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Poetry! =P

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Life is like a camera,
Like a lie
Pushing on the red button
Your on the life show
Spinning in a Circle
your mind is a blow.
Lies and heartache
become the host of this talk show.
Happiness is winding
until you grow.
Beating of a heartbeat
as you watch it flow.
Reality is winding as you all know,
Laughter is slow,
So let reality take a bow,
Until you wake up,
and find your low,
Pertending to live the life you dream,
Until the film ends,
the dreams can begin.
Like a lie........
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“Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, be strong and keep reminding your self that everything happens for a reason.”
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Title: ''Happy New Year!''

This year fades away with every passing hour,
Like the falling petals of a dead flower.

With every passing moment in which we take a breath,
We grow closer and closer to our death.

Now at this time i feel nothing,
All i want is to feel something.

No happiness, no sadness, no remorse, no regret,
I'm dead inside, is what i need to accept.

This year i distanced myself away,
Too bad contentment can't be bought at eBay.

There is a lot more to life than your CIE exams,
Way more than you can comprehend.

This year was different, it was brilliant,
All these experiences taught me how to live.

I'm no more a kid, i'm alive,
Life is just like a computer hard drive.

New memories being added all the time,
But in life we can't erase them, we only get to live one time.

I've lost pieces of myself, I've learnt,
A new year is what i have earned.

To be different, to try all over again,
To not let everything go down the drain.

Now this is my chance to live, to be complete,
I will sleep, i will live, i will eat.

So all i want to say is 'Happy New Year',
The Earth is a sphere.

[Time: 9:06 pm]
Reaction score
Title: ''Happy New Year!''

This year fades away with every passing hour,
Like the falling petals of a dead flower.

With every passing moment in which we take a breath,
We grow closer and closer to our death.

Now at this time i feel nothing,
All i want is to feel something.

No happiness, no sadness, no remorse, no regret,
I'm dead inside, is what i need to accept.

This year i distanced myself away,
Too bad contentment can't be bought at eBay.

There is a lot more to life than your CIE exams,
Way more than you can comprehend.

This year was different, it was brilliant,
All these experiences taught me how to live.

I'm no more a kid, i'm alive,
Life is just like a computer hard drive.

New memories being added all the time,
But in life we can't erase them, we only get to live one time.

I've lost pieces of myself, I've learnt,
A new year is what i have earned.

To be different, to try all over again,
To not let everything go down the drain.

Now this is my chance to live, to be complete,
I will sleep, i will live, i will eat.

So all i want to say is 'Happy New Year',
The Earth is a sphere.

[Time: 9:06 pm]
Who wrote it?
Don't tell me its you :eek: