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need islamiat help or wanna help , post here

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Sir, would you kindly tell me about all the events in which the Holy Prophet interacted with Allah Almighty directly? In O' Level Islamiyat by Dr Iftikhar Ul Haq it is written "4.Direct conversation with Allah: The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was granted the honour of speaking to Allah directly more than once."
the event is Al isra wal Miraj it was in the presence of Allah ......... rest Allah spoke to him (.S.A.W) by given his message like he talked with moses...
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HEY ! is it important to learn TAFSIR ??
i mean like its not there in the syllabus paper o_O
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Salam ! sir can you plzz give me any short note on ijma and qiyas ? :)
this is short for 4 marks
Question: Give on example each to show how the third and fourth of these legal sources are used? [4]
Answer: "And whose affairs are a matter of counsel." (42:38)
".....And consult them in affairs (of moment)." (3:159)
"My community will never agree upon an error." (Bukhari)
Ijma is used when we find no ready answer from the Holy Quran and the Sunnah for example Retention of one standard version of the Holy Quran and destruction of all others during the khilafat of Caliph Hazrat Usman to avoid confusion and chaos. It is very important that in the changed political, economic, social and cultural scenario of the 21st century, the contentious issues confronting the Muslim Ummah are discussed thread-bare on international level by experts representing different Muslim countries and then a consensus is evolved by the universal community.
Qiyas is basically resorted in respect of problems about which there is no specific provision in the Holy Quran or Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in case when something needs a legal ruling but has not been clearly addressed in other Islamic sources.
As the Holy Quran forbids sales transactions after the call for Friday prayers, by analogy all kinds of transactions have been forbidden, because like sales, these too distract Muslims from going to the mosque for Friday congregation. The following verses of the Holy Quran lend support for Qiyas:
“And verily! We have coined for mankind in this Quran all kinds of similitude that happily they may reflect.” (39:27)
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this is short for 4 marks
Question: Give on example each to show how the third and fourth of these legal sources are used? [4]
Answer: "And whose affairs are a matter of counsel." (42:38)
".....And consult them in affairs (of moment)." (3:159)
"My community will never agree upon an error." (Bukhari)
Ijma is used when we find no ready answer from the Holy Quran and the Sunnah for example Retention of one standard version of the Holy Quran and destruction of all others during the khilafat of Caliph Hazrat Usman to avoid confusion and chaos. It is very important that in the changed political, economic, social and cultural scenario of the 21st century, the contentious issues confronting the Muslim Ummah are discussed thread-bare on international level by experts representing different Muslim countries and then a consensus is evolved by the universal community.
Qiyas is basically resorted in respect of problems about which there is no specific provision in the Holy Quran or Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in case when something needs a legal ruling but has not been clearly addressed in other Islamic sources.
As the Holy Quran forbids sales transactions after the call for Friday prayers, by analogy all kinds of transactions have been forbidden, because like sales, these too distract Muslims from going to the mosque for Friday congregation. The following verses of the Holy Quran lend support for Qiyas:
“And verily! We have coined for mankind in this Quran all kinds of similitude that happily they may reflect.” (39:27)
AND this is for 10 marks
Ijma is the third source of Islamic legal thinking. In the terminology of religion Ijma means consensus of the companions of the Prophet (S.A.W) or Muslim jurists of a particular age, on a question of law. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said “Gather together the righteous from among my community and decide the matter with their council and do not decide it by any man’s opinion” (Abu Daud). Ijma of the scholars signifies the importance of the legislation in the Muslim community. Ijma is considered as sufficient evidence for the implementation of the Islamic law because Prophet (S.A.W) himself said “My community will not agree unanimously on an error” (Tirmizi). The best example of Ijma is that when Holy Prophet (S.A.W) consulted his companions about matters that were not concerned with religion like Ijma for the battle of Uhad, because Allah commanded him to do that. “Take council with them in the conduct of affairs.” (3:139).
Qiyas is the fourth source of Islamic legal thinking. Qiyas is an analogical deduction from the above three sources of law. It basically resorted in respect of problems about which there is no specific provision in the Holy Quran or Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). In case when something needs a legal ruling but has not been clearly addressed in other Islamic sources, judges may use (Islamic Scholars) analogy, reasoning and legal precedent to decide new case when a general principal can be applied to new situation e.g. the scholars have developed detailed principals of analogical deduction or Qiyas in the book of Islamic laws. The Prophet (S.A.W) reported to have encouraged Qiyas in his lifetime. When Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was sending Mauz bin Jabal (R.A) as the governor of Syria/Yemen. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) asked him “How will you decide when a matter comes to you for decision?” He replied “I shall decide according to the book of Allah.” The Prophet (S.A.W) again said that “If you did not find it in the book of Allah?” Mauz (R.A) replied “Than I will decide according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W).” If you find nothing in there? Holy Prophet (S.A.W) asked. Hazrat Mauz (R.A) replied “Than I will exert myself for my own judgment.” (Tirmizi & Abu Daud)
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Thanks !! can you plzz also tell me about battle of uhad ?
sure why not....
Events of the battle of UHAD:-
Answer: Battle of Uhad took place in 625 A.D that is 15 Shawal Saturday third year if hijra. The quraish under the leadership of Abu Sufyan were able to gather 3000 men and marched towards Uhad to avenge their dead of badr. They were accompanied by 70 women including Hinda binte Utba, the wife of Abu Sufyan. They encamped at the bottom of valley in front of mount Uhad. The holy Prophet (S.A.W) heared this news and consulted his companions and they all came to a conclusion that they will go out of Madinah to fight the mushrikeen. The holy Prophet (S.A.W) marched with one thousand men towards mount Uhad.when holy Prophet (S.A.W) reached Jabal-e-Sala’ah, 300 hypocrites betrayed the Prophet (S.A.W) and went back to Madinah as the Quran says: “when two parties from among you were about to lose their heart but Allah was their ‘waali’ (supporter&protector). And in Allah should the believers put their trust” (3:122) and, now holy Prophet (S.A.W) was left with 700 mujahideens. When they reached Uhad, the holy Prophet (S.A.W) encamped close to the bottom of mount Uhad.
The holy Prophet (S.A.W) arranged his army into ranks, 50 archers were posted on Jabal-e-Sala’ah under the leadership of Abdullah bin Jubair (R.A), and the holy Prophet (S.A.W) said to them “defend our backs! If you see us slain, do not come to assist us; and if you see gaining grounds do not share us”. [Fath Al- Bari 7/350] .Then the holyProphet (S.A.W) divided his army into 3 ranks. One rank was under Al munzar bin umroh, the middle flank was under Mussab Bin Umair and the third flank was uder the leadership of Hazrat Zubair Bin Al Awam. On the other hand, the Quraish also divided into three flanks. One was under the command of Akrama Bin Abu JahL; the middle one was commanded by Abu Sufyan himself and the third was under the command of Khalid Bin Waleed.
In the first phase of the battle when the Quraish attacked, the Muslims fought very bravely in the battle field they killed and wounded many amongst the enemy army. Jubair Bin Al-Awam killed Talha Bin Abi Talha, a quraish leader. The Muslims had the upper hand and the quarish army flees back from the battle field as Hamza (R.A) ‘the lion’ the uncle of the holy Prophet was martyred by Washi a slave prepared by Hinda to avenge the death of her father at Badr. As the Quraish fled, the Muslims started plundering their abandoned camp. The fifty archers on mount Sala’ah, they thought that Muslims had won and they dis-obayed the order of the Prophet (S.A.W) and left their posts to collect the booty. Only Abdullahbin Jubar (R.A) and few other combrades left behind.
Khalid bin waleed saw a window of opportunity , he took his men and maneuvered around the mount Sala’ah and martyred all those left on Jabal-e-Sala’ah.khalid bin waleed begun the second phase of the battle ,soon the Muslims found them themselves between two Quraish armies, from behind Khalid bin waleed was attacking and from the front Abu Sufyan started his attack .The fighting for the Muslims turned into a night mare on the other hand the holy Prophet (S.A.W) was surrounded by only 9 companions, the Prophet (S.A.W) called upon Muslims risking his own life . Some Muslims flee back to Madinah, one of the mushrik saw the holy Prophet (S.A.W) and threw a stone on the face of the holy peophet (S.A.W) which srtuck him and the two plates of the head amour pierced deep into the cheak bone of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) another stone thrown by ibne quamia and broke the front two teeth of the holy Prophet (S.A.W) and the holy Prophet (S.A.W) fell unconsciously into a ditch.
At that point a rummor spread that the Prophet (S.A.W) was killed. This totally dis-heartend the Muslims, however, when the companions found him alive in the ditch they shouted that the Prophet (S.A.W) was alive. So they again collected their moral and gathered around him (S.A.W), and started retreating back towards mount Uhad and reached to a point where the Quraish could not came on horses. Khalid bin Walid and Abu sufyan followed them but unable to climb where the Prophet (S.A.W) was.
Abu Sufyan shouted "O Muhammad! This day of Uhad is for the day of Badar, and we have avenged our fallen of Badar, O Muhammad! We will meet again in Badar." With this loss of Uhad, Allah revealed that "what you suffered on the day of the the two armies met was with leave of Allah, in order that He might test the believers."(3:166). The Muslims after lossing Uhad, realized that they should obey the Prophet (S.A.W), because Allah Himself said in the holy Quran "Obey Allah and obey the messenger (S.A.W).........."(64:12).
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sure why not....
Events of the battle of UHAD:-
Answer: Battle of Uhad took place in 625 A.D that is 15 Shawal Saturday third year if hijra. The quraish under the leadership of Abu Sufyan were able to gather 3000 men and marched towards Uhad to avenge their dead of badr. They were accompanied by 70 women including Hinda binte Utba, the wife of Abu Sufyan. They encamped at the bottom of valley in front of mount Uhad. The holy Prophet (S.A.W) heared this news and consulted his companions and they all came to a conclusion that they will go out of Madinah to fight the mushrikeen. The holy Prophet (S.A.W) marched with one thousand men towards mount Uhad.when holy Prophet (S.A.W) reached Jabal-e-Sala’ah, 300 hypocrites betrayed the Prophet (S.A.W) and went back to Madinah as the Quran says: “when two parties from among you were about to lose their heart but Allah was their ‘waali’ (supporter&protector). And in Allah should the believers put their trust” (3:122) and, now holy Prophet (S.A.W) was left with 700 mujahideens. When they reached Uhad, the holy Prophet (S.A.W) encamped close to the bottom of mount Uhad.
The holy Prophet (S.A.W) arranged his army into ranks, 50 archers were posted on Jabal-e-Sala’ah under the leadership of Abdullah bin Jubair (R.A), and the holy Prophet (S.A.W) said to them “defend our backs! If you see us slain, do not come to assist us; and if you see gaining grounds do not share us”. [Fath Al- Bari 7/350] .Then the holyProphet (S.A.W) divided his army into 3 ranks. One rank was under Al munzar bin umroh, the middle flank was under Mussab Bin Umair and the third flank was uder the leadership of Hazrat Zubair Bin Al Awam. On the other hand, the Quraish also divided into three flanks. One was under the command of Akrama Bin Abu JahL; the middle one was commanded by Abu Sufyan himself and the third was under the command of Khalid Bin Waleed.
In the first phase of the battle when the Quraish attacked, the Muslims fought very bravely in the battle field they killed and wounded many amongst the enemy army. Jubair Bin Al-Awam killed Talha Bin Abi Talha, a quraish leader. The Muslims had the upper hand and the quarish army flees back from the battle field as Hamza (R.A) ‘the lion’ the uncle of the holy Prophet was martyred by Washi a slave prepared by Hinda to avenge the death of her father at Badr. As the Quraish fled, the Muslims started plundering their abandoned camp. The fifty archers on mount Sala’ah, they thought that Muslims had won and they dis-obayed the order of the Prophet (S.A.W) and left their posts to collect the booty. Only Abdullahbin Jubar (R.A) and few other combrades left behind.
Khalid bin waleed saw a window of opportunity , he took his men and maneuvered around the mount Sala’ah and martyred all those left on Jabal-e-Sala’ah.khalid bin waleed begun the second phase of the battle ,soon the Muslims found them themselves between two Quraish armies, from behind Khalid bin waleed was attacking and from the front Abu Sufyan started his attack .The fighting for the Muslims turned into a night mare on the other hand the holy Prophet (S.A.W) was surrounded by only 9 companions, the Prophet (S.A.W) called upon Muslims risking his own life . Some Muslims flee back to Madinah, one of the mushrik saw the holy Prophet (S.A.W) and threw a stone on the face of the holy peophet (S.A.W) which srtuck him and the two plates of the head amour pierced deep into the cheak bone of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) another stone thrown by ibne quamia and broke the front two teeth of the holy Prophet (S.A.W) and the holy Prophet (S.A.W) fell unconsciously into a ditch.
At that point a rummor spread that the Prophet (S.A.W) was killed. This totally dis-heartend the Muslims, however, when the companions found him alive in the ditch they shouted that the Prophet (S.A.W) was alive. So they again collected their moral and gathered around him (S.A.W), and started retreating back towards mount Uhad and reached to a point where the Quraish could not came on horses. Khalid bin Walid and Abu sufyan followed them but unable to climb where the Prophet (S.A.W) was.
Abu Sufyan shouted "O Muhammad! This day of Uhad is for the day of Badar, and we have avenged our fallen of Badar, O Muhammad! We will meet again in Badar." With this loss of Uhad, Allah revealed that "what you suffered on the day of the the two armies met was with leave of Allah, in order that He might test the believers."(3:166). The Muslims after lossing Uhad, realized that they should obey the Prophet (S.A.W), because Allah Himself said in the holy Quran "Obey Allah and obey the messenger (S.A.W).........."(64:12).

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the event is Al isra wal Miraj it was in the presence of Allah ......... rest Allah spoke to him (.S.A.W) by given his message like he talked with moses...

But could you tell me any incident when the Prophet talked to Allah directly (except Miraj of course), like Moses did?
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But could you tell me any incident when the Prophet talked to Allah directly (except Miraj of course), like Moses did?
The prophets (‘S.A.W received the word from Allah in one of the following means as mentioned in the Qur’an. It is not given to any human that Allah should speak to him unless (it be) by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or (that) He sends a messenger to reveal what He wills by His Leave. (Q.42:51)
Inspiration in a dream, where it is related that Ibrahim (‘A.S) received guidance in a vision, while asleep, to sacrifice his son. (see Q. 37:102) Speech hidden away, such as God spoke to Musa (‘A.S) when he came to the fire (Q. 20:11) Words (speech) sent through angel Jibreel, the special messenger from Allah to prophets and messengers (see Q. 2:97) The messenger Jibreel A.S) sent by Allah for the special purpose of bringing the Qur’an, and recited God’s words exactly to the last prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
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The prophets (‘S.A.W received the word from Allah in one of the following means as mentioned in the Qur’an. It is not given to any human that Allah should speak to him unless (it be) by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or (that) He sends a messenger to reveal what He wills by His Leave. (Q.42:51)
Inspiration in a dream, where it is related that Ibrahim (‘A.S) received guidance in a vision, while asleep, to sacrifice his son. (see Q. 37:102) Speech hidden away, such as God spoke to Musa (‘A.S) when he came to the fire (Q. 20:11) Words (speech) sent through angel Jibreel, the special messenger from Allah to prophets and messengers (see Q. 2:97) The messenger Jibreel A.S) sent by Allah for the special purpose of bringing the Qur’an, and recited God’s words exactly to the last prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
Thank you so much sir! Please pray for us all who're giving the Islamiyat-1 exam this afternoon! :)
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God bless you sir!
Question: What are the reasons for the opposition and persecution to the message and Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and his companions? [10]
Answer: There were many reasons for the opposition and persecution to Holy Prophet (S.A.W) by the Quraish of Makkah. The most important reasons are as follows:
• The Quraish were addicted to idol-worshipping. There were about 360 idols that were set up in the Holy Kaabah. They were worshipping these idols for centuries as they had forgotten their true religion of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) so they were not ready to give-up the religion of their fore fathers.
• Islam preached the message of equality, justice and brotherhood. Since the Quraish were class conscious people, charged with the desire to exert superiority over others, they didn’t want to level their social differences and equal themselves to the slaves and the poor.
• The basics of Islamic faith are to belief in the doctrine of Tawheed and Risalat (Prophet Hood of The holy Prophet (S.A.W)). Although they accepted only Muhammad bin Abdullah not as a last Prophet, and they do believe in one God but they associate partners with Him and refused to bent down to One God.
• Rivalry between Banu Hashim and Banu Umayyad had very deep roots. During the time of Abdul Muttalib, Banu Hashim had an edge over the Ummayad's. However, his death, led this superiority to transfer to Umayyad clan. So, to accept a message of Allah from a man who belongs to Banu Hashim meant that the Hasmites would once again have their dominance resorted. This suggests why the Ummayad’s took the lead in opposing and persecution of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W).
• The Quraishites had strange ideas about the Prophets, as they thought that the Prophets should not to be a human beings, he should be an angel and should perform miracles. As the Quran says: “They say, we shall not believe in you until you cause spring to gush forth for us from the earth." (17:19)
• Islam prohibits all vices for e.g. adultery, drinking, gambling etc. the inclination to do which ran in their veins along with their blood. They could not even imagine a life without them, since these habits were now branded on their souls.
• The Quraish also feared that the growing number in the fold of Islam with the people continuously entering into it will become in majority and they would reduce to minority. This would naturally lead to the establishment of an Islamic state in which their evil social setup would fall to ruins. So, these causes suggest why they inflicted torment upon Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) and his followers. They thought that this way, Prophet (S.A.W) would get dishearten and thus discontinue his mission, but they were wrong cause they failed to stop Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) from preaching the words of Allah.
• They also refused to accept the message about life after death and the Day of Judgment. The Quraish were infuriated when they heard the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), saying that their forefathers, who died as idol worshipper are suffering in hell fire.
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Question: What are the reasons for the opposition and persecution to the message and Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and his companions? [10]
Answer: There were many reasons for the opposition and persecution to Holy Prophet (S.A.W) by the Quraish of Makkah. The most important reasons are as follows:
• The Quraish were addicted to idol-worshipping. There were about 360 idols that were set up in the Holy Kaabah. They were worshipping these idols for centuries as they had forgotten their true religion of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) so they were not ready to give-up the religion of their fore fathers.
• Islam preached the message of equality, justice and brotherhood. Since the Quraish were class conscious people, charged with the desire to exert superiority over others, they didn’t want to level their social differences and equal themselves to the slaves and the poor.
• The basics of Islamic faith are to belief in the doctrine of Tawheed and Risalat (Prophet Hood of The holy Prophet (S.A.W)). Although they accepted only Muhammad bin Abdullah not as a last Prophet, and they do believe in one God but they associate partners with Him and refused to bent down to One God.
• Rivalry between Banu Hashim and Banu Umayyad had very deep roots. During the time of Abdul Muttalib, Banu Hashim had an edge over the Ummayad's. However, his death, led this superiority to transfer to Umayyad clan. So, to accept a message of Allah from a man who belongs to Banu Hashim meant that the Hasmites would once again have their dominance resorted. This suggests why the Ummayad’s took the lead in opposing and persecution of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W).
• The Quraishites had strange ideas about the Prophets, as they thought that the Prophets should not to be a human beings, he should be an angel and should perform miracles. As the Quran says: “They say, we shall not believe in you until you cause spring to gush forth for us from the earth." (17:19)
• Islam prohibits all vices for e.g. adultery, drinking, gambling etc. the inclination to do which ran in their veins along with their blood. They could not even imagine a life without them, since these habits were now branded on their souls.
• The Quraish also feared that the growing number in the fold of Islam with the people continuously entering into it will become in majority and they would reduce to minority. This would naturally lead to the establishment of an Islamic state in which their evil social setup would fall to ruins. So, these causes suggest why they inflicted torment upon Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) and his followers. They thought that this way, Prophet (S.A.W) would get dishearten and thus discontinue his mission, but they were wrong cause they failed to stop Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) from preaching the words of Allah.
• They also refused to accept the message about life after death and the Day of Judgment. The Quraish were infuriated when they heard the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), saying that their forefathers, who died as idol worshipper are suffering in hell fire.