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Mum declares me mentally unstable

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Well,since past year or so, i seem to have lost all kinds of social touch...i prefer being on myy own and i feel uncomfortable around too many people...dont speak much to even people at school...all i'm there fir is physical companyy..i find it rude to barge into convos just like thatt && dont speak to nobody much till theres a necessaty ot whenn i'm spoken to...i prefer places with less light,idk i just hate too much light..and well,i did cut a few times when my emotions went way overr that top..but that was only a few timess...i've quit now..mom notices the my behavior,saw the scars on my arms and declared me mentally unstable..wow,thats great! Thanx momm! Feels so good to hear it from your own parents....

see it is fine! as me myself use to be like this but then something in this world changed my life changed the way i use to see this world..every thing changed and today i am happy and perfectly living my life..so it is all about YOU and when you will decide to change your self trust me god will help you...the thing which changed me was unexpected but it happened to me and i am sure it will happen to you as-well today or tomorrow but it actually will..GOOD LUCK and remember that:
"life is a treasure and you are much more than you know":)
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You should speak to someone in person. It could be a psychologist. Trust me that's not a bad thing. They hear from people with such problems everyday. And they know the solutions.
If you had no emotions, and if you thought you were fine and felt good, you would have never made this topic. Being mentally unstable should not be referred to as a disgrace. Sometimes a dilemma can overtake you, which may result in the gloominess. You know that something is wrong with you, but you are trying to hide that fact from your ownself. Once again, if that wasn't so, you wouldn't have posted this topic. It's only you who understands what's going in your head and only you yourself can solve your problems.
One good thing you are doing, is atleast sharing your problems with someone. Strangers we might be. But it lets you take a bit of the burden of you. Infact, this is the best thing you can do for a start.
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:ROFLMAO: haha seriously..well.i made this topicc cuz i lilke sharing shit about me..and well,and dont really care what the worldd thinks..onlyy what my family thinks...you say i know whats going on and i guess i do..I am mentally unstable :ROFLMAO: you say i shouldnt be disgraced iff people tell me so? Tbh.i really dont...i love it when they call me that..why? Because it makes me different!!!! Hahaha i agree that i'm mentally unstable and i love every moment of it..maybe i am the most unstable guyy around here and if you wanna take on that title from me,get me outta the equation!!! :p :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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And well,how ironicc it is as i wanna be a psychologist myselff!!!! :ROFLMAO: imagine,i psychologist whoo is menatlly unstable :ROFLMAO:
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'Wannabe'? Aww come on!! Its a disgrace!!! I was expecting psycopath.. :p
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I have just read a few of your posts on first page, and one or two on the last one, so if something I say has already been said, disregard it.

Very honestly speaking, I can relate to a lot of what you have written about yourself when it comes to minimal social interactions and such, minus the self-harm part (hurting yourself/cutting) though. First things first, "mentally unstable" is a pretty strong word and definitely does not seem to apply to you. Being different or "somewhat crazy" is a dynamic title, that can be accurately applied to almost every human being, no matter how "stable" they might be. Granted, that "being different", when it comes to aversion to excessive social interaction gets somewhat exaggerated, possibly (and falsely) as a negative thing by most people, but nonetheless it does not qualify as mentally unstable at all. Almost all geeks and nerds -- myself included -- are not as social, and more importantly not the same type of social, as the jocks and likes might be, but that does not make them psychologically unstable by any measure. More often than not, they prefer to be around people who can appreciate and recognize their different nature and the positive sides of it, instead of wasting their time in the more mundane and repetitive stuff. You have to recognize who you are as an individual and learn to appreciate the things that deserves appreciating, and not care much about the opinion of people who do not understand or can even comprehend you. And I hope you have already got some interests and hobbies, try to find more of them. You should also try to interact with people on different forums on Internet, though at places where you would get constructive help, and not where there mostly are douche-bags which will reinforce your self-harm habit.

Though I will say, that hurting yourself thing is something you should change your point of view about. You should take that under control, before it becomes a habitual and compulsive thing. Try to replace that with something else that does not involve blood and knives etc. You might be inclined to do it because of rampant emotions and as a way of coping with stuff, or to reinforce other people's stereotypes about you, so you should calmly ask yourself what exactly did you gain from doing that, and what would have you lost if you didn't do it. Probably you would not be able to get much help with this exact type of thinking, but I hope you can get the main premise and the pattern of thought I am trying to convey.

If the aversion to light problem is somewhat severe and causes you to have physical discomfort, then I would get suggest you to get that checked out, by an ophthalmologist or G.P, not by a psychologist :p.

Be peaceful and kind, and try to have fun with even the most ordinary stuff.
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Wow,thats some piece of sound advice...well,aversiont lightt thing isnt too severe..i just prefer darkness...and i tend to disregard the comments of people arounf and be myy ownself...there are a few people who acceptt me,cuz they dk much about me..and there are very few people-hardlt one or twoo who disregard my vices and accept me for me...my tastes are way to different from around me,thats the reason i dont get much along with people i guess..anywayz,as for the self-harming part..i did it cuz i was super pissed off and woulda ripped the person's throat...well,i didnt do it in a long while,the cutting,partly cuz i somehow get less angry these days te only reason i cann thinkk of is i dont socialize much these dayz..otherwise,i'm a short-tempered person and petty stuff set me off and i tend to become harmful,either to myself,or to people aroundd me...thats one of the reason i dont like to socialize myuchh i guess...btw,from where Wow,thats some piece of sound advice...well,aversiont lightt thing isnt too severe..i just prefer darkness...and i tend to disregard the comments of people arounf and be myy ownself...there are a few people who acceptt me,cuz they dk much about me..and there are very few people-hardlt one or twoo who disregard my vices and accept me for me...my tastes are way to different from around me,thats the reason i dont get much along with people i guess..anywayz,as for the self-harming part..i did it cuz i was super pissed off and woulda ripped the person's throat...well,i didnt do it in a long while,the cutting,partly cuz i somehow get less angry these days te only reason i cann thinkk of is i dont socialize much these dayz..otherwise,i'm a short-tempered person and petty stuff set me off and i tend to become harmful,either to myself,or to people aroundd me...thats one of the reason i dont like to socialize myuchh i guess...btw,from where Wow,thats some piece of sound advice...well,aversiont lightt thing isnt too severe..i just prefer darkness...and i tend to disregard the comments of people arounf and be myy ownself...there are a few people who acceptt me,cuz they dk much about me..and there are very few people-hardlt one or twoo who disregard my vices and accept me for me...my tastes are way to different from around me,thats the reason i dont get much along with people i guess..anywayz,as for the self-harming part..i did it cuz i was super pissed off and woulda ripped the person's throat...well,i didnt do it in a long while,the cutting,partly cuz i somehow get less angry these days te only reason i cann thinkk of is i dont socialize much these dayz..otherwise,i'm a short-tempered person and petty stuff set me off and i tend to become harmful,either to myself,or to people aroundd me...thats one of the reason i dont like to socialize myuchh i guess...btw,from where Wow,thats some piece of sound advice...well,aversiont lightt thing isnt too severe..i just prefer darkness...and i tend to disregard the comments of people arounf and be myy ownself...there are a few people who acceptt me,cuz they dk much about me..and there are very few people-hardlt one or twoo who disregard my vices and accept me for me...my tastes are way to different from around me,thats the reason i dont get much along with people i guess..anywayz,as for the self-harming part..i did it cuz i was super pissed off and woulda ripped the person's throat...well,i didnt do it in a long while,the cutting,partly cuz i somehow get less angry these days te only reason i cann thinkk of is i dont socialize much these dayz..otherwise,i'm a short-tempered person and petty stuff set me off and i tend to become harmful,either to myself,or to people aroundd me...thats one of the reason i dont like to socialize myuchh i guess...btw,from where are you?
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heyy hope u chckd ur pm for my reply :)

hahah well you seriously didnt need to put in on pm really...and wel thats good for you i guess...but you said it everyone's different...who says i dont have fun? I havee fun when i can if there are people to have funn with...when people dont wanna talk,whyy bother them....is been a while since this as it is...and well who cares about who or what you are? Just be who you are and do whatcha comfortable with and walkk this world proud in yourr freaking self...
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hahah well you seriously didnt need to put in on pm really...and wel thats good for you i guess...but you said it everyone's different...who says i dont have fun? I havee fun when i can if there are people to have funn with...when people dont wanna talk,whyy bother them....is been a while since this as it is...and well who cares about who or what you are? Just be who you are and do whatcha comfortable with and walkk this world proud in yourr freaking self...
umm no i had to tell a lot abt me thats the reason i chose pm :)
U do have fun !!! think of it !! u will kno where fun lies ..!
u kno u, urself can be fun ! well that way ppl will enjoy talking to you ..
well okay i dont kno i am blabbering ! whateva came to my mind i jst said :)
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umm no i had to tell a lot abt me thats the reason i chose pm :)
U do have fun !!! think of it !! u will kno where fun lies ..!
u kno u, urself can be fun ! well that way ppl will enjoy talking to you ..
well okay i dont kno i am blabbering ! whateva came to my mind i jst said :)

nah its cool you just tryna helpp...thats all.. And well,i dont give adamn whether the people love me or hate me...they talk and are friendly, even iff a stranger ii treat 'em as my best frend i had since eons...but if people dont talk,well whoo cares?
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nah its cool you just tryna helpp...thats all.. And well,i dont give adamn whether the people love me or hate me...they talk and are friendly, even iff a stranger ii treat 'em as my best frend i had since eons...but if people dont talk,well whoo cares?
umm kay kay :)