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People are storybooks

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I think the problem lies within our generation. I might be wrong, but that's just what I think.
We're corrupt. And selfish. And in denial, too, probably.
I mean, values and customs aren't even treasured anymore. They're not even put into consideration. Heck, people don't even consider helping others unless they see their own benefit.

My grandmother keeps telling how people were back in the day. Before independence. Even after it. They were nice. And caring. And they didn't just 'say' they were for humanity, they showed it. Even though they were poor. And they didn't have much. But even the smallest act of kindness was just beautiful.

Our generation, we don't care anymore. Most of us, anyway. We're caught up in our lives. All we want is technology, a few people we care about gathered around us, and the rest of the world can just go to hell.
And the nice people? The ones that do care? They don't get anything. They are left alone to wonder where they went wrong. Because they just can't ignore the fact that the world is burning down so much so quickly.

Hope. Pray. For the upcoming generation. For them to be nothing like us. InshaAllah.
Reaction score
I think the problem lies within our generation. I might be wrong, but that's just what I think.
We're corrupt. And selfish. And in denial, too, probably.
I mean, values and customs aren't even treasured anymore. They're not even put into consideration. Heck, people don't even consider helping others unless they see their own benefit.

My grandmother keeps telling how people were back in the day. Before independence. Even after it. They were nice. And caring. And they didn't just 'say' they were for humanity, they showed it. Even though they were poor. And they didn't have much. But even the smallest act of kindness was just beautiful.

Our generation, we don't care anymore. Most of us, anyway. We're caught up in our lives. All we want is technology, a few people we care about gathered around us, and the rest of the world can just go to hell.
And the nice people? The ones that do care? They don't get anything. They are left alone to wonder where they went wrong. Because they just can't ignore the fact that the world is burning down so much so quickly.

Hope. Pray. For the upcoming generation. For them to be nothing like us. InshaAllah.
Yes, the problem lies within our generation. Its true. every word u said is true. We dont know the value of people. We value our own selves. We value what we like. Rest every one can get lost wherever they want. Its not that world.. How it used to be when our gradparents were our age. A world of good. A world of hope. A world of happiness. A world of forgiveness. A world of mercy. A world of care. And most of all the world of HUMANITY>

Hnestly speaking. We have lost humanity. people live people die. We cannot shed a drop of tear. We only shed tears for ourselves. We are least bothered about others. That word of "kindness" "generosity" "care" blah blah.. those words dont exist in our dictionaries. We dont stop to see whats going on. We dont stop to see whom we have hurt. We dont stop.. we just move on.... thats what today's generation have put it in a common lquote. *Life goes on*.
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I don't agree with you all at all about people being so evil. I think majority of people in this world are good, kind sensible individuals. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Also you will never get hurt due to anyone's actions if you don't expect anything from them in the first place :)
I don't think majority of people in this world are good :p
Reaction score
I think the problem lies within our generation. I might be wrong, but that's just what I think.
We're corrupt. And selfish. And in denial, too, probably.
I mean, values and customs aren't even treasured anymore. They're not even put into consideration. Heck, people don't even consider helping others unless they see their own benefit.

My grandmother keeps telling how people were back in the day. Before independence. Even after it. They were nice. And caring. And they didn't just 'say' they were for humanity, they showed it. Even though they were poor. And they didn't have much. But even the smallest act of kindness was just beautiful.

Our generation, we don't care anymore. Most of us, anyway. We're caught up in our lives. All we want is technology, a few people we care about gathered around us, and the rest of the world can just go to hell.
And the nice people? The ones that do care? They don't get anything. They are left alone to wonder where they went wrong. Because they just can't ignore the fact that the world is burning down so much so quickly.

Hope. Pray. For the upcoming generation. For them to be nothing like us. InshaAllah.

Yes, the problem lies within our generation. Its true. every word u said is true. We dont know the value of people. We value our own selves. We value what we like. Rest every one can get lost wherever they want. Its not that world.. How it used to be when our gradparents were our age. A world of good. A world of hope. A world of happiness. A world of forgiveness. A world of mercy. A world of care. And most of all the world of HUMANITY>

Hnestly speaking. We have lost humanity. people live people die. We cannot shed a drop of tear. We only shed tears for ourselves. We are least bothered about others. That word of "kindness" "generosity" "care" blah blah.. those words dont exist in our dictionaries. We dont stop to see whats going on. We dont stop to see whom we have hurt. We dont stop.. we just move on.... thats what today's generation have put it in a common lquote. *Life goes on*.

Who says we don't care? Who says we don't see what's going on? Who says we get least bothered?
A hindu boy married a muslim girl which caused riots for 4 days in delhi and NCR. Around 25000 people were a part of this.
^See, 25000 damn people were involved in it.

All we do is make others' life miserable by constantly passing comments, by judging them!
Reaction score
People might say all hope is lost, but there is still hope. The world is still going on. We are still ALIVE!
All we can do is change our own-selves, because we can't make the world change in a second, without changing our own-selves first.
You can't just expect the entire world to be ''the way you want''.. You cant expect the world to become ''Good'' and ''caring''.. in the blink of an eye.
That is 7 billion people we are talking about. Different religions, different cultures.
Yeah, the world was ''Kind-er'', when it was our grandparents time. Or a thousand freakin' years ago. Okay!
But we are living in the today. That time is gone. This is the 21st Century. Accept it!

Instead of judging the world, and deciding who is ''selfish'' and who is ''bad'', who is ''kind'', who is ''mean''.
Instead of passing comments ''This world is doomed, no one cares about anyone else, people are mean, blah blah''.. Do something about it!
What are these hollow accusations going to get us?

Start caring about people. Start being 'kind' to unknown strangers, to everyone you know, and that smile on their faces, will change your entire life.
You cant expect people to change, but the least you can do is become an inspiration for others around you.
Do ''Good things''. Be nice to people. Help people. Even a single act of kindness, is a charity. If you pick up something harmful from the road, that is a charity.
If you help a handicapped person cross the road, that is a charity. If you join a hospital, for an ''internship'' for the sole-purpose of helping people, and giving comfort to their families, that is a charity. If you give money to a poor person on the street, even though you were supposed to buy something you like from that money, that is an act of kindness.
That is LIFE!

Life is a beautiful thing. It is a blessing. If you know the true reality of it. If you truly understand it. If you know the meaning of it.

So, instead of crying about people being storybooks, or whatever..
Instead of arguing whether the world is full of ''Good people'' or whether ''Humanity is lost''.. Change yourselves!

'Be the change you want to see in this world.'
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Reaction score
Who says we don't care? Who says we don't see what's going on? Who says we get least bothered?
A hindu boy married a muslim girl which caused riots for 4 days in delhi and NCR. Around 25000 people were a part of this.
^See, 25000 damn people were involved in it.

All we do is make others' life miserable by constantly passing comments, by judging them!
.. No. Its not about judging them, Its about judging ourselves. I was talking about OURSELVES.. Not THEM.
Reaction score
People might say all hope is lost, but there is still hope. The world is still going on. We are still ALIVE!
All we can do is change our own-selves, because we can't make the world change in a second, without changing our own-selves first.
You can't just expect the entire world to be ''the way you want''.. You cant expect the world to become ''Good'' and ''caring''.. in the blink of an eye.
That is 7 billion people we are talking about. Different religions, different cultures.
Yeah, the world was ''Kind-er'', when it was our grandparents time. Or a thousand freakin' years ago. Okay!
But we are living in the today. That time is gone. This is the 21st Century. Accept it!

Instead of judging the world, and deciding who is ''selfish'' and who is ''bad'', who is ''kind'', who is ''mean''.
Instead of passing comments ''This world is doomed, no one cares about anyone else, people are mean, blah blah''.. Do something about it!
What are these hollow accusations going to get us?

Start caring about people. Start being 'kind' to unknown strangers, to everyone you know, and that smile on their faces, will change your entire life.
You cant expect people to change, but the least you can do is become an inspiration for others around you.
Do ''Good things''. Be nice to people. Help people. Even a single act of kindness, is a charity. If you pick up something harmful from the road, that is a charity.
If you help a handicapped person cross the road, that is a charity. If you join a hospital, for an ''internship'' for the sole-purpose of helping people, and giving comfort to their families, that is a charity. If you give money to a poor person on the street, even though you were supposed to buy something you like from that money, that is an act of kindness.
That is LIFE!

Life is a beautiful thing. It is a blessing. If you know the true reality of it. If you truly understand it. If you know the meaning of it.

So, instead of crying about people being storybooks, or whatever..
Instead of arguing whether the world is full of ''Good people'' or whether ''Humanity is lost''.. Change yourselves!

'Be the change you want to see in this world.'
Harsh, but true. This is only 1 half of the picture. The other half is what i was talking about.
Reaction score
People might say all hope is lost, but there is still hope. The world is still going on. We are still ALIVE!
All we can do is change our own-selves, because we can't make the world change in a second, without changing our own-selves first.
You can't just expect the entire world to be ''the way you want''.. You cant expect the world to become ''Good'' and ''caring''.. in the blink of an eye.
That is 7 billion people we are talking about. Different religions, different cultures.
Yeah, the world was ''Kind-er'', when it was our grandparents time. Or a thousand freakin' years ago. Okay!
But we are living in the today. That time is gone. This is the 21st Century. Accept it!

Instead of judging the world, and deciding who is ''selfish'' and who is ''bad'', who is ''kind'', who is ''mean''.
Instead of passing comments ''This world is doomed, no one cares about anyone else, people are mean, blah blah''.. Do something about it!
What are these hollow accusations going to get us?

Start caring about people. Start being 'kind' to unknown strangers, to everyone you know, and that smile on their faces, will change your entire life.
You cant expect people to change, but the least you can do is become an inspiration for others around you.
Do ''Good things''. Be nice to people. Help people. Even a single act of kindness, is a charity. If you pick up something harmful from the road, that is a charity.
If you help a handicapped person cross the road, that is a charity. If you join a hospital, for an ''internship'' for the sole-purpose of helping people, and giving comfort to their families, that is a charity. If you give money to a poor person on the street, even though you were supposed to buy something you like from that money, that is an act of kindness.
That is LIFE!

Life is a beautiful thing. It is a blessing. If you know the true reality of it. If you truly understand it. If you know the meaning of it.

So, instead of crying about people being storybooks, or whatever..
Instead of arguing whether the world is full of ''Good people'' or whether ''Humanity is lost''.. Change yourselves!

'Be the change you want to see in this world.'
Deep. :3
Reaction score
People might say all hope is lost, but there is still hope. The world is still going on. We are still ALIVE!
All we can do is change our own-selves, because we can't make the world change in a second, without changing our own-selves first.
You can't just expect the entire world to be ''the way you want''.. You cant expect the world to become ''Good'' and ''caring''.. in the blink of an eye.
That is 7 billion people we are talking about. Different religions, different cultures.
Yeah, the world was ''Kind-er'', when it was our grandparents time. Or a thousand freakin' years ago. Okay!
But we are living in the today. That time is gone. This is the 21st Century. Accept it!

Instead of judging the world, and deciding who is ''selfish'' and who is ''bad'', who is ''kind'', who is ''mean''.
Instead of passing comments ''This world is doomed, no one cares about anyone else, people are mean, blah blah''.. Do something about it!
What are these hollow accusations going to get us?

Start caring about people. Start being 'kind' to unknown strangers, to everyone you know, and that smile on their faces, will change your entire life.
You cant expect people to change, but the least you can do is become an inspiration for others around you.
Do ''Good things''. Be nice to people. Help people. Even a single act of kindness, is a charity. If you pick up something harmful from the road, that is a charity.
If you help a handicapped person cross the road, that is a charity. If you join a hospital, for an ''internship'' for the sole-purpose of helping people, and giving comfort to their families, that is a charity. If you give money to a poor person on the street, even though you were supposed to buy something you like from that money, that is an act of kindness.
That is LIFE!

Life is a beautiful thing. It is a blessing. If you know the true reality of it. If you truly understand it. If you know the meaning of it.

So, instead of crying about people being storybooks, or whatever..
Instead of arguing whether the world is full of ''Good people'' or whether ''Humanity is lost''.. Change yourselves!

'Be the change you want to see in this world.'

What is the purpose of this thread? We are discussing our flaws with each other. How can you change yourself without knowing what change you actually need to bring about? o_O
And if you think that this argument is baseless, then there is always an option of 'unwatching' the thread. Just so you know!

Muchas gracias.
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What is the purpose of this thread? We are discussing our flaws with each other. How can you change yourself without knowing what change you actually need to bring about? o_O
And if you think that this argument is baseless, then there is always an option of 'unwatching' the thread. Just so you know!

Muchas gracias.

I, too, am involved in the same discussion.

If we keep discussing our flaws with each other, we will keep doing that forever. What good would that bring us?
''Hope'' alone does not change anything. ''Arguing'' about how mean people are, or about how this world is full of selfish people, and people don't care about each other, won't change anything.

Instead, i'm suggesting we try to change ourselves, before trying to change others. Simple.
Reaction score
Who says we don't care? Who says we don't see what's going on? Who says we get least bothered?
A hindu boy married a muslim girl which caused riots for 4 days in delhi and NCR. Around 25000 people were a part of this.
^See, 25000 damn people were involved in it.

All we do is make others' life miserable by constantly passing comments, by judging them!
I said most of us, not all of us.
Would you please give me a link or something so I can actually see the news for myself cos I googled it and I couldn't find anything.

You make others miserable when you judge them individually. What I said was for all of those kinds of people. They are equally as able to speak against me as well. I'm not attacking them with accusations or anything. This is reality. You need to face it.

People might say all hope is lost, but there is still hope. The world is still going on. We are still ALIVE!
All we can do is change our own-selves, because we can't make the world change in a second, without changing our own-selves first.
You can't just expect the entire world to be ''the way you want''.. You cant expect the world to become ''Good'' and ''caring''.. in the blink of an eye.
That is 7 billion people we are talking about. Different religions, different cultures.
Yeah, the world was ''Kind-er'', when it was our grandparents time. Or a thousand freakin' years ago. Okay!
But we are living in the today. That time is gone. This is the 21st Century. Accept it!

Instead of judging the world, and deciding who is ''selfish'' and who is ''bad'', who is ''kind'', who is ''mean''.
Instead of passing comments ''This world is doomed, no one cares about anyone else, people are mean, blah blah''.. Do something about it!
What are these hollow accusations going to get us?

Start caring about people. Start being 'kind' to unknown strangers, to everyone you know, and that smile on their faces, will change your entire life.
You cant expect people to change, but the least you can do is become an inspiration for others around you.
Do ''Good things''. Be nice to people. Help people. Even a single act of kindness, is a charity. If you pick up something harmful from the road, that is a charity.
If you help a handicapped person cross the road, that is a charity. If you join a hospital, for an ''internship'' for the sole-purpose of helping people, and giving comfort to their families, that is a charity. If you give money to a poor person on the street, even though you were supposed to buy something you like from that money, that is an act of kindness.
That is LIFE!

Life is a beautiful thing. It is a blessing. If you know the true reality of it. If you truly understand it. If you know the meaning of it.

So, instead of crying about people being storybooks, or whatever..
Instead of arguing whether the world is full of ''Good people'' or whether ''Humanity is lost''.. Change yourselves!

'Be the change you want to see in this world.'

The people who are actually arguing for this change, are arguing for a reason. Because they're different. They don't think the way others are thinking. They aren't like the people they're opposing or else they wouldn't have said anything at all. Who likes bad-mouthing themselves? No one.

You're absolutely right. Change isn't something that comes overnight. People do realize it. The problem is we don't have the power or ability to actually do anything about it. We're not even legal adults yet. And have you seen the country you're living in? You raise your voice and you're dead. What kind of change are you expecting us to bring in such situations?

A thousand years ago? Where's your head at, bro? Our country is still young. We're like, what? 66 years old? It's not comparatively that old an age for a country.

For any problem that needs a solution we have to get to the root of it and then work at diminishing it. We need to know what's wrong before we can actually do anything about it? Or do you think otherwise?

The charity you're talking about, it's absolutely true. I agree with that. But, for example, 'If you pick up something harmful from the road, that is a charity.' How many people do you actually see doing that? You need stats to prove your point.
'If you join a hospital, for an ''internship'' for the sole-purpose of helping people, and giving comfort to their families, that is a charity'. How many people do you see becoming doctors for the "sole-purpose of helping people?" There's not too many of them. Honestly, I've seen people working hard just cos they want to help people, but tbh those kinds of people are like 1 in 100.

Change can't be brought about by just one person. I don't believe in that. If that were true, I would've brought about some kind of change. (I'm not gloating or anything, just trying to make a point.)
All my life, all I've heard is "Sijda, you have a heart of gold" OR "Sijda, you're such a nice person" OR "Sijda, I wish I could be just like you."
And all I thought was why do you keep saying these things? Just do it, for crying out loud!
It never happened. And I got trashed in the process. People just say things. And they take advantage of you if you're nice.
Either that, or I always surrounded myself with the wrong kinds of people.

When people argue, they start to struggle to find common ground before matters get out of hand. That's what you get by pointing fingers at people.

I don't believe in judging people, or pointing fingers at others, but in some cases it just has to be done cos there's no alternative.

So you see, 'be the change you want to see in the world', gets you no where. Until you have the support of people who think the way that you do.
Reaction score
I, too, am involved in the same discussion.

If we keep discussing our flaws with each other, we will keep doing that forever. What good would that bring us?
''Hope'' alone does not change anything. ''Arguing'' about how mean people are, or about how this world is full of selfish people, and people don't care about each other, won't change anything.

Instead, i'm suggesting we try to change ourselves, before trying to change others. Simple.
Easy tiger. :p
You didn't get my point there. Let me elaborate it!
Your point is that people should change 'themselves', right? What change should they bring in themselves? That's what you, me and some other members are discussing here. Me including some other people discussed about the bad qualities of people which develop hatred for them in our hearts. Now people who would go through this thread will surely take notice of those 'bad qualities' and would try to remove them and be the kind of person whom everyone adores. Get it?

You maybe someone's storybook. Make sure you are worth reading! ;)
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I said most of us, not all of us.
Would you please give me a link or something so I can actually see the news for myself cos I googled it and I couldn't find anything.

You make others miserable when you judge them individually. What I said was for all of those kinds of people. They are equally as able to speak against me as well. I'm not attacking them with accusations or anything. This is reality. You need to face it.

The people who are actually arguing for this change, are arguing for a reason. Because they're different. They don't think the way others are thinking. They aren't like the people they're opposing or else they wouldn't have said anything at all. Who likes bad-mouthing themselves? No one.

You're absolutely right. Change isn't something that comes overnight. People do realize it. The problem is we don't have the power or ability to actually do anything about it. We're not even legal adults yet. And have you seen the country you're living in? You raise your voice and you're dead. What kind of change are you expecting us to bring in such situations?

A thousand years ago? Where's your head at, bro? Our country is still young. We're like, what? 66 years old? It's not comparatively that old an age for a country.

For any problem that needs a solution we have to get to the root of it and then work at diminishing it. We need to know what's wrong before we can actually do anything about it? Or do you think otherwise?

The charity you're talking about, it's absolutely true. I agree with that. But, for example, 'If you pick up something harmful from the road, that is a charity.' How many people do you actually see doing that? You need stats to prove your point.
'If you join a hospital, for an ''internship'' for the sole-purpose of helping people, and giving comfort to their families, that is a charity'. How many people do you see becoming doctors for the "sole-purpose of helping people?" There's not too many of them. Honestly, I've seen people working hard just cos they want to help people, but tbh those kinds of people are like 1 in 100.

Change can't be brought about by just one person. I don't believe in that. If that were true, I would've brought about some kind of change. (I'm not gloating or anything, just trying to make a point.)
All my life, all I've heard is "Sijda, you have a heart of gold" OR "Sijda, you're such a nice person" OR "Sijda, I wish I could be just like you."
And all I thought was why do you keep saying these things? Just do it, for crying out loud!
It never happened. And I got trashed in the process. People just say things. And they take advantage of you if you're nice.
Either that, or I always surrounded myself with the wrong kinds of people.

When people argue, they start to struggle to find common ground before matters get out of hand. That's what you get by pointing fingers at people.

I don't believe in judging people, or pointing fingers at others, but in some cases it just has to be done cos there's no alternative.

So you see, 'be the change you want to see in the world', gets you no where. Until you have the support of people who think the way that you do.

Then what do you suggest? How will the world change?
Reaction score
Then what do you suggest? How will the world change?

Tbh, I'm not quite sure.
One thing I do know, however, is that this 'realization' of the matter at hand is what is going to start the change.
We're educated. We know everything at this age that our parents didn't know till after they got married and came into contact with the real world.
This knowledge is what we're going to invest in our younger ones. You know how its always better to invest in a healthier alternative? The upcoming generation will be better than us. That's just what I think.

Does anyone else have any ideas?
Reaction score
Tbh, I'm not quite sure.
One thing I do know, however, is that this 'realization' of the matter at hand is what is going to start the change.
We're educated. We know everything at this age that our parents didn't know till after they got married and came into contact with the real world.
This knowledge is what we're going to invest in our younger ones. You know how its always better to invest in a healthier alternative? The upcoming generation will be better than us. That's just what I think.

Does anyone else have any ideas?

Wise people i have talked to, disagree. They think the upcoming generation will be worse. Way worse. I mean it's only logical.
You, yourself said, that the world was better at your grandparents time. Now there's technology. Now there's ignorance. Now there's selfish-ness. Now there is hate.

Yes, but only a minute fraction of those ''educated'' people have that realization.

As we pace forward into the future, the world gets worse. You know that, i know that.
False hope, won't get us anywhere.

Any better ideas, other than sitting and waiting for the next generation to come, and MAYBE change the world?
Reaction score
Wise people i have talked to, disagree. They think the upcoming generation will be worse. Way worse. I mean it's only logical.
You, yourself said, that the world was better at your grandparents time. Now there's technology. Now there's ignorance. Now there's selfish-ness. Now there is hate.

Yes, but only a minute fraction of those ''educated'' people have that realization.

As we pace forward into the future, the world gets worse. You know that, i know that.
False hope, won't get us anywhere.

Any better ideas, other than sitting and waiting for the next generation to come, and MAYBE change the world?

Dude, we are what are going to be responsible for directing the upcoming generation. Why did we not conform to the correct way? Because there was no 'educated' person to tell us better. We are the generation which is caught up in all these rapid advancements. We're amazed by it cos we haven't been seeing these impetuous changes since we were born. This overuse of technology started just a few years ago.
The next generation has been born into a world of technology. They have come in contact with it even before they got potty trained. I mean, I have a 2 year old niece who knows how to unlock her moms smartphone, she types in the password, takes pictures, plays videos and games, dude. Would you have been able to do that when you were 2? No. You were playing with Pokemon cards till the age of 10. So was I.

Do you get my point? The next generation won't be as crazy as we are.
Reaction score
Dude, we are what are going to be responsible for directing the upcoming generation. Why did we not conform to the correct way? Because there was no 'educated' person to tell us better. We are the generation which is caught up in all these rapid advancements. We're amazed by it cos we haven't been seeing these impetuous changes since we were born. This overuse of technology started just a few years ago.
The next generation has been born into a world of technology. They have come in contact with it even before they got potty trained. I mean, I have a 2 year old niece who knows how to unlock her moms smartphone, she types in the password, takes pictures, plays videos and games, dude. Would you have been able to do that when you were 2? No. You were playing with Pokemon cards till the age of 10. So was I.

Do you get my point? The next generation won't be as crazy as we are.

You're contradicting yourself.

If they start using 'technology' at the age of 2, then that's more reason for them to be addicted to it. And for it to make them more ''self-centered''.
They would avoid human-interaction, and stay home and use social-networking websites all day.
They will not care about others, only about their own-selves.

And these technological advancements will keep coming. It's not like they will stop.
And the new generation won't get ''Bored'' of it, they will keep indulging in it.
''Feelings'' would diminish. The situation would get worse.

You're taking the impact of ''Technology'' the wrong way. You are saying, that since they will be exposed to technology since the age of 2, they will grow up to be ''Sensible'' adults, unlike the current generation, which didn't grow up to be like that, because we were too busy being fascinated by new technology.
Well, 'newer' technology will keep coming. It's not like this is the end. It's just the beginning.
The correct impact of these kids being born into a 'world of technology' is, that this will make the situation worse.
Kids would rather stay home, and text their girlfriends, or use social-networking websites '12 hours a day', rather than go out and indulge in better activities, that benefit society.
They'd care about themselves only, not about others.

Crime-rates have been increasing. Kids are being exposed to violent movies.
In our grandparents times, kids didn't even know much about violence.
Now, they are born playing ''fighting games'' on xbox and playstation.
That would make them more likely to fight others in their social group, and use 'abusive words' they have learned off the internet.

And not all 'parents' will be sensible enough, to prevent their children from this change.
Again, 'Education' does not necessarily instill 'Values' into an individual.

So, the conclusion being, technology is more likely to make the situation much worse. That's reality.
Reaction score
You're contradicting yourself.

If they start using 'technology' at the age of 2, then that's more reason for them to be addicted to it. And for it to make them more ''self-centered''.
They would avoid human-interaction, and stay home and use social-networking websites all day.
They will not care about others, only about their own-selves.

And these technological advancements will keep coming. It's not like they will stop.
And the new generation won't get ''Bored'' of it, they will keep indulging in it.
''Feelings'' would diminish. The situation would get worse.

You're taking the impact of ''Technology'' the wrong way. You are saying, that since they will be exposed to technology since the age of 2, they will grow up to be ''Sensible'' adults, unlike the current generation, which didn't grow up to be like that, because we were too busy being fascinated by new technology.
Well, 'newer' technology will keep coming. It's not like this is the end. It's just the beginning.
The correct impact of these kids being born into a 'world of technology' is, that this will make the situation worse.
Kids would rather stay home, and text their girlfriends, or use social-networking websites '12 hours a day', rather than go out and indulge in better activities, that benefit society.
They'd care about themselves only, not about others.

Crime-rates have been increasing. Kids are being exposed to violent movies.
In our grandparents times, kids didn't even know much about violence.
Now, they are born playing ''fighting games'' on xbox and playstation.
That would make them more likely to fight others in their social group, and use 'abusive words' they have learned off the internet.

And not all 'parents' will be sensible enough, to prevent their children from this change.
Again, 'Education' does not necessarily instill 'Values' into an individual.

So, the conclusion being, technology is more likely to make the situation much worse. That's reality.
That feeling part. xD