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Written by One of My Friends! Worth Reading!

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He wanted me to share it for him so I did... :)

Expressions -Just the way life is..

Expressions are the symbols which manifest our emotions and clarify our actions or rather tastes. They are that characteristic with which a person is termed as ‘living and his soul as ‘lively’.

They can also be re-defined as moderators which tolerate events, the events in which we live. Whether it’s our music, speech, movement, habits or nature expression reside in them. Even the wind blowing or the sun lightning up our horizons, follow a certain type of inexplicable expressions.
Imagine a person, or any other thing mentioned, without expressions. How dull and dark that thing would be, having no outlet to liberate its bounties and capabilities. How drab a personality would be without them?
Art owes a lot to these ‘moderators’ as in its every aspect we find a series of expressions entangled to create an array of ‘feeling’ in required areas. A musician would add them to make people sway with his music and a painter would embed them in his paintings to deliver that he wants to deliver. A dancer fails to gain the praises of the audiences if he/she does not take the advantage of expressions, in fact a dance without them can not be regarded as dance and a writer would fail to put the fascination he wants if he avoids the secret ingredient.
Human being is accompanied with tortuous difficulties and complexities. One way or another we are provoked to have encountered such feelings which cause to accumulate a kind of unwanted debris inside us. Here too expressions serve as a means of out let to that debris. When we are happy we smile, we laugh when we are joyful and we cry when we are sad. Even dullness itself is an expression. However, it’s not regarded an expression and some might argue about it being a cause of drawing out all the other expressions which are normally seen. Even a small infant child expresses his needs through expressions, so it can be seen that we are related to them from our very start.
Moreover, an actor’s acting is mainly composed of them and if we turn the pages of history back to when the television industry was infant, we would find a known tremendous actor Charlie Chaplin who without the ability of sound delivered the most hilarious comedy ever. How was he able to do it? – Through expressions.
To sum up expressions just not only express our emotions, but they also liberate our motivations.
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Was really worth reading and truly well-said..!! Awkward how we just don't realize the importance of something so natural yet so important..It is indeed a blessing...Something without which we would have been nothing-nothing at all..!! :)