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Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

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someone pls tell me in his 14 mark qstn r we supposed to answer chronologically even if we r describing reasons under heading like social or poltical etc?
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there is this book by examiner (David thomas and Mustafa Draper) and the question is Discuss Quran's reflection on nature and creation

its about Allah's relation with His creation....
Question: From the Quranic passages you have studied about Allah’s creation, outline the relationship between Allah to his creation/mankind? [10]
Answer:According to the Quranic passages we have studied about Allah’s creation we came to understand and belief That Holy Quran is replete with descriptions of Allah’s relationship with His creation. First of all it teaches us about the status of Allah that is there is none to be worship except Allah as the Quran says: “Allah! There is no God but He” (2:255). It also teaches us that all the worshiping; praising is due only to Allah. He alone is the Sustainer and Him all creation will be brought back on the Day of Judgment. Many passages and verses of the Holy Quran endorse the dependence of mankind on the Lord of the Worlds, as in Surah An-Naas (114) Allah educates us mankind about the significance of seeking protection in Him from all evils of men and Satan. Man is utterly lost without his submission to One God. It is Allah who has provided for all the things that mankind needs to survive in this world, like all beings required day for working and night for rest, and the sun and the moon obeys His commands as Allah says: "The sun and the moon run on their fixed courses (exactly) calculated with measured out stages for each (for reckoning, etc.)" The most important theme is of about man and his learning and knowledge as seen in the very first revelation which was revealed to Holy Prophet (S.A.W) is about man and the knowledge taught to man by Allah (96:1-5), another Surah relating to man's knowledge given to man by Allah is Surah Qalam, " By the pen and that which they right........." (68:1).
The Quran also stresses on the need of developing and strengthening our relationship with Allah by identifying Him and then worshiping none except Him, as the Quran says: "O ye people! Adore your Guardian-Lord, Who created you and those who came before you, that you may have the chance to learn righteousness."(2:21) in the next verse of the same Surah Al Baqra Quran tells us how wonderfully Allah created the earth,neither too hard such that it cannot be utilized by man to extract benefits, nor too soft to make survival impossible(2:22).
This is the most important theme of the Holy Quran because it is intimately linked with the individual and collective salvation of man. Allah’s worship wards of any possibility of Shirk or to follow the path of wrong people and man seeking guidance from Allah as the Quran says in Surah Al-Fatihah (1:1-6). The Holy Quran also states: “O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in the state of Islam” (Ale Imran: 102).

The Quran categorically warns about bring the end to world by Allah as Allah says in Surah Zill Zal, that the wealth we strive to amass and which drive all our energies, motivation and efforts will yield us no pleasure or benefit on the doomsday when all will be rendered futile except our deeds (99:1-8). In section 30 of the Holy Quran has devoted several full Surah to this important theme that is Allah in his relation to his creation for example Surah Al-Inshiqaq, Surah Al-Takwir, Surah Al-Qariha all give the detailed description of Allah’s creation and the Qiyamah.
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dont we hav to telll how to pray the two rakats also or not

no dear that's another question
Q: How Muslims perform the two rakats prayer? [10]
Answer: Prayer is the first, the highest, the most important phenomena and manifestation of Islam. It is soul of Islam. Hence, it should be observed completely and perfectly, inform as well as in content.Salah is not valid unless the following primary principal and indispensible essentials are fulfilled. A prayer consists of either two, three or four rakats. A two rakats prayer is performed in the following way:
Intention: Our beloved Prophet (S.A.W) has said: “Actions are but by intentions.” (Sahih Bukhari and Shih Muslim) You have to intend and determine by heart which prayers you are going to offer. A person should stand erect facing the direction of Kaabah Tullah towards the Holy city of Makkah with the hands straight on his sides, after which he makes the intention (Niyat) for prayer.
Takbir-e-Tahrima: The person raises his both hands as far as ears, the female raises up to the shoulder and says ‘Allah hu-Akbar’ (meaning Allah is the greatest) in the second essential of Salah.
Qayam: We are requested to observe obligatory Salah in the standing posture unless we are sick or incapacitated. Then he brings both his hands down and folds them below the navel with right hand over left hand. Females fold their hands on their breast and then began the recitation of Sana.
Sanah: “Glory to you O Allah (SWT) and all praise is Yours and bless is Your name and exalted is Your Majesty and there is no worthy of worship except You.” After Sana he or she recites ‘Tawuz’.
Tawuz: “I seek refuge with Allah from the curse of Satan” After Tawuz he or she recites Tasmiyah.
Tasmiyah: “In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful” After Tasmiyah he or she recites ‘Al Fatihah’.
Al-Fatihah: Many sound Hadis conform that the recitation of Al-Fatihah the opening chapter of Al-Quran in every rakat of all prayers is obligatory.
Our beloved Prophet (S.A.W) said “A prayer performed by someone who has not recited the essence of the Holy Quran (Al-Fatihah). During it is deficient (and he (S.A.W) repeated the word three times)” (Imam Muslim quoted from 40 Hadis Qudsi). In the Holy Quran it is written in Surah Al-Fatihah “Praise be to Allah the Cherisher and Sustainer of the world. Most Gracious most Mercifu Master of the Day of Judgment. You do we worship and Your aid we seek………” (1:1-7) after the last word of Surah Fatihah he or she says ‘Ameen’. Immediately after he recites minimum three verses of the Holy Quran who stop after the Kirat he or she says ‘Takbir’.
Takbir: ‘Allah hu-Akbar’ (Allah is the Greatest) than he or she pose for ‘Ruku’.
Ruku: In Ruku he or she pose down holding his or her knees and says the Tasbeeh.
Tasbeeh: ‘Subha na Rabbi al-Azeem’ (Glory to my Lord the Greatest) at least three times. Then he or she raises his or her head or Qoamah: he or she erect and recites the Tasmiyah.
Tasmiyah: “Allah listens to him who gives prays”. Then he or she says ‘Tahmeed’.
Tahmeed: (O Lord! All prayers is due to You alone). After this he or she says Takbir.
Takbir: Allah hu-Akbar (Allah is the Greatest). After Takbir he or she goes for Sajdah.
Sajdah: He and she then performs the act of prostration which is he or she both places his or her knees on the ground first then nose then forehead. The face should be between both the palms. The men should not place their elbows on the ground while the females are allowed to place their elbow on the ground and they should perform the Sajdah in such a way that they should do not raise the portion of their body, which they keep resting on their calves. While performing the Sajdah the Tasbeeh Sajdah is recited.
Tasbeeh Sajdah: ‘Subha na Rabbi al-Allah’ (Glory to my Lord the most High) at least three times. After this he raises his head and say Takbir. Our beloved Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said “I have been ordered to prostrate on seven body parts: the forehead and he pointed to his nose, the hands, the knees and the end of the feet.” (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
Jalsa: The man sit on his left foot which is folded and keeps the right foot erect on the ground, both his hands should be on his thighs close to the knees, than again he says Takbir.
Second Sajdah: A second Sajdah is performed in the similar manner to the first one.

The second rakat is performed, in the similar manner to the first one, except the Sana and Tawuz are not repeated. After the second rakat is completed the person sits for Qaida and recites the Tahiya and Tashaud. After Tashaud the person recites Durood then he recites the supplication, then he ends the Salah with the Salam first towards the right and then towards the left.
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how successful was the aligarh movement ?
Sir Irfan Atique plzz answr this .. wht u think it will come for 4 marks or 7?:D

both ......
Yes, it was to a great extend successful for the reniansce of muslims as it emerged more f a reforming institute then acadamic. future leaders like liaquat ali khan studied in the aligarh college. two-nation theory made muslims realize that were a separate nation and eventually laid roots fr pakistani movement......Add some more good points......
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both ......
Yes, it was to a great extend successful for the reniansce of muslims as it emerged more f a reforming institute then acadamic. future leaders like liaquat ali khan studied in the aligarh college. two-nation theory made muslims realize that were a separate nation and eventually laid roots fr pakistani movement......Add some more good points......

The contribution and significance of Aligarh Movement for the revival and regeneration of the Muslims of Sub-Continent are commendable. Aligarh developed as the most important centre of the intellectual development for the Muslims of South Asia and its students those who studied at Aligarh College came from all over India from different parts of India; they were coming from Punjab, Bengal Frontier and were also from South India. In a way it had become a focal point for the Muslims of South Asia for their education.
In addition to this there were a lot of intellectual activities going on for example publication of different books and the activities of Scientific Society and through these activities there was a lot of intellectual stimulation which was provided by the Aligarh Movement.
Then this movement created students who were combined to different traditions. The students learned modern knowledge English language, modern western philosophy and they also acquired Islamic knowledge and this was a significant feature of this Aligarh College that while giving modern education to the students they should not be de-linked from their roots and if you are de-linked from your roots you become rootless. In order to deal with the criticism that western education would alienate our young people from its teachings and principles Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and his colleagues proved that modern education and Islamic education can be brought together.

The 3rd major achievement of the Aligarh Education System was that it brought forward a group of students who were very conscious of what was happening in India and outside India. This educated class that developed in India was instrumental in promoting Muslim identity and also advocating the Muslim demands to the govt and to others because on the one hand this educated class could communicated with the rulers because they knew the language and modern knowledge philosophy and the thinking that had developed there.
So, they were able to communicate with the rulers. On the other hand they held their roots in culture therefore they could also communicate with the ordinary people for mobilization and make them conscious of what made them different from others.
Another, important contribution of this movement was that it inspired educational movements in India. And the last major contribution of this movement was that the Mohammedan Educational Conference that was created by these Muslim leaders had become a kind of a forum where Muslims from different parts of India would come together and they would discuss not only education but all those issues which were of great concern to Muslims and since the meetings of Mohammedan Educational Conference were being held in different places it was able to communicate the message of the Aligarh Movement all over India.
It also brought together like minded Muslims to pursue the goals and ideals of promotion of education and improvement of Muslims all over India. We can say that the Aligarh Movement played a pivotal role in generating the Muslims who were facing a serious psychological depression and economic setback after 1857.
Sir Syed advice to the Muslims to avoid active politics:
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and his colleagues advised the Muslims to avoid joining active politics. He was of the opinion that at that stage Muslims should not get involved in active politics. He was not inherently opposed to politics. The point he was presenting was that at that stage and given the problems and conditions of the Muslims at that time, they should stay away from active politics and concentrate on education.
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan used to say that at that time Muslim needed education, education and education. If, we look at the facts and the data that was available at that time about the education of Muslims and others in India then we can understand why Sir Syed was so particular about education. From 1859 to 1875 only 20 Muslims were able to get graduation degree from the educational institutions which the British colonial administration had set up in India. Against this during the same period 715 Hindus got the graduation degrees, so you can compare the figure 20 verses 715.
The concern at that time was that if they get involved in active politics and they don’t pay attention to acquiring modern education they will be left behind and the gap between the Muslims and others will widen and ultimately the Muslims would suffer. He wanted that over a period of time, there should be a group of Muslims who had modern education and who could fit into the modern system which the British had introduced, “The Modern State System” the administration which was set up by the British and you can only fit in this system if you get jobs and you had an interaction with this system only if you could get modern education and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan thought that if Muslims have an education then they become relevant to the changed conditions and they will be able to meet with the challenges of the time.
There was another reason why he was emphasizing on education at that much. He thought that if Muslims get too much involved in active politics then the perception that Muslims are against the British will be reinforced and the misunderstandings that had developed between the Muslims and the British would increase but if they have education, they get the requisite qualification that misunderstanding will be removed and they will be among those people who could be playing important role under the British.
A number of other developments during the same period influenced the advice which Sir Syed and his colleagues were giving that is advice to acquire modern knowledge,
Aligarh Movement was a religio-political Movement which contributed a lot for the regeneration and revival of the Muslims of the Sub-Continent. Sir Syed and his colleagues by their combined efforts tried to equip the Muslims community of Sub-Continent with modern knowledge and English language. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was a visionary leader and he envisioned that without acquiring modern knowledge the Muslims cannot compete with the Hindus. That’s why he advised the Muslims to acquire modern language to regain their lost glory in the Sub-Continent.
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describe annexation of NWFP n punjab (4)
after the death of ranjit singh in 1839....the power fell into the hands of the cheifs ...who attacked british against the treaty made in 1809 with the british ...they were defeated and the treaty of lahore was signed in 1846..and in 1849 after the revolt in nwfp and punjab the britsh annexed it..
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(b): What does the Prophet’s first experience of receiving
revelation tells us about the nature of Prophet Hood in Islam?
Human shocked …Allah choses messengers
Rejected shirk from the start
Musa he was also shocked
human abilities...angel squeezed...thus also felt pain

can u tell me sum more points....
btw hope u can understand vat i have written