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Tips to get A* in A'levels

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guys, does anyone know how the marks are calculated for AS levels to get a mark out of 130?
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I want to get B in chemistry A-level but i got D in As -level , any one knows what component grades are required at A-levels to get B !? i am giving P4 AND P5 !
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Can someone please tell me is Cambridge a-levels better or Edexcel?
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AsSalamoAlaikum Wr Wb!

After completing my A’levels, I am well aware how everyone says and feels that getting A* is a very difficult job. Alhumdulilah, I was able to achieve a very good result because of Allah’s mercy, prayers from everyone and encouragement & help by my parents and teachers.

Of course, everyone desires to get A*s, but it’s not everyone who understands how to carry on or someone who gets guidance and help on time. Insha’Allah, I’d try to share my experience which might be of help to others.

Now, to start with, I’d like to mention it’s not only studying all the time which would help you move on. There are a couple of other things which we tend to ignore. Firstly, understand the purpose of life. Allah has created us, and we must follow Our Creator. [Nothing is possible but by Allah’s will.] So make sure you are regular in your prayers [Salah]. I’ve seen many people, who leave their Salah for the sole reason that they’re too busy with their studies that they think, if they get up for Salah, their time would be wasted. No, definitely not. If your Lord, your Creator is not happy with you, what’s the purpose of living and how can ‘YOU’ feel happy then? “Which of the favours of your Lord shall you deny?” (Al-Quran) Allah has gifted us with so many blessings, and can’t we just do these little things for Him? Think again. Wake up early in the morning, at the time of Fajr and then recite a small portion of the Quran. And then start with your work.
<So we now know, the first important thing is the Salah.>

Now, the next thing is your character and behaviour towards others. You might think this, in no way, plays a role in your success. Trust me, it does. Respect your parents and teachers. It seems very easy, but if we analyze ourselves, we might find we don’t really do this. Mimicking teachers, talking ill about others, not obeying your parents or even teachers, and the list goes on. We should really try avoiding these things. In the beginning, it might be difficult, but Insha’Allah with time you won’t find it hard at all. No matter how bad the teacher is, respect him/ her. Based on my personal experience, I’m saying this. You respect the teacher and you’ll see how Allah helps you. Another thing, don’t feel bad doing some work for your parents, teachers or siblings. Do it, if they ask you for help, for the sake of Allah, surely Allah will reward you for that, in this world as well as the next. Insha’Allah.
<So the next important thing, respect others.>

Now, you are regular in your Salah (Alhumdulilah) and you are trying to respect others. After discussing these small things which we all think of as unimportant, I’ll move on and discuss how to study and manage your work. The first thing is, be regular to school. Please do not miss any class whatsoever. I’ve been very regular to school, and except when it was completely impossible for me to attend school, I never took a single day off. Even if the whole class plans to take off but the teachers said they’re going to take the class, I’d be there for the class. Try to prepare for all the tests taken in your school/tuitions/academies. Even if I say, study on daily basis like revise what’s done in school, only a few would be able to do so. It’s good if you can do so.

Do your homeworks regularly and avoid copying from friends. If you do so, you’ll risk your own grades, not the teacher’s! And divide days for each subject, and try doing what has been done in it since you last revised that. On weekends, you can do two subjects per day (or even more if you can), and review all what was done throughout the week.

Once you’re done with the full chapter, try solving questions from the past papers. After trying them yourself, refer mark schemes and examiner reports. Furthermore, make short notes, chapter-wise, based on the past paper questions. I’d show you a few I made (though, due to shortage of time, I couldn’t do much). This really helps a lot for last-minute revision. In these short notes, you may even add those points which you think you might forget.
[Here's the link to the ones I made: My notes for Biology and Physics A2]

For maths, regular practice is needed. As for me, after the chapter has been explained, I’d do all the questions in the past papers from that chapter. Again, for this do it yourself, rather than looking up the mark schemes. Solve question from other sources. That helped me a lot. Once I was done with all the chapters, I solved all the papers yearly.

To conclude, keep making dua’a and salah. Studying only, is just not enough. Make sure that your Lord is happy with you!

Pray for me and others. And another thing, I forgot to mention, be helpful to your friends. I’ve seen people who don’t like to help others just because they don’t want them to get better grades than him/her. Don’t do this. Based on my personal experience, I’ve seen the topics which I explained to my friends are the ones which I best understand. That’s the best way to get things to your head.
Ya Allah help us all and grant us success in this world as well as the HereAfter. Aameen.
thankx for the advises and also the tips..god bless you.. :)
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MA that was some great advice!! u must be a great person and student! :) I just wish i had read it wen i started my a levels maybe then i wudn't hav wasted the time i did.... anyways we all should follow this example of yours and shaare our experiences and knowledgge with others as we'll only always gain somethhing and never lose if we do that. may Allah bless ur heart :)
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MashAllah. Trust me sir, I read the whole thing and it inspired, infact it gave me answers to some of my qstns and reasoning to some decisions, I had my school exams, and unexpectedly I was having high expectations, but I broke into tears after I see what I got. I did my best, Allahu ya'lam.. I dont want it to happen for my Cambridge exams :)
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guys, does anyone know how the marks are calculated for AS levels to get a mark out of 130?
well they have weightage written down in the papers section of xtreme papers. it varies per subject and differs when the total weigtage is calculated in A2
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Assalamualaikum ! Wow! That's so true. I'm going through rough time, I was supposed to be studying in university last year but I failed my 2011 A'Level and I'm retaking the exam end of this year InsyaAllah. I was a bad child basically, walked with my head high, rebelled against my parents, I defied/ gotten rid anyone who was not on the same page as me(including my teacher and 2 of my friends), people called me 'The Devil'. I liked to use people's vulnerabilities and take them down with their weaknesses. For me everyone was my rival including my own friends but my glory days didn't stay forever, I tasted my own medicine when my own rival took me down with my weakness and I can't focus much on my study,ended up staying out late and spent most of my time travelling(because I was embarrass about my weakness)instead of studying. But after reading your thread, everything is so true, this is a test coming from Allah and believe He wants me to be a better person because I was a terrible person.

Thank You Very Much. A.
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that was really helpful though im Christian but still i must admit it was amazing
anyway, i need ur help in ESL O'Level like iv'e entered it twice and i got U this time im going to appear in M/J13 and i don't know what to do
please do help me as soon as possible and that's for God's Sack
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AsSalamoAlaikum Wr Wb!

After completing my A’levels, I am well aware how everyone says and feels that getting A* is a very difficult job. Alhumdulilah, I was able to achieve a very good result because of Allah’s mercy, prayers from everyone and encouragement & help by my parents and teachers.

Of course, everyone desires to get A*s, but it’s not everyone who understands how to carry on or someone who gets guidance and help on time. Insha’Allah, I’d try to share my experience which might be of help to others.

Now, to start with, I’d like to mention it’s not only studying all the time which would help you move on. There are a couple of other things which we tend to ignore. Firstly, understand the purpose of life. Allah has created us, and we must follow Our Creator. [Nothing is possible but by Allah’s will.] So make sure you are regular in your prayers [Salah]. I’ve seen many people, who leave their Salah for the sole reason that they’re too busy with their studies that they think, if they get up for Salah, their time would be wasted. No, definitely not. If your Lord, your Creator is not happy with you, what’s the purpose of living and how can ‘YOU’ feel happy then? “Which of the favours of your Lord shall you deny?” (Al-Quran) Allah has gifted us with so many blessings, and can’t we just do these little things for Him? Think again. Wake up early in the morning, at the time of Fajr and then recite a small portion of the Quran. And then start with your work.
<So we now know, the first important thing is the Salah.>

Now, the next thing is your character and behaviour towards others. You might think this, in no way, plays a role in your success. Trust me, it does. Respect your parents and teachers. It seems very easy, but if we analyze ourselves, we might find we don’t really do this. Mimicking teachers, talking ill about others, not obeying your parents or even teachers, and the list goes on. We should really try avoiding these things. In the beginning, it might be difficult, but Insha’Allah with time you won’t find it hard at all. No matter how bad the teacher is, respect him/ her. Based on my personal experience, I’m saying this. You respect the teacher and you’ll see how Allah helps you. Another thing, don’t feel bad doing some work for your parents, teachers or siblings. Do it, if they ask you for help, for the sake of Allah, surely Allah will reward you for that, in this world as well as the next. Insha’Allah.
<So the next important thing, respect others.>

Now, you are regular in your Salah (Alhumdulilah) and you are trying to respect others. After discussing these small things which we all think of as unimportant, I’ll move on and discuss how to study and manage your work. The first thing is, be regular to school. Please do not miss any class whatsoever. I’ve been very regular to school, and except when it was completely impossible for me to attend school, I never took a single day off. Even if the whole class plans to take off but the teachers said they’re going to take the class, I’d be there for the class. Try to prepare for all the tests taken in your school/tuitions/academies. Even if I say, study on daily basis like revise what’s done in school, only a few would be able to do so. It’s good if you can do so.

Do your homeworks regularly and avoid copying from friends. If you do so, you’ll risk your own grades, not the teacher’s! And divide days for each subject, and try doing what has been done in it since you last revised that. On weekends, you can do two subjects per day (or even more if you can), and review all what was done throughout the week.

Once you’re done with the full chapter, try solving questions from the past papers. After trying them yourself, refer mark schemes and examiner reports. Furthermore, make short notes, chapter-wise, based on the past paper questions. I’d show you a few I made (though, due to shortage of time, I couldn’t do much). This really helps a lot for last-minute revision. In these short notes, you may even add those points which you think you might forget.
[Here's the link to the ones I made: My notes for Biology and Physics A2]

For maths, regular practice is needed. As for me, after the chapter has been explained, I’d do all the questions in the past papers from that chapter. Again, for this do it yourself, rather than looking up the mark schemes. Solve question from other sources. That helped me a lot. Once I was done with all the chapters, I solved all the papers yearly.

To conclude, keep making dua’a and salah. Studying only, is just not enough. Make sure that your Lord is happy with you!

Pray for me and others. And another thing, I forgot to mention, be helpful to your friends. I’ve seen people who don’t like to help others just because they don’t want them to get better grades than him/her. Don’t do this. Based on my personal experience, I’ve seen the topics which I explained to my friends are the ones which I best understand. That’s the best way to get things to your head.
Ya Allah help us all and grant us success in this world as well as the HereAfter. Aameen.

I CAME HERE FOR TIPS ON HOW TO GET A* FOR ALEVELS - Please dont give me all that religious bs. Also, this is an international forum- dont assume everybody thinks your alluh created humans. If you are a moderator, you need to be more responsible in choosing you words. make sure it isnt biased toward certain religious groups. HIGHLY appreciated if you you could take it on board next time you post something...
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I CAME HERE FOR TIPS ON HOW TO GET A* FOR ALEVELS - Please dont give me all that religious bs. Also, this is an international forum- dont assume everybody thinks your alluh created humans. If you are a moderator, you need to be more responsible in choosing you words. make sure it isnt biased toward certain religious groups. HIGHLY appreciated if you you could take it on board next time you post something...
well if you want an A* then learn to respect others
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I CAME HERE FOR TIPS ON HOW TO GET A* FOR ALEVELS - Please dont give me all that religious bs. Also, this is an international forum- dont assume everybody thinks your alluh created humans. If you are a moderator, you need to be more responsible in choosing you words. make sure it isnt biased toward certain religious groups. HIGHLY appreciated if you you could take it on board next time you post something...
language lovelay... you are talking to the moderators...
who are much more tolerable than me if u ask me :p
if only baddy wud do honours to make me the mod.... huhhh someday maybe :D
its a feast to my brain thinkng of all those things i cud do....


XPRS Administrator
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I came here for some tips..
and you got them... from the perspective of the author.. who deems this is the recepie to them getting success.... you might disagree with them but that does not mean they don't have the right to express their views...
I CAME HERE FOR TIPS ON HOW TO GET A* FOR ALEVELS - Please dont give me all that religious bs. Also, this is an international forum- dont assume everybody thinks your alluh created humans. If you are a moderator, you need to be more responsible in choosing you words. make sure it isnt biased toward certain religious groups. HIGHLY appreciated if you you could take it on board next time you post something...
well, please ignore the stuff you consider irrelevant.... it is relevant to many others so is important to put in there....
and the mod didn't assume that... and yeah.. this is an international forum.. which means we respect people's views.. but that doesn't mean we stop them from voicing their views.. as long as they aren't intended to hurt others..
peace. :)