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The XtremePaperDiaries

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Dear Diary,
I don't know why but I think my classmates and I am being treated unfairly these days especially during my Maths period. I feel as if my Maths teacher is having some kind of enmity with my classmates and me. He keeps on giving homework daily. Maybe he thinks that we are robots and we don't get tired of doing these stupid sums.

I have no idea. Its so annoying and irritating. On top of that its damn boring. I tell you. Doing Maths sums especially without using the calculator sucks! But what to do? We're helpless. If we want to pass in Maths we have to do this.

Diary, do you know something? I'm eagerly waiting for the Admins to upload and update the latest papers in the Edexcel section. I'm really in need of those papers. I'm sure XPC will not let me down.

Anyways let's hope for the best. I'll write more next time. Now there is a pending HW exercise in Maths and I'm gonna go and finish it.
- Mysterious
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Dear Diary ,
There are people in this world who fail to understand your significance in their lives