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Want to bring a change? or do you think something is not the way it should be?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I hate politics.

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Determined to bring a change.

    Votes: 13 65.0%

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Edit: The main purpose of this thread is to create political awareness. We ought to know what's going on around us.

Share your views regarding politics..can be worldwide or about Pakistan

While the world's superpowers are entangled in war with ISIS in Syria and Iraq, Russia has also joined in which has created a hell trouble for America...and recently, "Russia has got ready to use nuclear weapons"....so this will be very humane! right? Dont u think the Russia-NATO war will be the end of humanity??? (Say: Rabbighfir Warham Wa Anta Khair Rur-Rahimeen)

Coming towards Pakistan, we see an entangled political, economical, social, financial crisis. A land which can be very productive, which can develop, I swear, even more than America but only if we select a path to follow and then stay on track. Of course, to drive every vehicle, an expert driver is the first requirement and that is what we are deprived of. I'm not being partial, but it is a fact that Imran Khan has really proven himself to be very different from our traditional kings like rulers who find this land a very profitable to stack on their own wealth.

In Pakistan, the worst of all systems (even worse than judiciary) is our educational system. The education which is given in our government schools, to majority of our population is nothing but a way to make you a dumb person. Some private schools are exceptional of course, which have courses like O/A levels which can train to use your mind. But in case of government schools, I think if a person is left free to roam around and learn on his own through experiences, will learn much more than if he is put in a school where you rot learn the facts and just learn the facts.
The result: We get a whole new generation which is unable to use its mind, unable to think, unable to express their views, unable to speak for truth, unable to stand for their rights and people are like puppets which are played with and ruled on by their players (government). Isn't this been the picture of our homeland for years??
I think the only way to development and to success for Pakistan especially, is to make amendments in educational reforms, change the way people are taught and that will lead us to an era with really wise people and a gov. worth respecting.

Have your say. Share your views, suggestions and lets think how we can make our country what we want it to be! and yes, we are obliged to save our Earth, we have no right to destroy it!, neither harm any of its creatures.
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U finally made a thread on politics, yay! :D
Annnnd wow! U know so much abt it............ Is it like ur fav topic?
PS I don't know much about politics......... >ㅁ<
But thnx, I will comment at times :)
yes it is one of my fav. topics.
its ok if u dont know much about it...but lets start from simple things... like just discuss what u think is odd and should be improved in any way regarding any field:)
..and yes our aim is to 'create' political awareness, right!:)
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Edit: The main purpose of this thread is to create political awareness. We ought to know what's going on around us.

Share your views regarding politics..can be worldwide or about Pakistan

While the world's superpowers are entangled in war with ISIS in Syria and Iraq, Russia has also joined in which has created a hell trouble for America. Most surprising is 'incoming' of rights and changing reforms in favor of Muslims in America, which are definitely a result of ISIS's coming into existence so that Muslims feel freedom and they may not feel the need to pursue a land where they can follow their religion and where a Caliphate ( the biggest fear of non-muslims) is in power. (this is according to a report released by American news agency).

..and recently, "Russia has got ready to use nuclear weapons"....so this will be very humane! right? Dont u think the Russia-NATO war will be the end of humanity??? (Naoozubillah, Say: Rabbighfir Warham Wa Anta Khair Rur-Rahimeen, may it never happen)

Coming towards Pakistan, we see an entangled political, economical, social, financial crisis. A land which can be very productive, which can develop, I swear, even more than America but only if we select a path to follow and then stay on track. Of course, to drive every vehicle, an expert driver is the first requirement and that is what we are deprived of. I'm not being partial, but it is a fact that Imran Khan has really proven himself to be very different from our traditional kings like rulers who find this land a very profitable to stack on their own wealth.

In Pakistan, the worst of all systems (even worse than judiciary) is our educational system. The education which is given in our government schools, to majority of our population is nothing but a way to make you a dumb person. Some private schools are exceptional of course, which have courses like O/A levels which can train to use your mind. But in case of government schools, I think if a person is left free to roam around and learn on his own through experiences, will learn much more than if he is put in a school where you rot learn the facts and just learn the facts.
The result: We get a whole new generation who is unable to use their mind, unable to think, unable to express their views, unable to speak for truth, unable to stand for their rights and people are like puppets which are played with and ruled on by their players (government). Isn't this been the picture of our homeland for years??
I think the only way to development and to success for Pakistan especially, is to make amendments in educational reforms, change the way people are taught and that will lead us to an era with really wise people and a gov. worth respecting.

Have your say. Share your views, suggestions and lets think how we can make our country what we want it to be! and yes, we are obliged to save our Earth, we have no right to destroy it!, neither harm any of its creatures.

The irony is, that in these imp affairs wherw the safety and future of the workd is concerned, muslims play no role in deciding what these superpowers should do. These superpowers decide anything without the consent of other muslim countries, even when its related to muslim affairs like their intrusion in affaurs of Iraq and lybia.

Not the end of humanity perhaps, but it shows the dual standards of these superpowers. Who on one hand impose sactions on any other country who practice nuclear power while they use it whenevr thy feel comfy with it.

The role of SA in this whole scenario is extremely shameful and hypocrite considering that we, as muslims, consider them to represent our interests. Just for the alliance of US, they side with western powers instead of helping other muslim countries in terms of moral support, finance and other aspects.
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Edit: The main ose of this thread is to create political awareness. We ought to know what's going on around us.

Share your views regarding politics..can be worldwide or about Pakistan

While the world's superpowers are entangled in war with ISIS in Syria and Iraq, Russia has also joined in which has created a hell trouble for America. Most surprising is 'incoming' of rights and changing reforms in favor of Muslims in America, which are definitely a result of ISIS's coming into existence so that Muslims feel freedom and they may not feel the need to pursue a land where they can follow their religion and where a Caliphate ( the biggest fear of non-muslims) is in power. (this is according to a report released by American news agency).

..and recently, "Russia has got ready to use nuclear weapons"....so this will be very humane! right? Dont u think the Russia-NATO war will be the end of humanity??? (Naoozubillah, Say: Rabbighfir Warham Wa Anta Khair Rur-Rahimeen, may it never happen)

Coming towards Pakistan, we see an entangled political, economical, social, financial crisis. A land which can be very productive, which can develop, I swear, even more than America but only if we select a path to follow and then stay on track. Of course, to drive every vehicle, an expert driver is the first requirement and that is what we are deprived of. I'm not being partial, but it is a fact that Imran Khan has really proven himself to be very different from our traditional kings like rulers who find this land a very profitable to stack on their own wealth.

In Pakistan, the worst of all systems (even worse than judiciary) is our educational system. The education which is given in our government schools, to majority of our population is nothing but a way to make you a dumb person. Some private schools are exceptional of course, which have courses like O/A levels which can train to use your mind. But in case of government schools, I think if a person is left free to roam around and learn on his own through experiences, will learn much more than if he is put in a school where you rot learn the facts and just learn the facts.
The result: We get a whole new generation who is unable to use their mind, unable to think, unable to express their views, unable to speak for truth, unable to stand for their rights and people are like puppets which are played with and ruled on by their players (government). Isn't this been the picture of our homeland for years??
I think the only way to development and to success for Pakistan especially, is to make amendments in educational reforms, change the way people are taught and that will lead us to an era with really wise people and a gov. worth respecting.

Have your say. Share your views, suggestions and lets think how we can make our country what we want it to be! and yes, we are obliged to save our Earth, we have no right to destroy it!, neither harm any of its creatures.
Lol....that would be an exaggaration. The fact, no matter how bitter It is, is that we pakistanis are not honest; not to our country, not to our religion. We are blinded by the greed of wealth. The infrastructure of every system is so biased and dishonest that it allows no 'honest' and patriotic person to rise to the top, where they can bring a difference.
Its the nature of us muslims, that we always side with self interests over that of our nation. Ther are some 'anomalies' as I wuld say but they dont make much diff. So theres no way we can rise to tue level of america or some other superpower.

Education is a long term goal, probably it will take a span of 15-20 years to improve it if we take some measures. But consudering the current situation of paki, I dont think that it should be amongst the priorties of our govt. That is because to nurture nd develop ur educational sectir you need atleast 15 years og honest and dedicated govt who will enure that the measures they take are implemented. Sadly in case of pakistan this period has never come due to martial laws and instability of democratic powers.

Perhaps the most prominent issue nowadays is the extremist and cruel behaviour of indiad govt who in past have termed themselve as the biggest democracy and have been all praises abt their secular behaviour, have shown the world their real face and nature. Muslims, christians and even the low caste hindus are facing attrocites at hands of this 'secular' and liberal govt. It shows their hatred for indian muslims In particular and us muslims in general, a hatred which is stilll there even after 68 years of partition. While UN and all western countries asked us to stop the hangings of terrorists no one stops India as they go around killing and harrasing their own people. Witnessing this scenario, I consider myself lucky that we were blessed with a leader like quaid, who ensured that we get our own country to live in.
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The irony is, that in these imp affairs wherw the safety and future of the workd is concerned, muslims play no role in deciding what these superpowers should do. These superpowers decide anything without the consent of other muslim countries, even when its related to muslim affairs like their intrusion in affaurs of Iraq and lybia.

Not the end of humanity perhaps, but it shows the dual standards of these superpowers. Who on one hand impose sactions on any other country who practice nuclear power while they use it whenevr thy feel comfy with it.

The role of SA in this whole scenario is extremely shameful and hypocrite considering that we, as muslims, consider them to represent our interests. Just for the alliance of US, they side with western powers instead of helping other muslim countries in terms of moral support, finance and other aspects.
Muslims play no role but the current scenario which has tensed the superpowers is based on Muslims. ISIS's coming into power in Syria and Iraq has changed the view of many western countries. Those which were lenient to Muslims before, have implemented strict reforms. Those who thought Muslims like their human brothers have changed their views to 'muslims are nothing but terrorists'. The war which is going on, which has shuddered all the western powers is concerned only to muslims and the west's enmity to muslims. How can u say Muslims play no role. The biggest fear of western powers is "muslims" and "Islam". Why did they wage a war for 10+ years in Afghanistan if they had no concern with Muslims and they have still not decided to leave Afghanistan. Why would they need a consent of muslims when muslims are their enemies. And that point which I mentioned that muslims getting their rights fulfilled in US is really a fact. When US saw hundreds of people leaving their peaceful dwellings and going to join ISIS, their thinkers figured out that that is because such people want a land of their own where they could follow their religion freely.
Why did all the western powers (NATO) get united against a single group of people in Afghanistan? Yes! nothing but their 'biggest' fear is Islam. English are cunningly clever. They can understand if ever Muslims get united, they'll come into a strong power, like they ruled before for thousands of years.

End of humanity because advancement in weapons and nuclear power being a story of many countries. The drastic impacts of nuclear bombs and other chemical weapons will not leave the world in the least a peaceful habitat for humans. Even if some survive, such a life would not be worth living.

Yes and this is what I said before, KSA must have sided muslims, being the biggest Muslim power. But its alliance with US has made it forget its own way. And this is where our fall starts from. Muslims can never ever make a successful single move without being united. Our loss is only in being parted. But alas! Our enemies are successful in letting us 'not' to understand the notions behind our success.
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yes it is one of my fav. topics.
its ok if u dont know much about it...but lets start from simple things... like just discuss what u think is odd and should be improved in any way regarding any field:)
..and yes our aim is to 'create' political awareness, right!:)
Hehe yesss very true..... (y)
But woah sadiya u have a powerful voice and quite strong points....... :)
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Lol....that would be an exaggaration. The fact, no matter how bitter It is, is that we pakistanis are not honest; not to our country, not to our religion. We are blinded by the greed of wealth. The infrastructure of every system is so biased and dishonest that it allows no 'honest' and patriotic person to rise to the top, where they can bring a difference.
Its the nature of us muslims, that we always side with self interests over that of our nation. Ther are some 'anomalies' as I wuld say but they dont make much diff. So theres no way we can rise to tue level of america or some other superpower.

Education is a long term goal, probably it will take a span of 15-20 years to improve it if we take some measures. But consudering the current situation of paki, I dont think that it should be amongst the priorties of our govt. That is because to nurture nd develop ur educational sectir you need atleast 15 years og honest and dedicated govt who will enure that the measures they take are implemented. Sadly in case of pakistan this period has never come due to martial laws and instability of democratic powers.

Perhaps the most prominent issue nowadays is the extremist and cruel behaviour of indiad govt who in past have termed themselve as the biggest democracy and have been all praises abt their secular behaviour, have shown the world their real face and nature. Muslims, christians and even the low caste hindus are facing attrocites at hands of this 'secular' and liberal govt. It shows their hatred for indian muslims In particular and us muslims in general, a hatred which is stilll there even after 68 years of partition. While UN and all western countries asked us to stop the hangings of terrorists no one stops India as they go around killing and harrasing their own people. Witnessing this scenario, I consider myself lucky that we were blessed with a leader like quaid, who ensured that we get our own country to live in.
Have we ever wondered what makes a successful nation and what makes a country to develop? Suppose if we get a true faithful leader (and we've already got one. IK is no common person), he can make laws and implement reforms, change the way of governing and provide equal justice, promote equality, eradicate VIP culture, theft, fraud, bribery, corruption etc. But we need even more than that, we need a ‘progress’ from inside, from people, where every person is faithful to its mother land, every person is aware of his rights and he respects and fulfills his rights on other people and his country.

Education is a long term goal but it is the only powerful weapon that can bring us "revolution" we are dreaming of. Of course, our generations will benefit. And no good change is immediate. "Change" always takes ages. If we make reforms today, they'll take years to get implemented. But in case of education, such a permanent positive change is worth waiting and worth investing. Instability of our democracy is closely related to instability in our behavior nation wise.

India can never be kind to muslims at least, putting aside other minorities there in India. It's not just because of our old enmities, but here comes another issue, our religion and Allah has clearly said which means, we as muslims can never befriend kuffar and no matter how much we try to improve Indo-Pak relations, it's always gonna end in disputes and even more troubles.
Greatness of Quaid-e-Azam is worth praising, we wouldn't have survived in a land of such atrocities and hatred.
..But of course we must as a good nation, find some solution to this prob. We can't always stay on disputes with India. and yes if only we follow Islam (which our gov. can't or they'll get knocked off by America), there are many ways to make peaceful relations with neighbors. If we ever follow Islam, we have clear examples of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), Abu Bakr (R.A), Umar and Ali (R.A). They managed a very successful, peaceful administration even with non-muslim neighbors.
..and that's another story. Its impossible in the current scenario and some feasible 'possibilities' must be looked upon.
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Muslims play no role but the current scenario which has tensed the superpowers is based on Muslims. ISIS's coming into power in Syria and Iraq has changed the view of many western countries. Those which were lenient to Muslims before, have implemented strict reforms. Those who thought Muslims like their human brothers have changed their views to 'muslims are nothing but terrorists'. The war which is going on, which has shuddered all the western powers is concerned only to muslims and the west's enmity to muslims. How can u say Muslims play no role. The biggest fear of western powers is "muslims" and "Islam". Why did they wage a war for 10+ years in Afghanistan if they had no concern with Muslims and they have still not decided to leave Afghanistan. Why would they need a consent of muslims when muslims are their enemies. And that point which I mentioned that muslims getting their rights fulfilled in US is really a fact. When US saw hundreds of people leaving their peaceful dwellings and going to join ISIS, their thinkers figured out that that is because such people want a land of their own where they could follow their religion freely.
Why did all the western powers (NATO) get united against a single group of people in Afghanistan? Yes! nothing but their 'biggest' fear is Islam. English are cunningly clever. They can understand if ever Muslims get united, they'll come into a strong power, like they ruled before for thousands of years.

End of humanity because advancement in weapons and nuclear power being a story of many countries. The drastic impacts of nuclear bombs and other chemical weapons will not leave the world in the least a peaceful habitat for humans. Even if some survive, such a life would not be worth living.

Yes and this is what I said before, KSA must have sided muslims, being the biggest Muslim power. But its alliance with US has made it forget its own way. And this is where our fall starts from. Muslims can never ever make a successful single move without being united. Our loss is only in being parted. But alas! Our enemies are successful in letting us 'not' to understand the notions behind our success.
You misinterpreted my point....i said that 'muslims don't play a leading role in the steps or measures that these countries take against terrorism in particular and us muslims in general. Thats a very evident fact that muslims are being targeted from everywhere and their hard-line policies and callous behaviour against muslims havent developed after arrival of ISIS, its been like this since 9/11.
Thats the point, thaey are not gonna ask you whether we should intefre in the matters of a country or not. Why would they? But the leading muslim countries should had delineated a plan and ensured that west followed it while interfering in politics of afghanistan. Thats what was lacking, someone reprsentinng muslims at an international forum. Once the war started. no matter how much u protested, it wont have affected them. And indeed the only reason that west interferes is cux of their hatred of us muslims...especially of the jewish lobby in america.

From an Islamic perspective, end of humanity is evident, however i doubt that it will be happening due to use of nuclear weaponry or any other wars in future.
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Have we ever wondered what makes a successful nation and what makes a country to develop? Suppose if we get a true faithful leader (and we've already got one. IK is no common person), he can make laws and implement reforms, change the way of governing and provide equal justice, promote equality, eradicate VIP culture, theft, fraud, bribery, corruption etc. But we need even more than that, we need a ‘progress’ from inside, from people, where every person is faithful to its mother land, every person is aware of his rights and he respects and fulfills his rights on other people and his country.

Education is a long term goal but it is the only powerful weapon that can bring us "revolution" we are dreaming of. Of course, our generations will benefit. And no good change is immediate. "Change" always takes ages. If we make reforms today, they'll take years to get implemented. But in case of education, such a permanent positive change is worth waiting and worth investing. Instability of our democracy is closely related to instability in our behavior nation wise.

India can never be kind to muslims at least, putting aside other minorities there in India. It's not just because of our old enmities, but here comes another issue, our religion and Allah has clearly said which means, we as muslims can never befriend kuffar and no matter how much we try to improve Indo-Pak relations, it's always gonna end in disputes and even more troubles.
Greatness of Quaid-e-Azam is worth praising, we wouldn't have survived in a land of such atrocities and hatred.
..But of course we must as a good nation, find some solution to this prob. We can't always stay on disputes with India. and yes if only we follow Islam (which our gov. can't or they'll get knocked off by America), there are many ways to make peaceful relations with neighbors. If we ever follow Islam, we have clear examples of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), Abu Bakr (R.A), Umar and Ali (R.A). They managed a very successful, peaceful administration even with non-muslim neighbors.
..and that's another story. Its impossible in the current scenario and some feasible 'possibilities' must be looked upon.
The mentality of people can not be changed by one leader. It will require a string of good leaders, good committed leaders to eradicate ignorance from our society. Rural areas make up 66% of our population and when IK talks of VIP culture and change they think what good is that gonna bring us ie the mentality of people. We need to change the way these people think, they think of surviving, they think of food and trade, They dont think that whats gonna make our country economic stable or that police dept in unpoliticized. Thats why its necessary that we fulfill their basic requirements first.
Even for education we need a bunch of people who keeping their political interests aside will keep investing on education. Indeed its the only weapon that will make us into a better nation,however, provided that the string of good leadership continues.

Indo-Pak is another issue and yes you are completely right that we can ever be on friendly terms. But here the point is their inc hostility towards their own people. People are being killed just beacause they are being 'accused; of eating cow meat? Seriously? IS this what the people of greatest democracy and the most secular nation do?

I dont think theres a soln, unless there comes a considerate govt in india wh will be ready to make some sacrifices to ensure better relations, which i clearly dude considering the current situationand the imp role that extremist parties like BJP and shiv sena play in Indian politics whose sole purpose is to hurt muslims.
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We always go on and on about how cruel the Israel is, how inhumane and how irrational. We always talk about their injustice of seizing the Palestinian land when it clearly doesn't belong to them. We always cry about the amount of men they shoot, the amount of lives they stop, the amount of blood they shed. And this has been going on for years and years.

Have we ever questioned ourselves why? Why this is happening? Other than Israel's cruelty as a reason, of course. Why has Allah decided to taunt a people for so long? And when I say people, I mean all the other Muslim nations that are going through the same atrocities.

Does Allah have something to convey to us Muslims? Something we need to change? Change in ourselves??
Because "Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change themselves".
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The mentality of people can not be changed by one leader. It will require a string of good leaders, good committed leaders to eradicate ignorance from our society. Rural areas make up 66% of our population and when IK talks of VIP culture and change they think what good is that gonna bring us ie the mentality of people. We need to change the way these people think, they think of surviving, they think of food and trade, They dont think that whats gonna make our country economic stable or that police dept in unpoliticized. Thats why its necessary that we fulfill their basic requirements first.
Even for education we need a bunch of people who keeping their political interests aside will keep investing on education. Indeed its the only weapon that will make us into a better nation,however, provided that the string of good leadership continues.

Indo-Pak is another issue and yes you are completely right that we can ever be on friendly terms. But here the point is their inc hostility towards their own people. People are being killed just beacause they are being 'accused; of eating cow meat? Seriously? IS this what the people of greatest democracy and the most secular nation do?

I dont think theres a soln, unless there comes a considerate govt in india wh will be ready to make some sacrifices to ensure better relations, which i clearly dude considering the current situationand the imp role that extremist parties like BJP and shiv sena play in Indian politics whose sole purpose is to hurt muslims.
You're true about BJP. Their purpose is not only to hurt, but to eradicate Muslims from India. Their principles are corrupted and their standards multiple. Indeed, corruption here has its roots burying in too deep. They hang Muslims with "circumstantial evidences" and the judge says he needs to do so because of the majority's opinion. Even though he knows it's wrong. Because he will given due "justice" if he does the right thing of course.
Forget about Muslims, I am talking general. Five years of imprisonment for consuming beef and 3 years for sexual abuse. Beef ban and alcohol flows like a river. You need to get something done? A project to get started on and you need legal support? Oh, just a bundle of notes in the name of money has to make it into the hands of officials.
Where has logic gone off to?
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We always go on and on about how cruel the Israel is, how inhumane and how irrational. We always talk about their injustice of seizing the Palestinian land when it clearly doesn't belong to them. We always cry about the amount of men they shoot, the amount of lives they stop, the amount of blood they shed. And this has been going on for years and years.

Have we ever questioned ourselves why? Why this is happening? Other than Israel's cruelty as a reason, of course. Why has Allah decided to taunt a people for so long? And when I say people, I mean all the other Muslim nations that are going through the same atrocities.

Does Allah have something to convey to us Muslims? Something we need to change? Change in ourselves??
Because "Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change themselves".
The answer lies simply in your last statement "Allah does not change the condition of people until they change themselves". Who are Palestinians? of course Muslims. Who in the world is going to help them other than Muslims, of course no one. In an Islamophobic era like this, where muslims are center of hatred from all around the world even from muslim countries and at this time, when muslims must have been most active, they are sleeping!!. So, I think we can not hope for peace in Palestine in such situation. Western powers are supporting Israel to eradicate Muslims even faster. That point comes again, leading muslim countries must have been 'leading' in true sense at this time but they are engaged in their own luxuries and their own western-loving activities. Muslims need to identify their positions and wake up their senses first, then unite and then fight as a single body against this hell of hatred against themselves.
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You're true about BJP. Their purpose is not only to hurt, but to eradicate Muslims from India. Their principles are corrupted and their standards multiple. Indeed, corruption here has its roots burying in too deep. They hang Muslims with "circumstantial evidences" and the judge says he needs to do so because of the majority's opinion. Even though he knows it's wrong. Because he will given due "justice" if he does the right thing of course.
Forget about Muslims, I am talking general. Five years of imprisonment for consuming beef and 3 years for sexual abuse. Beef ban and alcohol flows like a river. You need to get something done? A project to get started on and you need legal support? Oh, just a bundle of notes in the name of money has to make it into the hands of officials.
Where has logic gone off to?
Again I emphasize this is responsibility of muslims alone. Indian gov. is blurting out its old enmity and how dare could someone harm a muslim IF muslims were united as one body like they ought to be. Sleeping in this senseless state and our innocent brothers suffering in the hands of our enemies, we and only we as a whole muslim Ummah are responsible for all this.
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You misinterpreted my point....i said that 'muslims don't play a leading role in the steps or measures that these countries take against terrorism in particular and us muslims in general. Thats a very evident fact that muslims are being targeted from everywhere and their hard-line policies and callous behaviour against muslims havent developed after arrival of ISIS, its been like this since 9/11.
Thats the point, thaey are not gonna ask you whether we should intefre in the matters of a country or not. Why would they? But the leading muslim countries should had delineated a plan and ensured that west followed it while interfering in politics of afghanistan. Thats what was lacking, someone reprsentinng muslims at an international forum. Once the war started. no matter how much u protested, it wont have affected them. And indeed the only reason that west interferes is cux of their hatred of us muslims...especially of the jewish lobby in america.

From an Islamic perspective, end of humanity is evident, however i doubt that it will be happening due to use of nuclear weaponry or any other wars in future.
And I would again blame KSA, not just for their western alliance but for forgetting their own identities and leaving their very own path, the path which gave them this blessing of world's most powerful Kingdom. KSA is afraid to support Muslims. But lets move aside, other than KSA we are broken as a whole. The success or say, even survival of muslims is only in their unity. Why are we not united then? we are deviated wholly from our path. Why are we deviated? we dont have enough knowledge. Yes and I again ended up at that point, "Education". Education makes a man sensible enough to identify his own self and his own prestige and status! Education opens pores of one's mind. Muslims when they were ahead in education really did rule the world, when people from around the world used to come to Baghdad to acquire knowledge. Today, we are behind in education in the first instance. Western countries are ruling in education also! and we all can see they are ruling the world in every other aspect.
I think this is why Allah has so much emphasized in Quran to acquire knowledge, no matter how much sacrifices we have to make in this way.
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The mentality of people can not be changed by one leader. It will require a string of good leaders, good committed leaders to eradicate ignorance from our society. Rural areas make up 66% of our population and when IK talks of VIP culture and change they think what good is that gonna bring us ie the mentality of people. We need to change the way these people think, they think of surviving, they think of food and trade, They dont think that whats gonna make our country economic stable or that police dept in unpoliticized. Thats why its necessary that we fulfill their basic requirements first.
Even for education we need a bunch of people who keeping their political interests aside will keep investing on education. Indeed its the only weapon that will make us into a better nation,however, provided that the string of good leadership continues.

Indo-Pak is another issue and yes you are completely right that we can ever be on friendly terms. But here the point is their inc hostility towards their own people. People are being killed just beacause they are being 'accused; of eating cow meat? Seriously? IS this what the people of greatest democracy and the most secular nation do?

I dont think theres a soln, unless there comes a considerate govt in india wh will be ready to make some sacrifices to ensure better relations, which i clearly dude considering the current situationand the imp role that extremist parties like BJP and shiv sena play in Indian politics whose sole purpose is to hurt muslims.
(y) Okay! So we must start from fulfilling our very basic needs and then moving onto big projects like education and that truly seems a sensible way. To fulfill our basic needs, we need a leader, not just one leader, a string of leaders (this is all we have both agreed upon!). According to our current situation, we can see no hope other than IK and for IK to come into power, he needs votes, votes from all of us. Although he made remarkable achievements recently in competition with our gov., he should have won even more seats if our all people were sensible enough, and here comes the hurdle of such people you mentioned! they can't understand why we need IK? I've also seen people who are without any reasons and logic just stubborn to vote PMLN only. People need to be educated why and what they need and what are their needs? I've even seen people very much satisfied with the fact that we are suffering from inflation, load shedding, lack of basic needs and worse that a huge number of our people die from hunger and disease due to disgustingly poor resources .They accept this as a fact and are very happy with their lives and continue to vote PMLN. Such is the mentality overwhelmed here. It would be a luck and I wish and pray for PTI to come into power but on the whole, the need of hour is that big project of education. Good education will yield a whole productive generation and a string of leaders is evident and decided.

For Indo-Pak relation, yes we can't expect anything from the recent Indian gov. but another party may give some hope for improvement. And for the atrocities on common people, we (as Muslims) are responsible for that. Like I answered awesomaholic101 , Indian gov. is never gonna feel pity on muslims at least, never when UN and all other western powers are against Muslims, only Muslim brothers are responsible for their brothers' lives.