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What should I expect? Your experience? :)

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Asalam-o-Alaikum :)
I just wanted to know your opinions. everyone's well aware of the results that are coming in two weeks. I did AS level in the three sciences and I have no idea what to expect. Honestly, I was not taking AS level as seriously as I should have. On the other hand, I didn't have good-qualified teachers. They had hardly any idea of how to teach A level. I did do well in my IGCSE (A and A*). But a lot of good students in the previous years were unable to get good results for AS and A2 level. I, therefore have no idea what to expect. I think I might be able to get atleast a B in all subjects. I just want some of you to share your opinion and how was it for you while you were waiting for your results? What did you expect and what actually happened?

I am trying for medicine in Pakistan. If I get a B in any of the subjects, should I repeat?
Thank you very much and Jazakallah. :)
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I'm very sorry to tell you but you just said you haven't taken AS level seriously that automatically hits C and below but i'm not one to judge since i don't know what do you mean "you didn't take it seriously" because usually A levels in general is a outcome of you're pure hard work, example last year we've had students that were just lazy, they come to the exam come out confident little do they know that they lack serious amounts of information and concepts the examiner looks for thus he can't give you the grade A nor B, some worked really hard they were persistent and just kept revising constantly and came out of the exam thinking they will repeat and suddenly "suprise" A, they can't believe it!! the truth is they might have thought they didn't do well but they somehow proved to the examiner that they did get the concept no matter how they conveyed that piece of info. students don't understand the true meaning of hard work and pushing beyond the limits, achievement dosen't come by looking round expecting a miracle yes Duaa' is important but whats the use if you didn't work for it ALLAH (swt) will give you what you deserve and more but he can't give you what you don't deserve it just won't be fair but i tell you what if you don't get good grades let it be a life experience work harder next time it will make you a better person, and you will realize how much you have missed, and inshallah you do great with you're upcoming results but you have to prepare mentally for it okay, Best of luck :)
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I'm very sorry to tell you but you just said you haven't taken AS level seriously that automatically hits C and below but i'm not one to judge since i don't know what do you mean "you didn't take it seriously" because usually A levels in general is a outcome of you're pure hard work, example last year we've had students that were just lazy, they come to the exam come out confident little do they know that they lack serious amounts of information and concepts the examiner looks for thus he can't give you the grade A nor B, some worked really hard they were persistent and just kept revising constantly and came out of the exam thinking they will repeat and suddenly "suprise" A, they can't believe it!! the truth is they might have thought they didn't do well but they somehow proved to the examiner that they did get the concept no matter how they conveyed that piece of info. students don't understand the true meaning of hard work and pushing beyond the limits, achievement dosen't come by looking round expecting a miracle yes Duaa' is important but whats the use if you didn't work for it ALLAH (swt) will give you what you deserve and more but he can't give you what you don't deserve it just won't be fair but i tell you what if you don't get good grades let it be a life experience work harder next time it will make you a better person, and you will realize how much you have missed, and inshallah you do great with you're upcoming results but you have to prepare mentally for it okay, Best of luck :)
Thank you :) That was a very good advise. And for what it's worth, I am not very confident about getting a good result. :(
But thank you and Jazakallah.
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Asalam-o-Alaikum :)
I just wanted to know your opinions. everyone's well aware of the results that are coming in two weeks. I did AS level in the three sciences and I have no idea what to expect. Honestly, I was not taking AS level as seriously as I should have. On the other hand, I didn't have good-qualified teachers. They had hardly any idea of how to teach A level. I did do well in my IGCSE (A and A*). But a lot of good students in the previous years were unable to get good results for AS and A2 level. I, therefore have no idea what to expect. I think I might be able to get atleast a B in all subjects. I just want some of you to share your opinion and how was it for you while you were waiting for your results? What did you expect and what actually happened?

I am trying for medicine in Pakistan. If I get a B in any of the subjects, should I repeat?
Thank you very much and Jazakallah. :)
you can't predict your results in AS/AL cause it all depends on what you wrote in the paper and whether it was correct or not . it also depends on the difficulty of the paper and the grade threshold . when my friends got their AS grades last year, most of them were shocked in a negative way , they didn't expect such low grades so my advise to you just don't think about it and leave it. Good Luck :)
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What I learned after giving my papers was the same thing that I learned after getting my previous results: Combine hardwork with intelligence! Don't just do hardwork like just do it , repeat questions just do it , but do hardwork in thinking about how you achieve your goals! planning is essential! Many people misinterpret a saying in the Glorious Quran in which there is mentioned: They plot and plan, but Allah plans too. But Allah is the best of planners.
I don't remember the exact wordings though. The thing is , many people misinterpret this Quote. The way I see it, it was about when Allah is with you, victory is yours, whether in this life or the other. You plan but you don't just rely that your plan will 100% work, but after you have made your decision, put your trust in Allah, which is also mentioned in a Hadith, if I remember right.
Let me explain this: If I remember correctly, this Ayat was revealed during the battle of Trench. You see , before the battle of Trench , Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.S.) was advised by his(S.A.W.S.) companion(R.A.) that they(peace be upon them all) dig a trench as a defence to the enemies.
In Ghazwa e Uhud, the Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.S.) ordered his(S.A.W.S.) companions(R.A.) to stay on a particular area during the battle.
The thing is , you plan, and when you have decided you put your trust in Allah.
Once again in these exams experience, I have learned this: Next time, I might give a bit more time to planning and thinking of ways to achieve the goals. I might just sit there , obviously it might look that I am sitting and doing nothing, but I think more, and think deep... give a bit more time to strategy , give enough time to put the plan into action, keep a balance. I've learned this. I have tried to improve on this point too.
And I hope we all get the grades we want, and fulfill the eligibility criterias of the unis we want to enter in this result . :)
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What I learned after giving my papers was the same thing that I learned after getting my previous results: Combine hardwork with intelligence! Don't just do hardwork like just do it , repeat questions just do it , but do hardwork in thinking about how you achieve your goals! planning is essential! Many people misinterpret a saying in the Glorious Quran in which there is mentioned: They plot and plan, but Allah plans too. But Allah is the best of planners.
I don't remember the exact wordings though. The thing is , many people misinterpret this Quote. The way I see it, it was about when Allah is with you, victory is yours, whether in this life or the other. You plan but you don't just rely that your plan will 100% work, but after you have made your decision, put your trust in Allah, which is also mentioned in a Hadith, if I remember right.
Let me explain this: If I remember correctly, this Ayat was revealed during the battle of Trench. You see , before the battle of Trench , Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.S.) was advised by his(S.A.W.S.) companion(R.A.) that they(peace be upon them all) dig a trench as a defence to the enemies.
In Ghazwa e Uhud, the Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.S.) ordered his(S.A.W.S.) companions(R.A.) to stay on a particular area during the battle.
The thing is , you plan, and when you have decided you put your trust in Allah.
Once again in these exams experience, I have learned this: Next time, I might give a bit more time to planning and thinking of ways to achieve the goals. I might just sit there , obviously it might look that I am sitting and doing nothing, but I think more, and think deep... give a bit more time to strategy , give enough time to put the plan into action, keep a balance. I've learned this. I have tried to improve on this point too.
And I hope we all get the grades we want, and fulfill the eligibility criterias of the unis we want to enter in this result . :)
Yes, you're absolutely right. You've got to have a technique of doing things and like you said a strategy, a plan is important. Inshallah, May Allah help everyone. :)
Thank you for your comment.