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Xtreme perception....

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hmmm... pretty difficult to judge ppl though, but afterall thats all what I think about them :D
1357911 Aapi, i seriously dunno what to say for her, she has always helped and guided me as if she's my real sister. I thought many times that man... why is she saying me to do this or do that, choose this or choose what... but when I did actually act upon her advice I realized the actual intellegence and care about me in that. but infact mostly it has been me who is teaching her some, perhaps, logistics :LOL: even i am younger :p but still she is my bari Aapi and I feel like a small baby when she guides me :') specially in Islamic and moral issues. Thats why I sometimes love to call her Aapi Islamic :D whatever she says. she seems to be mad for my poetry, the biggest of my fans :D and.. and 1 thing, by talking to me and reading my poems, she knows me more than I do :X3:
I would ask nothing from Allah for her, when I see her full in her faith (but dont rely upon my judgement, it will have nothing to do with her "Hisaab" but i pray for her to succeed). just this that... Ya Allah, Alhamdu Li(A)llah you have granted me unlimited smiles, give a few of them to her too :D
Al-Anoud Baji, .... know what... "anoud" means rose, and my this baji is a rose, or i should better say "was" rose, but still sweet now :D I said her rose cuz she was always teasing me, others too but, i felt alive when I saw someone funnier than me :p :LOL: She has not talked to me much but whenever she did, she made me speechless and made me study (though hardly 2 or 3 times this has happened :D) entirely different from other girls, i ve never seen her underconfident, deppressed and unsure. She was so teasing and irritating, rather enjoyable :p, but i dunno if she has gone psycho by studies :p... cuz now she is sweet like hell!!! O.O
Ya Allah, plz grant her that "kidding attitude" back, plz.
***Sam*** Aapi, now we dont talk much for schools are on, but b4 that she has guided me all about statistics subject i took this session. Infact I had lost all my hope for a good grade, but she "practically" made me stand again and face it successfully. tysm Aapi :cry: I cant pay back but just pray from Allah to grant you rour dunya and hereafter. Ameen :)
iThink LARGE sis, we always have nothing to talk, but we talk too much everytime. lame, boring :yawn: but still we manage to pass our time anyhow. I have never seen a girl soooo "not innocent" :p and clever too. our thoughts are always against each other's :LOL: Ya Allah, grant the extremes of your Hidayah to her :cry: Ameen :D
shazmina Aapi, nothing but plz come back soon :cry: but 1st make all of us proud by ur studies. :)
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Nabeel.Ahmad, yaar plz give your studies a lil bit of ur time, even an hour or 2 with proper concentration will be enough. well what i percept about you.... ummm.... stop talking to the people who you talk the most :p i think you can work out who i am :D talking about, not "stop" but limitize your talks. you are so social that itna to rishtay karanay wali masiyan bhi nahi hoti hon gi :ROFLMAO: control it yaar.
black widow, 1 thing... u r funny... but my mind doesnot accept that :p :LOL:
Maganius, when i first saw you (on xpc) I thot you would be stern, strict a lil bit harsh. but (n) you were sweet and social like more than a "rus-gulla" :D i have seen it first time... i person spamming his own wall :p :LOL:

:tired of writing: :D
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Nabeel.Ahmad, yaar plz give your studies a lil bit of ur time, even an hour or 2 with proper concentration will be enough. well what i percept about you.... ummm.... stop talking to the people who you talk the most :p i think you can work out who i am :D talking about, not "stop" but limitize your talks. you are so social that itna to rishtay karanay wali masiyan bhi nahi hoti hon gi :ROFLMAO: control it yaar.
black widow, 1 thing... u r funny... but my mind doesnot accept that :p :LOL:
Maganius, when i first saw you (on xpc) I thot you would be stern, strict a lil bit harsh. but (n) you were sweet and social like more than a "rus-gulla" :D i have seen it first time... i person spamming his own wall :p :LOL:

:tired of writing: :D

Thanks a lot for the tag :D and also for the sweet compliments ^_^ Yeap i like spamming my wall hehe
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Nabeel.Ahmad, yaar plz give your studies a lil bit of ur time, even an hour or 2 with proper concentration will be enough. well what i percept about you.... ummm.... stop talking to the people who you talk the most :p i think you can work out who i am :D talking about, not "stop" but limitize your talks. you are so social that itna to rishtay karanay wali masiyan bhi nahi hoti hon gi :ROFLMAO: control it yaar.
black widow, 1 thing... u r funny... but my mind doesnot accept that :p :LOL:
Maganius, when i first saw you (on xpc) I thot you would be stern, strict a lil bit harsh. but (n) you were sweet and social like more than a "rus-gulla" :D i have seen it first time... i person spamming his own wall :p :LOL:

:tired of writing: :D

and y doesn't ur mind accept it?
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ur personality, how u talked to me in the exams... ur talks dont correspond to it :p

well for one thing i am not funny at all, infact only the people on xpc find me funny. if u told any one of my friends i am funny, they wont stop laughing for days