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Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

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i am using FNM but i use Ym for thee quotations and verses cux it has alot of them and sir zafar alam's notes :)
do u have them in soft copy......and send them to me...or consult them and give me te answers for the question ....it would be of huge help
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as wives the women have a high rank and they are to be treated equallyy as husbands they have an important role and are there fr the provision of peace love and comfort to their husband. a husband is required to protect his wife and to provide them with all essentials they are the ones who take care of the house and thats y a husband is required to take care of her and then some quotations can be there frm booook ym

as mothers we all know it is said that heaven lies is the feet of a mother she has the highest rank fr a man in his life and children should be grateful obedient submissive and considerate to their mothers if a man is able to please his moher tthnhe can please GOD nd his messenger

as daughters they have to be given love and be courteous towards them prohet has said that" he who brings up threee daughter heaven is obligatory on him"
sorry thats wht i found:oops:
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Question: What are the reasons for the opposition and persecution to the message and Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and his companions? [10]
Answer: There were many reasons for the opposition and persecution to Holy Prophet (S.A.W) by the Quraish of Makkah. The most important reasons are as follows:
· The Quraish were addicted to idol-worshipping. There were about 360 idols that were set up in the Holy Kaabah. They were worshipping these idols for centuries as they had forgotten their true religion of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) so they were not ready to give-up the religion of their fore fathers.
· Islam preached the message of equality, justice and brotherhood. Since the Quraish were class conscious people, charged with the desire to exert superiority over others, they didn’t want to level their social differences and equal themselves to the slaves and the poor.
· The basics of Islamic faith are to belief in the doctrine of Tawheed and Risalat (Prophet Hood of The holy Prophet (S.A.W)). Although they accepted only Muhammad bin Abdullah not as a last Prophet, and they do believe in one God but they associate partners with Him and refused to bent down to One God.
· Rivalry between Banu Hashim and Banu Umayyad had very deep roots. During the time of Abdul Muttalib, Banu Hashim had an edge over the Ummayad's. However, his death, led this superiority to transfer to Umayyad clan. So, to accept a message of Allah from a man who belongs to Banu Hashim meant that the Hasmites would once again have their dominance resorted. This suggests why the Ummayad’s took the lead in opposing and persecution of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W).
· The Quraishites had strange ideas about the Prophets, as they thought that the Prophets should not to be a human beings, he should be an angel and should perform miracles. As the Quran says: “They say, we shall not believe in you until you cause spring to gush forth for us from the earth." (17:19)
· Islam prohibits all vices for e.g. adultery, drinking, gambling etc. the inclination to do which ran in their veins along with their blood. They could not even imagine a life without them, since these habits were now branded on their souls.
· The Quraish also feared that the growing number in the fold of Islam with the people continuously entering into it will become in majority and they would reduce to minority. This would naturally lead to the establishment of an Islamic state in which their evil social setup would fall to ruins. So, these causes suggest why they inflicted torment upon Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) and his followers. They thought that this way, Prophet (S.A.W) would get dishearten and thus discontinue his mission, but they were wrong cause they failed to stop Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) from preaching the words of Allah.

· They also refused to accept the message about life after death and the Day of Judgment. The Quraish were infuriated when they heard the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), saying that their forefathers, who died as idol worshipper are suffering in hell fire.
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i wanna just u FNM cux its new edition is according to our paper pattern

how about if I gave you the version of ibn e Ishaq student of Hazrt ibn e Abbas (r.a)
Question: Give an account of the events of the Prophet’s (S.A.W) night journey and ascension [‘Isra wa-mi’raj]? [10]
Answer: Isra’ and Mi’raj are about the outcome of the Prophet's journey to At-Taif. A few weeks later after he returned to Makkah, he made the greatest journey ever in the history of humanity; the event of Isra’ and Mi’raj is recorded in Al-Quran and Ahadith. It is the miraculous night journey of our Noble Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), which consists of two phases. Phase onecovers his trip from Makkah to Jerusalem, known as Al Isra’, and phase two covers his ascent from Jerusalem into the Heavens, known as Al Mi’raj. It is the opinion of some of the historians that the Prophet went on this remarkable journey on the 27th night of Rajab (seventh month of the Islamic Calendar).
Some significant suggestive incidents featured the night journey ‘Isra wa-mi’raj’ of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) which could be mentioned as: it happened in one night when the Prophet (S.A.W) was awakened by Jibrael (A.S). The Prophet’s (S.A.W) chest was cleft by Jibrael (A.S), his heart extracted and washed with the water of ZamZam. After this Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) performed the tawaf of the Kaabah, he (S.A.W) Al-Buraq which is going to be his means of transportation at first from the Holy mosque to the Aqsa mosque. Anas Ibn-Malik provides a description of Al-Buraq, ‘Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) entered the mosque. The mosque was amazingly full of the Prophets of Allah (S.W.T) from the time of Adam (A.S) until Jesus (A.S). All of the Prophets stood aligned to pray. They were waiting for what Gabriel had to say. Gabriel asked Muhammad (S.A.W) to lead the prayer and they all prayed two Raka'a(s) (Islamic prayers). This journey from Makkah to Jerusalem (Aqsa mosque) is called Isra. Anas Ibn-Malik narrates: 'Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said, "I prayed two Raka'a(s) in it, and then came out and Gabriel brought me a vessel of wine and a vessel of milk. I chose the milk, and Gabriel said: You have chosen the natural thing."' (Muslim)
Muhammad (S.A.W) started his ascension journey of Al-Mi’raj from a rock which became known as Al-Mi’raj rock in Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque. In an authentic Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadis, the Prophet (S.A.W) says, “Then he took my hand and ascended with me to the nearest heaven, when I reached the nearest heaven, Gabriel said to the gatekeeper of the heaven, 'Open (the gate).' The gatekeeper asked, 'Who is it?' Gabriel answered: 'Gabriel.' He asked, 'Is there anyone with you?' Gabriel replied, 'Yes, Muhammad is with me.' He asked, 'Has he been called?' Gabriel said, 'Yes.' So the gate was opened and we went over the nearest heaven and there we (S.A.W) Hazrat Adam (A.S) he said, 'Welcome! O pious Prophet and pious son. Then, we ascended to the second heaven when I entered, Jesus son of Mary, (AS) and John, son of Zakariya, (AS welcomed me. Then, I was taken to the third heaven and I (S.A.W) Joseph (AS) who had been given half of (World’s) beauty he welcomed me. Then he ascended to the fourth heaven and lo! Idris (Enoch) was there. Then, he ascended with us to the fifth heaven I was with Harun (Aaron-AS). Then, I was taken to the sixth heaven. I was with Moses (AS). Then, I was taken up to the seventh heaven. I found Abraham (AS) who said 'Welcome! O pious Prophet and pious son.
Prophet (S.A.W) (S.A.W) Al-Bayt al-Ma'mur (The Much-Frequented House), Prophet Mohammad said, “Seventy thousand angels enter into it (al-Bayt al- Ma’mur) daily and, after they come out, they never return again.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari) The Prophet ((S.A.W)S) (S.A.W) crowds and crowds of angels as he ascended. They were true worshippers performing all parts of prayer—prostrating, kneeling, and standing The Prophet (S.A.W) (S.A.W) wonderful things. The Prophet (S.A.W) and Gabriel (AS) kept ascending, until they reached a point where Gabriel stopped. That was the farthest place Gabriel was allowed to reach; it was the Lote-Tree (Sidrat-ul-Muntaha meaning the Tree of the End). Jibrael (A.S) said to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) “If I walk further, I will incinerate” (Sahih Bukhari).
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) saw four manifest rivers, The River Nile and the River Euphrates and hidden ones, than he visited the Jannat. He had also the opportunity to see Malik, the guardian of Hell than the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) reached to a place called Lohe-Mahfooz where he could hear the scraping of pens as they wrote the destinies of mankind. From there the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) reached Arsh-e-MuAllah there the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was addressed by Allah and Allah (SWT) said to him, “Muhammad! I have enjoined on your Ummah FIVE prayers daily.”
After this the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) started descending and he arrived back to Masjid-e-Aqsa and from Masjid-e-Aqsa back to Makkah. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) told that “On the way back to Makkah he (S.A.W) saw the camels of Makkan merchant having containers of water. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) drank the water” (Sahih Bukhari). Next morning the Prophet (S.A.W) told the story to Abu Jahl then decided to seize the opportunity to ridicule the Prophet (S.A.W) and his message and asked Prophet Muhammad whether he would repeat the same story if he gathers the dwellers of Mecca, to which the Prophet (S.A.W) agreed. For the very first time, Abu-Jahl started to gather people to listen the Prophet (S.A.W) who narrated what happened with confidence. However, the people kept clapping their hands as a sign of disbelief and mockery. When Abu-Bakr (Prophet Mohammad’s closest companion) heard about this, he said his famous quotation “If he (Prophet Mohammad) had said that, then it is true. I believe what is far more than that. Allah says “……. pray to your Lord and slaughter (the sacrifice). Surely your antagonist is he who is without offspring” (Quran, 108: 1-3).
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is it fr 4 marks or 10:eek:

4 marks
B: Explain the importance of pledges of Aqabha to the Prophet (S.A.W) in the period leading up to the migration? [4]
Answer: At the end of the socio-economic boycott the Prophet (S.A.W) lost his Wife and the death of his uncle Abu Talib in the year of grief in 619 A.D. Abu Talib's death marked the end of his protection as the new chief of Banu Hashim, Abu Lahb, refused this unconditional shelter. After Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) went to Taif to spread the message, he was severely tormented and humiliated by the vagabonds of Taif, wearied, mortified, he came back to Makkah from Taif. Tribalism was at its peak at that, a person without a tribal protection was treated like a slave, and even Prophet (S.A.W) belongs to the tribe of Banu Hashim but the leader was his worst enemy Abu Lahb. So Prophet (S.A.W) now has no protection. In the 11th year, a group of 6 men from Yasrib (Madinah) came to Makkah for the annual pilgrimage. They (S.A.W) Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) preaching to the pilgrims, they were moved by the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and met the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) at the place called Aqabha where they accepted Islam. The next year another batch from the pilgrims from Yasrib came which consist of about 75 people, they pledged on the hands of Prophet (S.A.W). They invited him (S.A.W) to their hometown Yasrib (Madinah) and they also gave their promise to protected Holy Prophet (S.A.W). These 2 pledges of Aqabha paved away for the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) to migrate from Makkah to Madinah where he (S.A.W) was given all the authorities as their leader of the people of Yasrib. Thus the pledges of Aqabha are the most important factor for the migration
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i also need help in this question

Q4: writ an account of the first migration of the Muslims to
sir irfan can u also ans......

Question: Write a note on First migration (HIJRA)of the Muslims to Abasiniya?[10]
Answer: When the hostilities of the Quraish intensified the situation was so extremely grave and no longer tolerable in the middle of the 5th year of the Prophethood. The Muslims began to think seriously of feasible ways liable to avoid the painful torture meted out to them. It was that gloomy and dispirits time where Surah Al-Kaifh was revealed comprising definite answer to the question along with the persecution which polytheist of Makkah constantly pestered the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). As Quran says “the reward for those also do good in this world and ALLAH’s earth is spacious (if you can’t worship at a place then go to another) only those who are patient shell receive this reward in full without reckoning” (39:10)
The holy Prophet (S.A.W) had already knew about Najshi (Asham Negus) king of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) was a just ruler, so Prophet (S.A.W) permitted some of his followers to seek asylum (migration) there in Abyssinia in Rajb a group of 11 men and 4 women left for Abyssinia. Among the emigrants were Hazrat Usman Bin Affan (R.A) and his wife Hazrat Bibi Ruqaiya (R.A) [the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)] and Jaffar bin Abi Talib. With respect to these emigrants the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said “They are the first people to migrate in the cause of Allah after Ibrahim (A.S) and Hazrat Lout (A.S). '' (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
This group of 15 sneaked out of Makkah under the heavy curtain of the dark night and headed for the sea where two boats happened to be sailing and thus they migrated to Abasiniya. The news of their intended departure reached the ears of Quraish , so the Quraish sent two staunch envoys that consist of Amr bin Al-Aas and Abdullah bin Abi Rabia (before embracing Islam) . They had taken valuable gifts for the king and his clergy. The pagans envoys claimed that the Muslim refugees should be expelled from Abasiniya and hand over to them, on the ground that they had abandoned the religion of their forefathers, and their leader was preaching a religion different from theirs and from that of the king.
The king (Najashi) summoned the Muslims and asked them to explain the teachings of their religion. Hazrat Jaffar bin Abi Talib decided to tell the whole truth whatever the consequences were and delivered the speech '' O king ! We were ignorant people, we worshipped idols and ate carrion and committed all sorts of injustice; brother wronged his brother, the strong exploited the weak. In the middle of this, a man was born amongst us whose nobility and virtue was already known to us. He called us to Islam........” (Ibn-e-Hisham).The king was very much moved by this speech of Hazrat Jaffar (R.A) and asked the Muslims to recite some of Allah’s revelation which had been revealed to Holy Prophet (S.A.W). Than Hazrat Jaffer (R.A) recited the verses of Surah Al-Marriam : '' And make mention of virgin Mary in a book , when she withdrew from her people on to aplace towards the east and secluded herself from them ...... '' (19:16-21).
On hearing this Najashi said '' By God, this course in the Bible is two brands of the same lamp '' (Serah Ibne Hisham - Tabaqaat Ibne Saad). Najashi replied to the Quraish envoy that go back to Makkah because I am not going to return the Muslims to you and he said to the Muslims that they can stay as long as they wished too. A sense of security was felt by the Muslims. The news came to Makkah about the whole incidence. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) sent the second batch to Abyssinia. The number of emigrants in the second migration to Abyssinia consists of 101 Muslim emigrants of which 18 were women.

These two migrations to Abyssinia gave the Muslims the idea of ever great migration to Yasrib.
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do u mean how it helps us or about its authentication???

Question: What are the characteristics of the Holy Quran? [10]
Answer: The Holy Quran is composed of words and teachings which are of Allah (S.W.T) Himself. He alone is the author and protector of Holy Quran. Allah himself decided upon and set all the teachings contained in it the words of the holy Quran are the written expressions of Allah al-mighty through which he communicates with mankind no one have the ability to produce book like the holy Quran as Allah says in holy Quran “ even if human beigns and jinn’s should cooperate with one and other to bring forth the book like holy Quran , they would never be able to bring anything like it , even though they all helped one and other”(81:27)
The expressions and the teachings of the holy Quran are unchangeable no body among the humans and the jinn’s as the ability to change it because the Quran will always will be protected from change and alternations or as Allah said in Holy Quran “we have without doubt sent down the message; and we will assuredly guard it (from corruption) (15:9). The purity of of the holy Quran has been preserved since the last 1400 years which is the clear testimony of the Quran’s divine nature.
All distinct features of holy Quran are directives and the instructions contained in the holy Quran are of universal and addressed to all people of all ages "we have explained in this Quran for the benefit of mankind"(39:2) while God revealed old books for particular nation for a particular period. So Quran is the last and perfect book of Allah it is comprehensive book ,it deals with every aspect of life as Allah says in the holy Quran: "This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favors upon you and chosen for you Islam as your religion"(5:3). The earlier books contain only a code or morality and justices, but none was comprehensive to contain a complete code of life so undoubtedly the Holy Quran says “This is an Admonition to all the people of the world........”(81:27)
There are several places in the holy Quran where the stories of the previous Prophets and nation have been narrated by the Allah al-mighty these stories that the Quran narrates to us are true and not fantasy for e.g...the story of Prophet mosses and pharaoh is true for Allah said in the holy Quran “ we recites to you some of the news of the Moses and Pharaoh and truth “ (28:3) these stories are intended for mankind or severe consequences if they failed to obey Allah similar to those who refuses to obey him.
There are several matters which are concern to all yet they cannot be interpreted by human mind logically on its own as Allah says in holy Quran “these are announcements of the unseen……” (11:49) Allah alone himself expertly deals with the unseen things and revealed to us in the holy Quran and gives reasonable explanation to us for e.g. the creations of the universe, life after death, etc. As Allah says in Holy Quran: “and He had set firm the mountains on the earth so that it would not shake with you ….” (16:15)

When certain scientific concepts mentioned in the Quran are studied in the light of 21st century scientific discoveries which were unknown to us like the Quran tells us about three developmental stages of human embryo, which only recently the scientists have discovered.
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he wx inslted called a poet and insane
his uncle asked his sons to divorce the daughters of perophet {S.A.W.}
pebbles were thore in his patth
incidents like attempts oof killing him during prayer and throwing animal waste on him
boycott of banu hasim

i) Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) Undoubtedly our Holy Prophet (S.A.W) who faced such circumstances like oppossition and persecution by the unbeliever. When the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was ordered by Allah to preach openly, as the Holy Quran Say’s “therefore, declare openly to them, what you are commanded and turned away from the pagans “(15:94). The Holy Muhammad (S.A.W) went to Mount Safa and called on to the people of Quraish and warned them by giving the message of Allah his uncle Abu Lahb and his wife Umme Jameel scolded the Prophet (S.A.W) and all of the Quraish rejected the preaching of Muhammad (S.A.W).
Abu Lahb’s Wife Umme Jameel used to throw thorny bushes and thorn on the path of Holy Muhammad (S.A.W). The Quraish, who ones respected and adored him, now turned his bitterest enemies. An old women regular threw filth and garbage on the face of Holy Muhammad (S.A.W) whenever he was busy in prayer , the Quraishites driven by insane ambitions , they even pelted stones at him and severed him with several abuses whenever he use to pass by. Once when the Holy Muhammad (S.A.W) was preaching in Ukaz Fair, Abu Lahb came from behind and shouted “O people of Quraish! He is my nephew, don’t listen to him he is a poet, insane, soothsayer and a magician, stay away from him” (Ibn-Hisham Seerah 1/287).
Once the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was praying a man by the name Uqbah- Bin- Muait came from behind and strangled him Abu Bakr (R.A) was nearby He came and released from the grip of Uqba-Bin-Muait and the people of Quraish started beating Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) so much that his own clan people took him to his house. Abu Jahl once said to his friends that he would split the head of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) by throwing a stone when he would offer prayer. On the following morning he approached with a stone in his hand he suddenly stopped and terrified, and he rushed back to his friends swearing that he had seen a huge camel stallion who appeared to attack and eat him. Pagens used all their tactics to dissuade Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) from spreading the message of Islam. They even tried to bribe him by giving temptation to his uncle Abu Talib that If Muhammad (S.A.W) wanted to be king of Quraish they will make him; if he wanted the wealth we will make him the richest man in Mecca, if he wanted to marry the most beautiful girl in Arab we will give her to Muhammad (S.A.W). The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in response said to his uncle that they cannot stop me preaching Islam by simply given these temptations then the Quraish again came to his uncle and this time they threatened Abu Talib that if he didn’t stop Muhhammad (S.A.W) from preaching new faith they will hurt Muhammad (S.A.W) Abu Talib said to Muhammad (S.A.W) “O my brother’s son if u didn’t stop I am afraid that they will hurt you” the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) emotionally replied “O uncle if you put the sun in my right hand the moon in my left hand I will not stop preaching the message until Allah takes my life”(Sahih Al-Bukhari) .
When all the tactics and strategies of the Quraish failed, they went on for socio-economic boycott against Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and his clan Banu Hasim along with his followers and sent them out of Makkah to Shaib-e-Abi Talib where he stayed for about 2-3 years without food and water except when if the caravans were passing by they gave them some provisions. Finally, the boycott was lifted and when he came back to Makkah first his wife Hazrat Bibi Khadija (R.A) died and after few months his protector and helper in the course of Islam his beloved uncle Abu Talib also died in 619 A.D. Now the Prophet (S.A.W) was defenseless and more vulnerable to the opposition and persecution by the Quraish as Abu Lahab became the leader of Quraish. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) thought that now their times to go outside of Makkah to preach Islam as the Quraish were not accepting him. The nearest town was about 60 miles from Makkah and the holy Prophet (S.A.W) walked all the way to the city of Al-Taif. He met with the rulers of Taif which were of Banu Thaqeef. When the holy Prophet preached them, they first laughed and scolded him and then they asked the mean people like teenagers, and the women to drive him out of Taif by throwing stones at him and he bled from head to toe and had to come back to Makkah. All these measures of opposition and persecution were taken by the Quraish were solely aimed at harming the growth of Islam, and his success as a Prophet of Allah Al-Mighty.
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- prophet didnot know the teachings from birth but he was taught by Allah through revelations
- it tells us the importance of knowledge in islam as Surah Alaq repeatedly mentions of knowledge

Question: What does the Prophet’s (S.A.W) first experience of revelation tells us about the nature of Prophet Hood in Islam? [4]
Answer: In Islamic terminology revelation or Wahi means, God’s divine message conveyed to God’s chosen person (Prophets). The revelation cane be conveyed openly or in a hidden and concealed manner, like hearing of the bell, dreams, God’s personal talking To messengers like with Musa (A.S) and Prophet (S.A.W) (the Isra wa-Mi’raj) and revelation brought by angels in the form of man or angel, like the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) first (S.A.W) Jibrael (A.S) in the form of a man in the cave of Hira when he received the first revelation.
The unexpected experience of Prophet (S.A.W) and his confusion when he (S.A.W) angel Jibrael in angelic form; same was happened to Hazrat Musa (A.S) when he went to the Mountain of Tour when he went to the mountain to fetch fire but surprised and confused upon hearing God’s direct voice and revelation about his prophecy. Allah says in the Holy Quran “Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message). I am not with you” (8:12 Again Allah says “Nor does he say out of his own desire, it is no less than inspiration sending to him.” (53:3-4)

As when Hazrat Merriam (A.S) brought Hazrat Isa (A.S) into this world, Hazrat Isa only few days old spoke the truth about his mother being pure women (Surah Merriam). So the first experience of Prophet (S.A.W) shows that God chose Prophets often without warning and that they are best among their people morally and intellectually and they belong to the noble ancestors.
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(b): write down the significance of Quran being revealed to
mankind? sir irfan can u ans this

Answer: The Holy Quran is the last sacred book of Allah which is the only book which is pure scripture in its true form. The Holy Quran is not just a book; it is a book of warning from Allah Al-Mighty. It is a book of warnings, directives and instructions revealed for the guidance and betterment for mankind for all times. The Quran says “Blessed is He who sent down the criterion to His servant, that it may be an admonition to all creatures” (25:1). The central theme of the Quran is the Tawheed, belief in messengers, belief in the Hereafter and the designation of man as Allah’s deputy. The Quran talks about the origin of the man (96:1-5) the structure of the earth and heavens. It talks about the past civilizations and criticizes the conduct of different nations. The Quran contains directives for the head of the state as well as for common man, rich and as well for the poor, for peace as well as war, for spiritual well being as well as material prosperity.
The Holy Quran commands to educate and convince people about the usefulness of its injunctions. The Quran lays down the rules and regulations relating to life " Surely , we have send down to you [O Muhammad (S.A.W)] the book [this Quran] in truth that you might judge between men by that which Allah has shown you (that is has taught you throw divine inspiration) , so we not pleader for the treacherous " (4:105) Islamic law assess individual actions as they relate to fundamental values that each law tries to preserve, ranging from individual well-being to property and wealth, these values are on the basis of Islamic principles of moral thoughts and action. The five fundamental principles are the heart of Islamic law represents values of accountability and public order protected by jurisprudence as the Quran says: "we have explained in this Quran for the benefit of mankind"(39:2): life, religion, reason/mental faculty, property, and progeny. From an Islamic legal point of view, civil society is governed by laws that regulate the financial and family relationships that exist in the public sphere. Criminal behavior is also an issue that received extensive treatment in books on Islamic law. The scripture of Islam is, by contrast, rather limited in its specification of particular punishments for criminal acts. According to the text of the Quran, few crimes have prescribed punishments. These include apostasy, theft, adultery, murder, slander, highway robbery, and the consumption of alcohol. Looking at Islamic law as a whole, it becomes clear that laws regulating punishment for criminal behavior are meant to preserve the values enumerated above. These five "fundamentals" are the values upon which the philosophy of Islamic law is based.

The Holy Quran talks about the pillars of Islam e.g. it says: “And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah offering Him sincere devotion, been true (in faith) to establish regular prayer; and to practice regular charity; and that is the religion right and straight.” (98:5). The Holy Quran also gives the honor to make treaties with other nations and to conduct international relations with peaceful means. The Quranic principals on the conduct of war prohibit the killing of women and children; waging a war of aggression; destroying places of domicile; and killing prisoners of war etc. The Holy Quran requires Muslims abide by their contracts because they would be made to account in the Hereafter for the promises that they have made. So Quran as provided and regulate our lives in accordance with its command: “Verily this Quran doth guide to that which is more right (or stable) ………..” (17:9).