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Simple tips... Hope they help :)

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Hi everyone,
Exams are approaching and if you didn't get your head straight then you still have time :)
Everybody needs a routine :) If you don't have one then I suggest that you try the following one.
It really helped me :)

1_ Having a cup of coffee in the morning is essential for me :D
2_ Make your breakfast a little snack, you don't want to feel loaded in the early morning :/
3_ Start revising what you studied yesterday, and if you already finished and just revising for the exam, then start by doing a paper 1 for every subject.
" the reason its a paper 1, is because it has a question from every chapter of the book :) well........................ most of the time"
4_Sink deeper and do a paper 2 of each subject
5_ If your paper has any mistakes, then understand why you made the mistake, and go back to the book and read about the topic which you had a mistake in
6_ Take a break :D do some exercise :) work out and get in shape ;) It'll help you circulate the blood and freshen up :)
If you don't like to work out or exercise, then you can do whatever you like within the range of an hour to two hours. "aka go on facebook;)"
7_Practice from the book. I know that the exams are near and most of us don't wanna go back to the book because we wanna feel like we finished..........
But trust me when I say, the book is ESSENTIAL! Just do the questions in the book. Only when you can do every question in the book correctly, then you can dumb it in the garbage :)
8_ Its not too lat to hit a revision book :) They are short and Great for revision " Obviously"
9_Take another break :) Go do something physical "if you didn't in the first break" talk to friends, see people, "NOT ONLINE!!!!", and don't touch the computer at that time :mad: you can take a walk with a friend, or go see a movie, or go drink coffee in a coffee shop, or go biking with a friend, or .......
Or if everyone is busy, then talk a walk alone. It'll help you organize your thoughts and Priorities :)
10_Do another paper 1 of each subject and then go to BED :)
Sleep early and wake up early :) It really is better and you'll notice that when you try it your self ;)

I hope this simple routine helps everybody :) :) :)
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Works opposite 4 me... I can't study before 10 pm .... and rest can't study after 10pm... But it had worked 4 me in all my exams preparations.. everybody has its own taste and comfort. u cant say one can only got success by getting up early ,or sleep less or being humorous .... not in my case..... my own way has worked better and i am sure there are so many peoples who have better greats instead of the fact ,that they sleep alot. ;) My Quote. Make Life simple and don't got bound by weird rules
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Hi everyone,
Exams are approaching and if you didn't get your head straight then you still have time :)
Everybody needs a routine :) If you don't have one then I suggest that you try the following one.
It really helped me :)

1_ Having a cup of coffee in the morning is essential for me :D
2_ Make your breakfast a little snack, you don't want to feel loaded in the early morning :/
3_ Start revising what you studied yesterday, and if you already finished and just revising for the exam, then start by doing a paper 1 for every subject.
" the reason its a paper 1, is because it has a question from every chapter of the book :) well........................ most of the time"
4_Sink deeper and do a paper 2 of each subject
5_ If your paper has any mistakes, then understand why you made the mistake, and go back to the book and read about the topic which you had a mistake in
6_ Take a break :D do some exercise :) work out and get in shape ;) It'll help you circulate the blood and freshen up :)
If you don't like to work out or exercise, then you can do whatever you like within the range of an hour to two hours. "aka go on facebook;)"
7_Practice from the book. I know that the exams are near and most of us don't wanna go back to the book because we wanna feel like we finished..........
But trust me when I say, the book is ESSENTIAL! Just do the questions in the book. Only when you can do every question in the book correctly, then you can dumb it in the garbage :)
8_ Its not too lat to hit a revision book :) They are short and Great for revision " Obviously"
9_Take another break :) Go do something physical "if you didn't in the first break" talk to friends, see people, "NOT ONLINE!!!!", and don't touch the computer at that time :mad: you can take a walk with a friend, or go see a movie, or go drink coffee in a coffee shop, or go biking with a friend, or .......
Or if everyone is busy, then talk a walk alone. It'll help you organize your thoughts and Priorities :)
10_Do another paper 1 of each subject and then go to BED :)
Sleep early and wake up early :) It really is better and you'll notice that when you try it your self ;)

I hope this simple routine helps everybody :) :) :)

I cnt wake up early or slp early as u jst sed! igot my exams cmin up soon on oct/nov + ramadan is cmin soon too...how cn i fix my timings in ramadan time fo studies?


XPRS Administrator
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I cnt wake up early or slp early as u jst sed! igot my exams cmin up soon on oct/nov + ramadan is cmin soon too...how cn i fix my timings in ramadan time fo studies?
simple.. sleep after isha and wake up for Suhoor/Tahajjud... (tell parents to wake up if u dnt have gud enuf alarm n self control) = 5-6hr sleep
after praying and eating and fajr... start studying.. take short breaks for freshness.. u may praise Allah or read Quran in them to make most of Ramadaan.
keep repeating...
if u think I cnt start on this well sacrifice a day.. i.e. one night try sleeping after Isha.. if u dnt get sleepy still stay on ur bed... wake up morning(Thajjud) and make urself stay awake all day... no matter what. u'd get a lousy day maybe but once you sleep at Isha; u can guarantee u'd sleep wel at night; insha'Allah.
That's it.. welcum to ur new time table... cooking time: 1-2 days...

That's what I'd try to do.. I think... If I was in ur position..
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simple.. sleep after isha and wake up for Suhoor/Tahajjud... (tell parents to wake up if u dnt have gud enuf alarm n self control) = 5-6hr sleep
after praying and eating and fajr... start studying.. take short breaks for freshness.. u may praise Allah or read Quran in them to make most of Ramadaan.
keep repeating...
if u think I cnt start on this well sacrifice a day.. i.e. one night try sleeping after Isha.. if u dnt get sleepy still stay on ur bed... wake up morning(Thajjud) and make urself stay awake all day... no matter what. u'd get a lousy day maybe but once you sleep at Isha; u can guarantee u'd sleep wel at night; insha'Allah.
That's it.. welcum to ur new time table... cooking time: 1-2 days...

That's what I'd try to do.. I think... If I was in ur position..
jazakallah alf khair :)
thank u so much reali, hpefully it ill help me :)


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simple.. sleep after isha and wake up for Suhoor/Tahajjud... (tell parents to wake up if u dnt have gud enuf alarm n self control) = 5-6hr sleep
after praying and eating and fajr... start studying.. take short breaks for freshness.. u may praise Allah or read Quran in them to make most of Ramadaan.
keep repeating...
if u think I cnt start on this well sacrifice a day.. i.e. one night try sleeping after Isha.. if u dnt get sleepy still stay on ur bed... wake up morning(Thajjud) and make urself stay awake all day... no matter what. u'd get a lousy day maybe but once you sleep at Isha; u can guarantee u'd sleep wel at night; insha'Allah.
That's it.. welcum to ur new time table... cooking time: 1-2 days...

That's what I'd try to do.. I think... If I was in ur position..

So very right
Wake up at Tahajjud say ur nafl Tahajjud prayers or Witr if u like and then get to study, that's the best time, your mind is fresh to learn new things. Believe me this what I do, and Alhamdulillah it works really well! And there is something special in that time that you understand and learn things really quickly at that time!!
And you know what, there's a dua of Holy Prophet (saw)
The translation is "Oh Allah! give Barakah in the mornings of my Ummah."
And this is what makes this time special! =)
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One tip I made use of from our pastoral co-ordinator is that you should try to study for about 20-25 minutes and then take a break for about 10 minutes. They explained that it's because the average human attention span is about 20 minutes so this strategy helps one focus and get the most out of the revision period. I tried it myself and it did actually prevent me from dosing off or losing interest like before when I had a book in my face for a couple of hours straight! Another thing would be to try not to apply strict schedules or timetables upon yourself as you are likely to eventually drift away from it (... personal experience) and find that it's difficult to abide by. Another thing is try to stay healthy :) Even home workouts are enough even if you do about 30 minutes a day as they help maintain an equilibrium between your mind and your body which helps keep you fresh (y)
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guyz i have just given my igcse O levels exam!and just wanted to ask that getting A* is easy in bio ,chem and physics!?????
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Assalam u alaikum,
Wake up early in the morning, pray to Allah. It'll make you fresh. Then start learning and revising. If something is not coming in your mind, just close your eyes and say the worlds, Allah help me. After saying this, its for sure you'll remember everything and you'll not forget it until your exam is finished.
Hope this tip helps you out. :)
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I can't believe that this thread is still ALIVE!!!!!! :D
Anyway, I just felt like sharing the good news with everyone, I got 5 As!!!!!!!!!;)
In 4 As and 1 A level!!!!!!!:p
This website has been really helpful, and thank you very much admin! If it wasn't for this site, I would've been hanging around FACEBOOK all day long!!!
Thank you community, this is one of the best, most calming and useful community EVER! There is always someone around when you need something!
And no senselessness!!! ( oh who am I kidding, but the good kind :p )

I guess that's all!
Thanks again!!!
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These tips are just amazing!!!! exams in another 2 weeks and thanks a tonnnee for them!!!! (y):)