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Mum declares me mentally unstable

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Well,since past year or so, i seem to have lost all kinds of social touch...i prefer being on myy own and i feel uncomfortable around too many people...dont speak much to even people at school...all i'm there fir is physical companyy..i find it rude to barge into convos just like thatt && dont speak to nobody much till theres a necessaty ot whenn i'm spoken to...i prefer places with less light,idk i just hate too much light..and well,i did cut a few times when my emotions went way overr that top..but that was only a few timess...i've quit now..mom notices the my behavior,saw the scars on my arms and declared me mentally unstable..wow,thats great! Thanx momm! Feels so good to hear it from your own parents....

well thats a part of your personality u could change it if u want to do.......but i its not necessary people living with u will get used to this aspect of ur personality......but thats my believe that its really hard to spent life ignoring ur relations at any place in life u will need a person......no man is an island...i also had the same thinking but one thing that made me to change it that ALLAH for some reasons had made these beautiful relations in the world.......so do care for people who really care for u everyone is not same.........:)
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well thats a part of your personality u could change it if u want to do.......but i its not necessary people living with u will get used to this aspect of ur personality......but thats my believe that its really hard to spent life ignoring ur relations at any place in life u will need a person......no man is an island...i also had the same thinking but one thing that made me to change it that ALLAH for some reasons had made these beautiful relations in the world.......so do care for people who really care for u everyone is not same.........:)

thsnx a.lot,Dimple...but thats what i doo these dayz..moreoverr,i msde many good frends at new school,so yeah..
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thsnx a.lot,Dimple...but thats what i doo these dayz..moreoverr,i msde many good frends at new school,so yeah..

hmmmm thats really good............carry on with it........nd do remember every relation is a blessing of ALLAH....good luck and stay blessed:)