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@Narcotic: I was talking about love with opposite gender, It should happen once in life and it indeed does, that's basically what my research states up till now! But don't you think it's rather odd to love multiple of peoples? Like loving a girl and then moving on and loving someone else, why do we add the word 'true' with love? Because love can happen multiple times, but 'true' love happens once.
no i ddnt mean moving on to others. i meant we can love more than one persona at a time. even with opp gender concerned. but this i meant in a case wen one person has left u or is dead. it doesn't stop u from loving the one who is not here anymore but it also doesn't stop u from loving sm1 who has been ur support, who understood u. thats wat i meant :)
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no i ddnt mean moving on to others. i meant we can love more than one persona at a time. even with opp gender concerned. but this i meant in a case wen one person has left u or is dead. it doesn't stop u from loving the one who is not here anymore but it also doesn't stop u from loving sm1 who has been ur support, who understood u. thats wat i meant :)
I never said we could 'not' love more than one person. :)
I completely agree with you (y)
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no i ddnt mean moving on to others. i meant we can love more than one persona at a time. even with opp gender concerned. but this i meant in a case wen one person has left u or is dead. it doesn't stop u from loving the one who is not here anymore but it also doesn't stop u from loving sm1 who has been ur support, who understood u. thats wat i meant :)
she is right. learn something mr mod =P
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no i ddnt mean moving on to others. i meant we can love more than one persona at a time. even with opp gender concerned. but this i meant in a case wen one person has left u or is dead. it doesn't stop u from loving the one who is not here anymore but it also doesn't stop u from loving sm1 who has been ur support, who understood u. thats wat i meant :)

geek threats =P
Oh. You threatened them? :p No wonder :rolleyes:

I never said we could 'not' love more than one person. :)
I completely agree with you (y)
Shukar hai aqal aa gai :p
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she is right. learn something mr mod =P
Ahan! I guess there was a mis-understanding while reading her post. The thing however, which is cause of concern is the fact that when I speak about possesiveness, I never mean that one should 'only' love a single person and 'no one else'. I meant that we should show from our actions and terms of priority about the person we love. I hope this clear up.
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Ahan! I guess there was a mis-understanding while reading her post. The thing however, which is cause of concern is the fact that when I speak about possesiveness, I never mean that one should 'only' love a single person and 'no one else'. I meant that we should show from our actions and terms of priority about the person we love. I hope this clear up.
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i think, no i know love exists, but i dont believe in luv @first sight (only happens in disney fairytales), its sumthin tht wud develop ovr tym, and go strngr the more u gt to knw tht prson, evn their bad traits wud nt annoy/displease u i guess...
Exactly! That's not love, when you love someone in terms of 'looks' then that's really is 'NOT' love!
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There are two stages which human faces in his/her life.
Infactuation: It's the term when one 'thinks' he/she is in love. This happens with most of the teenagers, usually referred as 'love at first sight'.
Sadly, It's merely a crush. While going through some facts, I found out that crush doesn't last more than 4 months to any individual. The period exceeding 4 months is indeed, what we call- 'love'.
Love is the second stage on a person's life. We can describe love in many ways. Love means sacrifice, it means not caring for your own need but doing something to earn happiness of other person, it means 'caring'. Most people in relationship these days take 'wrong' advantage of this word we call 'love'. How? Simple, Old saying goes, "Actions speak louder than words". Yeah it's the actions what I m talking about. Actions should be enough to show your love. Let me give you an example:
A child, he just loves his favourate toys, he wouldn't let anyone else play with it. He would cry and cry if someone else uses that toy.
Just like that, when we love someone, possesiveness occurs. We are so keen about not to 'lose' the person we love. But how can we claim to love a person whom we are not sure to spend our lives with? One can't say 'I love you' and then move on. That's not love. It happens once in a life. Why take wrong advantage of it then? When we love someone, the best solution is to wait and tell parents as soon as possible, 'marriage' is what I m talking about dear readers. Yes! Marraige, big word right? So is 'I love you'. If you really love someone, then you would do anything to make sure he/she stays with you forever. But why take the wrong means to do so? The word 'reputation' is very delicate in reality. Specially when talking about girls. Girls or boys, if there's love, there's possesiveness. But when someone even tries to 'act' possesive, the partner bestows him a title of 'narrow minded'. It's not about being open or narrow minded guys. It's about caring, it's about possesiveness, it's about sincerity, it's about honesty. I really hate these 'fake' relationships. It's just a method of 'time pass' to many but look at the others, dear friend. What if your partner is sincere with you? Aren't you kind of 'destroying' his/her life? The biggest threat to this 'love' is opposite gender friends. When a guy has fe-male or a girl has male friends. Everyone tries to 'butt in'. They try to take un-fair advantage of the situation, not all people are like that, but most of them are. It's because no one cares for anyone else these days.
If you really 'love' someone, instead of making 'false promises' try to find ways to get your partner for life time, this can only be done by marriage.
Love is when you leave your partner because he/she doesn't want to be in a relationship, it's when you know you love her, yet you let him/her go. This is love. However, this hurts like anything, yet scarificing is not always 'easy' is it?

"Love means sacrifice, it means not caring for your own need but doing something to earn happiness of other person, it means 'caring'. Most people in relationship these days take 'wrong' advantage of this word we call 'love'. How? Simple, Old saying goes, "Actions speak louder than words". Yeah it's the actions what I m talking about. Actions should be enough to show your love."

Wow... the whole is the most beautiful thing I've read here. I mean it. Thought I knew what love is, until someone tells me and shows me the contrary.

And yes. It hurts too, to be loved and not to be able to return it back. If you are sacrificing for someone worthwhile on one side, there is pain on the other side too.

I'll write later, when am in a mood to talk. Thanks Epiphany, for making the thread. :)
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Wow... this is the most beautiful thing I've read here. I mean it. Thought I knew what love is, until someone tells me and shows me the contrary.

And yes. It hurts too, to be loved and not to be able to return it back. If you are sacrificing for someone worthwhile on one side, there is pain on the other side too.

I'll write later, when am in a mood to talk. Thanks Epiphany, for making the thread. :)
Thank you! :)
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if you love someone, u share everything with them. including telling them what makes you happy =P
if every1 is like, i love that perosn so i ll do as she wants, thats gonna be more of a compromise x'D

True at a certain level. What if you love someone so much and you're quite aware you aren't be together after all, but you just can't help it. Not desperate or anything, you're just completely blinded by the power of love that you just can't resist doing everything you can to keep her happy. Not to hurt her or force her or anything like that. Just keep her happy, the way she wants.

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Ever witnessed a feeling, a burning desire, in your heart, when you feel like, 'what would you be, if that specific person wasn't there.' Wasn't in your life, how would it be, totally blank. Funny how people add up colors to someone's life without even trying, without even realizing. A bit. :')
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True at a certain level. What if you love someone so much and you're quite aware you aren't be together after all, but you just can't help it. Not desperate or anything, you're just completely blinded by the power of love that you just can't resist doing everything you can to keep her happy. Not to hurt her or force her or anything like that. Just keep her happy, the way she wants.


errr look around. there is a world outside that one person.
if someone cant make YOU happy, then why the hell should you make that person happy? alright. i know what u ll say to that. its love. BUT dude, what about the love Allah does? He loves you so much; Created you, and u cant love Him back and NOT waste your self for one mere human being? whose happiness is more imp?
the love you talk about is nothing but compromise
no offence intended

Ever witnessed a feeling, a burning desire, in your heart, when you feel like, 'what would you be, if that specific person wasn't there.' Wasn't in your life, how would it be, totally blank. Funny how people add up colors to someone's life without even trying, without even realizing. A bit. :')
life 'd be unimaginably awesome
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Ever witnessed a feeling, a burning desire, in your heart, when you feel like, 'what would you be, if that specific person wasn't there.' Wasn't in your life, how would it be, totally blank. Funny how people add up colors to someone's life without even trying, without even realizing. A bit. :')

Don't know why... but I still think you love 'love' too much. o_O
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errr look around. there is a world outside that one person.
if someone cant make YOU happy, then why the hell should you make that person happy? alright. i know what u ll say to that. its love. BUT dude, what about the love Allah does? He loves you so much; Created you, and u cant love Him back and NOT waste your self for one mere human being? whose happiness is more imp?
the love you talk about is nothing but compromise
no offence intended
U r absolutely right. :)
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errr look around. there is a world outside that one person.
if someone cant make YOU happy, then why the hell should you make that person happy? alright. i know what u ll say to that. its love. BUT dude, what about the love Allah does? He loves you so much; Created you, and u cant love Him back and NOT waste your self for one mere human being? whose happiness is more imp?
the love you talk about is nothing but compromise
no offence intended

Again. Love doesn't actually exist in one form.
My love for God? Unmeasurable.
That again, love's not only limited.
There's love for Parents, siblings, friends, and of coarse that one person whom you want to marry or will marry at the right moment.

Love is blinded according to my understanding or experience, you can't just move over and love everything else and side by side ignore what your heart wants or desires or what your heart fancy. All those fairy tales about love. Are a joke. It's harder on the outside. Real harder. If she doesn't love you back, that doesn't mean your love for that person has ended side-by side. You can't help it. Love's too powerful and beyond the reach of human imagination.
