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Queries about Life

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I haven't discovered it yet.
Still searching for the purpose of my existence..
Very simple! The purpose for man’s creation is to worship the Creator. The Islamic understanding of worship allows the whole of one’s life to be an act of worship, as long as the objective of that life is the pleasure of God, which is achieved by doing good and refraining from evil. A person can turn everyday activities into acts of worship by purifying his or her intention and sincerely seeking God’s pleasure through these activities. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

Greeting a person is charity. Acting justly is charity. Helping a man with his steed is charity. A good word is charity. Every step taken on the way to performing prayers is charity. Removing an obstacle from the road is charity.

Worship provides the believers with many benefits that contribute to both their spiritual and worldly well-being. The human body needs material resources for its existence, like food, drink, and a means of reproduction. As for the soul, its needs cannot be fulfilled except through nearness to God by means of faith and obedience, which can only be achieved through worship.
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What is the purpose of life?
its to worship ur creator that is Allah(s.w.t) and none other than him!
it is incumbent upon u to fulfill ur duties towards him!

ur parents took care of u since d day u wer born , so when they grow old u serve them n take care of them and also fulfill their expectations! , similarly Allah has created u , we have our duties to do like establish prayer five times a day , give zakah , fast and perform hajj and so on! , though Allah is not in need of our worship , whatever we do he will reward us for that , and these rewards will eventually land u in jannah that is ur final destination towards whcih u hv to work in this world! :)
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Well, then what is your reason for coming here?
We came here to worship Allah and do good deeds. In Quran an ayat states that the world is believers prison and unbelievers paradise! If you struggle here, u will be rewarded in Paradise but if one do bad things in life, he/she would face the wrath of Allah
May ALLAH protect us all from evil deeds and have mercy on everyone of us Ameen! Allah is the most beneficent and the most Merciful! Even if u do a sin Intentionally but later u feel guilty and ask for forgiveness from Allah, He would surely forgive you :) if u ask anything from Allah, My Allah would never send you back with empty hands!! He only waits for the right moment to grant you ur dua!! But what Allah demands us to do?? Only worship him as the One and Only and do good deeds :)
This is the test we all are facing and you know what?? Allah even told us some questions which would be asked in the Hereafter- Question about Namaz- through his Prophets :)
And Allah gave us the book Qura'an to pass this test!! He even send Muhammad PBUH and many other Prophets to help us practically how to approach A*s in Allah's test :) He told us everything and Prophets PBUH Sunnah are the examples to be followed! We just have to follow the footsteps of the Prophets and do what Quran and Hadith states :)
May Allah help us all Ameen :)
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We came here to worship Allah and do good deeds. In Quran an ayat states that the world is believers prison and unbelievers paradise! If you struggle here, u will be rewarded in Paradise but if one do bad things in life, he/she would face the wrath of Allah
May ALLAH protect us all from evil deeds and have mercy on everyone of us Ameen! Allah is the most beneficent and the most Merciful! Even if u do a sin Intentionally but later u feel guilty and ask for forgiveness from Allah, He would surely forgive you :) if u ask anything from Allah, My Allah would never send you back with empty hands!! He only waits for the right moment to grant you ur dua!! But what Allah demands us to do?? Only worship him as the One and Only and do good deeds :)
This is the test we all are facing and you know what?? Allah even told us some questions which would be asked in the Hereafter- Question about Namaz- through his Prophets :)
And Allah gave us the book Qura'an to pass this test!! He even send Muhammad PBUH and many other Prophets to help us practically how to approach A*s in Allah's test :) He told us everything and Prophets PBUH Sunnah are the examples to be followed! We just have to follow the footsteps of the Prophets and do what Quran and Hadith states :)
May Allah help us all Ameen :)
(y) ameen :) mashaAllah , very nice explaination )