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Need motivation? In 3 min?

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Hello to all,
I could see everything, almost anything in life, but what I can't see is people failing or giving up and for the same reason this topic was created, to get you on your feet and get you motivated in 3 minutes. All I ask is just 3 minutes of your personal time. You won't regret it. I'd be posting real stories, which you might haven't heard, or you might have, but whatever it may be, I'd try my best to motivate everyone around XPF.
By now, I've taken exactly 17 seconds of your time, which leaves me with 2 min and 43 seconds, without wasting anymore, let's start:

Things don't always workout the way you want them to be. Derek Redmond was favored to medal in the Olympic '92 400 metre sprint. The race started quite well, until 150 metres into the race Derek felt a searing pain. In agony he fell down to the ground with a torn hamstring with all of the others crossing him. But whatever might have happened, he never decided to give up. Determined to finish the race, he stood without taking any help from anyone. He hopped like a kangaroo when breaking through the security came a man to Derek's side. Supporting him, with Derek's arms around the man's shoulder he helped him.
The man told:
"You don't have to do this" while he hold him.
"Yes I do" Derek replied.
To which the man replied, "well we're gonna finish this race together"
Together they both continued.
Shortly before the finish line, the man let him go and complete the race. He received a standing ovation from a crowd of over 65,000.

The man was Derek Redmond's father.

When you don't give up, YOU CANNOT FAIL!
Try and Fail, but don't Fail to Try.
Life's real Failure is when you do not realize how close you were to Success when you gave up.

PS I still have your 56 seconds with me! :)
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it was nice vedio ........ shows true father love and the trying the person did.... just great :)
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Thank you.
No sir, you're wrong there. Redmond wasn't showing the love, he was motivating the guy. That guy who never wanted to give up.
This is what he said in his interview. :)
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LOLX I spent 5 minutes on reading it but yeah, it was worth a read !! JZK for posting !! :)
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5 minutes? Answer me something honestly, were they the best 5 min you've spend so far?
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Ghalya001 said:
basimnazir said:
5 minutes? Answer me something honestly, were they the best 5 min you've spend so far?
They actually were !! :D

This is my motivation.

Silent Hunter said:
but redmonds father was motivating him along the track? wasnt it?

He was, but he wasn't his father then, he was a stranger helping someone who could never give up. :)
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The A-Z Motivational Tips

A- Achieve your dreams
B- Believe in yourself, and in what you do
C- Consider thing on every angle and aspect
D- Don't give up or give in
E- Enjoy your work as if you don't need any money or any thank.
F- Family and Friends are greatest 'F' treasures. F could mean different as well.
G- Give more than what's enough
H- Hang on to your dreams
I- Ignore those who say you can't.
J- Justify your dreams
K- Keep trying No matter how hard the life seems.
L- Learn to love yourself and everyone around you.
M- Make things happen.
N- Never lie, cheat or steal.
O- Open your eyes.
P- Practice makes perfect.
Q- Quitters never win.
R- Ready yourself.
S- Stop procrastinating.
T- Take control of your life.
U- Understand others.
V- Visualize it.
W- Want it more than anything.
X- X Factor is what will make you different from the others.
Y-You are unique.
Z- Zero in on your dreams and go for it!

Dream BIG.
If you can dream it, you can achieve it. You are the pilot of your own life.

(Read these tips somewhere once and I noted it down)
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Never give up!

He was one of the five children, four boys and a girl. He had a great interest in art, and during summers he used to sell his drawings to his neighbors to earn extra money for his family. He pursued his art career, by studying art and photography by going to McKinley High School in Chicago.

He began to love nature and wildlife and the family community. Though his father could be quite stern, and often there was little money. He was encouraged by his mother and older brother, Roy to pursue his talents.

During the fall of 1918, he started to make cartoons and attempted to enlist for military service.
Rejected as he was under age. (only 16 then)
He joined the Red Cross and was sent overseas to France, where he spent a year driving an ambulance and chauffeuring Red Cross officials. His ambulance was covered from stem to stern, not with stock camouflage, but with his own cartoons.

Returned from France, he began to pursue a career in commercial art. He started a small company called Laugh-O-Grams, which eventually fell bankrupt. With his suitcase, and twenty dollars, he headed to Hollywood to start anew.

Fired from a newspaper company which said he lacks creativity. He got a new job at a church which was to make cartoons for orphans, he was sitting on a chair when he saw a mouse and he made a sketch of it. That was the birth of Mickey Mouse. And he was Walt Disney.
The creator of Flowers and Trees.
The creator of The Old Mill.
The creator of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

It was his dream. And he never gave up on that. Why would YOU give up on yours?

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." ~Walt Disney