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People are storybooks

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People, I realised, are storybooks.
Everytime you talk to one of them, it changes your life. Most of the time, the change goes unnoticed.
But then, we come across this story, which rattles us out of our comfortzone, knocks the air out of our lungs, and changes the reason for our existence.
When you stop talking to a particular someone, its almost as if you left a book in between.

People are storybooks. Incomplete storybooks.

What do you guys think? What are people? Why do we give so much importance to them?
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People, I realised, are storybooks.
Everytime you talk to one of them, it changes your life. Most of the time, the change goes unnoticed.
But then, we come across this story, which rattles us out of our comfortzone, knocks the air out of our lungs, and changes the reason for our existence.
When you stop talking to a particular someone, its almost as if you left a book in between.

People are storybooks. Incomplete storybooks.

What do you guys think? What are people? Why do we give so much importance to them?
Our whole life is like a book, everyone we meet becomes the part of it's beautiful pages.. Some pages are those which we always want to read... Some are those which we just want to tear off... This book will only end till we reach our grave... I hope that during this time we might be able to become inspirations for those who will read us (y)
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People, I realised, are storybooks.
Everytime you talk to one of them, it changes your life. Most of the time, the change goes unnoticed.
But then, we come across this story, which rattles us out of our comfortzone, knocks the air out of our lungs, and changes the reason for our existence.
When you stop talking to a particular someone, its almost as if you left a book in between.

People are storybooks. Incomplete storybooks.

What do you guys think? What are people? Why do we give so much importance to them?
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Our whole life is like a book, everyone we meet becomes the part of it's beautiful pages.. Some pages are those which we always want to read... Some are those which we just want to tear off... This book will only end till we reach our grave... I hope that during this time we might be able to become inspirations for those who will read us (y)
'Tis amazing. (y)
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We give so much importance to other people because we ourselves are incomplete.
Talking to others, makes us feel complete.
Don't forget that the reason behind 99% of our problems are people, too. We can't do anything according to our wish until and unless it's approved by society.
It's society that dictates us the way we should live our lives.
We all have moulded our lives in a way which suits society. :|
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Trust me, we are judged on the basis of our looks. We don't bother to know a little about the content of one's character and assume that he/she must be as bad as his/her looks. =/
Beauty is existing but also beyond the fulfillment of our eyes. You don’t know beauty till you hear someones heart speak to you, or you feel their soul. Its when you could just cry in amazement after simply hearing words spoken, or read words written.Beauty is like a realization that comes from nothing, but somehow holds so much, and anything you may have doubted pertaining to your life disappears for that moment. =)
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Trust me, we are judged on the basis of our looks. We don't bother to know a little about the content of one's character and assume that he/she must be as bad as his/her looks. =/
Beauty is existing but also beyond the fulfillment of our eyes. You don’t know beauty till you hear someones heart speak to you, or you feel their soul. Its when you could just cry in amazement after simply hearing words spoken, or read words written.Beauty is like a realization that comes from nothing, but somehow holds so much, and anything you may have doubted pertaining to your life disappears for that moment. =)
Pretty face doesnt mean a pretty heart :)
Well i agree with everything you said(y)