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Mum declares me mentally unstable

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trying to help and relate to him atleast..... he should do what he wants.... plus learn not to care about what others say and to stand up for himself, ok his mum called him that, every has problems and defects doesnt mean they should be unhappy....
Senseless? says the guy with a question mark for an avatar.... seriously? -___-
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Well,since past year or so, i seem to have lost all kinds of social touch...i prefer being on myy own and i feel uncomfortable around too many people...dont speak much to even people at school...all i'm there fir is physical companyy..i find it rude to barge into convos just like thatt && dont speak to nobody much till theres a necessaty ot whenn i'm spoken to...i prefer places with less light,idk i just hate too much light..and well,i did cut a few times when my emotions went way overr that top..but that was only a few timess...i've quit now..mom notices the my behavior,saw the scars on my arms and declared me mentally unstable..wow,thats great! Thanx momm! Feels so good to hear it from your own parents....
one darn minute dude... If you have lost all touch with every one AND you are stupid enough to cut yourself... then why the heck are you posting it here? Most people do that for suggestions but since you don't give a damn about anyone else what's the use...
Secondly, don't drag your parents dude... they're probably just worried... won't you be if your son got sick of life and shut himself up in one room 24/7?
A friendly advice: Get over your fears and give your society a chance... maybe you'll like it after all
I hope you understand :)
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*sigh* sheeeesh...i wrote this because i get this a lot...i dont believe that i'm a retard and i'm adhering to it...was just curious to see if you guyz are the same...yo atleast know how many more people think that way...the cutting thing was actually the reason why people call me a retard...and i put here to see if y'all think the same...and well,to clarify why xactly did i do this...
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*sigh* sheeeesh...i wrote this because i get this a lot...i dont believe that i'm a retard and i'm adhering to it...was just curious to see if you guyz are the same...
ur not retarded or nething...... its just dat u wanna b left alone.... but dere's NO need 2 take extreme measures 4 dat..... :)
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*sigh* sheeeesh...i wrote this because i get this a lot...i dont believe that i'm a retard and i'm adhering to it...was just curious to see if you guyz are the same...yo atleast know how many more people think that way...the cutting thing was actually the reason why people call me a retard...and i put here to see if y'all think the same...and well,to clarify why xactly did i do this...

i also dont like mingling with strangers ... and i have a very small circle of friends but dude that cutting thing aint normal ...
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u seem really sad..
mayb stayin away from ppl for a wyl will do u sum good
if ur not really accepted among ur grp of "friends", then why don't you try and be part of sum weekly halaqa or majlis?? or mayb u can do social work lyk hepl cleaning the beach and stuff...trust me u will really enjoy it if u lyk all dis....but u will be definitely not really outta place...coz iv tried...n trust me! its worked wonders...it helps me rewind and @ the end of the day i feel happy...u dont really havta socialize...just be der...n u will feel good
y dont u just try tokin to sum1...coz talkin definitely duz a lotta good...
or mayb u can just read books...i do it wen i feel down and wanna get away from reality...wen u hav bks u wudnt want anythin else in the world..
but first PRAY and READ QU'RAn coz nothin gives u peace and tranquility like they do.....:)
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sum ppl say u shud do sumthin tht u luv e.g u lyk playin sum sprt, den go wrk on it! i do da same as hautehijabi....wen i gt pissd of at da wrld, i go bury myself in a bk
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*sigh* sheeeesh...i wrote this because i get this a lot...i dont believe that i'm a retard and i'm adhering to it...was just curious to see if you guyz are the same...yo atleast know how many more people think that way...the cutting thing was actually the reason why people call me a retard...and i put here to see if y'all think the same...and well,to clarify why xactly did i do this...
Not giving a shit about the world and shutting yourself up in your room for the rest of your life ---> Nature (no one's gonna approve it but i, for one, wouldn't call you a retard for that.
Cutting yourself ---> Absolute retard :p (most people do it to show-off, you have a different but a bitter reason)
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but dude that cutting thing aint normal ...

and dude,i did it due to rage..when i'm mad i can be really devastating..nearly smashed a guys face with a chair...was choking the otherr to death,slammed the door shut once when that dude's face was in the doorway...i cut so that the painn keeps my mind of the rage..and well, i dont eversince i implied the 'dgaf attitude' in myy life...it makes life easierr to live and i dont gett angry thatt soon no more...:p
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and dude,i did it due to rage..when i'm mad i can be really devastating..nearly smashed a guys face with a chair...was choking the otherr to death,slammed the door shut once when that dude's face was in the doorway...i cut so that the painn keeps my mind of the rage..and well, i dont eversince i implied the 'dgaf attitude' in myy life...it makes life easierr to live and i dont gett angry thatt soon no more...:p

well i m also like that .. i dun get angry usually .. but when i do .. i m outta control .. at that moment even i dun know whats going on but i have been trying to control that lately
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well i m also like that .. i dun get angry usually .. but when i do .. i m outta control .. at that moment even i dun know whats going on but i have been trying to control that lately

thats precisely the reasonn i adopted the 'dgaf attitude' :p
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u shud talk to sum1 who knws u vry well...cuz dey might be able to giv u a solution depending on ur situation

no one does...i'm predictable and random like that :p and i noticed that talking to people you barely know is more comfortable:p when you talk to someone you know well,and tell 'em about the situation because they're closer to you,and dont wantt nobody to know about it,you gotta admit..you're alwayz in fear that he/she might tell your family or others you know..when you talk to people you barely know,thats not the case...you can speak to them openly without fear...because they dk 90 % of thepeople you do and even if theyy do know someone,they wont be comfortable around 'em cuz they barely know 'em :p