Hey, everyone. Zohaib bhai, in particular, and all other contributors, I'd like you too answer my query. It's like my first priority is to become a doctor and I still have to choose between A Level or Fsc (a couple of days to do so). Both of them have their pros and cons. You chances of getting into a govt. med school are slim if you do A Level but on the other hand, it's hard for almost every O Level student to adapt to the Fsc system. Given this, Fsc entry test is knowledge intensive and rote-learning wala. So, if you can't adapt to the system, not only will one not be able to maintain his grades, but he'll screw up the entry test, too (since it's all from the books which you have been able to adapt to). But on other hand, chances of getting into govt. medical colleges are less for an A Level student. So, can you please weigh it out for me? What would be the best option in your viewpoint. My O' Level result is 7A*'s and 1B. I gave 2 subjects in October/November 2009 (Pakistan Studies and Islamiyat) and 6 subjects in May/June 2010. Advice, please? and quick, I don't have much time. 