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Malala Yousaf Zai

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Who are Talibans? I hear this stuff alot and I guess it needs some discussion here.
How do you define Talibans?
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Who are Talibans? I hear this stuff alot and I guess it needs some discussion here.
How do you define Talibans?
Taliban are Tribal People who have been Originated from Afghanistan.There Influence Entered into Pak when Zia Ul Haq opened the Borders for Afghani Refugee . Well they are islamic extremist who Imposed their Teachings and Laws on people. They do brutal Kinda Stuff I.e They Slashed the throat of a Portuguese engineer so they could spread their Fear among the people.
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Taliban are Tribal People who have been Originated from Afghanistan.There Influence Entered into Pak when Zia Ul Haq opened the Borders for Afghani Refugee . Well they are islamic extremist who Imposed their Teachings and Laws on people. They do brutal Kinda Stuff I.e They Slashed the throat of a Portuguese engineer so they could spread their Fear among the people.
Are you sure? I mean, are you certain that Talibans that are here in Pakistan are the same?
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I dont Know Much about that..
Yeah thats my point! We don't really know Talibans are doing this stuff in Pakistan or its someone else. According to every common sense, a Taliban who lived in Afghanistan, fought the Russians and now Americans with an AK-47 and a good old RPG cannot suddenly come to Pakistan with the latest guns and ammunition that few countries have seen. I'm not taking their side or stuff, I'm just exploring the issue. It surely has a bigger Picture!
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Are you sure? I mean, are you certain that Talibans that are here in Pakistan are the same?
apparently. they are distributed. there are some afghan Taliban working against Pakistan, Pakistani Taliban working against Afghanistan, some groups working against both for u.s, Basically they have been supported by U.s since the very beginning to be used against U.S.S.R and it was very successful when USSR broke. As with help of Pak army's skill and U.s weapon. then after that Taliban moved to Kashmir OR TO Afghanistanand Pakistan beginning the ciaos
Inside Peak. bureaucratizes openly say that U.s is still behind the taliban( afterall that is how they occupied Afghanistan, Iraq and prospectively Pakistan and Iran. Thus these are Khurajites. outsiders you may say.
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Yeah thats my point! We don't really know Talibans are doing this stuff in Pakistan or its someone else. According to every common sense, a Taliban who lived in Afghanistan, fought the Russians and now Americans with an AK-47 and a good old RPG cannot suddenly come to Pakistan with the latest guns and ammunition that few countries have seen. I'm not taking their side or stuff, I'm just exploring the issue. It surely has a bigger Picture!
It kinda have issues as these are not doing what they seem to do. they openly consider the Pakistani too moderate to be called Muslims. And this is there visible open view for which we are 'WAJIB UL QATAL' near them. behind all this game there is definitely super power that is our enemy too . to fight of wich we will first have to get rid of these Taliban.
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apparently. they are distributed. there are some afghan Taliban working against Pakistan, Pakistani Taliban working against Afghanistan, some groups working against both for u.s, Basically they have been supported by U.s since the very beginning to be used against U.S.S.R and it was very successful when USSR broke. As with help of Pak army's skill and U.s weapon. then after that Taliban moved to Kashmir OR TO Afghanistanand Pakistan beginning the ciaos
Inside Peak. bureaucratizes openly say that U.s is still behind the taliban( afterall that is how they occupied Afghanistan, Iraq and prospectively Pakistan and Iran. Thus these are Khurajites. outsiders you may say.
Then why protests against Talibans? Operations against talibans? Why not against America? If its America who is supporting them (According to you), why are we shaking hands for new deals everyday with the US?
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Then why protests against Talibans? Operations against talibans? Why not against America? If its America who is supporting them (According to you), why are we shaking hands for new deals everyday with the US?
Because America do not have power to fight with us. do you think u.s army could fight with our soldiers and still be alive. it is Taliban, they have made who have the level. they are the ones to damage us. I totally agree there should be no deal thing with u.s but if Taliban are removed u.s will be in great difficulty to occupy us.
p.s it is not according to me but bureaucratize opinion.
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Do you know what his son said. : My father always wished for martyrdom. we wish God accept his. and we wish we two be as strong and courageous as our father too. For God's sake take united steps against this terrorism. today our father was shot, tomorrow your and the leaders children will be that they shoot.
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Because America do not have power to fight with us. do you think u.s army could fight with our soldiers and still be alive. it is Taliban, they have made who have the level. they are the ones to damage us. I totally agree there should be no deal thing with u.s but if Taliban are removed u.s will be in great difficulty to occupy us.
p.s it is not according to me but bureaucratize opinion.
Seriously? You think America cannot fight us? They already are fighting! And winning. Talibans are nothing, just a name! And I can prove that they are not just winning territorially, they are winning minds. The first thing that you think when you hear the word "Taliban" is Afghani, Pathan, Killer, Extremist Muslim etc. And when you see the advertisements on TV channels regarding US AID and stuff, you think of US as our sole helper, our friend. Thats one step closer!
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Seriously? You think America cannot fight us? They already are fighting! And winning. Talibans are nothing, just a name! And I can prove that they are not just winning territorially, they are winning minds. The first thing that you think when you hear the word "Taliban" is Afghani, Pathan, Killer, Extremist Muslim etc. And when you see the advertisements on TV channels regarding US AID and stuff, you think of US as our sole helper, our friend. Thats one step closer!
If this is so . it is very sad. that our open enemies are wining our minds.Do you feel happy on Malala incident or today on Bashir Bilour's incident or when thousands die very day due to the suicide bombing. take a closer look. if Taliban are just a name why did our army had such a hard time in south waziristan and swat. U.s will be behind it but the main subject is still them.
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If this is so . it is very sad. that our open enemies are wining our minds.Do you feel happy on Malala incident or today on Bashir Bilour's incident or when thousands die very day due to the suicide bombing. take a closer look. if Taliban are just a name why did our army had such a hard time in south waziristan and swat. U.s will be behind it but the main subject is still them.
I regret the deaths, I don't know about Malala though (People say alot of stuff). Like you said, our army is doing an operation in N. Waziristan, but is it helping? Is it stopping the suicide attacks, is it restricting them from doing any further harm? I don't think so. Everything's the same as it was. The only thing that got affected was Pakistan's army itself, our soldiers who die daily in numbers, our resources that are being used extensively. Think carefully, we are actually fighting nothing in particular!
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After Swat and south waziristan . the suicide attacks almost stopped. and what i observed the Taliban were broken it is from muharram that the new wave of attacks came. These operations do work.