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Here's a beautiful website for everyone, by Shiekh Yusuf Estes:
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didnt check out the website but i know Shiekh Yusuf Estes is awesomeHere's a beautiful website for everyone, by Shiekh Yusuf Estes:
not just the hijab. even the niqab is a must, to prevent men from looking at non-mahram women.adding to it, in this not so modest society i think it has become a necessity to wear hijab, this is an ugly truth but yes :/
AsSalamoAlaikum Wr Wb..adding to it, in this not so modest society i think it has become a necessity to wear hijab, this is an ugly truth but yes :/
AsSalamoAlaikum Wr Wb..
The rulings laid down by Allah, weren't just for that time, they are for all times to come..We surely do not see the wisdom, and think that we don't follow them...but whatsoever we'll be successful if we obey our Lord..both in this world as well as the next...
yeah, true that!Personally i don't see any solid reason of women not taking hijab...... Muslim women in france and other countries are an example for us.... They actually pay fine to wear hijab, on the other hand here people without any reason consider hijab a sign of backwardness. Thats a pity!![]()
This was just a dream, not a real life scenario. Who knows if it was supposed to have an effect on her life, or not?! It could have been the devil in disguise, trying to deviate her from the right path.Even if the dream meant anything, the person who came in her dream was her DAD, who when alive, opposed to the idea of allowing his daughter to wear the hijab. It was not any other scholarly person, or a person with great knowledge.theres this girls i know ..
used to be muhajab .. that decision opposed all her relatives tho they r muslims :S
.. her dad passed away later .. may he rip ..
but then in her dreams .. as she tells .. she seen her father what he told her was .. '' your always stubborn '' somethin like that =p
well then she was just confused scared ?.. she had mixed feelings .. all she did then was let go of the hijab ...
next night he did come up in her dreams again n said .. thats my daughter ! referin to him bein pleased with that :S
well why would that happen to her ..
why would that happen if you guys say she should feel relieved obeying what she was aked for ?
why would it happen if it was good for her !?
umm this maybe a lil off topic but just read this somewhere..
just wanted to know what was the reason behind this..
coz Haji Ali is one of the best mosques here (i've been there, its awesome)..
p.s- no offence, just curiosity
"Why do you reduce womanhood to high heals and lipstick colors?"
"You didn't answer my question."
"In fact, I did. Hijab is not just a piece of cloth. It is obeying God in a difficult environment. It is courage, faith in action, and true womanhood. But your short sleeves, tight pants..."
"That's called 'fashion', you live in a cave or something? First of all, hijab was founded by men who wanted to control women."
"Really? I did not know men could control women by hijab."
"Yes. That's what it is."
"What about the women who fight their husbands to wear hijab? And women in France who are forced to remove their hijab by men? What do you say about that?"
"Well, that's different."
"What difference? The woman who asked you to wear hijab... she was a woman, right?"
"Right, but..."
"But fashions that are designed and promoted by male-dominated corporations, set you free? Men have no control on exposing women and using them as a commodity?! Give me a break!"
"Wait, let me finish, I was saying..."
"Saying what? You think that men control women by hijab?"
"Specifically how?"
"By telling women how and what to wear, dummy!"
"Doesn't TV, magazines and movies tell you what to wear, and how to be 'attractive'?"
"Of course, it's fashion."
"Isn't that control? Pressuring you to wear what they want you to wear?"
"Not just controlling you, but also controlling the market."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you are told to look skinny and anorexic like that woman on the cover of the magazine, by men who design those magazines and sell those products."
"I don't get it. What does hijab have to do with products.
"It has everything to do with that. Don't you see? Hijab is a threat to consumerism, women who spend billions of dollars to look skinny and live by standards of fashion designed by men... and then here is Islam, saying trash all that nonsense and focus on your soul, not on your looks, and do not worry what men think of your looks."
"Like I don't have to buy hijab? Isn't hijab a product?"
"Yes, it is. It is a product that sets you free from male-dominated consumerism."
"Stop lecturing me! I WILL NOT WEAR HIJAB!
It is awkward, outdated, and totally not suitable for this society... Moreover, I am only 20 and too young to wear hijab!"
"Fine. Say that to your Lord, when you face Him on Judgment Day."
"Shut up and I don't want to hear more about hijab niqab schmijab Punjab!"
She stared at the mirror, tired of arguing with herself all this time.
Successful enough, she managed to shut the voices in her head, with her own opinions triumphant in victory on the matter, and a final modern decision accepted by the society - but rejected by the Faith:
"Yes!" - to curls on the hair - "No!" - to hijab!
"Headscarf Princesses"
Courtesy of Nayzak on deviantArt Allahسبحانه و تعالىsays in the Noble Quran: "And he (/she) is indeed a failure who corrupts his own self!" [Surah ash-Shams - 91:10] "Nay! You prefer the life of this world; While the hereafter is better and more lasting." [Surah al-A'laa - 87:16-17]
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