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Poetry! =P

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Please don't! :p

@Topic :

Bound by the very iron of which my keys are made,
Drowning in the sea in which my boat was to wade.
Living already in a coffin - a premature death
So will my life begin after my last breath?
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One Autumn Night

Withered autumn leaves fell swirling all around her,
As she lay underneath the deep shadowy bower
Of willow branches, where anemones like dew drops from sky
Yet not faded, bloomed; a sweet brook went trickling by,
No other sound broke the lulling hush, not even a single sigh.
All at once, among the hollows, a light breeze blew and whispered,
A rustle on the dead leaves, a step, a silent tread could be heard
There, by the silvery path he came walking alone,
Near her he sat, and rested his head on her tombstone.
He wept, like summer shower fell his rushing tears
His wounded heart was overwhelmed, so much sorrow it had to bear,
So much anguish; his wild sobs rang echoing through the night,
How the wind whistled! The branches creaked, the brook sparkled in moonlight!
At long last the peace was broken, the vale remained calm no longer,
As the world shared in his grief, and mourned along this fated lover.
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As The Sun Sets

She stared over the fields stretched to horizon
And waited for his arrival; anon
He would come, riding like a gale, and in his hand,
Perhaps there would be last night's prize
As he oft brought, whenever on an errand
Secretly coming long before sunrise;
So she waited, till the sun rose in glory,
And sank in west anew; but never came he
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As The Sun Sets

She stared over the fields stretched to horizon
And waited for his arrival; anon
He would come, riding like a gale, and in his hand,
Perhaps there would be last night's prize
As he oft brought, whenever on an errand
Secretly coming long before sunrise;
So she waited, till the sun rose in glory,
And sank in west anew; but never came he
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I lay on my bed soaking my pillow with my tears,
I try to remember exactly what it is that I fear.
Is it the passing of time or the love that I lack?
Is it the mistakes that I've made or the fact that I can't bring the past back?
What is it that I'm afraid of?
Why am I so scared?
Is it the people I've hurt or the people that have hurt me?
Am I afraid of everything that I cant seem to see?
Is it the love of a friend, or the loss of my family?
Is it the possibility that my life can end in a tragedy?
What is it that I fear most?
What do my eyes say I'm scared of?
Is it the sun that sets but won't seem to rise?
Is it the hope that I have that always seems to die?
Is it the trust of a person that I cannot begin to grasp?​
Is it all the memories of my horrid past?
Is it me?
Can it possibly be that the thing I fear most is the thing I can't be?
The things that I try to understand?
The me that I try to be with when I'm feeling sad?
The person I'm expected to be? Is that what I fear?
I think the thing I fear most....is me....

Awsume..Mashallah :)
Keep writing :)
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Forever or never
Whatever you do,Whatever you take
You think you are the rulers,But you are the oppressors
You Can’t stop our voices, Never
Nor you can oppress us
The time has come to make them realize,
How much you will oppress us but our voices can’t be suppressed…
How much you will kill us but our God will never leave us…
You can kill our generations but our existence cannot be denied
So you don’t ever think you will rule forever
One day you will realize about your mistake,
Your rule of oppression is no more greater,
One day you will come to an end forever,
And the rule of oppression will end forever,
The sun will rise forever, And the rule of tyranny will never come in power,
You will end like a fly and no one will realise,
that time will come so soon but forever

Myste Rious
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Forever or never
Whatever you do,Whatever you take
You think you are the rulers,But you are the oppressors
You Can’t stop our voices, Never
Nor you can oppress us
The time has come to make them realize,
How much you will oppress us but our voices can’t be suppressed…
How much you will kill us but our God will never leave us…
You can kill our generations but our existence cannot be denied
So you don’t ever think you will rule forever
One day you will realize about your mistake,
Your rule of oppression is no more greater,
One day you will come to an end forever,
And the rule of oppression will end forever,
The sun will rise forever, And the rule of tyranny will never come in power,
You will end like a fly and no one will realise,
that time will come so soon but forever
MashaAllah....its really nice...:) i like it...
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The Rose that Grew from Concrete

Did you hear about the rose that grew
from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's law is wrong it
learned to walk with out having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping it's dreams,
it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete
when no one else ever cared.
Tupac Shakur
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All Different Girls

Pretty girl, who is to blame
Frightened girl, they don't know her name
Saddened girl, who cries at night
Distant girl, who's out of sight
Psycho girl, with scars on her wrists
Fairytale girl, who don't exist
Silent girl, without a name
Ignored girl, who's filled with shame
Faking girl, with plastic smiles
Freakish girl, from a thousand miles
Emotionless girl, cant feel much pain
Darkened girl, who brings the rain
Crying girl, tears start to flood
Psychotic girl, who drains her blood
Hated girl, who no one loves
Such a weak girl, who's no longer though
Angry girl, there is no cure
Happy girl, she is no more
Hidden girl, she covers her scars
Prisoned girl, lived behind her life's bars
Crazy girl, who bleeds so much
Lonely girl, who's out of touch
Stupid girl, who no one likes
Beaten girl, who always fights
Pretty girl, don't give up now
Suicide girl, there's someway, somehow
Scared girl, don't be afraid
Distant girl, don't go away
Morbid girl, don't die tonight
Worried girl, it'll be alright
Stoner girl, tonight she'll smoke her sorrow
Alcoholic girl, she'll drink tomorrow
Furious girl, who has no more faith
Depressed girl, who cries and aches
Fallen girl, with broken wings
Disturbed girl, fell off the swing
Pretty girl, you are my friend
Aching girl, just try to mend
Ugly girl, not like before
Beautiful girl, she is no more
Pretty girl, who made her life end
Pretty girl...no...Not again..
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"Blinded by the brightness,
this hope has brought me.
Succumbed to the agonizing tribulation,
this hope has caused me" - Epiphany

Didn't write any further because for once, I need to stop writing such poems and work on something rather pleasant perhaps.
its nice....amazing :)
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There is a point of view,
My mind is thinking it’s true.
An isolated path is in front,
I fear that is it the same one on which I went.
Don’t know how to make sure,
I can’t stand with tears any more.
My heart is broken now,
They made my life like a show.
No matter how many likes I get,
No matter how many views get set.
No one know the true silent tears which rolls,
Rolling matters written on scrolls.
Nobody is by my side,
I don’t know any place where I should hide.
The pointing fingers on me,
Why can’t I could really be me.
The dark clouds hided my moon,
I lost one and now there’s no more room.
I have passed through time of struggle and pain,
I have no more strength as they filled my life with a stain.
Below the sky, there was a place,
Where I lived facing life’s race.
There was a first sight which gave me life,
They smashed it away and made me strive.
To breath once again, I had no oxygen,
To live once again, I can no more make any decision.
They made me their puppet to act as they wish,
They slaughtered my wishes and imprisoned me on a dish.
Why can’t I fly once again like a bee?
Above my honey hive, buzzing around and a new world I could see.
Why can’t I get a place on this earth?
Why can’t I get the happiness of the life which is worth?
They hit me again and again until I break into pieces,
They will do it again and again until my life ceases.
There are no spare parts of human beings anywhere which you can find,
No one with life of this kind would like to rewind.
At last this might seem thee a drama seen,
But this is what really my life has been.
(written by:- Khushbakhat Malik Awan on 13 November 2012)