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People are storybooks

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they take advice of others as an insult and guess what *those who dont learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat em*
this world is full of meanies .. only few could be trusted.. Everyone wants money and big houses and good jobs...
Guess what? I hate such people.

I hate those people who feed on your happiness when the good's going and throw you away like a bad fruit when you need them the most. :/
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Guess what? I hate such people.

I hate those people who feed on your happiness when the good's going and throw you away like a bad fruit when you need them the most. :/
Same here.. as long as you are benefiting them they'll be your best friends but once you cant help em anymore they'll dump and ignore U as if they never knew you.. so we should mind our own business and stay away from such ppl
We are here to please Allah not others so we should pray five times a day and do other good deeds :) Rather then trying to please other ppl. who dont give a shit about us..
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We have been sent to this world for a purpose.
And that purpose is to ''Live''.
Life is to be lived.

And while living, human interactions can not be avoided.
Everyone has flaws. Some people are nice, some are not. Some people are our type, and some don't have much in common with us.
It is perfectly normal to seek out companionship, as that is a human's primal instinct.
We are supposed to grow fond of people we ''like''... we are supposed to develop a feeling of dislike for those we don't like.

But in the end, all this is under our control.
We can cut off ourselves from the rest of the world. Avoid human interactions, limit them to our family.
But that would also not be right.

Eventually, our permanent destination is Heaven or Hell. This world is temporary.
And again, we are supposed to live temporarily here.

Living in society, we are supposed to care about others. We are supposed to be concerned about the ones we are associated with. That is what makes us human.

And seeking the ''perfect'' companion, is nothing but human desire. It has been Psychologically imprinted in our minds.
The perfect Friend. The perfect teacher. The perfect sibling.

But in the end, it is Allah, who is the only perfect entity in this entire Universe. So, we should develop closeness to Him.
And that is what Life is about. :p
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Trust me, we are judged on the basis of our looks. We don't bother to know a little about the content of one's character and assume that he/she must be as bad as his/her looks. =/
Beauty is existing but also beyond the fulfillment of our eyes. You don’t know beauty till you hear someones heart speak to you, or you feel their soul. Its when you could just cry in amazement after simply hearing words spoken, or read words written.Beauty is like a realization that comes from nothing, but somehow holds so much, and anything you may have doubted pertaining to your life disappears for that moment. =)

Our damn society :unsure:.... this fact can surely be generalised to our lifes ' Books are always judged by it's cover'... :(
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Our damn society :unsure:.... this fact can surely be generalised to our lifes ' Books are always judged by it's cover'... :(
Okay, let's take an example of a flower.
Well, outer beauty helps attract the bees. But if there was no pollen, would the bees stick around long enough to pollinate?

The pollen is a parable for your inner beauty. Being good looking helps, for sure. But being a great person is better in the longer run.

But we all need to accept the ugly truth that good looks, a few good jokes at the expense of others, a certain kind of intelligence - all of them tend to matter in our increasingly mechanistic society.
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Okay, let's take an example of a flower.
Well, outer beauty helps attract the bees. But if there was no pollen, would the bees stick around long enough to pollinate?

The pollen is a parable for your inner beauty. Being good looking helps, for sure. But being a great person is better in the longer run.

But we all need to accept the ugly truth that good looks, a few good jokes at the expense of others, a certain kind of intelligence - all of them tend to matter in our increasingly mechanistic society.

Agree with u on that(y)... We are only being dictated and directed by our cruel system, it would never give a damn about us... Oh how I dearly wished that more people like u would be there...
And about that pollen and flower... I think this is where friends kicks in.. The people who would always stand by ur side... Give us pencil during the exams.. Provide us with with equal opportunity to share the grieve and happiness.. Love us no matter what... I think we can criticize this society as well as praise our friends who stand with us against this society :)..
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Agree with u on that(y)... We are only being dictated and directed by our cruel system, it would never give a damn about us... Oh how I dearly wished that more people like u would be there...
And about that pollen and flower... I think this is where friends kicks in.. The people who would always stand by ur side... Give us pencil during the exams.. Provide us with with equal opportunity to share the grieve and happiness.. Love us no matter what... I think we can criticize this society as well as praise our friends who stand with us against this society :)..
Friends are temporary, you know?
But again, a few stay by your side no matter what. =')
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I don't agree with you all at all about people being so evil. I think majority of people in this world are good, kind sensible individuals. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Also you will never get hurt due to anyone's actions if you don't expect anything from them in the first place :)
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I don't agree with you all at all about people being so evil. I think majority of people in this world are good, kind sensible individuals. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Also you will never get hurt due to anyone's actions if you don't expect anything from them in the first place :)
Everyone has got their own perspective. I respect yours! =)
And it's true to some extent, not everyone is mean. It's just that my life didn't give me a chance to encounter good people. :p #sedlyf