Topical Islamiat as they provide more references and help me in answering Q's.Only history topical is screwed up other wise geo and islamiat are good
Yeah but the understanding questions r not upto the mark
geo and almost all other subjects have so many wrong points sometimes and give unnecessary details

do u remember the 4 marks Q's in this paper
1 was something like events of war of independence, what were the other two?
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Yeah but the understanding questions r not upto the mark
geo and almost all other subjects have so many wrong points sometimes and give unnecessary details

do u remember the 4 marks Q's in this paper
1 was something like events of war of independence, what were the other two?
1 was about marathas and the other i dont remember exactly..
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i mean can u explain teh question for me.....cuz i dont have both books
okay. Listen. there are two topics which are important but unseen. They are mention in examiners book:
  • Quran as a source of Guidance for worship.
  • Quran as a reflection on nature and creation.
As for topic one; We need to explain that how is Quran is a source of guidancefor worship:
i.e We need to substantiate are answer on the following references- one verse for every Pillar of Islam(=acts of Worship):
  • For Fasting: "O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may guard against evil." (2:183)
  • For Salat+Zakaat: "And be steadfast in prayer, give the poor due and bow down your heads with those who bow down." (2:43)
  • For Salaat( Guiding us to perform ablution before salaat): "O you who believe! When you prepare for prayer, wash your faces and your hands to the elbows; rub your heads and wash you feet to the ankles." (5:6)
  • For Hajj:"Pilgrimage, thereto is a duty, men owe to Allah, Those who can afford the journey." (3:97)
  • For Zakat: "And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah and do good, for Allah loves those who do good." (2:195)
And explain how Quran reminds (guides) us to worship Allah...
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okay. Listen. there are two topics which are important but unseen. They are mention in examiners book:
  • Quran as a reflection on nature and creation.(part b)
The Holy Quran is the foundation of reflection upon Allah and created world i.e the Creations/Created world Reflects That there is some One who has created everything, with balance and perfection as the Quran says: "Among His signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Adore not the sun and the moon, but adore Allah, who created them..." (41:37)
The Quran Says: "Who has made the eart your couch, and the heavens your canopy; and sent down Rain from the heavens; and by it brought forth fruits for your sustenance; then do not set up rivals to Allah, when you know. (2:22)
(You may Quote 6:75-79, 30:25 or 17:12) < do Quote the bold one
We see how the Quran urges those who listen to it to think about the world around them. It repeatedly encourages people to use their minds in order to see what the true meaning of the world is. And it constantly argues that the Universe is made by Allah who is a powerful Designer; It is not a place that has come in to being by accident and chance.
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Yeah but the understanding questions r not upto the mark
geo and almost all other subjects have so many wrong points sometimes and give unnecessary details

do u remember the 4 marks Q's in this paper
1 was something like events of war of independence, what were the other two?

1 was of marathas and 1 was on cripps mission
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Anyone know the 3 points in 'Why was the lucknow pact announced?'
I know

Muslims added self rule
Hindus wanted to side with muslims in hopes of pressuring preoccupied Britain

But whats the last one?
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Anyone know the 3 points in 'Why was the lucknow pact announced?'
I know

Muslims added self rule
Hindus wanted to side with muslims in hopes of pressuring preoccupied Britain

But whats the last one?
Jinnah's role as an idealist
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Anyone know the 3 points in 'Why was the lucknow pact announced?'
I know

Muslims added self rule
Hindus wanted to side with muslims in hopes of pressuring preoccupied Britain

But whats the last one?
u can also add this point that Lucknow pact came abt as the basis for the future negotiations with the Muslims as well as the hindus like thr shud be an executive council with altleast half elected members etc
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u can also add this point that Lucknow pact came abt as the basis for the future negotiations with the Muslims as well as the hindus like thr shud be an executive council with altleast half elected members etc
ofcourse it was a demand for future negotiations and compromises but why Lucknow pact tht is joint demand was signed...not a seperate resolution calling for own rights so it may not be a valid point unless u explain why a joint demand for future constitution like mutual cooperation the it would be valid.....Other reasons may very well be the onset an d the WW1 taking place...so brirtains necessity...also the increased persecutions by british during WW1 had moved them together and a further assurance of rights in oct 1916 by british further meant continued cooperation...
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in the question describe the work of the scribes in writing down the revelation ?how many scribes do we have to write about..can sum one give me a detailed answer...and the total no of scribes there were...plzz reply asap....