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The Save Maryam project.


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though it says no musical instrument, but i think that there is background music towards the middle and end of the video!
n so i was not able to watch the whole video....
anyways thanks for sharing
this sure is an alarming situation


XPRS Administrator
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This is so sad!!! :cry: May Allah help the muslims there!! Aameen.
ugh! this is what happens when we, the muslims, leave the Quran and the sunnah!!! I mean come on, christianity?? it doesn't even make sense!!! (no offence to any christians reading this... Neither trinity nor jesus dying thing made sense to me, nor the fact that bible even has scientific errors in it.)
Chrisians must b working hard there, coz truth speaks for itself (u just need to expose it) while it takes too much skill and effort to sell fake stuff...
May Allah help the Save Maryam program and keep them on siraat almustaqeem.... Aameen. This is a wake up call for us!

though it says no musical instrument, but i think that there is background music towards the middle and end of the video!
n so i was not able to watch the whole video....
anyways thanks for sharing
this sure is an alarming situation
this is wht da vid description says:
** Please note: No music was used in the creation of this video, beat boxing was used as an alternative.

n wikip says: Beatboxing is a form of vocal percussion primarily involving the art of producing drum beats, rhythm, and musical sounds using one's mouth, lips, tongue, and ...
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so Beatboxing is allowed in Islam?
This is so sad!!! :cry: May Allah help the muslims there!! Aameen.
ugh! this is what happens when we, the muslims, leave the Quran and the sunnah!!! I mean come on, christianity?? it doesn't even make sense!!! (no offence to any christians reading this... Neither trinity nor jesus dying thing made sense to me, nor the fact that bible even has scientific errors in it.)
Chrisians must b working hard there, coz truth speaks for itself (u just need to expose it) while it takes too much skill and effort to sell fake stuff...
May Allah help the Save Maryam program and keep them on siraat almustaqeem.... Aameen. This is a wake up call for us!

this is wht da vid description says:
** Please note: No music was used in the creation of this video, beat boxing was used as an alternative.

n wikip says: Beatboxing is a form of vocal percussion primarily involving the art of producing drum beats, rhythm, and musical sounds using one's mouth, lips, tongue, and ...


XPRS Administrator
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so Beatboxing is allowed in Islam?
No Idea,,,! I'd stay away from it. I just saw the video coz I thought the message was important... and I had no intetion of listening to the stupid sound track... actions are judged by intentions, so I hope Allah (S.W.T) will not hold me accountable for it...
Allah knows best.


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No Idea,,,! I'd stay away from it. I just saw the video coz I thought the message was important... and I had no intetion of listening to the stupid sound track... actions are judged by intentions, so I hope Allah (S.W.T) will not hold me accountable for it...
Allah knows best.

I know, that's why I stay away from all such things that are not actually music but sounds like music!
See There is one thing as fatwa and the other is taqwa or u can also call it waraa_ which is abstaining from all things that are not actually haram but can lead to haram. I don't know abt the fatwa regarding this but is on person's waraa. Fatwa can be generalised like its for every one but taqwa varies from person to person,( like I can not say every one to do so)
Astagfirullah I am not saying that I m very mutaqi or something that I do this, I used to sometimes listen to some nasheeds which had on the background not music but something sounding similar to it but now I seriously avoid all such things...

And Allah knows best.


XPRS Administrator
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I know, that's why I stay away from all such things that are not actually music but sounds like music!
See There is one thing as fatwa and the other is taqwa or u can also call it waraa_ which is abstaining from all things that are not actually haram but can lead to haram. I don't know abt the fatwa regarding this but is on person's waraa. Fatwa can be generalised like its for every one but taqwa varies from person to person,( like I can not say every one to do so)
Astagfirullah I am not saying that I m very mutaqi or something that I do this, I used to sometimes listen to some nasheeds which had on the background not music but something sounding similar to it but now I seriously avoid all such things...

And Allah knows best.

I know where you are comming from... I don't listen to nasheeds either.. and u r right; but for me that message was important enough to see and propogate... despite that drawback.


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SubhanAllah, thats what i am saying, it varies from person to person...
for me the drawback was more imp than the actual message which however i got to know by reading info provided by them.
i m not talking abt u but some people take this as an excuse for watching news on t.v which is flooded music...
ok maybe watching this video just to hear the msg, and b/c of the fact that it already mentioned no music was ok.
but i seriously don't understand those ppl to listen to music just b/c its in the news n in the ads in b/w, i rather suggest those people to read newspaper or read the news on internet or something....

I know where you are comming from...

and how exactly u know that???:cautious:

and yes i found a fatwa regarding the sounds produced by mouth sounding just like music
its one scholar's opinion, i dont know wat others say abt it


XPRS Administrator
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SubhanAllah, thats what i am saying, it varies from person to person...
for me the drawback was more imp than the actual message which however i got to know by reading info provided by them.
i m not talking abt u but some people take this as an excuse for watching news on t.v which is flooded music...
ok maybe watching this video just to hear the msg, and b/c of the fact that it already mentioned no music was ok.
but i seriously don't understand those ppl to listen to music just b/c its in the news n in the ads in b/w, i rather suggest those people to read newspaper or read the news on internet or something....
I agree.. (y) Although I don't normally tell ppl off for watching the news... Instead I tell them spend some time connecting with the Quran.. stuff like that itself goes away if you go after Quran.... IMHO.

and how exactly u know that???:cautious:

and yes i found a fatwa regarding the sounds produced by mouth sounding just like music
its one scholar's opinion, i dont know wat others say abt it

Lol.. 'I know where you are comming from' meaning this:

and jazakillah khair for the fatwa...


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I agree.. (y) Although I don't normally tell ppl off for watching the news... Instead I tell them spend some time connecting with the Quran.. stuff like that itself goes away if you go after Quran.... IMHO.

Ikr, I personally find news so boring.. I mean it's always, ok not always but mostly, abt corruption n cheating n stuff...
Although many ppl might not agree with me, even my own sister, she says that a Muslim should know what is going around him/ her...
But really for me, I loath political discussions..!!
Although there's nothing wrong in reading news...
N u r very right, when you read Quran you feel so relaxed
" verily, in the remembrance of Allah hearts do find their rest." [13:28]

Haha lol :D
I m really sorry for my poor English, thank you for the links...
That's why I was wondering that y isn't this statement related the rest of the post... Haha ok now I now what it means

N for the fatwa
Wa iyyaka, even I didn't know this fatwa b4 ...

Sorry for going off the topic, the person who started the topic might get offended...
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salaams people, this a long video but plzz watch it...this is how the heartless jews are torturing our muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza(palestine)...
please make lots of dua for them and help them in any way possible....!!
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salaams people, this a long video but plzz watch it...this is how the heartless jews are torturing our muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza(palestine)...
please make lots of dua for them and help them in any way possible....!!
This video has been removed by the user. wt 2 do?