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My Journey at XPC;things i've learnt

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It was a mundane monday afternoon. After a gruelling day at school,i was utterly spent. My bag weighed heavily down on my shoulders as I returned home,thinking of the avalanche of homework I had to face. My mood was in blatant contradiction to the resplendent rays of the sun,which gaily shone at me. The salbrious noon breeze which caressed my cheeks did not lift my mood either. With my father away at work and mother busy running errands, I was not looking forward to spending a lonesome afternoon cooped up in my quiet home. I plodded out of the car and dashed straight to my bedroom,tired and bored. As I entered,my sight fell upon my pc,unable to resist the temptation I switched it on,at the pretext of getting a mark scheme.
I was already familiar with the xtremepapers site,but this once I decided to go directly to the site and look for what I required instead of the usual "googling the whole thing up." Entering the site's main page,my sight fell upon the word forum which was enough to captivate my attention. Subsequently, I clicked on it,little did I anticipate what would this reveal. I landed onto the XPF forums list. Tranquilizing my studious desires I decided to explore the place. Before long, I got to know that one had to be a member in order to post and reply to threads. Therefore I embarked upon the task of creating an account. As usual,I was facing the dilemma of choosing a username. After much brainstorming I decided to go ahead with "22speed22", the username of a gaming friend from Mexico. This was the 21st of November 2011 and this is how I joined this place.
During the initial months I was not fortunste enough to discover the true spirit of the forums and my occassional posts were only limited to the Cambridge O levels!
section. During this time, I can proudly say that I was one of those members who witnessed the transition of XPF to the amazing XPC. Adapting to the new forums was hard, but change is always sweet :).
The next important thing was perhaps the change of my username, I dont remember the exact month though. For that I would like to thank badrobot14 and PlanetMaster
Time flew by, Till the end of march my post count was around 300. This was when I became a "crazy poster" getting more than a 100posts per day. Perhaps this was a way which I found to disencumber my exam stress/fear. I must admit that during those days I did squander some of my study time on XPC.
During my time here, I sure have learnt many valuable lessons from which I am profitting in my real life as well.
There are things which are vital to follow when you socialise with people online. I can tell the things which I have learnt through XPC by experience and I hope that you will also learn from them:
I can proudly say that I have gained maturity in making decisions and discovering the correct for myself. The most important component is not getting carried away. Always keep your calm and think twice before doing/saying anything( I personally calculate the outcome of everything before doing it!). Secondly, Never rush about anything, good things only come to those who wait :)
Blind trust is something which should be avoided. I personally am taunted for beimg to secretive but trust me,it surely helps. Its best if you learn to do this before you are also taught the same old lesson. There are always some people you can trust,so better find them and be sure before disclosing secrets or better,keep them to yourself(I know its hard).
Beware of stalkers or people with peccant intentions. If you feel someone is being such a person, help the community by reporting them to our respected admins/moderators.
Another important thing is choosing your friends. As the saying goes, "You cant chose your family but you can chose your friends". Your company reflects you hence its important that you be with the best influence. The proverb says, " “Tell me who's your friend and I'll tell you who you are".
so choose your friends carefully for everyone's not a friend,they are people you know.

I owe much of the good that has happened to me, to my lovely friends who have helped me alot!. Some of them have influenced me positively,more than my real life friends could. Goodrobot41( badrobot14 ) MnMz whitetiger64 multixamza01 étudiante linkinpark redd Galaxy awsumness $~SauD~$ secret lover and others, a big THANX to you all!!!
And to those who are being happy and thinking that I am leaving, GetSomeLife (hope he comes back soon)
Haha aw
What did you learn form me btw? :D
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awwwwwwwwwwwwwww bro u were awesome .. :( bt y u leaving.. well no doubt u have helped me many times and thankss a lot for all that.. i owe a lot to u :) and yeh forgive me if i've done anything wrong to u :) well proud to b a friend of such great bro :)

may ALLAH bless u and fill ur life with pleasures :) AMEEN
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Ssup Bro?
Just so you know,
I got nothing against ya!
But that doesn't mean i give a damn 'bout you leavin', YO! :D

Nice piece of writing, spectacular ideology, influential character and whatever helps you flatter yourself. Have fun, kid. Enjoy your time here, bla bla bla.
I'm done.
some ppl never change, and we wont like them if they do.,. (y).

done for the vacations?sure. school starts soon now i guess...hope to see u back then ;)
Reaction score
some ppl never change, and we wont like them if they do.,. (y).

done for the vacations?sure. school starts soon now i guess...hope to see u back then ;)
Jee thanks... even if it wasn't one, i'm taking that as a compliment :'D

Nah, still a long time for it... and i guess i could find time for XPC every now and then, THE MAN :D
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Do u mean "salubrious noon breeze"..because i dont think salbrious is a word:confused:just asking!:)
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Jee thanks... even if it wasn't one, i'm taking that as a compliment :'D

Nah, still a long time for it... and i guess i could find time for XPC every now and then, THE MAN :D


Do u mean "salubrious noon breeze"..because i dont think salbrious is a word:confused:just asking!:)
yes rite! srry for the typo, typed the whole thingy in my mobile :D :p
thnkx fr correction
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awwwwwwwwwwwwwww bro u were awesome .. :( bt y u leaving.. well no doubt u have helped me many times and thankss a lot for all that.. i owe a lot to u :) and yeh forgive me if i've done anything wrong to u :) well proud to b a friend of such great bro :)

may ALLAH bless u and fill ur life with pleasures :) AMEEN
ufff he ain't leaving o_O

people can't understand sarcasm fully in the last post :p
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It was a mundane monday afternoon. After a gruelling day at school,i was utterly spent. My bag weighed heavily down on my shoulders as I returned home,thinking of the avalanche of homework I had to face. My mood was in blatant contradiction to the resplendent rays of the sun,which gaily shone at me. The salubrious noon breeze which caressed my cheeks did not lift my mood either. With my father away at work and mother busy running errands, I was not looking forward to spending a lonesome afternoon cooped up in my quiet home. I plodded out of the car and dashed straight to my bedroom,tired and bored. As I entered,my sight fell upon my pc,unable to resist the temptation I switched it on,at the pretext of getting a mark scheme.
I was already familiar with the xtremepapers site,but this once I decided to go directly to the site and look for what I required instead of the usual "googling the whole thing up." Entering the site's main page,my sight fell upon the word forum which was enough to captivate my attention. Subsequently, I clicked on it,little did I anticipate what would this reveal. I landed onto the XPF forums list. Tranquilizing my studious desires I decided to explore the place. Before long, I got to know that one had to be a member in order to post and reply to threads. Therefore I embarked upon the task of creating an account. As usual,I was facing the dilemma of choosing a username. After much brainstorming I decided to go ahead with "22speed22", the username of a gaming friend from Mexico. This was the 21st of November 2011 and this is how I joined this place.
During the initial months I was not fortunste enough to discover the true spirit of the forums and my occassional posts were only limited to the Cambridge O levels!
section. During this time, I can proudly say that I was one of those members who witnessed the transition of XPF to the amazing XPC. Adapting to the new forums was hard, but change is always sweet :).
The next important thing was perhaps the change of my username, I dont remember the exact month though. For that I would like to thank badrobot14 and PlanetMaster
Time flew by, Till the end of march my post count was around 300. This was when I became a "crazy poster" getting more than a 100posts per day. Perhaps this was a way which I found to disencumber my exam stress/fear. I must admit that during those days I did squander some of my study time on XPC.
During my time here, I sure have learnt many valuable lessons from which I am profitting in my real life as well.
There are things which are vital to follow when you socialise with people online. I can tell the things which I have learnt through XPC by experience and I hope that you will also learn from them:
I can proudly say that I have gained maturity in making decisions and discovering the correct for myself. The most important component is not getting carried away. Always keep your calm and think twice before doing/saying anything( I personally calculate the outcome of everything before doing it!). Secondly, Never rush about anything, good things only come to those who wait :)
Blind trust is something which should be avoided. I personally am taunted for beimg to secretive but trust me,it surely helps. Its best if you learn to do this before you are also taught the same old lesson. There are always some people you can trust,so better find them and be sure before disclosing secrets or better,keep them to yourself(I know its hard).
Beware of stalkers or people with peccant intentions. If you feel someone is being such a person, help the community by reporting them to our respected admins/moderators.
Another important thing is choosing your friends. As the saying goes, "You cant chose your family but you can chose your friends". Your company reflects you hence its important that you be with the best influence. The proverb says, " “Tell me who's your friend and I'll tell you who you are".
so choose your friends carefully for everyone's not a friend,they are people you know.

I owe much of the good that has happened to me, to my lovely friends who have helped me alot!. Some of them have influenced me positively,more than my real life friends could. Goodrobot41( badrobot14 ) MnMz whitetiger64 multixamza01 étudiante linkinpark redd MuslimGirl Galaxy awsumness $~SauD~$ secret lover and others, a big THANX to you all!!!
And to those who are being happy and thinking that I am leaving, GetSomeLife (hope he comes back soon)
Luv ur epic story...m impressed...:)
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I realy loved the way you presented :) it was astonishingly beautiful :)
I'm greatly impressed :D