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Why bother

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Did I say that? And it's funny how you completely deleted what I said. No, I said that if one needs to know in advance what will come up in the, they lack the necessary knowledge. Why else would you go around asking what's coming up? Honestly.

If you have adequate knowledge (assuming you've studied for a certain subject), why should you even need to focus more on it? Is it because you can't? Honestly, tell me why.
WHY NOT. no harm . It just a bet. It might and it might not be out. Plus it was spreading around my college. LOL
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if we didnt study how can we know what materials is for what experiments ?

We are just focusing more on it
we all know there are risk trusting internet source.
yeah right. I guess there's quite a risk in checking a post of practicals, rechecking it in other posts, asking two or three school friends where the practical exams take place, and noting down the test for ions in form of a neat chart, and memorizing it. :p
so, the thing is...
couldn't we all do the same hardwork for practicing instead ?? :D
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Well, if you don't know, and did it correctly, that's well and good, but if you happened to find out what was coming through no fault of your own (meaning you chanced upon it without actively seeking it out) then


I don't know how many times I have to say this for people to understand, but I am NOT encouraging cheating, I am simply qualifying the guesses people have given out here.

Well, I wasn't referring to those people lol, just people actively seeking out info.

And yes, I at least understand what you're trying to say.

WHY NOT. no harm . It just a bet. It might and it might not be out. Plus it was spreading around my college. LOL

Why not? Because you'll most likely become dependant on it and it come back to bite you in the future.
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To the Muslims against the Kinglynx Post
Lack of faith is disturbing.
As for the Non- muslims. Morals should be enough to stop you.
Examination - an exercise designed to examine progress or test qualification or knowledge

Cheating in exams
How many ways and means of cheating there are among the students! The reason for that is the lack of any religious deterrent, weakness of faith, and the lack of any sense that Allah is always watching.
Our Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “It was narrated that the Messenger of Allaah SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever cheats us is not one of us.’ This includes cheating in dealing with others and cheating in exams, including English-language exams. It is not permissible for students to cheat in exams in any subject, because of the general meaning of this hadeeth and other similar reports. And Allaah is the Source of strength.”
These are some of the ways in which cheating is manifested, and there are others, for this is just a drop in the ocean,
“so that those who were to be destroyed (for their rejecting the Faith) might be destroyed after a clear evidence, and those who were to live (i.e. believers) might live after a clear evidence”
[al-Anfal 8:42 – interpretation of the meaning]
To everyone who has committed some form of cheating, whether it is mentioned here or not, we say: fear Allaah and remember that the Knower of the Unseen is always watching you. Remember His punishment and torment:
“Verily, your Lord is Ever Watchful (over them)”
[al-Fajr 89:14]
Realize that this world is transient and that the Reckoning will examine the smallest details; righteous deeds benefit one's children while bad deeds adversely affect them. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And let those (executors and guardians) have the same fear in their minds as they would have for their own, if they had left weak offspring behind. So let them fear Allaah and speak right words”
[al-Nisa’ 4:9]
Whoever ponders the meaning of this aayah will fear the bad effects that evil deeds may have on his children and will refrain from them lest something like this happen to them.
And it should be noted that cheating is very harmful, which may be explained as follows:
The harmful effects of cheating include:
1- Cheating is a way that leads to Hell.
2- It is indicative of the mean and evil nature of a person. No one does this except one who is ignoble and does not care about his soul, so he causes it to indulge in that which will cause its doom and destruction.
3- It alienates one from Allaah and from other people.
4- It causes one’s du’aa’s not to be accepted.
5- It causes one to be deprived of barakah (blessing) in one's wealth and one's life.
6- It is indicative of a lack of faith.
7- It is the reason that leads to being overpowered by the oppressors and kaafirs. Ibn Hajar al-Haythami said: “Because of these evil actions – i.e., cheating – that are committed by traders, workers and craftsmen, Allaah caused the oppressors to gain power over them and take their wealth and violate the sanctity of their women. Indeed, He enabled the kuffaar to gain power over them, so they took them prisoner and enslaved them, and made them taste all kinds of torment and humiliation.
Cases where the kuffaar gained power over the Muslims, taking them prisoner and confiscating their property, taking their wealth and women, have happened a great deal in recent times, because of evil deeds that traders and others have committed, cheating in many different ways, because of the enormity of these crimes, deceit and trickery by means of which they took the wealth of the Muslims in any way they could, and did not feel that Allaah is always watching them.

You can' t pretty muh guarantee that a good grade will give you a good future. It depends on what is written in your fate. But remember, cheating and discussion may give you a good grade. But it is immoral to guarantee a good future.
To: The starter of this thread. Just Pray for them to realize the wrong. :)
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Kinglyxwhatever: Look Mr., you know that if people do shit like this it's gonna cause THEM trouble. So, it'd be better if you just ADVISE them on the matter instead of taking it to extreme levels such as 'disgusting' :p (not that i disagree). So now chill out and leave the stupid people around here do whatever they want! I don't think YOU should be having a pain in the gut if some random person you never knew takes the bullet. :whistle:

Casblanca: Hey brah! Listen up! My advice to YOU would be to leave all this crap, go home and punch your teddy bear instead of wasting your time arguing at something like this. Use your 'awesome' english skills fighting for something better please :p

Noob: Love the way you type :p :D :whistle:

Iqbal: Three words: Save Your Words :p
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Kinglyxwhatever: Look Mr., you know that if people do shit like this it's gonna cause THEM trouble. So, it'd be better if you just ADVISE them on the matter instead of taking it to extreme levels such as 'disgusting' :p (not that i disagree). So now chill out and leave the stupid people around here do whatever they want! I don't think YOU should be having a pain in the gut if some random person you never knew takes the bullet. :whistle:

Casblanca: Hey brah! Listen up! My advice to YOU would be to leave all this crap, go home and punch your teddy bear instead of wasting your time arguing at something like this. Use your 'awesome' english skills fighting for something better please :p

Noob: Love the way you type :p :D :whistle:

Iqbal: Three words: Save Your Words :p
hehe just trying to re-establish peace in a sensitive argument. the words "case closed" doesn't work in these situations :p
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Casblanca: Hey brah! Listen up! My advice to YOU would be to leave all this crap, go home and punch your teddy bear instead of wasting your time arguing at something like this. Use your 'awesome' english skills fighting for something better please :p

What can I say, I enjoy a good argument, regardless of how irrelevant and pointless the topic is! :p
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We had MUN here. Model United Nations. They're similar.

Ah, that's interesting. My only problem with the EYP is that people were too soft. For example, they got really pissy when I started talking about how the BRIC's are becoming really powerful and such. Oh well, it'll be their problem because I'm not an EU citizen lol.
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i just made this account 5 minutes ago, but you guys are actually disgusting, theres no point in asking around whats going to come on the test. the whole point of a TEST is that you dont know whats coming up and you see how good or bad you are on what your expected to know.
Go learn what you need rather than learning whats on the test.
I also made the account a few days ago! But i never saw any cheating here :S All i see is ppl helping each other! And random guesses abt practicals! Which are not helpful by any means to be truthful! If u cant take readings properly and plot graphs knowing the topic wont do any help! Anyway i also saw admins deleting posts related to practical exam guesses and so on! :/
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i just made this account 5 minutes ago, but you guys are actually disgusting, theres no point in asking around whats going to come on the test. the whole point of a TEST is that you dont know whats coming up and you see how good or bad you are on what your expected to know.
Go learn what you need rather than learning whats on the test.
Well said(y)
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People who agree with the first psot:
All i can say is that those who have the morals alive to think that it is wrong, should avoid it. There will always be people who will debate needlessly and try to drag you down their level of immaturity and then beat you with experience.
Remember: Ignore these ignorants and don't fall into their trap of arguing with them!
After all, in the end, falsehood perishes and truth prevails, For truth is bound to prevail!
Just do not ever lose trust and hope in Almighty Allah!
Best of Luck!

People who disagree with the first post:
Go on doing what you are until Life teaches you a valuable lesson that you will not forget!
You cannot take these shortcuts to 'success' to your graves, you will eventually find a limit.

* An important thing:
I hate when people are sarcastic of others on their use of English or grammar, Do you ever feel that way about your native language?
Do Englishmen pronounce our names correctly? No they don't. Why then is it our duty to feel embarassed if we fail to pronounce theirs correctly?
Yes, English is an international language, but we should only know how to read, write, speak and comprehend it; Not anything more!

One last thing:
DO NOT try to start arguing with me on this post, for I will not reply!


XPRS Moderator
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!!

JazakAllahu khairen to the starter of this thread, Khan_971 and smzimran...

@post by smzimran (y) JazakAllahu khairen!!

@post by Khan_971 (y) JazaakALlahu khairen!

With all due respect, it is WRONG to trying to get to know what's coming up for the practicals. For those who're trying to say that it won't matter much if you know the apparatus when you don't have the questions..Firstly, if that is the case, then why are you desparate to know the apparatus? ;) And secondly, why do they have it written on their confidential instructions, that this information should NOT reach the candidates either directly or indirectly?!

Anyway, may Allah show you the right thing..and guide me and you all...aameen..

May we get awesome grades, solely with our own work and no cheating..aameen!

Ya Allah, give us all success...in this world as well as the HereAfter..aameen!

Lastly, no point over arguing..as mentioned in one of the posts above, WRONG is WRONG whether done by a minority or majority! So better not blindly follow others....;)

Ya Allah, increase our Imaan...! Aameen!

I guess there's no more room for this discussion...the point has been made much clear in this post of mine..plus the two posts above by Khan _971 and smzimran. Hence, topic locked...
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