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People out there......please read this. It's a sad story about my chemistry practicals.

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hey dis is sooo unfair some ppl get xtra chemicals but some dont..
but wat is CIE actually sayin ( gv xtra or nott)?
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Something very similar happened to me in my Physics P33.
Everybody got that graph question right and I was the only one who messed it up, for reasons which I still have no idea of...
I did ask God the same thing: Why me?
Of all the student in my centre I was by far the most prepared for that practical exam: so why did God do this to me? Why didn't it happen to some other kid who was not prepared for his exam?
And so the days went by
And the I realised: This was meant to happen!
There is something know as destiny: if you didn't score this time round there may be other opportunities: I'm retaking me Physics exams, because for some reason( which I don't know of) I just wasn't supposed to have a good physics paper.
Sometimes things happen which are totally unexpected, and you wonder why they happened to you. The simple answer is that that was fate: who knows what fate has in store for you.
If you are unsatisfied with your paper, then retake it: again who knows what fate has in store for you!
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hey dis is sooo unfair some ppl get xtra chemicals but some dont..
but wat is CIE actually sayin ( gv xtra or nott)?
http://www.xtremepapers.com/papers/CIE/Cambridge International A and AS Level/Chemistry (9701)/9701_s11_ir_33.pdf
Read Page 2
Read section number 2 under the heading 'Preparation of materials'.
As CIE says:
In preparing materials, the bulk quantity for each substance should be increased by 25%
as spare material should be available to cover accidental loss. More material may be supplied if
requested by candidates, without penalty.
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Seriously?? Uk that one of the practical rules is that u r not allowed to get more chemicals if urs r finished! :s
i dont think theres that type of rule?..wel what if the chemicals.provided arent enough to perform enough tirations or tests??
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Something very similar happened to me in my Physics P33.
Everybody got that graph question right and I was the only one who messed it up, for reasons which I still have no idea of...
I did ask God the same thing: Why me?
Of all the student in my centre I was by far the most prepared for that practical exam: so why did God do this to me? Why didn't it happen to some other kid who was not prepared for his exam?
And so the days went by
And the I realised: This was meant to happen!
There is something like destiny: if you didn't score this time round there may be other opportunities: I'm retaking me Physics exams, because for some reason( which I don't know of) I just wasn't supposed to have a good physics paper.
Sometimes things happen which are totally unexpected, and you wonder why they happened to you. The simple answer is that that was fate: who knows what fate has in store for you.
If you are unsatisfied with your paper, then retake it: who knows what fate has in store for you!
Oh GOD wat a pathetic story..
who knws if God is checking for ur patience?
"we would never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world"- Helen Keller
So gve a TRY God wont let u down!! Have Faith........
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http://www.xtremepapers.com/papers/CIE/Cambridge International A and AS Level/Chemistry (9701)/9701_s11_ir_33.pdf
Read Page 2
Read section number 2 under the heading 'Preparation of materials'.
As CIE says:
In preparing materials, the bulk quantity for each substance should be increased by 25%
as spare material should be available to cover accidental loss. More material may be supplied if
requested by candidates, without penalty.
Ya dats true......... idk y some werent gvn xtras den?
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Oh GOD wat a pathetic story..
who knws if God is checking for ur patience?
"we would never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world"- Helen Keller
So gve a TRY God wont let u down!! Have Faith........
I wouldn't expect someone who would take everything for granted to understand: If you haven't been through misery, you don't really understand what it truly is....
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I think the state of mind you are in as you walk into an exam is pivotal. You could be the most well-prepared of all the 3000 students sitting for the exam, but your fear of failure or exaggerated thoughts of where something could potentially go wrong really end up turning tables. That's when you say, "What I was afraid of happening, happened." Sadly, I wish I had known this beforehand. During my chemistry practicals for which I was very well prepared, it seemed to me like everything was working against me. Everything from the time, to the apparatus, to the invigilators, to the question paper - things I normally would have no trouble with. I have no other choice but to look past it ; what's done can't be undone. Alhamdulilah
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I did paper 34 yesterday.
For the first titration, I was super fast. I had already completed four titrations and gotten two values close to each other, while others were struggling with their second titration. But fate played a cruel trick on me. I was soooo happy I had finished the first one so fast and i decided to go on my second, with the same enthusiasm. While I was heating the required solution, I decided it would be a good idea to keep another flask filled, and heat it while I did the titration to save some time. I did that, and I started to write down some answers related to the first titration. I totally forgot about filling the burette with the potassium manganate or whatever it was, and the temperature had already risen to 85 degrees when I realized this.
So I hurried to fill my burette with the pink chemical. I poured and poured, panicking like anything, and started to wonder (when the beaker was half empty) why the burette was not filling up. I realized just then that the burette tap was open! IT WAS OPEN AND I HAD LEAKED AROUND 75% OF MY CHEMICAL!!!!!! The guy there told me I couldn't get any more. I still had enough chemical to do two titrations, and I took the flask, which was boiling hot to a hundred degrees by this time, and titrated with it. BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER!!!!!! I should've thrown it away! It went to a brown colour, and had to be discarded. I still could do one more, I thought as I took the flask off at 80 degrees exactly this time and started to titrate. As I was halfway through, I looked at the burette once.
I had totally forgotten to fill the burette to the zero mark, or take the reading of the burette before I titrated, after I finished (or rather, spoiled) my last one. This one was gone too..............................
Are you still reading? Do you sympathize with me? I know you do.......:cry:
yes we all have our sympathies with u......ths was hard luck!!...just stop thinking about it....try not to panic the next time ,.....and be very confident next time...once ur in the lab...just stop thinking abt ur previous practical performance or ur preparation ....THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN STOP U FROM DOING SOMETHING IS "YOU"!!!....so be very strict wd urself and tell ureself tht ...I AM GOING TO DO IT THISTIME WITHOUT BEING SHAKY AT ALL"....:).....best of luck!!:)for the next ones!!...and one more thing...DONT EVER QUESTION GOD!!.....for He Knows more than YOU!!.....put ur trust in Him and He'll surely guide U!!:)
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You should've gotten the chemicals man, I read somewhere that if you do something wrong and you're out of chemicals, you should ask for more. But there are a few invigilators who are very strict and think they shouldn't give more chemicals. I really do sympathize with you because this was wrong
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:eek: You're allowed to ask for more solutions.

This is a lesson for all of us, especially those whose paper took an unexpected U-turn towards the negative, including myself.

Don't worry, have patience and put your trust in Allah. 'But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.' [Qur'an 2:216] His Knowledge is Infinite, His Wisdom is unquestionable. So you saying 'O God? Why me?' doesn't really make any sense.

Have faith and put your trust in Him; you may fail (though not really if you got question 2 and the first titration right insha' Allah) Chemistry Component 34, but you can retake it and get an A next time! But this is an opportunity provided by The Lord of examiners to you; don't fail the one exam you won't be able to retake - life. And you don't know when the time for this exam will run out.

Blessed is He in whose hand is dominion, and He is over all things competent – [He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed – and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving. [Qur'an 67:1-2]

So put your trust in Allah and have patience, so that you can ace this exam, and then the Most Merciful will open for you the roads to ultimate success; in both worlds insha' Allah if you are a believer. Remember Yusuf (Alayhis-Salaam); He was taken away from his family at a young age, then as a young adult, put in jail for a crime he never committed, and he stayed there 7 years, but He put His trust in Allah and was patient. Allah rewarded Him and increased Him; He became the practical King of Egypt, and later His entire family was returned to Him.

And the king said, "Bring him to me; I will appoint him exclusively for myself." And when he spoke to him, he said, "Indeed, you are today established [in position] and trusted."
[Joseph] said, "Appoint me over the storehouses of the land. Indeed, I will be a knowing guardian."
And thus We established Joseph in the land to settle therein wherever he willed. We touch with Our mercy whom We will, and We do not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good.
And the reward of the Hereafter is better for those who believed and were fearing Allah. [Qur'an 12:56]

And face a fact, bro. Your problem is miniscule compared to the problem of Yusuf ('Alayhis-Salatu was-Salaam). Can you imagine staying jail for 7 years for a crime you never committed?

And how many a prophet [fought and] with him fought many religious scholars. But they never lost assurance due to what afflicted them in the cause of Allah, nor did they weaken or submit. And Allah loves the steadfast. [Qur'an 3:146]

For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him). [Qur'an 3:159]

Be steadfast/patient, put your trust in Him. And insha' Allah, if you're a believer, He will love you. Do you understand the rank of someone whom Allah loves?


For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.
Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease. [Qur'an 94:5-6]

That is the law Allah has set for this world. With each hardship comes ease, twice-over. This is a lesson for each of us, especially those of us whose paper did not go good. Ease always follows hardship, and for each hardship there are two eases. So be patient, and don't say, 'O God, why me? Why couldn't it be someone else?' Would you say that if you were told you had won a distinction? Yet, an opportunity to earn the love of Allah, and get a twice-over reward for a single spoiled paper, is better than a distinction, if we all learn to take it.

May Allah make us of those He loves, Ameen.
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i agree with saad bro completely.. :)
we all have to put our trust in Allah and be patient as Allah is with those who are patient..
Alwayz remember some of these practical quotes:
-Dont ask life WHY ME!!! instead say TRY ME!!!
-Be satisfied with what u have.
-Whatever happens remember there is always something good in it. Even if what happened was bad later on u will realise that there is some good in it.
-Past is past now no use of thinking about it and waiting coz u cannot do anything about it now.
so forget about it and concentrate on your subjects to come.
-Be CONFIDENT in whatever u are going to do and NEVER be OVER-CONFIDENT..
-TRY AND TRY oneday you will FLY... I mean u wont get wings ;) u will fly higher in ur status and rank.
-And never fail to thank Allah for what He has bestowed upon U!!!
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:eek: You're allowed to ask for more solutions.

This is a lesson for all of us, especially those whose paper took an unexpected U-turn towards the negative, including myself.

Don't worry, have patience and put your trust in Allah. 'But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.' [Qur'an 2:216] His Knowledge is Infinite, His Wisdom is unquestionable. So you saying 'O God? Why me?' doesn't really make any sense.

Have faith and put your trust in Him; you may fail (though not really if you got question 2 and the first titration right insha' Allah) Chemistry Component 34, but you can retake it and get an A next time! But this is an opportunity provided by The Lord of examiners to you; don't fail the one exam you won't be able to retake - life. And you don't know when the time for this exam will run out.

Blessed is He in whose hand is dominion, and He is over all things competent – [He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed – and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving. [Qur'an 67:1-2]

So put your trust in Allah and have patience, so that you can ace this exam, and then the Most Merciful will open for you the roads to ultimate success; in both worlds insha' Allah if you are a believer. Remember Yusuf (Alayhis-Salaam); He was taken away from his family at a young age, then as a young adult, put in jail for a crime he never committed, and he stayed there 7 years, but He put His trust in Allah and was patient. Allah rewarded Him and increased Him; He became the practical King of Egypt, and later His entire family was returned to Him.

And the king said, "Bring him to me; I will appoint him exclusively for myself." And when he spoke to him, he said, "Indeed, you are today established [in position] and trusted."
[Joseph] said, "Appoint me over the storehouses of the land. Indeed, I will be a knowing guardian."
And thus We established Joseph in the land to settle therein wherever he willed. We touch with Our mercy whom We will, and We do not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good.
And the reward of the Hereafter is better for those who believed and were fearing Allah. [Qur'an 12:56]

And face a fact, bro. Your problem is miniscule compared to the problem of Yusuf ('Alayhis-Salatu was-Salaam). Can you imagine staying jail for 7 years for a crime you never committed?

And how many a prophet [fought and] with him fought many religious scholars. But they never lost assurance due to what afflicted them in the cause of Allah, nor did they weaken or submit. And Allah loves the steadfast. [Qur'an 3:146]

For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him). [Qur'an 3:159]

Be steadfast/patient, put your trust in Him. And insha' Allah, if you're a believer, He will love you. Do you understand the rank of someone whom Allah loves?


For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.
Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease. [Qur'an 94:5-6]

That is the law Allah has set for this world. With each hardship comes ease, twice-over. This is a lesson for each of us, especially those of us whose paper did not go good. Ease always follows hardship, and for each hardship there are two eases. So be patient, and don't say, 'O God, why me? Why couldn't it be someone else?' Would you say that if you were told you had won a distinction? Yet, an opportunity to earn the love of Allah, and get a twice-over reward for a single spoiled paper, is better than a distinction, if we all learn to take it.

May Allah make us of those He loves, Ameen.
Well, he certainly isn't going to gimme my lost marks.
Simply faith in god doesn't solve any problems. We have to work hard for ourselves. If praying solved everything, there would be no poverty in this world.
Reaction score
Something very similar happened to me in my Physics P33.
Everybody got that graph question right and I was the only one who messed it up, for reasons which I still have no idea of...
I did ask God the same thing: Why me?
Of all the student in my centre I was by far the most prepared for that practical exam: so why did God do this to me? Why didn't it happen to some other kid who was not prepared for his exam?
And so the days went by
And the I realised: This was meant to happen!
There is something know as destiny: if you didn't score this time round there may be other opportunities: I'm retaking me Physics exams, because for some reason( which I don't know of) I just wasn't supposed to have a good physics paper.
Sometimes things happen which are totally unexpected, and you wonder why they happened to you. The simple answer is that that was fate: who knows what fate has in store for you.
If you are unsatisfied with your paper, then retake it: again who knows what fate has in store for you!
Nope, god just sits there and laughs at me, fate spits in my face.
But I did paper 12 and 22 good, and Im sure i can get SOME marks in this paper.........